HB c v a if i Mount Albert PUBLIC LIBRARY Library will be closed after Thursday August for two weeks on Sept 2nd Membersmay take out four books before w CONCERT Ail openair Concert under the auspices of Mount Albert Presbyterian Classes will be held I at Mr Amos Lapps on Friday evening Aug The pro ceeds will go to a Mission at Mount Dennis Mr Duncan will entertain cor dially invited Al MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAMS Mount Albert Continuation School evidently led all the schools in the County this year at the Middle School Normal En trance Examination Eighty per cent of those who wrote passed Miss Olive Ross was the only candidate in the County who passed with honors There was only one failure Those who passed were Olive Ross Nellie Shields and Hansford y s rieflets Union Services are being held in the two churches at present seem popular Some few are opposed to Church Union Berry picking is the order of the day and in this dry weather the wonder is how so many are obtained The showers all seemed to part and leave us without a The dust is terrible On Monday during the wind the sand on the hills be- een here and Holt in such masses as to make one think the deeds were not holding the land or sand for farmown ers very near thrown out What threatened to be a serious accident occurred here on Sunday Three young daughters and a son of Mr Mit chell just north of the village driving when the horse be came excited over horses running inside the fence and all were thrown out One of the girls struck her head and was partly unconscious for hours causing fear of concussion of the brain The- others were cut and bruised Mr Harrison opposite whose place the accident occur red took ail to their home At latest reports no serious results are apprehended Many of the farmers are all through with harvesting The dry weather ripened the grain very rapidly Oats as a rule are very light Other grains look well but unless comes soon Toots will he a failure took a up north fpp blueberries and Returned with a good supply Mr Samuel Hansford to is visiting his brother Mr Ed Hansford Mr MelviHeMoore was at his home over Sunday Miss Knight and Mr and McKay were visitors at the Ironic of Rev Mr and were visitors at the home of his sister Mrs Robertson Mr and Mrs wore the home of his parents and Mrs Thos Mr and J Rowland spent Sunday Port Perry Mrs Samuel of Chicago is visiting at home of her father Mr Mrs BJyth of Toronto is visitf trig at the home of her brother Mr Thbs Allison Miss Leila of to was visiting with her cousins Mrs S had a large houseful of friends last week MOUNT ALBERT HONOR ROLL r A Ramsden J Harry Shields Ross Shields Douglas Shields John Morgan Ed Morgan Milton Geo Reg A Gordon Smith Angus CoHingwood Rev David Terry Dr Geo Cameron Lawrence Boden Ross Stanley Draper James William Byron Sisler Geo Price Wesley Brooks David Brooks Leslie Mahan Rev Oscar Irwin Percy Kenneth Ross Stokes A Middleton Roy Willbee Arthur Wain Cecil Steeple Geo Treadway Merle Jennings Howard Jennings Chester Hammett Donald Shields son are yisitfng friends for a few weeks Mr arid- Mrs Joseph Pollock visiting at Peters on A of young people this and the Young Mens Young Ladies Classes of Methodist Churpii the Red Cross Cpncertat Belid oh Saturday evening and report a great success It was a evening for yachting t has eoVa Chevrolet Who isriext MJ8S Robinson spent Amos Crittehdens Mr Jones had a barn- raising on- Friday last DOG STREET WEST Hello old topi how are you feel ing Old Dog Street been on the bum but is pibkfrig up again I guess J was Mr Crow that put the finish on Baldwin and had a game of baseball on Saturday Baldwin won Miss Edna Crowder had a friend visiting her oh Sunday from Toronto Mr Thos Smith has moved down on the bank of the river Ira Keetch is the boy to hoe He cuts the weeds and leaves a peak will say goodbye to Brother Crow 1 The Bantam ISLAND GROYE Hello I Here again Berry- picking is getting pretty well hushed up now owing to the ex cessive heat Some class to our Mansion House these days Greatly taken up with tourists Max is greatly taken up dont you think Johnson took a busi nesstrip north this week Mr Thompsons bep on Sat urday was well attended Hello Mr Farmer I Get your potatoes ready now Mr Buyer has started to canvass Rain I Rain I Come today I And make big potatoes to pay And suffer no more Who was the man that dropped off at the Diamond last week and found his way wrong I- guess he belonged to Brownie- Town He must have been punk No rest for the weary Thou shouldst not be dreary Things done by halves are ne ver done right That is the task thou fight Never mind David its O I I must close now to make a long story short Sleeping Beauty and Mrn Postmaster- Watsons a few and Mrs Chi cago ara spending a week at Browns Misa of Radford Is spending a few days atCuJrWayHngS Mr Grose spent day with friends oh the Lake Shore- of West visited friendshere on Gladys Barker was Toronto over Mr Ab Hartley of spent the at Shropshires Mr and Mrs of spent Sunday with friends here MrsSharpo of To- rontp alsoa Miss Willitpn of the at Mr Wil li tons over Sunday Mr and MrsA- Lapp and fam spent Sunday at Crones Collins of and children are visit ing at Haines for two weeks Miss Flossie Terry is at Fred McKriirs for a few days Miss Ruth Haines spent Sun day with friends on Union St- Mrs Marshall and daughter visited at Grahams on FrU day Miss Maggie Brown of Aurora spent Sunday at Thos Browns Miss Brad of Toronto was the guest of Clara Tate over Sunday Miss Nellie- Wesley of Toronto is visiting friends here for a few days Mr and- Mrs Will of Toronto also Mrs J Wesley were calling oh old friends on Monday MrsE Shanks visited at J on Sunday The Ladies Aid of Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs Watson and spent a very pleasant lime Mrs Lloyds mother Mrs Brown is spending a few days in the city i A lor Oh behalf of relatives and friends extended congratulations and best wishes Arnold was born in Nova Scotia but removed King when and whenimarriodeO yearsago came lo live re sided ever Old friends wishing lliem v FRUIT BULL ft- if I J BULLETIN Housewives i are advised to put down plenty of Plums this year ORCHARD BEACH r Clark and Marion were the guests of Mrs G Monday for the Re gatta- Mrs of Barrie ajad Miss qf Miss Thomas of Newmarket spent a few days with Miss Birins MrWiilan who accompanied several numbers at the last Monday evening is musician 1 1 The health of fruit are well oh the Niagara Brand this map It is your guarantee of quality and I honest pack Niagara FULL VALUE PACKAGE and keep your money in Canada MORE CANADIAN l PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Geo of Toronto are visiting friends in The Misses Leek spent last Wednesday the home of Mr and Mrs It at Miss Nettie Ross and friend Miss Clark of Toronto were at Mr Rosss over- Sunday Dr and Mrs McLaren of To ronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr W Davidson Mrs and family visitors at the home of Mr Hayes Misses Annie and Beatrice of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr Hayes Miss Mabel Harper of Toronto was at her home in town over Sunday Messrs Hayes and Her bert Brooks Munition workers Toronto were in town over Sun day Mr Fitzgerald Manager of thi- Dominion Hank and Mrs Fitz gerald are taking their holidays and expect to motor to London before returning Nellie Shields was visit- ink in Toronto for a few days and Mr W Shields The athletic and aquatic sports held here on Civic Holiday wore greatly enjoyed by all present al so the fireworks in the evening the Committee are to he congrat ulated on the success of their en terprise The residents of Island Grove greatly appreciate the free joy rides in Mr W Donas Packard car which he unslintingly shares with all Miss Margaret Kelly left this morning for Winnipeg She lifts been visiting her- uncle Mr W Drone Miss Winnifrcd is visifcing in Markham this week The service at Mr Joys was conducted byMr on Sun day evening Islander WANTED Telephone Operator for the Mt Al bert exchange to commence 1st of October For further parti culars apply to The Mount Albert Telephone Com pany Limited Secretary PETERS CORNERS Elgin Hayes of the Bait was home a few days last week before going overseas Mr and Mrs and two children of Toronto are vis iting at Mr Miss Blanche Cunningham of was the guest of Miss Peters fop the weekend Mr Young spent Sunday with Mr Roy Pollock Miss Violet Thompson returned home on Sunday after visiting relatives and friends In this vi cinity last wejik Miss Myrtle Peters is visiting relatives in this week Miss Ruth Richardson returned home this week after being at Mr Terrys for some time Mr spent Sunday with Mr Harold at Mrs and TRAYKI Came upon the premises of the lot Con Boat Owlllimbury about July one twoyearold Owner is to property pay and take It away Harrison Mount Albert In all kinds of Farm Binders and the uet all sites made and the John ftUr Hamilton and do not forget the quick Gold Frame Plants Are harder better rooted give bet ter results than hothouse plants Choloeat Varieties of and Flower Plants Carnations Cosmo Deaathus Phlox Flowery Snapdragon Finis BOX Of TLA UTS moved from the ut to the west aide of Stop on the north farm A Tory Hllj Walk Stop to first lane west The season Is late but our East Inoludlny Holland Landing may rely upon the artery soon A are favorable Miss McCnualand and Miss Ihla Pierce of Toronto rfrc visiting their aunt Mrs Walte Mr Rosa Mackenzie spending holidays at his home here Mr of Newmarket Mr and Mrs Ross Milne and Miss Kath leen Mr and Mrs Watson of Aurora and Mr and Mrs John Steph enson of llolllnd Landing were Mr A J Milnes on Sunday Mr and Mrs Jacob Smith and the Misses Lena and Edith loft on Wed nesday for a holiday of two weeks at Marie making- the trip by boat Mrs visit ing her sister Mrs J J Terry Rev Kemp has returned from a visit to his city Bahama Islands and will occupy the pulpit on Sunday In Ills churches Lieut of Albert Sank visited his wife and little son at Mrs mothers Inst week Miss Marion of Richmond Hill Is spending her holidays with her aunt Mrs Miss Smith and friend visited at her home here on Sunday- Miss Lewis and friend from Toronto spent the holidays at her home here Mr and Mrs J Marker of Newmar ket visited at Mr Walter on Sunday Miss Clara HIM has returned after a pleasant visit at Toronto and We are lorry to hear that Mrs Jno Smith has broken her heel Miss Myrtle Voters Is visiting her the Misses Thompson Mr Huntley Is having a pleasant time motoring and plcnlclng nu merous friends Mr George MltchcJI has been visit ing his aunt Mrs and sister Mrs Geo Mrs Arnold and daughter Gladys of Lindsay visited last week at Mrs Fred Mrs Kgbcrt Caldwell and three children from St Thomas have been spending a month at her fathers Mr McGeneriy We are sorry to hear that our eldest cltUeni Mr MoGenerty Is very poorly Mr Geo Pearson has a new dish- Humming Bird SCHOOL FAIR PRIZE WINNERS IN PLOTS NORTH Oats O A No Joe Johnston Frank Kay 3 3 Joe Morrison George Arnold Molyneaux III Corn Wisconsin No King 2 Fred Donnell 3 Allan York A James Class Corn Bantam Fletcher Jack Stiles Frank Fred Stephens Crydcnnan John Draper 3 3 A 5 V Potatoes Delaware Erie Elliott i Sutton West Misses Amy and- Nellie of Toronto were- home over Civic Holiday Pies and of Borden Camp l were here on Sunday B Leesoli Mrs C Bullock and Miss McLaughlin motored to Borden on Sunday Mr and Mrs O Stone of New market were guests at the home of Mr A Millard over the week end Mr H Millard of Elora was home over Sunday A representative of the Upper Canada Bible Society spoke in the Methodist Church on Sunday Next Sunday there will be a pat riotic service Mr and Mrs are In Chatham this week He is tesenting Sutton I OF Lodge at the session of the Grand Lodge Mr and Mrs Jas Taylor visit ed their son Taylor at Borden on Sunday Mrs Allison and children of Washington are guests at the home of her mother here Mrs Lieut returned to Camp Borden on Monday He has been transferred to the Engineers and has secured a commission in same He leaves shortly for Valcarticr Seymour Godfrey of Roachs Point has again been wounded He went to England with the Miss Johns is in Toronto for a couple of weeks visiting friends A boy on a run over by an automobile on Saturday ev ening at the Point He was not badly hurt News Depot is now fully prepared to AH your wants in Stationery Magazines Candy and Tobacco They also doJob Printing Give them a call at Yates old stand A concert is to be held in the Summer Church Jacksons Pt on Saturday night given by talent from Toronto and other points To No End HER i I know you want to buy a lot for a little sum of and that question you have been pondering on for a long time where to buy what to buy and how much to buy Why Come I Buy at the low est margin The past week in August I received a shipment to pairs of the choicest select stocks that could be bought in City of Toronto and now offer them at a very Low Price It COME AND SEE THE I cant itemize the different kinds and slaughtered prices off the usual selling price- Something surprising I 300 pairs or over to choose from in I do not charge you for looking at my goods Give me a call anyhow i OHA8 GENERAL STORE BROWNHILL Phone 21 Dealer In Dry Goods Groceries 8e1eot 8took of Boots and Shoes for old or young all kinds Flour Feeds Oils Etc Butler Eggs and Live Poultry taken in Exchange Top 3 I 5 3 Sherman Marshall James Marshall Byron Morton Duncan Hairy Horner Glass Turnips Carters vlota Smith Herbert Carson Taylor Yellow athan Munro Mann 1 I 5 Dark 5 A King Class VIII Detroit Rod Ruth Marritt Morton Emanuel Nelson Phil Hamilton Lloyd Kay Morton Class Onion Yellow Globe Elliott Robinson Tom v A Murray Barker Squire Who killed dog I says Mister Murray 1 was In hurry I killed dog Herman Pringles MS 3 washer i bharon Our Band Garden Party passqd vory After the excellent supper provided by the ladles a very good program was rendered by the Band also a Ladles Band and a number of others taking part made a very enjoyable evening We regret to Miss Mabel Toronto Class Clifford Harold Pollard 3 Lloyd Stiles Harold Morton Eva Class XI Astere Giant 3 3 A I Rhea Mahoney 3 Iris Elliott 5 fi Dorothy A Interesting and happy birthday party was given on Wed nesday by Mrs Winlerstein her mother Mrs Peter Arnold who Is years old and her mothers sister Mrs Hackner who has mile stone Both are in good health Iter being photographed on the BALDWIN The showers on Monday did a power of good to root crops Hay and fall wheat are No Thomas ftoomcr Hen and John Oldham have great wheat yield The auto cars Is surpassing all years The road actually svyarmswltti them The more the merrier so long as they watch out for owls Sec Robt Station- Esquire out spinning round In brand new car that Bhlncsas the noonday sun Money the marc go 1 would think rather It gives the mare a rest this hot weather The cars come as a boon to horse flesh In hot weather Mr John has I about decided to retire from arming two sons Geo and David are away on war fields His son Willie and Miss arc going In for high so theres narubodle left to assist on the farm I believe It Is Mr and Mrs Intention to reside In the Queen City We shall miss them They are good Rumor reports lhat Chas Park and Miss Olive Tomlinson both of Vatchcll were married on Aug 2nd They are worthy young folks and will have the best wishes of hosts of true friends Our now teacher Miss McLaugh lin Swamp and Miss P ready for the fray on Sept 1st will bo no picnic as they will succeed two of the cleverest teachers that ever graced parts 1 will- not admit that Miss late of Egypt P S has a superior In such cases the suc cessors have to work against prejudice and public opinion Last week Miss Susan Anderson gave a very enjoyable social evening to her Class and a few Invited friends Fortunately for her unfor tunately for mo Im not a member of her class Iwisht I were Miss Anderson is very exemplary teaches by example Example Is bet ter than precept Mr Owen OUT artist Is- erecting an uptodate modern cob ble stone and cement veranda at his residence Next thing we know hell be home a ride Dorcas wHUag sure Well 00 Marlon has bought he great Autograph Quilt says Dune Ru mor me Yea Ben things have happened he may be I under Mrs hospitable roof and the famous quilt His Imperial Majesty I God Save Ihe King Several weeks ago Riddel look run over by an automobile SuMir his departure for Dakota the land passed In his cheeks for hippy promise Jin expects to mako his for- hunting grounds A gentleman tune there He left his baseball chums pay damages without walling to to and lady friends here to their fate asked The young ladles all survived the Our Mr Glover was laughing shock and every blessed one reports heartily at the Breezes Here at the roll call young ladles and sugar candles Well Baldwin kids are bright as a All can afford to laugh Its mcDtyto candidates for Entrance- passed his pocket since the sweetmeats well Miss Bessie Riddel swept the procured from his linn You papers beating nil others in the 2nd bent Baldwin as a candy trade S Kxams Go to her dad Miss Crawford Is spending a the lord of Maple Villa Castle for few holidays with her further Information I bet my money York North on Flora Jessie Donalds Masters Fred and Ernie Tomlinson youngesl daughter She has a bright spent a few holidays with Grandmil eye and an Intellectual head that Keswick Oh promises much aye very may we go out to swim certainly hut dont go near the wa lls no fun being Chief either In peaceful vocations or several ago the war Mrs finds this so vepy Rider P She and her little brigade of berry- Frank Tom- plovers are about tuckered out and He had scarce not half enough berries to 111 orders an opposition so numerous were they started up In Thomas Master Murray Is A much- a may appear be licklcd kid Me entered growing for word as corn In the Childrens lltlon for garden produce etc A few fil dayd ago the Judge Mr Cornell came along and look his survey of Murrays certainly Is aqueer corn held I believe It Is understood that Murray wins with points hit of a possible Had I have seen Judge I should have given him an Introduction to She Owl ntlv paid no attention to of his sermon Well an get up Ill slop The Owl must not lie to for his much speaking The coming man Is until he arrives Germs of decay accumulate on oftused and pans and ordinary soap and water clean off the surface Gold Dost does the work and does it It digs deep after germs cleans like a new and leyes your pots and pans as new as the day they were new and sanitarily WW Gold Dust does this work in just half the required by soap or any other cleanser better too Dost cleans every thing like magic Gold Is sold in BO io and largo pack- cj packed tilth