Ontario Community Newspapers

, August 4, 1916, p. 8

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SHI sir feVTvi3 5 Vr SB in S OF MONTREAL A Life tile to 1 AdTieThe Of Fruit MtcHcrn I ell a if the in catch trailing ho ling white mill placed NOR MR 5S9 Casgrain St Montreal April In my opinion no other medicine In the world is so curative for onstipa- Hon and Indigestion as these complain five years and my sedentary occupa tion Music brought about a kind of Intestinal Paralysis with nasty Head aches belching gas drowsiness after eating and Pain in the Back I tried pills and medicines of physicians but me Then I was induced to try and now for six months I have been entirely well I advise any one who suffers from that horrible trouble Chronic Constipation with the resultant indigestion to try and you will be agreeably surprised at the great benefit you will receive A a box for trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- George Edward Holder of Aurora died on July 3 leaving to his Wife Holder 1000 In In surance and cashYn bank their son William- John Holder aged another Insurance policy for Mary Hillary thesis year old daugh ter of ifliiarybrthe Battalion fell and broke her ankle She- was taken toTorodtO iwhere the was- set under terays Miss Stephens who is in raining at City General Hospital Ham ilton has been successful passing the probation Baptist Sunday SchoolPlcnte was held at Bond Lake on Saturday On Saturday evening an auto which was coming out of the Queens Hotel yards was struck by a Metropolitan car and badly damaged but fortunate none of the occupants were badly hurt Dc Dates formerly House Surgeon of Toronto Western Hospital has pur chased the Willis properly oh Welling ton street and is having the house re modelled A ver successful barn raising was held on the farm of Mr Walter wood Just south of this place on Tuesday afternoon when the frame of a fine nam by feet erected Mr Arthur Atkinson of this and Mr Frank Lloyd of acted as captains Mr Lloyds side won by a narrow margin A sumptu ous tea was -served- Banner Rumor highly official ruarib at says that the Hon A Kemp to be made knight for his diligence as Purchasing Commit other members of committee Dr Frank and Bob Roger ably pass the honor upinVorae lb it later on Rumor also has- it that Mpi Chairman of the Mu nitions Board and his La Porte and also be given Sir as a handle to their names Chairman bears blushing honors thick upon him As ho already has the largest army contract for meat In Canada making him a knight is by way of gilding refined gold it is satisfactory to learn however that the whole board is lag ged otherwise the critics might say that fish was being made of one and flesh of the other The Borden Government has done very well the matter of knighthoods In the five years it has been in office six cabinet ministers and two Conservative members of Parliament have been given the right to wear white in public Six cabinet ministers six count era six Borden While Foster Clean to handle Sold by all Drug- gists Grocers and General Stores Limited Ottawa HOUSE TO RENT On Timothy Street Furnace Electric Light Hani and Soft Water Apply to A Boyd or Mrs Woollen WHITCHURCH SCHOOL FAIR Winners In Plots S S Class Oats A No No 3 Stewart Donald Norman Sanderson Norman Fry Un 12 Class 111 Field Corn Wisconsin No Evelyn Evans 2 Floyd 3 Leonard Robinson Gordon Philip Tames Ash tin BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE in Newmarket end finish Electric Light Bath etc Terms Arranged if preferr ed Apply Box Aurora FOR SALE Building Lots on Park and torn Avenues Apply to field FOR SALE Acre Farm in the of King3 mijts from Newmarket in slain of cultSyalion and watered- Apply to Newmarket A 3 2 Class Com Golden Bantam Ln A man di a irons of he prober a will cov he ted as if will voice at shall liner as has alwa and a d sieurlng mi the frai In the Hank of Toronto Build ing for Clubs Lodges Ci lices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY FARM FOR SALE op clay me li acres move or less firstclass being Lot J CoDCsslon of East house and burn Apply Davis Newmarket Lloyd Pike 2 Watson Scott Fred Nicely Herbert Oliver Bruce 6 Marsh glass v Potatoes Delaware Abe- a Paisley Gladys Gilruy Albert Masked Hubert Class Turnips Carters 1 Carl Earl Cook i Grace fi Annie ykiiiniT John Gould 12 Glass vll Mangles Yellow Leviathan Arthur Si 2 Fred Allen Bruce Slbiiffcr V Ivan Hall f Frank Ward Hughes Lougheed six but of fifteen twofifths of the cabi net most of them since the war began If the war is responsible for this war is certainly what Sherman said it was Not to knock war too much it certainly is a excuse for pulling off stunts of one kind and If the other threefifths of ihe cabinet are in a hurry to get their knighthoods it can be done in the next six months cause the war is big enough cover a multitude of sins Knight hood while the is good- that is the Borden Govern ments motto Whatever befalls- the Borden Government at the next general election itcan point with pride to its serried array of and claim that it went down with ail their banners flying present a glittering front de feat The new knights will en Canadian art by their coats of arms and give a fillip to Canadian their sounding mottoes If Premier Borden has hot chosen a motto wo would Sans spine pi sans Sir Sams words to Colonel Al lison are worthy of a place on his shield Scratch GraveF- of course ii Fancy loves to dwell on suit able arms for these cab inet knights lacks in eller and we lo come back to Hie again Ft goes without saying that one of the excellent slides with which In the would in in the reaped of the raising Class vll I Dark FARM FOR BALE ICO Acres West Gwilllnir Clay hem slate fairly in good rpir road near stock five thousand line cash ancii five per cent This place Is Seven loday Full parliciilars Luke A Co Victoria Toronto used pot onl TO BREEDERS Brampton Merry Prince Hire Violas Bright Prince Dam Merry flttcoid of Performance tfat Pure Bred Tamworth r and vis itors always welcome Manager Black Thorn Heath Phone ring Newmarket 2 L Class ci- Cladyfi Delia Williams- Eva Clara Hall Could unions Johnson Walter Brown May Wilder Marion Harper Viola Carrels Christina Allrn pioxioii Lore Fines Harry Asters Comet Williams Phillips Mavis Hopper Clone i Sir Herbert Am coat of Im Province of of January Notice is hereby given that Colin Pooh of the City of Toronto In the County of York In the Province of Ontario Manager will apply 10 the Parliament of Canada at the next -ses- thereof for a Hill of Divorce from his wife Catharine on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto in llK Ontario the day COItLKY A DUFF Hay Toronto for Applicant COAL FOR SALE Anthracite Coal at bar gain prices Orders flUod at all Telephone No doors South of Osbornes Shop North GLASS Afore than six hundred from New York city are in being principally Children sent from New York lo escape the infantile paralysis rft July severe elect storm which swept the pro vince last evening killed girls At fie dement Carleton County the house of John it Instantly Ids fifleeiyeuolddfiUfhler Myrtle ami fire to Hie At near a bolt struck of Frank and He tragedy at was practically duplicated yearold was killed and tvo small sons of I family and were h Urn Id The house Was destroyed FARM WANTED FALL TERM and WW to ill more ban thirty as had Kradualeti during the twelve Vritc Joday for Catalogue The Western Provinces of Cana da arc not experiencing an acute of of Farm Laborers for Spring and in me work which makes steady work and good wages a certainly has call ed for Laborers and an equal number Is required In Manitoba and Alberta After a thorough canvafis of the Territory served by Canadian Northern Railway It was found that an average of men la required at the from which returns were received An average wane la per month- Including board being paid the highest being per day J For further to the men- required- and wage being paid at the various points apply to Butcher Agent or write niL General Passenger Agent perhaps the Osiers as the Chief financial and moral Support of Cohscrvafisni in Ihe City Some people thai six knights out or a cabinet two knights out of a membership in Iho House of Commons of one and is a fliih that the enhinot la honors Hut the answer lo Ibis Jinl is a reward of and who Would recognize cabinets merit if it didnt do Is The rank and Hie House may darned lucky at pelting two because they in a to ami their merit Tins cab ined docs that for and the be If eves that begins at home The lo prove IhaL there ire very few Conservative outside In Cabinet recognizing At least that is Iho view of it This must be hard on I heir hut unrecognized like I Dennett for instance whose sense of conscious merit insufficiently rewarded must gnaw like a Welsh rabbit Has the Borden any idea how the Calgary feels he goes over lo London meets there his old llllicum Sir Max Aitkeh and him only plain Richard Bedford Bennett with nothing hut his United ancestry lo give support And what ftlUSl he his when lie runs Into Sir a mere head of hair hut titled while he an licet treads Piccadilly uncrown ed has about enough of going over to Loudon with no to the respect of the waiters at the except the company he is and the generous tips he gives them What makes it worse is that fellow conspirator in IhaL little plot to break the cabinet Is ias Alkens and has no thing lo ask of fanie Still there is hope If the didnt recogntzu what Bennett on the railway situation It is bound to recognize what he didnt say which would have been far more dangerous comes lo Ihe who walls provided ho kicks Just iiii f it were instead of a It is hot too much to say that Canada is a bekhtifghted country aiid that the Bprden Government a jot to that state of affairs along- The Borden Government promises to do eri belter- Word goes out that the policy Of Government is to recpmniend knighthood everybody who has dope anything big for This is an incentive Work the knight Is coming so to speak If the Government will extend this policy of every body who has done anything in the war it wilt about All the bill it will lake in for instance the profiteers who have escaped all taxes except aslight love tap from Sir Thomas White It will force them 16 spend five hundred- dol lars each on knight or whatever they call the clothes the use It will separate them from that much money help the lailors and give an impulse to trade If any of profiteers are knights already they can be made peers which will fur- expenditures on their part and put some of their swollen gains into circulation- Moreover it will lak food usurers who have enormous fortunes out universal misfortune the price of the necessaries of life simply because the raising was good Everything the peo ple cat or wear has gone in price- not because tilings to eat and wear were scarcer than be fore but because war was a fat excuse The prices of foods have advanced from ten to one hundred per cent The average is forty per emit Conservative suggests that this outrage ous increase in the cost of living s part of the contribution ihe stayathomes make to the war gains I Teuton aggression Thosif who do not go but home and pay Some good people say pay and pray hut Ihey have not got it finite Its the who pay and Theeost of living hy at the highest point in our history Wages lag far behind The Government does nothing to the tariff in vho back of the higher prices or loud and necessities from bleeding Ihifcpeoplc while It that Government lacks he to act for at the beginning of the war it arrogated with Hie consent of the all sorts of arbitrary powers to itself prevent extortions The powers it has never exorcised it had no desire to hurt its friends Wherefore Government pol- iey of should include ill the big robbers whatever Ihey sell shells or food or anything else They have certainly done they could in Ibis war and their triumphs should be mi ably recognized would be possible for the Gov ernment lo induce Honorary Gol John Wesley Allison who saved Empire so money for himself tit become a Canadian again and ac cept knighthood which such Let this rise for hotirj dredged berries and- turn Into fce one hour steady Barberry Jelly Pick the berries over hem then put into rtI water to each of To of allow a dozen tart pared Cook until the a bag and drain night Then proceed current ielly Blackberry Jelly hi makingblackberry a good plan to have ofiha from barberries- or rhubarb Ihe other lwot from berries The ftDoGflbmtnl same proportions for strawberry Jelly T WWW ARMOUR BECOMES v V Who Was a Hopeless Invalid at currants are now coming strong berries and Thimble NIAOARa I their besti Plums willbe f Ipsigt on this map it stands for quality and hbhestpack OR EAT MORE CANADIAN FULL VALUE PACKAGE and NO FRUIT keep your in Canada J fcrU a useful friend of Sir deserves so TIMELY RECEIPTS Mush Blackberry Jam the berries cook berries cook without water press through coarse salve and as ftie sweet allow only one cup of to one pint Of Juice half then Jelly only till Is softened nice imd boll uncovered skimming off of fliigar to plhl Juice In the oven ami add lo boll mi iiiloo stir till dissolved Scald Jelly fill and let stand in a clean place mi Blackberry one pint l beaten salt i while ho Is dwelling The only thing lo do is to avoid overdoing On the whole has generous with titles has number of Canada to hundred is ourVpuhllc men have been denationalized to that spoonful salt leaspnonful soda n cream of tartar ami to make a thick hatter- soda In a little water and sift of tartar through flour pint dredged with flriip stirred In the last tlijiig Serve with a hard sauce box gelatine In a cup pi Water for hour Pour boiling syrup made- of cup sugar andi Cup water and stir till dissolved Add blackberry Juice and strain Into a bowl In a jiarl of cool water and let the mixture become Ihlck It now and then as It cools stiff froth add the whites of two- eggs and beat all till smooth Put Into in largo or- small moulds and chill- Serve with a made with the yolks of is patted Pudding light put with thorn of milk a of salt yeast cake dlflBolycd in three flpoonfolB Of and scant of flour is something about the that Miss Armour of Chi enlisted as trained liurso Mexican frontier It is woOld repay her debt to humanity by passing along the healing touch to others Thereis something compeiling- in her determinalion to give not only of her ample means but of her skill and sympathy Rather more than in the of rich girls does the generous impulse of Miss Armour appeal to us about Ihe person who lias known weak ness and illness and incapacity which those lack who had a utter health the only previous lime Avmoura name figured prominently in public prints when she was changed from a helpless cripple to a strong child magic touch of Mr the great Austrian sur geon It must he fourteen years since little Armour pampered heiress lo the Armoui millions piled up in Chicago packing houses was laid on an operating in Ihe palatial mansion of her father J Armour while wonderful surgeon Vienna brought across the ocean fabulous cost made amazing readjustment of a con genital displacement of the right hip began life in a rosewood and beveled glass incu- her little body she the lliintr her Wealthy parents iml uiy health Famous doctors shook their heads and the little live fated to go through- life without her feel Then Mr Aruiour found Dr and offered him a small fortune if he would cure his world of tlie poor little rich girl who have everything money Id buy but had not Ihe lo walk iroiiLAienna and his bloodless operation- Silence prevailed in the household while tlie great sUr- was small was given an strapped down to table Then the doctor wilh his strong skillful hands forced Iho din local Into ils socket by expert manipu lation A happy smile sprang into the fathers fane as lie heard sharp click told him he hone had slipped into place When Iho cast was taken off was sent to Vienna for the to teach her to walk Af ter a year had passed she could walk a little without harness of leather and iron which she had been forced to wear Hut her cure was slow Several times she returned from Vienna only to ho forced to go hack to her doctor There she was through a of physical exercises to mend the halt in her steps Three years after the operation she appeared as an exhibitor In a horse show in Chicago and it was her lameness prac tical ly liad disappeared The doctor had made his promise good rind Could run skip end dance as normal children do is the gjrl who at with at disposal- is herself body and soul for of The girl who y out lo go through life in a wheel becomes an army nurse The sympathy and love which the public showed for the poor IjUlc helpless rich girl she of her thankfulness lo humanity for releasing her from bondage she offers herself to relieve the suffering in others I I to go to the Country on Pleasure or hi call up PHONE Let us make you Comfortable in a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Service Charges Reason A BOYD Prop Night Calls on Phone Promptly Attended io i- CANADIAN PACIFIC MANY THOUSAND FARM LABORERS WANTED For Harvesting Western Canada Going Trip West TO WINNIPEG Hoturn Trip East PflOiVl GOING DATE A AUGUST AND including Smiths Falls or also the Main Lino f Sudbupyto but not Including North Bay AUG AND SEPT parlieulars from Pacific Ticket Agents or Howard Agenl NEWMARKET Many women with disfigured complexions never to think they heed an occasional cleansing inside as outside Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty and sallow complexions as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness Its because liver becomes sluggish and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannotremovewithoutassistance The best remedy Is Chamberlains SlomachandLWerTableta which stimulate tohealthy remove fermentation gently cleanse stomach and bowels and tone whole digestive system Sure safe and reliable Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in morning Get Chamberlains today druggists 25c or by mail from Chamberlala Company fc3M miliums Msn of York Your King and Country Need You Now York July An unknown number dead and Injured thirty five to seventy million dollars in pro perly loss five Slates shaken and mil lions of within radius hundred miles frightened to distrac tion is he partial total of hy the explosion Of war In Irrsey oily- early morning Why Suffer From Heat In You Cool Off On The Great Take the Canadian Slearn- Toronto any day Thursday or Saturday at p m fop Port dlrec eonnecilon Is- made Hi or for- Saul Port Arthur trip at sinall WW Hon Now Will You When Britain Is calling her sons to the offensive In pursuit of the Huns and every man has his place to fill when your own Battalion Is being call upon to enter the Training Camp In active pre for Overseas service your Empires cause and that of humanity Is In the balance w YOU CAN HELP TO TIP THE SCALE Leave TABLE l mm ARCHIVES TORONTO

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