Ontario Community Newspapers

, August 4, 1916, p. 7

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v3f l8S Thora Lodge No will old regular meeting on Wednesday evening Aug 9tfi at pm I OJ 0 Hall- Lot St and all members ere requested to lie present I Department Reception at Christian Rev and Mrs Kirklarid at the Chris in Parsonage held a re ception to the young people of the Church oh even ing in honor of Mrs Kirklands brother Air Fred Smith of Cleve land A pleasant was thoroughly enjoyed by all present Lawn Social Mis4n Circle are holding a Lawn Social on Church Lay Thursday Aug sure loresenethc I fendant a the in tiling while placed out OR ROLL In our Window you see a very nice White and Gold Porcelain Piece Dinner Sot of Good Quality priced to sell quick t1300 All Lines of Field Day A very Successful Field Day was held by the 220th York Bait at the Varsity Stadium Toronto habit Has already been by Dr A The business of is steadily extending Bfandlng Hie war Factories arid Two nloremcrphiDe drug fiends have been down for five months The Police Magistrate expressed the hope that by the end of that period cured of the morphine Wednesday afternoon Among the team events Newmarket won first in the Relay Race the and the Football Match besides individual prizes Good for our boys Our Toronto Letter Wednesday was Mechanics day at Point Music- and dancing filled up the afternoon In the Stadium bands furnished music for- the occasion T Column A T yfrrl CI I 1 I to reduce stock piece English China Tea Sots Very neat patterns 3 colors Priced from up to reduce stock quick Off Notwithstanding anything that may appear in todays paper all Sunday Schools are called off for next Sunday by the Medical Health Officer Although there are no new cases of Infantile Paralysis in Town the time limit appointed by the Provincial Board of Health has not yet expired Presbyterian S 8 Excursion The Excursion to be held Wed nesday Aug to Grove Lake Simcoe will be held as intended Medical Health Officer says he sees no reason why same should not be held unless new cases of Infantile Paralysis develop in the mean time AH go and enjoy a good time with the children ADAS RECORD A SM Importer of Staple Fancy China and I PHOTOGRAPHS MA PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER How it would delight your it would please your friends Let Us Make Them For You ZURBRIGG Phone Photographer Studio One Door West the New Post Office of Organize For i We call attention lo the ap peal of the LtGovernor of On tario on our first page Britain is looking for another year of the War Ontario has done Well but victory will only come by an other year of strenuous effort More men more home ork more is needed Attend the meeting on Market Square to night Brleftets Newmarket sector of the has a pel arrived a about 3 lbs Be on hand in good tnic at tin Market Square tonight and gel a good position to hear speaking Harvest apples are appearing on the Market Big crowd down town last Saturday night and a good night fur the mer chants The sawmill is at work on the Cane flats The lady bowlers Jacksons Point arc comingUown next to play- the match on I he green here The Davis Leather Co got in a car load of acid on Wednesday In pursuance of an agreement be tween Premier Hearst and K leader of the Ontario Op position there will be no registra tion for the byeelection in South West Toronto called for August next Prospects now promise warm con test The Ottawa Government is making a heavy bid for Conservative support in he Queen City Tenders have been closed for the Customs House and examining ware fare to be erected by the Public Works la Toronto at an estimated cost of two and a half mil lions Mr Bred Dana of the Ontario Li cense Board has been appointed Loan Commissioner for New Ontario During the past week a Board of Selection chose between and 30 members of the University of Toronto Overseas Training Company who when their selection has been confirm ed the Chief of hie General Staff will go sometime during August After a brief space in training here they will be given commissions in the British Expeditionary Force A Toronto man Flying SubLieut is Commander of the British East Africa flying Friday last Mrs sus tained a serious scalp wound and other injuries She stepped off a moving ft using inci- whose man died leaving any of property- death r shoemaker fly lie was bed as if be lawyer was lie will The hie voice property hat shall ask- reriiaindei- and bequeath shoemaker has always tor and a securing a fimselL The with s but the fraud ii shared the I witt TRIPS 1 TO Lakes Lake of Bays Georgian Bay Algonquin Park French River Kawartha Lakes ftaganetawan River etc trip tourist tickets now on Bale from stations in Ontario at very low rates with libera stop- overs EXPRESS Leave Toronto pm da ly ex cept Sunday and in dally for Musk oka Wharf Connections arc made at Musk oka Wharf for Lakes Leave Toronto a except Sunday and a ditly for for points on Lake of Bays Equipment for the finest Full particulars on application to agents Depot Agent J it lipTown Agent I The business of tie lovn of Blind was wiped out by fire which broke out at midnight Tuesday Division Count His Honor Judge Coatsworth presided at the session of the Fourth Division Court in Town last week It was of very short duration He came here on the oclock car and left by the oclock car Although there were cases entered for this court four were settled before com ing to trial nine executions were entered beclu0 if no defence three cases adjourned for various reasons and only two came before the Judge the way people are settling old scores it looks as if Local Option was holding good pots only it tew as brig ilfthe Doe Dont Worry about your digestive troubles sick headache tired feeling or constipation The depression that induces worry is probably due to a disordered liver anyway Correct stomach ailments at once by promptly taking BEECHMffS FILLS Bad On Wednesday afternoon Bail iff met with a bad ac cident was turning the of the Con of the Road When bis car in the sand and upset in a very deep ditch be side the road He was pretty badly bruised and bis sister Miss bad her shoulder bono broken besides other injuries The ear was badly wrecked and Mr bad to telephone- l- Newmarket from the nearest farm for another car out and bring him home The Council should see that the corner where the accident oc curred is improved lo prevent a similar experience in the future 3ce Camp Borden For the next few weeks the trip Camp Borden bids fair lo be the most popular that can be lakei by auto from Newmarket The camp is forty- two miles dis tant from here and distance can be readily travelled over ex cellent roads In two hours if need be via Bradford Bond Head striking West un til the Kssa Road is reached then duo north in the direction of Angus to the Camp which is best entered from the Southern end and not via Angus the approach lo which village from the Camp ground is Indescribably bad The will still bo in camp a few days which means that cores of our citizens will wend their way thitherwards lo see the miles of military their occupants planted In a of sand Excellent dining They aid digestion regulate the bile gently stimulate the liver purify the blood w and clear the bowels of all and tourist com forts may be obtained at the huge Union It Station Building in waste matter Safe sure speedy Acting both as a gentle laxative and a tonic Pills help to Right The Wrong i which is five hundred feet length Some Newmarket visitors lo lie Camp last week we ore lod included and Mrs Mr and Mis J Rogers Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Messrs J A Boyd Jack Cane MrV MiW Mr A train backwards Liquor men are trying to he to extend the dale for prohibition to come into force but this would mean a special session of he Last week Pearson son of John Pearson of swam four miles over three hours at the Broadview Camp Pine Crest He was accompanied by a various parts of Old Ontario also as far as Montreal and West as far as Winnipeg relief has been sent to the people of the tricken district of New Ontario According to a statement from the observatory officials the real weather Is over for this season but i part of the present month will be warm enough for comfort The Liberals of South West To ronto will hold a nomination Conven tion and place a candidate In the field on Tuesday next There is a large prospect of a Liberal success at the approaching byeelection to the Ontario House On Monday last announcement was mage by the Swift Canadian Company Of a pension plan for all their em ployees throughout the Dominion to Ccomc effective on the 1st of It is estimated that more than 2000 men and women are eligible come under the provisions of the funrl Mr James is the Conservative candidate for the Legislature seal of West Toronto at the approach ing 1 Gormaly of St Louis was arrested early this week on a charge of fraud it Is alleged that he Obtained board to the extent of at a hotel for which he did not pay During July thirtysix people in Toronto come to sudden or violent deaths Of number were a died from automobile ac cidents 5 from heat were found dead while more died from failure died from apoplexy suicided I killed by machinery and from burning Very thoughtfully General Logic has given ten days and two weeks leave of absence from Borden to soldiery whose original homes are located in the fire In New Approximately toys made in by the forty firms now In the work will the KxhlblUon one whole wing of the ficlng devoted to display Moving pictures will figure largely throughout the this year There will be the usual display in front of the grand stand while the shell Industry will be shown by series of pictures now being Liken In muni lions factories Three deaths were reported on Sun day occasioned by the excessive heat The mercury rose to degrees here hi Hamilton and Detroit in Hie A Chinaman was fatally Injured Sun day night when he became panic- stricken at flames from a blown out fuse In a Street car and Jumped to the highway A second passenger was likewise hurt In the panic which followed For three- hours Tuesday from oclock In the evening until To ronto Was In a comparative darkness through another break In the Hydro electric system A few days age Walter Pro el an A was accused by Joseph of having cattle running at large without a herdsman The cattle did damage to the garden of the latter and to a was damage and cost of court Three men were arrested oh Friday on a charge of robbing a drunken comrade Taking as slogan Every berry a bullet the Scouts of Toronto have done and arc doing their- bit helping the fanners at and to gather the strawberry and cropB well as the cherries A number of men In khaki last Fri day night were entertained at Todr Hall after their departure oversea Games and dances were fol lowed refreshments The reorganization of the National Chorus for the approaching season is Before it had received tne news of the splendid success of the Prohibition movement in the Province of Ontario the New Republic which is the official organ of the American AntiSa loon League had an editorial en titled Canadas Virile Response in which the situation this side of the boundary was referred to in the following terms Canada as an integral part of the British Empire is in the midst of a struggle to the death for na tional existence The best blood of the Dominion is being spattered all over the hills of northern France The fathers and mothers gladly give up their sons girls give up- their sweethearts and wives give up their husbands The laxpayers dig deep into their pockets and all wonder what else they can do While Patriotism is ablaze from Vancouver lo Quebec what are the rum sellers doing They are intervening to balk their countrys efforts Did Canada snivel and cringe and stutter and wriggle and crawl concerning Not much I Alberta led off by wiping out the saloons of the entire Province Then along came Saskatchewan with an antibar law closing ev ery dram shop in her boundaries Then the people of Manitoba enacted a statewide prohibition law with a two to one majority Then the Legislature of Nova Scotia met and enacted a state wide law for that Province Now British Columbia is plan ning to oust the disloyal traffic from her boundaries In the hour of public trouble whether it be in- a municipal riot or whether it be worldwide war the first necessary to I success is to close the dirty and disloyal dram shop J Perhaps you work Indoors Or perhaps you are an man It makes no difference The point Is this If you are supervigorous you need Underwear of perstrength Nothing else will hold you long Come In hero and get a warm comfortable suit of Unshrinkable Like the Typhus the saloon is always an evil and a source of trouble but this evil is accentu ated in the hour of public distress Canadas response to lenge of allonge of alcohol is wor thy a great a magnificent people Our hats arc off to the Canucks From the Pioneer LIGHT BEERS DONT FORGET THAT WE HANDLE BOYS AND 8HOE8 The MensWear Men Main at West Newmarket The Pioneer is doing a great public service in sounding a note of warning against the insidious danger which threatens our long fought- for prohibition of the li quor traffic I hope the follow ing from that paper will be tak en lo heart by all friends of tem perance For years the liquor traffic has been preaching beerdrink ing The distillers do not raise objection to litis They know Hint develops al coholic appetite that demands a stronger beverage They know the disgraceful and lying by which beer men have been endeavoring to induce women to drink will tend towards the shocking spiritdrinking of wives and mothers that- curses Britain today Germanys beergardens have produced brutality that will make Germany a byword for cen turies to come Yet some of these liquor men would If If to establish the German here It is not strange that the great philanthropist who Is General Secretary of the Research Of the Temperance Society is compelled to out If we must have the liquor business in name let us have the barroom where men take their drink standing and fully realize they arc poisoning them selves Keep the and children out of it We have a lot to learn in regard to the li quor problem but leach us anything to say the least Professors cannot vhon there are symptoms al ready of a campaign In Ontario looking to the cultivation of a public opinion In favor of beer end wine when the referen dum comes it is with deep re gret that wo read In an editorial in the Woodstock he following mischievous sug gestion It is probable that much of the opposition total prohi bition would disappear at or in llmo if some provision wore made for the sale of light and wines A good many who not like compulsion would be come reconciled to a law restrict ing sale of stronger drinks as the of drugs Is rpfttriolod but contend that the at tempt to cut off all alcoholic drinks at is not only unne cessary hut Impracticable and that the inevitable result will ho to illicit traffic- In strong and poisonous mixtures of alcohol argue that to per mit retail able of light would be temperance by offering safe guard against the traffic In the more dangerous Thats old song to a new tune but we must remember we are drinking more alcohol even now in beer than in th form of spirits And it must not bo for gotten that beer contains three poisons while whiskey if pure contains only one also that beer drinkers make up in quan tity what is lacking strength of alcohol Arnolt M P HURON NEWMARKET ft tm Ui y THE ROAD TO What need Is depth Depth can he Imparted through teaching of anything It can be Imparted through i Latin Grammar through handwriting through carpenter work through arith- me tic The one element of sviceess Is time Depth cannot be Imparted quick- j or In many sublets at once sure Is necessary a Blowing down a taking of things not easily but slowly determinedly patiently as If there were plenty time and nothing els counted This Is the road to rapid and brilliant work and there Is no other The smallest children should he set on this road and guided and governed and helped and slaved over Ihe best of masters One understood means the world master ed John J Chapman In Atlantic COAL 8TRAW HAY I Prices Right Give Us a Call TERMS OLIVER DIKE Successor to Geo Phone 0 Farm Laborers Wanted J TO WINNIPEG TRAIN 8ERVICE Leave TORONTO Union at P 17th 19th 2nd Leave OTTAWA Station P Aug 15th and Through Trains With Lunbh Counter Oars Attached RATES RETURN AND LIMIT cent per mile minimum to Winnipeg on or Nov 30th from Winnipeg to original starting U- i J DESTINATION TERRITORY Tickets onehalf contper mllo minimum west of Winnipeg to any station cast of Calgary Edmon ton For and leaflet showing number of farm laborers required at point also the wages paid apply to nearest R Agent Town Agent tv ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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