Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 11, 1916, p. 2

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a North at Apply to Hughes- Mrs London Obstetrical Diploma nurse Newmarket 3w28 STRAYED From Lot Con of North short horns Would please write or phone Keswick Ont 28 WANTED Caretaker for Alexander Muir School Prospect Ave Duties to commence Sept 1st Applications received up to Aug Apply stating salary to K N ROBERTSON LOST the Metropolitan Station and- Newmarket Cemetery a Black Hand Bag containing a sum of mon- feyBahy Bracelet ticket to Toronto articles- Finder will kindly same at this office NORTH WEST FARMS FOR Quarter Sections of good land in Central Alberta miles from Town of on main line of Grand Trunk Pacific acres broken on one quarter section fenced and igranaiy acres on another quarter Good house and good water 125 acres broken on the third quarter section per acre Terms to suii purchaser Enquire of Mrs John Ml Albert or John Box aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak SALE BV TENDER Tenders will be received up to the First day of September address- I ed to the undersigned for the pur chase of that House and Lot being a part of lot in the 3rd Concession of East and containing one J acre more or less belonging to the late William Smith Estate There is a good cement house and a frame stable j and driveshed thereon There is also a small orchard and wellwater bate about miles from Queens- Purchasers will state and terms wanted The highest tender not necessarily accepted For to Fred John F y Located arid Lake Shore areTopr summer camps Scouts and have been doing real jiejpiifg the and fruit dealers to save the fruit of the district in for the market- It- is announced that the Li censed Victuallers will not endorse of the candidates for Toronto they all supporters of the Government except in policy Dr71klrtspri den tal parlor this week A brother visited Mr Jas Stark on the Civic Holiday J Millard spending a word brings a j picture to the oa all a j stretch of gray sand Qppled by thesemblance of waves reaching in all and then on the a clump of palms Wecan fancy ourselves the camel train whpsejoyes will pres ently be gladdened by the sight of Cyril Atkinson wfiere Dennis on Toronto Col B H Brown OiHcer Commanding lhe220lh Overseas Battalion is advantage of every opportunity to liave his offic ers and noncommissioned rained as specialists lie himself has recently completed a special course at Ottawa At present Major Pink Second in Command is attending the Canadian School of Musketo Ottawa for which Lieut Stoncman took the musketry and gun courses and is now actively engaged in organizing the machine gun section of the Batta lion He has vacancies for a few good men and applications should be made as soon as possible to the Armouries Si Pauls Hall Ypnge Street or at any depot York County addition to these officers and have qualified in musketry at Toronto Seven oflicers and seven C OS are now attending courses at Camp Willi more to follow this week The second IS OS Class of forty is Hearing completion and from pre sent indications will equal if not surpass the first tourist two score people from Kentucky visited Toronto thevbegirining of this week on Canada made a tour ofthe City A American visitors arrived next day Cincinnati on their way east In the case of Rose who died Aug 1st eatfng sandwiches a coron ers jury- returned a of suicide A written by her was found in which she declared herself overa lover In an endeavor to save Armstrongs life whose skull was at the Thomas Paper Box Factory a silver plate was inserted over the fracture On Monday last Miss C was nearly drowned when she got beyond her depth at Mr Gardiner Principal of the OntarioSchool- for the Blind at Brant ford has take effect the 1st of next month The Minister of Education has placed Mr C James in charge Mr James is Secretary of the Department- at the Parlia ment Buildings PremierHearst left Toronto on Tuesday evening on a trip to Hon Dr Minis- of Education is also off with of Toronto in weekend Bacon arid family spent be Civic Holiday at his old lomc Miss and pday wih friends at Bradford Mr Thomas and- family have moved back to market visUed- in Bradford on Civic Holiday Mr and Mrs Chas were here from the City for the weekend Maw spent over the holiday with friends in Rochester Bfrkep of Toronto spent Civic Holiday at his home here I J right means are employed basis and the desert And yet reflection the only one has water and the other has not Wherever- a- fountain should raring up in the Sahara there would be grass and The difference between a lul happy successful life and one that is useless is of the result- a single ele ments of successare man who makes life a What he needs is persever ance perhaps or faith in him self or something as easily culti- vated the possibility of happi ness every human life Qui manylack faith in God or courage in the face of difficulties The time may come when irrigation will cause the Sahara to blossom like the rose And every life may jbecome fair and If the fresh Celery Cabbage and Lettuce diijf FRXJITS h and pruiMp 10 and 12 lb Raisin 10 and 1 lb and 8eedl ess Raisins 1214c and 15c sf Evaporated Apples 12 lb I Dates 10 rMr and Mrs J Smith are spending two weeks vacation at Long ford Mr and Kd and little girls spent Sunday at Mrs Lewis has from a visit with- her sons in the West On Wednesday of last week oId and men of the Battalion had- The Board of Control has a respite from the task j nlcd ft asscsj of drilling and recruiting when they repaired to the Varsity Stadium to enjoy I he program of sporls arrang ed for the Field Day event was a pronounced succcs and many friends of the Battalion were present some of whom had made generous donations toward the prizes awarded for various feat ures of the day The following were the results If Sutton Walker further particulars apply or to Smith FOR Rubbertired Buggy I tension Top Carriage Horse and Harness Apply to K ROBERTSON Newmarket SURVEYOR P GIBSON DEAD Peter Silas Gibson of one of the few connect ing links of Mackenzie Rebellion in York pioneer and widely known engineer and surveyor Is dead Mr Gibson died at home last in his year after an that lasted for the past eight years He had been ill for two years live years prior to that ho was jj taken down with a stroke of paralysis which left him partially it fl I m i paralyzed In his death North York loses one of Its popular and familiar figures On the site where he died Mr Gibson was born in year of and with the exception of seven years when his father a Mackenzie rebel J bad to leave the country Mr Gibson had lived on he homestead and farm of his father th late Daniel I Gibson P- who had lived there many years before Mr Glbhon was born The property has In the control of the Gihson family over a century Mr was on Board of Examiners of the Ontario Land and was a member of Methodist Church Mr Gibson was a baby months fold when his father Joined forces With the late William Lyon Mackenzie tin Ills father being a member of Parliament took t very active part the rebellion and was forced to flee with his family for his life The burned old home oh Street and Mr Gibson was thrown Into a snowbank when the house was burned to the ground He escaped to United States and lived for seven ears at Lock port A reward put on bis head and when re gion was a thing of the past Queen Victoria pardoned Mr Gibson and he returned to bin homestead The par don Is at the home and is highly prized a relic of the rebellion After his return to Canada Mr Gibson lived on Ihefrrn where Peter Gibson raised and after being educated In school he went to Ann Arbor Michigan and look a course in engineering Besides a widow nine children survive yard Dash 1 lit L Headquarters Pte 3 Pie J Aurora and Aurora Hop Step and Jump Ams den Headquarters Pte JH Sutton Aurora Pte Kin ley Newmarket Hal Mans Race Pte Patterson Newmarket Hughes New market 3 Andrews Newmar ket ThreeLegged Race Ptes Sutton and Styles Aurora 2 and Headquarters and Markham and Crooks Headquarters and Puttee Race I Pte Flack Headquarters 2 Pie Butcher Newmarket A Sutton West Toronto Race Newmarket Do line 11 Newmarket Volghl Head quarters Broad Jump Amsden ft In Pte VVoight J Sutton yd Race 2 Lt Wrestling Hunter and pic Headquarters Patterson and SlufflCB Newmar ket High Jump Pie Amsdiii Misses Bessie Gardner and Eve- 1 lyn Everest spent Sunday with friends at Sutton Walter Graves wife and family were visiting Holt for the weekrend Millinery Suggestion These sectional bookcases are fine things You can start in a small way and add to them as you can afford it Good idea W somebody invent a sectional- hat for ladies ruits Plums and Gages 10c tin tin Peaches and Raspberries tin Plreapple Cherries and Strawberries 18c tin ft s Phone 35- Ji the Hotel which the York Hotel Corporation proposes Albert io build on the site of the Street covers three quarters of an acre The fixed assessment will be on the basis of 740575 for the three years during lh erection of the hotel and for the ten years following the completion of the structure Up lo the close of last week over applications for Stand ard License Hotels had been re ceived by the License Commis sioner Miss of is vis iting her grandparents Mr King Council Dr J Wilson and family Toronto are visiting at Mr 1 if Proc tors Yonge Sti Mr and Mrs Nat llarman of Au rora spent over- the holiday with Mr and Mrs Staley Air and Mrs and children of Marie arc visiting Mrs Everest Huron Street Sentinel Mr Kchoe of Newmarket spent a few holidays In this locality last week Mi Clarence Caldwell wife and last week THE LEADING your KMHALMINI A SPECIALTY calls attended to at rosldenoe John and 26 RUGS PURITY AND QUALITY MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J Patterson MAIN STREET W- Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies W TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone No r Clarence Caldwell family spent a few days with relatives in Town The Cradle DRAPER In Mount Albert Tuesday Aug to Mr and Mrs Walter Draper a son Head- The above council met at Arm strongs Hotel King City on Satur day July 101G Members all present and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed The council in committee of the whole on bills and accounts Mr Kaake in the chair Bills were pre sented and ordered paid as follows John L putting in culvert lot- 25 con IVank Davis work in gravel pit 211 yds gravel and work iO Hiram Hamilton yds gravel Win excess OBrien excess It J Deacon road grant Hiram Poller road grant Michael McGinns reps bill Joseph Jennings operating Afr and Mrs of To- spent Civic Holiday with their son Mr Walter On Con 2 Whitchurch 350 3050 1550 200 gr ader tended funeral of sump Relay Race Newmarket platters Won by against Newmarket Wheelbarrow Styles and Sut ton 2 Corp and Holder It Young and Crooks Hand Race A J Barnard 2 A J Victoria Cross Race Mulligan and Walker Signallers Meyer and Goodwin The Men defeated the Officers in lhe Baseball game while in tin Football match Newmarket won from Head quarters by the score of 350 Smith powder Herb work in gravel pit Geo cutting weeds King City G k Gillies moving grader and opening ditch Canada Ingot Iron Co Culvert Robert Hank freight on culvert and hauling same Joseph reps to road 880 Mrs vis ited her sister Mrs Burke a couple of days this week Mr and Stanley Osborne spent past two weeks with Mr and Mrs Wyant at Acton Messrs antl Triyctt spent the holiday with Mr Fred Thompson near Longford Miss Margaret Rogers To ronto spent the weekend with her aunt Miss A Rogers Niagara St Miss loft on Wed nesday to spend a couple of weeks wllh her grandparents In Toronto Mr and Mrs Walter Collins thc late Mrs Inst week Bingham at Mrs Arthur and Iwo child ren of Toronto spent a few days wllh Mr and Mrs John Bolton Ave July 26th to Mr a son on Wm EVMAN In Newmarket on Aug lo Mr and Mrs Julius a son J AY At on Aug to Mr and Mrs Frank Drucry a son J W reps road Miss Violet Wilson of Toronto returned home on Monday after spending a week with Miss Creta lWs I- Mr and Mrs Stuart Barker arid son of Toronto are Spending week at the home of his mother Mrs Rachel the 3300- PARKINS In Newmarket on Aug a Mr and Mrs Clarence Par kins a son ANDREWS In CwIllimlHiry Auk 0th to Mr and Mrs Seymour Andrews a daughter At on Aug lo Mr and Mrs Boss Sedpre a daughter The Altar BELLMADILL At Thursday July 1916 Jessie Bell eldest daughter- of Mr Duncan Bell of Holland Landing to Edward Blake of EATON PERCY On Saturday July at the Church of Hie Transfiguration York City Mr Walter Robert and Mary Percy formerly of ii I J PATRICIA THEATRE WESLEY CLOCK NEWMARKET This Great Play will be produced by the Distinguished Character Actor EDWIN STEVENS Next Wednesday Aug Bark Prospect Ave 8EA8ID EXCURSIONS Via Canadian EDlTOHlfllt It is announced that in accord ance witji a resolution proposed by Sir Adam Heck and adopted by the Ontario Legislature last ses sion Mr Justice Mastcn been appointed as Commissioner to conduct an investigation into til forms Of insurance within the Province with the view of ascer taining the control exercised by underwriters associations and kindred bodies over the methods of regulating and placing of in surance and in rales chargeable for Insurance against loss or damage by lire or Otherwise Robert reps CUlvort Luke Lyons teaming cement P Baud opening drain P V Smith opening drain Joseph Jennings opening drain An v ft opening drain P W opening fieo Atlrill of drain liOOSaV writes I look forward to the Joseph reps to culvert weekly vislU of the wllh pleasure W Dove reps lo road and esteem it as an old friend culvert Daniel reps to cul- Mr Melville Ridley vert and new culvert Superintendent and Treasurer of the this coun Sunday- School was visiting oil the treasurer to loan during weekend with friends ai trustees 0 No one Wellington and also Mr and and family Mrs anil family Camp Borden on Sunday the day us guests of Cap Mr and Mrs iravls and Miss Mcdora were Mr and Mrs Ken Robertson at on the civic Holiday 5S5S An exceptional Vacation Trip is offered by the Canadian Seaside Tickets on Bale To Lower Lawrence Marl- Provinces and Newfoundland going August and returning until To Maine Coast Resorts Good August and returning until Sept 1 iVery Special Fares Full Information from any Can adian Ticket Agent or J Howard Passenger Agent fei J red dollars on approved note of School Hoard McCabc that treas urer be hereby authorized pay the General Hospital Toro nto maintenance of Jacob Campbell McCiitcbcon that clerk authorized to communicate with re Hospital that tho treas urer be and Is hereby authorized to accept from Thompson being overcharge on account McCabc Kaake that the treas urer bo and la hereby authorized to ad van to WOT on account for making tile for the alio ben or should dog lax he put to- amending ig claims in 1 ti Rogers In the Municipal World for he following question touching sheep killed by dogs is inked and answered If- slating for loss of sheep arc sent in to Council after the dog tax has been exhausted In would it bo le gal to the claim nn over and every year wards paying claims pros sainb year In which the dog lax was collected The answer as follows The Coun cil must pay all approved claims for sheep killed to theextept of any balance remaining In the in Ihlif or former years and Keove Keith and wife Alderman and wife Mr and Mrs W Mr and Mrs J Stcckley Mr and Mrs J It and Mr Manning took a delightful motor trip to Beach on Sunday returning on Monday night may raise the Dog Tax by bylaw passed accordance with the year- Its several readings and passed appointing John inspector In lieu of Colin Sinclair Bees and Trcas of School to forward to the or before August I ions for BcbOOl adjourned to Hall on Saturday By having your Prescription accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted around On the Premises Mali and- Phone Ordors Promptly Filled PERCY THK OPTICIAN STREET EAST liixy ROWLAND At on Aug 2nd Jean daughter of Mrs J Rowland of Newmarket formerly on Staff of Newmarket High School Dont Miss the Closing Episode of the Admission Ten Cents fJewmarkets Family Theatre DOORS OPEN AT PM HERBERT P O Box Newmarket 1- SI The Tomb MORTON At on Aug i Dr Edward Morton In his year Interred at Union Cemetery on Monday afternoon PENROSE AI Toronto General pltai on Aug I01G Pen- formerly of Pine Orchard la her year Interment at Pine on Tues day afternoon Phoned North Is always an expensive but It is more expensive in than in private I In me mori am in loving memory of Gladys only daughter of Mr and Mrs it A Minns of Sutton West who died Aug aged years We loved her wo loved her But Jesus loved her more And Ho has sweetly called her To yondor shining shore golden gates were open A gentle said Come And with farewells unspoken She calmly entered home 0 and Father i 1 J A J MMMMU8E Furniture Main Careful Attention Of a new straw hat at on The time is here when your FELT HAT neither looks right nor feels right and what your Spring Suit needs loset It off Is one of these smart Straws I Our windows show the styles for this spring shapes all of them lightly varied In width and holght of brim and so that there Is a hat to suit every man YOUR STRAW HAT IS HERE RANGE ROM to

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