MEN NEW ASSORTMENT LADIES AND to Jowelrv Store I IB The Leading County Paper as Oldest No paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance ascertain ox- act condition Eyes by spending an hour In pup Robnv We have the n knowledge equipment to fit THE PROPER QLASS1 If any needed Watson Graduate 1841816 I mum VJ fry v o Single Copies 3c Vol No 29 EraXSl te Let Electricity Make Your Life Easier Trill be willing In the drudgery out of your life It will It Make It work for you your home It will much of make your life How to do electric Appliances in your housework an dec trie store a an iron or any or all of ho many other electri cal work and worry fa vera We have a wide range of CANADIAN Electric Appliances BEAUTY can thoroughly recommend any elec tric appliance that bears the Canadian Beauty trademark Strong reliable and economical they make Indispensable servant We will be glad to their uses The articles Illustrated but a few of the Canadian Beauty line of Electrically FRIGHT TOASTER A toutcr in nickel Makes tout for six In mlnote The top of will a coffee pot Guiranteedfor five years TOASTER- GRILL IRON ArrMtfTrfUGfrfmt- toIj cur rent Gosx tin I It frits An for I rumour TWOPLATE STOVB of minutes in G9iraad Our Tdfflto Letter OUR OTTAWA LETTER Hon J estate valued is left to his daughter at The practice of money under false H is lhe Dominion Oovernmoiit regular nominee of the party splendidly in at me coming at le fc linns Hardware Mads by Renfrew Electric Mfft Co Ltd Renfrew Canada cess are encouraging Peter Manner was injured while at work on station early last week died Hospital on Friday About 400 delegates are expected to be in attendance from all parts of the Dominion at the Trades and latjor Convention to be held in Toronto early in September Municipal offices of the City are being looked after these days Mayor Church has published an order to the effect that civic offices must remain open on holidays The harbor offices he declared should be open night and day Alex Bain was fined and costs by County Magislrte H for being under the Influence of li quor while driving a motor As peo ples lives arc at slake men who In- BANK OFMQNTREAL on repairing and restoring eric ly old Parliament and the new squaring away to spend ten millions on a new allo- naturally affected the Ontario Government which is Of Ike same party complexion Some people so so say the Ontario Government set the example At all events the Ontario Gov ernment derived a large part of its campaign fund in from the liquor men who contributed to a parly one of whose avowed objects was 16 scotch Leader Rowel and his abolish- movement Then came the war and a hi oral panic on the part the Hearst Government which adopted Leader in mm from the hard working I of Ontario dulge in liquor should not be licensed WjW J Editions i- L and extensions Not to put too 1817 BOARD OF DIRECTORS I H A H J Hw D Amu Capital Peid up 16000000 Rett Undivided Profit Total 3 A SAVINGS ACCOUNT may be opened at any branch of the Bank of Montreal Deposits of and upwards received on which interest is allowed C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD QUALITY FIRST Satisfied Customers and More Orders tell the Whole Story CEMENT Fresh Car Just In W PEARSON 0flce Phone Order from Carters John Murphy INCORPORATE 1855 BANK Men on Salary inUng a alary a the beat of for saving EroaJl nam habit of of To ronto receives of upwards Inteteat la to Balances halfyearly HI In Ontario Quebec and the BRANCH A LISTER fwt as motor drivers The T Eaton Co has received a permit to erect a factory at the South west corner of and Duffcrin streets to cost Struck on the head by a lorry upset at the comer of Simcoe and Wellington Sts Charles Green a teamster had his skull fractured H Grossman who collided In his motor against M Day who was rid ing a bioycle was fined and costs During his summer 350 cars of the Street Railway have had windows ad Justed so as to secure better ventila tion and 50 men are now at work overhauling other cars A man was injured by a motor driver the other day on a city street and he has now entered an action for damages It is money he is after Chief Rogers of the Ontario Police has Issued a warning to Ontario bakers that complaints of short weight will be prosecuted A deputation asked Board of Con trol to grant fixed assessments to hotels on account of altered condi tions occasioned by prohibition An Important Con ference was held last week when it was decided to hold mass meeting during the Up to Friday last Toronto had sub scribed In aid of sufferers by fires In Northern Ontario The aim Is to bring the fund up to 400000 It is stated that Ontario Municipal ities arc preparing to take the out of politics altogether This is a wise move Gordon son of Dr Strainers of tills city years of age Injured his foot while bathing In Lake Huron about two weeks ago and died from An Impressive funeral service was held last Thursday in Old- St Andrews over the remains of the late Rev Gray I I- About TO ministers and a large congregation were present The Court of Revision refused to reduce the assessment of on the High Park Curling and Bow ling Club Street on the ground that they had been harmed by the city opening a bowling green in the vicinity The York Hotel to which the city Council granted a fixed assessment of tor 21 yearn Is estimated to cost exclusive of land furniture The Provincial Government has made a donation of towards the relief of settlers burned out by Hie recent fires In Northern Ontario The citizens of Toronto are making ad ditions to this donation by large sub scriptions A dairy wagon was badly smashed one day Inst week when a Radial ear collided with the rig at Bedford Park The driver escaped Injury hut the milk vas lost At the Grand Lodge of OddFellows Parks of Toronto was elected to the Office of Grand Master and Mr Win Brooks of this city to be Grand Secre tary A large shipment of provisions and was forwarded to the fire district of North Ontario More will follow from the Relief Committee of the City Up to Monday last Canadian Mount ed Rifles wanted more men to take place of draft Aid Gibson has no love for the lo cation of Borden Camp Council last week lie sold I would not send to OP ALL KIND8 LUMBER LATH ETC Inside Trim la Our and MOULDING WM ftSBHSW NEWMARKET a dog there Thats a serious charge said Aid Ryan The Fresh Fund Inaugurated by the Toronto Dally Star to give an outing to the city poor reached this year The prize list of the Canadian Na tional Exhibition mounts this approximately It practically all goes to the agricultural classes Mr W Chairman of Munitions Board says It Is not the fault of the Corps that there are SO few Women working In munition plants ft Is almost altogether the fault of the employers Women are hero 81 the war registration looking for munition work and have none to stye The Municipal- authorities of the City are convinced that fire prevention Is of more Importance to ettUenn than fire If Willis of King before Courtly Magistrate- pleaded not guilty criminal negligence and was remand ed bail until Friday next fine a point on it the Hearst Gov ernment deliberately sold out its old friends theliquor people af ter taking their and tell ing them it was all right To add insult to injury they estab lished a License Commission to the up to the mark which Commission dra gooned the unhappy simpletons into spending more money on their premises up to the last minute The object or the Hearst indeed seemed to be 16 put the liquor in terest as deep in the hole as it could before accomplishing final betrayal Naturally the liquor people are very sore at the Hearst Govern ment for doublecrossing them and wherever they get a chance give their quondam bene factors a wallop That is the in South West Toronto right now where the Hearst can didate stood no chance of win ning until he- came out with a declaration that he was in favor wine and licenses If Mr wins in South West To- nto the Hearst Government will lake it as writing on the wall and will begin to- talk of modified legislation postponed plebiscites and things like that The Hearst Government is not a prohibition government just as the Conservative parly in Ontar io is not intrinsically a prohibi tion parly and it may conse quently he expected that the rebuff will frighten it back to bedrock principles The Hearst Government in short the vic tim of revenge The liquor men whom it took the money on false pretences are going to get even They harbor no resent ment against the Liberal patty from which lliey know how little they have to expect or against Leader Howell whose principles and politics are what they always been hut they do bear a grudge against the Hearst Gov ernment which is true to neither principles nor promises The li quor people complain bitterly they were stabbed in the house of their friends In the intervals of hammer ing Sir Adam Beck and discredit ing the most popular feature lliey have the Hearst Government has found time to gel another large chunk of money under false pre tenses to wit the war lax of one mill on dollar which the On tario municipalities paid cheer fully enough as long as they thought it was going for war purposes Hut Aye theres the rub I In round figures the Ontario War Tax of netted two million dollars Having got it he Hearst- Government sat on it the on two millions being a tidy sum even if the principle was not called on to work hard The Government in fact showed a tendency to this sum of money as a nest egg and let the war tax do Its bit Egged this way or rather egged off the Hearst Government mudotho announcement that It would spend five hundred thous and dollars on a soldiers Hos pital at Orpington This done and flvo hundred thousano dollars is thus for Af ter this supreme effort to sopa- rale from Us war treasure the Government begged leave to sit again which it did Again the on sides of politics raised a holler and again- the Hearst Government was shpoed off At appeared In public and declared that they were about to up for mi other five hun dred thousand for- ma chine Oils was done or not Is a moot questlpn about Word comes from Ottawa that ma- cilne was being ovptMone lhelenent of the doubt and Were purposes for it was intend ed What is being done with this money is it being used to stop gaps to irrigate other depart ments or what The Hearst Government will hot say So far as any public statement poridituro goes this is another million obtained under false pre- When the Hearst Government lo repeat the offeiice in lOlti and raise another two dollars war purposes with presumably no intention of spending- it that way Mayor Church of Toronto judged was time to do a little roaring did H pointed out that Toronto as the chief con tributor to this war lax six hundred thousand dollars being her had a right to ask what was being done with it Church made himself the riot only of Toronto but of- all Ontario municipalities that objected to being gold- bricked Mayor Church roared ike Snug Joiner And like Snug the Joiner he did it extem pore because it was mostly roar He roared himself into the affections of the ratepayers al so into a third term as Mayor if he wants it And when ho had made his roar ho stopped and the Hearst Government went on with its taxing for war purposes which never materialize How ever Mayor Church made his point clear enough namely that the Hearst Government taxed simply because the taxing was good And so the account stands So far as the people of Ontario are aware the Hearst Govern ment has obtained from them in two years under falsoprotence of a war tax three million dollars which they havo not used for the alleged purpose Premier Hearst has gone to England supposedly find ways and means of spend- YEARS AGO From Era Aug The Council was asked to raise for school purposes this year The County calls for The bylaw passed by the Council is to raise 395845 for village purposes Some person entered the home of Mr Sterling a King farmer while he was at work Qh the land and stole On Tuesday night a horse was from the farm of Mrs Hannah buddy on con of Whitchurch On Monday a son of Mr Hugh Murphy a farmer years of age fell off a load of wheat Mad his leg broken 25 YEARS AGO From Era Aug I i ii U lag the three on the ob ject it was intended for but as it is now August and the war is in sight of its finish Hearst Government stands a good chance to have a fat bal ance in hand when the war is over TROLLEY RAN PERSONS KILLED Johnstown Pa Aug I3A crowded trolley car running wild with its conductor frantically waving his arms to show he had lost control of it sped past the station at the rale of thirty miles an hour yesterday causing employes of the South ern Cambria Traction Company to hurriedly shut off the power A little distance farther they knew the car would go down ttie steep incline on the road be tween and Echo seven miles from here It was too late to avert disaster A few miautes later the car crashed into another which was standing in the car barn at Echo with the full impetus of the wild dash down the grade Twentylive persons were kill ed eighteen of them instantly and sixtythree injured The car which bore the brunt of crash also was crowded Most of the victims were members of the and families who were on way to a re union at Park and bis fami ly were victims of collision CYRIL Herewith wo present a photo of the third member of the Era Staff to join the Overseas Forces In defense of liberty and freedom Cyril Atkinson was horn in Newmarket Is the son of Mr Atkinson who has been in the Jewelry business In Newmarket for over 35 years Besides taking an active In terest In all business matters of a public nature he is a prominent Mason and OddFellow and has been an of ficer in the Methodist Sunday School for nearly as secretary and the remainder as treasurer His son learned the trade of pressman In the Era office and at the time of en listment was engaged in running a press in the Methodist Toronto Mr Grabber received his slon cheque from the United States Government Ibis week Balance will come quarterly The League had a plcnto at Roachs Point last Friday Mr purchased the load of new wheat on the market last Saturday Mr raised by sub- scripjfon to build a sidewalk from the corporation limit on Eagle street street The death of Mrs Rev BattlsbyV Is announced Funeral took place from the residence of Mr Suth- to Newmarket Cemetery Mr W Playter having purchaser ed the stock of J J Belfry an- a big discount sale air B Millard has a big ad for the Domestic Sewing Machine A Smith and J- Mo- attractive ads in this Issue a P- At lU- OVER PERISH IN FLOOD Charleston Virginia Aug Rescue parlies worked desperately to day In an effort lo make their way up the Cabin Creek and Coal River Val leys which for twenty miles south ward from the Kanawha River were devastated yesterday by a cloudburst which left In Us wake a death toll es timated at more than persons and a property loss of at least Because of the topography of the country it will be several days before the full extent of the flood can be ascertained At least eight villages and mining settlements In the district were either wholly or partially destroyed while many others felt the effects of the storm more or less Between Acme and slxty persons are reported to have been drowned Word was anxiously awaited from the passengers who were on board on excursion train when It was ma rooned near St Albans HAVE YOUR OARS HANDY It is not an uncommon experi ence for young people who go oul an afternoons Hail to come home pulling hard at the oars while the sails hang limp No matter how favorable breeze it safe tb skart out sailing without taking oars along Life is continually ing a like necessity Favorable circumstances aro a help of course and we are glad to profit by them but we need something fall back on if father loses his money or if the influential friend who seems so disposed to push us ahead should suddenly his interest The breeze is capri cious The varying wind of the morning may be against us by afternoon or by six oclock may have subsided into a cairn Have the oars handy A MEN OF YORK RANQER8 GET SIGNALLING WORK The signalling squad of the Battalion was given prac tical work in signalling last Monday under conditions which will bo encountered at front The members of squad were stationed intervals IJic battalions recruiting depot on Street and Aurora a distance of miles In sending messages no use was made of telephones or telegraph but they wore transmitted only by those means with which the sig naller Is equipped At a message was started from Aurora Owing to the hil ly nature of the country eight stations for observation wore ne cessary means of flag wav ing despatch riders and field tel ephone the message reached LieutCol ft Brown C of the battalion in Toronto exactly one hour oorrjmunlcatlon had been opened He immediate ly sent a reply to Lieut An derson Aurora who received lie message in a remarkably time The messages conveyed Without error In Four of the member of the squad recent graduates of the school of signalling vjsion No MARSH FIRE Holland Aug it Great efforts arc being made by residents of the district to prevent the fjames from the Holland Marsh fire from spreading to adjacent territory The fire area extends at present from a point two miles- southwest of Holland Landing to the village of A guard has been placed all along the edge of swamp to watch the progress of the fire At least sign of the flames spreading to the regions out side the swamp they have orders to turn In art alarm to the farmers of the district who will at once start plowing up the affected territory anxiety has been caused all those whose land borders the It would tako only a short for the lire to sweep the grain fields de stroying the crops residents now feci Mint they have a well organized System of flrcllghtlng now ready and believe that any ex tension In the fire area can checked Deafness Cannot Be Cured By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There Is only one way to cure deafneBS and that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Tube When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when It Is entirely closed Deafness Is the result and unless tho Inflammation can bo taken out and this lube restored to Its normal condition hearing will bo destroyed for ever nine eases out of Iri arc caused by Catarrh which la nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu lars free J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for consti pation ACCOMMODATING TO soft but hard to j Paper money is Experience Is a great teacher ana sometimes even convinces EXpUr8ION8 Via Canadian An exceptional Vaoation Trip Is offered by Canadian Pacific Seaside Excursions Tickets on Sale To Lower St Lawrence Mari time Provf noes and Newfoundland Resorts Good going August 20 and until Sept To Maine Cdast Resorts Good going August 26th26th and good returning until Sept llth Very Special Faros Full from any Cahi adiafiPaolfio or We hear a great deal these days square pegs in round holes In deed It would almost seem that we heard too much A great many pie seem under the Impression that in order to make a success at all they must find some place for whloh they are exactly fitted And bo our success in life Is made to depend upon a lucky chance and matter of human adaptability Is left out of altogether It Is the nature of adandellon to send up a long hollow stem at the end of whloh appears a golden bios- But If you keep yours eyesopen these spring days you will make Interesting discovery regarding habits of this favorite among Tliie dandelion which grows on a neglected vacant lot blossoms at the end of a long stem- But the dande- linos that blossom on a wellcared for lawn clipped by a lawn mower once a week put out a blossom that barely raises Its head above soil Indeed mm Howard Passenger Agent struck and tore open an old Iron box whle plowing in a he near Huston i IJbiilsana The box contained one thousand silver coins la Mexican GfrijBQiandmerf mlritaaeestlnjatedfo For years the box had but