NEW ASSORTMENT FOR LADIES AND MEN 51 T Watsons Jewelry Store The Leading County Paper as well as tho Oldest No paper sent put North York unless paid in i I- JACKSON Editor and Proprietor- JACKSON AssistantEditor te Let Electricity Make Your Life Easier I i- will take much of rfr How to do tore- an or SitSfAJJSJSffiSSSSi We a of work and worry CANADIAN Electric Appliances We can thoroughly recommend any elec tric appliance that boars the Canadian Beauty trademark Strong reliable and economical they make Indispensable servant Wo will be glad to demon strate their The articles Illustrated are but a few of the Canadian Beauty line of Electrically Heated Devices UPRIGHT TOASTER A strongly- made Gobbed In polished nickel Mats tout for six In minutes The top of the will bold a coffee pot Guaranteed for fire yean TOASTER- GRILL BEAUTY IRON eor- Gcix- Am for cm TWOPLATE STOVE of la for la AT inns Hardware Pi Mad by Co Ltd Renfrew Canada NEWMARKET NT RID A AU G S TMTi J Single Copies each -M- -l- our Toronto Letter OrchatdSBeach Regatta The HydpoEleclric is now preparing 1 BANK OF MONTREAL rep ad a i BOARD OF DIRECTORS B J A McMuUr Elf II- if EBCriulkUiEv CR CBGreEq- D Ft ji Ek- 1 West Capiul up Rett ToUlAeUAp1 BANK MONEY ORDERS are a safe and convenient means of money to any point in Canada or the United Such Honey Order may be obtained at any Branch of the Bank of Montreal G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch ons s internal xiona The SOUTH END LUMBER YARD QUALITY FIRST Satisfied Customers and More Orders tell the Whole Story CEMENT Fresh Car Just In P W PEARSON Office Phone Order from Carters Alf Bishop John E Murphy I INCORPORATE 1 BANK ofTORONTO You ho offensive man has his called n pre Paidup Capital Reserve Fund W000000 8 Business Accounts Tin Bank of Toronto the Accounts Its ample resource and complete facilities Bute the Bank of Toronto a per fect Branches In and the NEWMARKET BRANCH A M LISTER Manager I it HE OF ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH f nive J 1 JVl Arm lurday nly going POSTS ETC MOULDINGS And trim Trim Is Throuah Our and Will Not Shrink AfUr It Put Up WM CANE Tlie for the erection of large stores in To ronto to cost a quarter of a million dollars old McLean property has been purchased at a cost of on Street as the site Catfish Pond at High Part is to be filled in ban the mosquitoes Premier Hearst and Hon Dr Minister of Education left for the Old Country at the close of last week They will visit the war trenches so hold a conference with the British War Officials on matters of interest to Ontario The Citys share of Street Railway receipts for June reached 710570 These- street railway receipts are a big asset for Toronto A despatch from Ottawa says Canadian maples are tobe planted around the graves of Canadian soldiers In France Dr Kit in one of Torontos old est physicians passed away last week- aged years Mr J Wood exPresident of the Toronto Board of Trade is now in Milan Italy He had a conference I with the Italian Minister of Trade and Commerce touching closer trade rela tions between Canada and Italy The Dominion Minister of Railways last week issued instructions that sup plies for the relief of refugees from the Northern Ontario fires are to be carried free of charge on Government Railway It was intimated on Monday that notices were about to be is sued and posted in conspicuous places throughout the Province drawing attention to Ine laws re garding motor traffic with a view of lessening the number of acci dents due to the negligence of motorists Premier Hearst- announced on Saturday that the death toll up to that date from the Are district in Northern Ontario had reached a total of 252 Monday was Torontos civic holiday and was very generally enjoyed Excursions and picnics were general Thousands left the city by Ijoat and rail for an outing Mr Gordon who has announced his candidature for SouthWest Toronto the ap proaching to the Ontario Legislature makes no bones about the fact that lie is after the liquor vote He is a de clared and the vote of the people will declare what Toronto thinks on the question Toronto was the hottest place in Canada last Friday when the mercury rose to dog the shade At a meeting of the City Coun cil on Friday last a resolution was adopted expressing loyalty to the cause Britain and her al lies a determination to con tinue to aid in the struggle to a victorious ending of the conflict Application is being made the courts to block the Ontario Government and the tric Commission plans respecting Niagara Power Private in terests have asked to interfere privilege claimed cuttingand threshing is now on In York County and while crop of straw is the heaviest ever known tin yield of seed is not high Toronto corporation made a donation of for the relief of prisoners of war in Ger many In the County Policp Court Walter Freeland of Falrhank was committed for trial on a charge of having received two hags of barley knowing them to have been stolen Douglas who sent to the Jail farm last week for the theft of a load of barley from Harry Saunders was using wagon to remove the grain and two bags found in his barn were Identified by under A as his Freeland acknowledged having bought the grain from and man Hail was fixed at The Conservatives of South west Toronto are so strongly at loggerheads especially in regard to the liquor license question that Hears has decided to let them fight It out among themselves without Government interference The old cburclr building at the corner of and Franklin Ave has been purchased by Father Kaimnkan In interests of the Russian Orthodox Church The Toronto Feather and Down A War ren manufacturers of bottle supplies and the Pease Foundry Companys suffered a total of about damage when occurred In their premises last week second anniversary of war was duly celebrated by To ronto Friday church services several band concerts were held and at a gathering at City Uall many returned soldiers wore present Board of Control has made a grant of per week toward at each man enlisting The Regatta on Monday was a great success The races for the children took place on the road in front of president Howards residence anBoVery event was well contested kiddies were all on Everything car ried out clocklike preci sion Messrs W Thomson and W acted as starters while the President and Mr Ball picked out winners and Mr Startup delivered the prizes The- aquatic events for children followed immediately at the foot of the lane Tho starters were Messrs Andy Wright and Archie Bolton Messrs JackEastwood Maxwell J and Thomson acted as Judges The most exciting events were Single Skiffs for boys and under which there were con testants Single Skiffs boys and under 5 contestants Single Skiffs girls contestants Swim ming for boys three groups There was- quite a stiff breeze on so that all the aquatic events were more or less excit ing There were about peo ple on the shore The spores were continued in lh afternoon fully people being present The various events were well contested There in single skiff for girls the same number in the single skiff for boys and in the double slciff In the double mixed race one canoe up set throwing the accupants into the water second time At a squall came Up ac companied by a slight sprinkle and there was a general scamper leaving thejlast six events on the program uncompleted These will off next Saturday after noon commencing at oclock sharp The subscriptions amounted to The prizes were the best ever provided and the prize com mittee with Mr Startup as chair man deserve much credit fqr the splendid selection which cost about The President Mr Richard Howard and the Secretary Mr Ross Thomson deserve special mention for their indefatigable labors to make the Regatta an unqualified success In the evening about peo ple assembled on the lawn when the best concert yot given on the Beach- was held President Howard took change of the program which comprised vo cal solos banjo guitar ami vio lin by Mr who is a host in himself excellent vo cal solos by Miss Constance Buck Mrs Ransom and Miss Wiles lengthy elocutionary contribution from Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch by Miss and Highland Fling by little Miss KM en Hemphill A collection was taken up for the Red Cross Society which amounted to over presentation of prizes won in the- afternoon together with I In National Anthem brought proceedings to a close- and end ed a happy day for young and old Following Is the complete list the Prize Winners- Running Knee Hoys fi 1 Frank Maxwell vis t Running Race Girls Beryl Jackson Winters Running Roys and under Jack Maxwell Jack Field Running Rnco 8 anil under Doris l Louise Running Race Hoys under Robert Wilson Thomson Race and under Margaret Wise 2 fffornptilll Running Race Hoys and under Harold Robertson Gordon Maxwell Running Race irls and under Margaret William son Running Race Roys and Harold Robertson onion Running Race and under 1 Margaret Meaning Margaret Gra ham Single Canoe Hoys and under Alan Irani Waller Wright Single Canoe and under I Margaret Louise Gardiner Double Canoe years and under Cordon Graham and Marion Long Gordon Robertson and Norma YEARS AGO From Era Aug Married By Rev Lake on 2nd Mr Luke Lukes to Clara Jane Hill daughter Hill Esq of Quccnsville Died At on 1st Mrs Mary Lloyd aged years Deceased was daughI of Mr John of Whiti church Great regret is expressed that the fall and spring wheat of Ihisg County has suffered extensively from wet and cold weather dur June also from the mite Whitchurch Council will bold its next meeting at Hotel School Trustees must applications in by IhOjt date for school rates A boarding and private day- school has just been opened by Miss McCaffrey at Aurora Sutton and Holland Landing played a cricket match last week resulting in favor of the former Ah explosion at a steam saw mill south of Bradford Bridge took place on Wednesday killing- John Milligan and injuring two others THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE The Duke and Duohess of Devonshire who are to succeed the Duke and Duchess of Connaught at Rldeau Hall In are said to be lovers of plain living and simplicity and their In Is likely to be marked by easy grace and hospitality rather than by anything resembling pomp This picture was taken in London where the puke and Duohess nave been active In patriotic enterprises of almost every description Swimming Girls and under Margaret Graham 2 Aileen Graham Swimming Roys 12 and undcr1 Harold Robertson 2 Jack Swimming Hoys and under Drown 2 Clare Swimming Girls under Margaret Graham Marlon Long Single Canoe Girls and under- Marion Long 2 Caroline Grant Single Canoe Boys and under George Gilroy 2 Canoe Mixed Open to Or chard Reach Russell and Adeline Howard Harry Manning and Elvira Manning Double Canoe Mixed and under 1 John and Marion Long Gordon Graham and I line Grant 1 Single Canoe Men Open to Or chard Russell Har ry Manning Single Canoe Ladies Or chard Reach Adeline Howard Gladys Single Skiff Girls and under Olive 2 Marion Long Single Skiff Roys and under 1 A PROMINENT DETROIT DRUQQI8T Jack Hat dies very suddenly Double Skiff Mixed Open chard Reach Russell Well Known In Newmarket 26 Years Adeline Howard Hal Horsier and Gladys itt Double Skiff Mixed and under- i- Mr James Murphy of the Murphy Hal Horsier and Gertrude Wise Bros Detroit oiled of Lung and llctlicrlnlon phoid pneumonia last Wdk after a Single Men Open to Orchard very short illness Reach Russell Jack He went to St Marys Hospital for rail special attention and from time Single Skiff Ladles Open to Or- of his arrival there grew rapidly worse The James Murphy yrs and Kenneth la- anil Double Canoe Mixed years and under Marjory ami Harold Robertson Margaret Graham and Alan Grant Single Canoe Roys years and un der Gordon 2 Gordon noto ur son Single Canoe Girls and under Marlon Long Helen Single Skiff Roys and under Alan Grant Harold Robertson Single Skiff and under Helen Marion Long Single Skiff Boys and under Gordon Roys peroyMaule under I chard Adeline Amy Swimming Roys and under Bill Brown 2 Sherhck Maxwell Swimming Girls and under Marlon Long 2 Helen WAR N Loudon Aup The most re cent of the Turks to reach the has proved an even greater failure than the earlier reports indicated Lieut- Gen Sir Archibald James Murray commander of the troops in Egypt reports today that be sides taking more than Mr J as Murphy born at New market Ontario oh 1st and attended the Roman Catholic School until ho completed his educa tion He- was the son of Thomas and Catharine Murphy lie learned telegraphing from Mr Andrew Henderson who then hud the telegraph agency In with a Book and News Depot After a year or two he studied drugs tat Mr las Kehnans Drug Store Some years later In was a compounding pharma cist in Dr Store la 1885 he took charge of the Drug Store of the late Simpson Having obtained Diploma a Grand Rapids he went to Detroit and opened a Drug Store for himself at Michigan avenue which venture was successful from tho very com- He was a man of lom- in- the with tin nerntehoblls and has business Turks at Roman I his forces in- Detroit for years He took very heavy losses on them lively Interest in nil things pertaining end had continued the pursuit of to the drug line Those who knew ile retreating troops for IB miles him him and his acquaintance clearing the Turks from the Kalia Basin On Isonzo Italians gained possession of nearly the whole of Hill No and hold it against violent counterattacks taken in yesterdays lighting by Italians total 3- A largo amount of and guns also cup- Milan Aug Submarine piracy under ho Austrian flag is rampant In the Mediterranean Passenger steamers have sudden ly been attacked by submarines which without warning opened Between and ci vilian passengers not counting crews have been killed during the lost fortnight was very extended The surviving relatives arc two brothers Joseph and of De troit anil one sister Mrs J of Ray City Mich The remains were taken to Hay City for Interment at St Patricks Cemetery and the funeral service be ing held In St James 25 YEARS AGO From Era Aug 1891 The Altar By Rev Allen on the Mr Sidney G Barrett lb Miss of Mount Albert Mr J A spent over Sunday with friends in Mrs J M Belfry is at Big Bay Point for a couple weeks Miss Mousley is visiting at Barrio for a few weeks Mrs and family have- gone to Big Bay Point to camp for a month Mr and Mrs Stewart of Toron to arc visiting with their aunt Mrs Fred Miss S Keith spent over Sun- day visiting relatives in Toronto Mr Ed Cane and family of Toronto were visiting with his father over Sunday Mrs Jackson was visiting- her daughter Mrs at Aurora a couple of days his week Mrs McClelland of Toronto was visiting with Mrs Walker Caldwell this week Rev Hunter of Indianapo lis is homo on a visit with his father Street v Mrs J Savage left for weeks visit on Saturday last friends at and To- The pastors of the an Churches at Newmarket and Bradford exchanged pulpits lost Sabbath Rev Smith of Bradford ad dressed the gathering at the Temperance Hall Lot Street on Sunday afternoon Mr Caldwell of Y spent Sunday at the homestead Street He returned home Wednesday Mr Adam and daugh ter of Newark J are visitin with his brother Mr David The Misses who the Manitoba Excursion in last rclirned home last week having enjoyed a pleasant visi with friends in the West Rev Abbs is in town lhe of Mr Park Avo Mrs J Rogers of Toronlri was visiting with her father Mr John on Monday last Rev J Evcringham is spend ing a few week with relatives a Keswick was in Newmarket last Monday Mr bound Brandon Mr Travlss Holt and a son of Mr S of Kcttleby Joined lhe Excursion at this point on day The train had mm Ob is mi a A HARD CREDITOR I Wise Double Skiff Mixed years and under Robertson and Dclroit Aug Five unmask ed automobile bandits early this afternoon held up an automobile In payroll money was being to the plant the Burroughs Adding Machine credit I gets It Then palling Co and before the astonished stomach he added guards could offer resistance hear aah five bags of the six In calls for Many a southern darkeys mind la stormed with bits of philosophy that are frequently as true as they are quaint Here Is an instance One wintry day says a man I mot an old darky In rags plodding along- The cold wind beat through many holes In his tat tered garments Yet despite evi dent poverty ho was carrying a whole side of bacon on his shoulder Uncle I asked Why you spend your money on a warm in stead of on all thai bacon Well said the old man when I ifaks my back for mm m k RREALI8TIO FIGHT WITH mm An antiaircraft gun as Is n mounted all over and on battlefields in France Belgium an elsewhere is being sent over by War office for use at the Cam National Exhibition and will utilised for the purpose of making fights between the Invading aeroplane and the land stationed on Ex hlbltfon shore more realistic the ties being staged under condition to those existing Ore Britain and the war zone The ally has- also been asked to- apprbv tho shipment to Toronto of a model of the Hercules a battleship built In preaen bee of the rnoat powerful In tho Brit Navy Ah effort was made to a euro a submarine for exhibition on water but the Admiralty tested on the ground that every on how available la required poses Negotiations have since beoc opened With the United Stales the loan of one but mm