IS r A I r OUR LOCAL at Church was a large night service when the G said the eve of his St the Rev ft peP regiment Holiday Next Monday n accordance with Proc lamation issued by His Worship Mayor places of business day- will meet in in Prospect Ave on Tuesday the trh of August commencing at 3 We would like a large if possible Press bays Conference expected that the North York Boys Conference which was postponed pending developments regarding Infantile Paralysis in Keswick the last Band splendid from patriotic all free turn out- place yesterday at A number of people going down for the dance last nigh i Changeable A full week of exceptionally hot weather which culriifpated In in the shade on Sunday dropped degrees on Monday and It was so cool the evening that ladles were glad to put on heavier wraps The official report from Toronto says that last week was the hottest on record for years An Unprecedented Record The best evidence we know of that Good Times are upon us are the sales of Cars made Mr K Robertson the representative the Factory in North York He clos ed his year Monday with a record of care more than last year The announcement is now made that the five passenger touring car Is re duced to See ad lake place in in August The be announced as soon speakers are secured date as will the EXPLOSION AT DUNDA8 July 3rfThrmigha switch exptosipn at to the extent of was shortly after this and power was cut off over the whole system iarUal service was given and it is promised that full service will be Restored morning Current enter ed switching station through a huge oil tank From gome unexplained cause the oil tank exploded blowing the roof off the fireproof station and Frank Mr and Mrs Wm Bell of Fort William are Visit ing at Mr John Mornings Miss Silly Smith of Toronto is visiting on the third line Bliss Rachel tfollingshead is at Mrs Whats going to happen- Miss Dorothy Molnny is spend ing her holidays with Miss Florence Casey I wonder ifKettleby corres pondent follows the Snowball people around to find out- whether they get lost or not Mrs Morning and Edna spent AGENTS allgooocook BrtUMTOfAd BAKINOFOWDEB p causing damage to the extent of Saturday in Toronto with hei to the machinery brother of the chief sufferers from Tne pGO of have the accident was this city s for Mr and Mrs power is used for pumping in losing their daughter Business Booming Another good evidence of re turning prosperity is the Cus tom Returns The collections her- from April 1st to July 3ist year were For exactly the same period this year they were an increase of 2769290 in four months rinks one of Brief els Three bowling ladies went to Jacksons Point on Wednesday afternoon to match campers Boyds Livery took two auto loads to Camp Borden last Sun day to visit the soldiers and both autos are engaged for the same trip next Sunday War Anniversary A public meeting will take place in the Market Square this evening to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the Declaration of War The Band of the Battalion provide music while the crowd is- assembling Mr A Brunton will take the chair and speeches will be delivered by A Mon ro Greer Esq K of Toronto Col Brown and Major Bruntop Mr Greer is an eloquent speaker and our citizens should not miss the opportun ity of hearing him Johnson of the has also promised to render some patriotic songs Let the Market Square be well filled the water and the city was forced to depend for several hours on its steam auxiliary and reservoirs The steam auxiliary was able to pump about half amountre- during such hot weather and the situation would have proved serious had not partial power service been restored TOLL OF DEAD WILL AGGREGATE Miss Laura Morning and friend Miss Dora spent the week end with sister Mrs C Dunning Newmarket Mr Lou Hall of Ottawa is spending a few days at here and Mrs spent Sunday with Mr Casey Mr Will Morning and lady friend attended Camp Meeting at Pottageville on Sunday r We are now carrying the Beat Stock of Furnishings In the trade J v Large Variety of at old Prices Oil Clothe and Linoleums yde wide and yds wide Curtain Draperies In Endless variety Madras Muslins Art Art brills and it I r i CURTAIN POLES AND BRASS EXTENSION RODS Most Lines In this Department we are selling at old prices are below new prloes W A BRUNTON Sale Register All Wrong Last week we gave currency to a report thai the lax rale this year of mills was the highest on record The fact is that the Hydro Council of with Mayor Allan at its head struck highest rate on record be ing mills on the dollar and then did not come out even by over Had it not been for the extra County Rate including the War Tax the Irate this year would have been down to mills THURSDAY Aug Mr Albert Shanks will have an important sale of stock vehicles etc on lot 33 Con King Tp mos credit Sale at one oclock Smith f MAKING GOOD PROGRESS Womens Institute Those who were not present at the July Meeting of the Institute were deprived a great pleasure The King Branch were present as one of their very interesting pro- As the ladles from King came on an earlier car than those from Town lhy were escorted through the exten sive building to Mr Shaw and shown his fine dairy herd All friends of the Womens Institute Vila husbands and families are to attend the District Picnic at Bond Lake on Wednesday Aug The Girl Guides also fir In led A James York Highway En gineer stated last night that ex cellent progress is now being made on good roads system at the four different points where work is being carried on One gang is at Bond Lake on Street a second south of and a third on the Kennedy Road at At this point the Council have bought from private parlies a strip of land at the Ellesmere corner and the highway commis sion will in view of this fact straighten the Kennedy at this point The fourth gang are working easterly from the fifth concession of Markham and later will work west on the sideroad toward Street An abundance of stone has been secured and there will be no from this time forward in the prosecution of the work Oil ing loo all over the system is proceeding satisfactorily Halleybury Aug All that can be said with any degree of accuracy about the death toll of Saturday and Sundays forest fires In that estimates can be based only on con jecture and the number swell for several days Late figures set the total of life at 316 This total is made up as follows Kelso Iroquois Falls Matheson Mr Fred Dane who is in charge of relief work for the Government said today that from all available re ports he fears that the loss of life may go as high as or With the exception of the talon the Lady Hospital the arate School and a few residences on First and Second avenues the entire town of Cochrane has been dost rov ed S Gana who went up on Mon day to the Croesus Mine which is at nine miles from found that the whole plant had been burned to the ground Sixteen men had been accounted for but there were four or five of the staff missing The whole of had disappear ed and there were between thirty and forty dead there had also been wiped off map and in one railway cutting they had found 56 dead bodies men women and children AGRICULTURE IN ONTARIO AURORA The citizens of Aurora showed their appreciation of overseas volun teers Friday night when over turned out to say farewell to the men of the 127th Overseas Battalion York Rangers who were in town oh their last leave Major Baldwin was Master of ceremonies at the open air l that was served in the cricket grounds and addresses were delivered by well- known citizens The ladies of the town served the refreshments with the assistance of the Womens League the Girls Red Cross Auxiliary and the Womens verse OB Auxiliary Hearty wisnes for the safe return of the sister battalion of York County were given in a stirring address- by of the 220th Battalion and Rev fe Rev Spencer J M Walton raid E Proctor also wished the boys God speed Taylor who poke on behalf of the Regiment the home brigade said he was the traditions of the regiment that bad fought so well in and would be kept up After the banquet a par ade waa through the town head ed by the Citizens Band Men of Battalion to the number of left here on Sunday morning by train for Camp Borden Eight hundred people were at the station to see the men off and an es cort was provided by the York Rangers The Citizens Band played the troops out of town to the tune of The Girl I Left Behind Me in For Battalion On Sunday morning in that awful bett a big crowd of people assem bled at the T station to see the Battalion leave for Camp Borden last leave The train was to arrive at but it after before it got here In meantime Ills Worship Mayor addressed the men of Newmarket wishing them Godspeed and a return Refreshments were by the Town Council and served tfi ladles During the excitement Mrs re hi dim of Newmarket was by the heal and suddenly while walling at the station farewell to a relative She was to by Scott and later to proceed to her home FIFTH LINE KINO Berry picking is all the now Pie Lawrence Morning and his driver Mr Mitchell have been sjltinL on Alecs verandah But the driver Bays Not dark enough too much moon Mr A has returned home after visiting with his cousin Miss Flossie Terry Wanted A good sharp dog at place lo keep the hoys away on Sunday evening Too bad but Petes can not go away again till dad gels it Mrs Mackrill of Sharon and In a speech made during the Agri cultural debate In the Ontario House last session Mr Nelson Parliament Liberal P P for Prince Edward County urged tie Government to endeavor to stop the trend cityward of our agricultural population His plea was met with the sarcastic re mark from certain members on the Government side that this was an annual affair Parliament quietly hut emphatically replied as long as I have the honor to represent a constituency in this province unless something more is done by the De partments of Education and Agricul ture this will be an annual affair The Ontario Government seems to believe in the policy of leave well alone in agricultural affairs hut that all is not well was emphasized Mr parliament who went exhaustive ly Into the question of the trend city ward of our rural population and stat ed that lh boys of sixteen and seven teen Invaluable On the form Re referred to the progress of education in Denmark and pointed qui that at tention to agriculture had secured per cent of the population on the land Mr Parliament went on to advocate the of a of agri cultural education In rural schools lie said I believe that the proper kind of schools In our rural bor two daughters Annie and demonstration farm and an Verna have returned home after agricultural college Situated thereon visiting with her mother Mrs rt W irm would so broaden Terry on the Line the minds of our rural children and Miss Mary Stevens was seen them for their lives work Rial the walking to Ketlleby on Monday outlay need not he considered The wholly unexpected conditions which have arisen reason Ihe prox imity of the Borden Camp where there arc now about men have creat ed a temporary disorganization of Bell Telephone service says the Barrio Gazette Complaints are flowing Into the office but a little consideration will convince anyone that opera tors are doing their utmost to meet the demands Ordinarily the local calls were in the neighborhood of ten thousand a week ago they suddenly Jumped to fifteen thousand and long distance calls from one to three hundred Two or three new operators beendftken on every day for the last week and others will be started as soon as they can be provided with switchboards Mechanics have been working night and day for a week Fifteen operators are now in the local office straining every nerve to keep up the business of the three long distance operators has a pile of tickets on her hoard waiting for a wire but they can only be handled in the order In which they are received Another copper line at a cost of or 935000 will likely be run be tween and Toronto to relieve the situation It Is nerveracking work it the best but a little consideration for the operators at this trying lime will help everybody concerned of supplies to- headquarters in Toronto this week Miss who has been visiting Mrs B- left for her homo near last week Mr is in To ronto visiting his son Allan Very poor attendance at Churcbes last It is to be hoped that the excessive heat is over and that there will be bet ter congregations in future A Committee of three from each of the Young Peoples So cieties met- last week and form ed a Local Improvement Society for the Village Miss was elected President and Frank Marritt Secretary- Treasurer was decided to purchase six tables to used by the public for picnics socials garden parties etc Other pub lic necessities will receive atten tion The Society can do a good thing for the village with a lit tle encouragement Mr Norman Morton wife and baby from the are visiting their parents here They are moving to Toronto All the Boarding Houses filled to capacity and turning away applicants every day Mr Gladstone Marritt left for Markhajji on Tuesday to act as Judge in a Field Crop Competi tion being a graduate of Agricultural College Mr Lee Morton having enlist ed with the Navy a number of his cjiums at his homo Monday night and presented him with a Wrist Watch Mr Sam Lubes of Bradford has been spending a couple of weeks with his daughter Mrs Eves on the Lake Shore I Store NEWMARKET Only WHITE Fancy Voile and Fine Embroidery Irish Crochet Yokes Long and Short Sieves to Sale Price Ladies White Embroidery Reg Sale Price SLIPPERS all sizes Reg Sale Price LADIES NIGHT ROBE8 Trimmed 16 Only WHITE LINEN WAI8T8 Regular Sale Price CORSET COVERS Reg Sale it ARRIVED CAR LOAD OF Last Saturday morning w tied the conjugal knot which launched Miss Mildred and Mr Lyman Hose on -tin- sua of matrimony The yeddifjg a very quiet one and wok place at the residence of brides father ex Mayor J only the families of tin contracting parties being Present The bride was dressed and was unattended dinner the newly wedded Mr left motor for the shores w the Hay where they upend the honeymoon In a summer cottage The Joins their friend in robing them long life happiness prosperity veiling Where was lh auto that Si got a dog Mary gets a little sleep but Ihe hark wakens up once in- a while We are glad to hear that Bill not lei the girl full out of the any more Miss Flossie Terry spent Thursday July with Miss Carrie of the 3rd Line Frank did not make his trip as he intended to He appealed for both parties to unit In something for agriculture Ills appeal met with no response from the Government and dissatisfaction with the present Gov ernment is growing to resentment in rural Ontario on account their re pealed failures to meet the situation Joseph Southwell ten years old was drowned at owing to fair ing Into the water when exhausted by swimming and diving and Sunday morning Kirkland will preach at the ffSS iff subject will ot Reliving the of the the Christian Church His of the Kaiser Is there a evil rf Mentally and Men as In the 2n This la the sub- fcSJ i whic be preached last Lt2 but many who 2 hindered the reproduced l of attend these Inemen are urged to the coats at Mrg Gould is visiting her daughter Mrs Vaughan in Toronto Mr Harry called on Mr Cook Sunday Mrs of the Line spent a few days last week with Mrs J Culling Miss spent Sunday at Jr Archibalds Mrs J Courtney Mr Courtney spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ft Cook Miss Grace spent over Sunday with her aunt Mrs Black MissTlalllo CulMrigspciit over Sunday with her parents at Cedar Grove Mr Will Gould of Bond Head spent Sunday with his mother Mrs Gould Mr and Mrs Oliver of called on friends here on Sunday Mr and Mrs W Ryans and family motored from Oakvillo and Sunday with his mother Mrs J Mr Elmer of call- d on Mr on Sunday KETTLEBV Miss Carter of Toronto is with her sister Mrs Mrs Curtis also or Toronto and sister of Mr returned home on Sunday after spending a week here Mrs John Butcher returned home on Tuesday night aflcr spending a few days in Toronto Miss Louise spent a couple of days in the city early part of last week Threshing has commenced Si and Charley commenced business Tuesday at Mr Miss Sibley of Toronto is at Mr The engagement is announced of Mr Will J Morning to Mr John Archibald the threshing season Hunter and Mr and son Karl Were at Mr Leslie Wilsons on Sunday Mr SJ of Ibis place a Lavalle and T Cutting and While motored to Mount Forest on Saturday return ing Monday evening Mr of Winona attended the funeral of Mr J- linker here on Saturday last Mr is with cousin Clifford Terry of the Line We hear the nth Line carpen ters viz Messrs J Wilson and M Shanks are building a new house at Hose Wyhle Farm Snowball Who is the lucky Jane If people who object lo seeing their names etc in the paper would kindly inform Ihe corres pondent perhaps he would re frain from sending news concern ing said persons Bui would llioy kindly also talk about respondent on the street behind Ids back Our to 10 Inch Clear Butts 8hlngfes at per They are a Bargain- Order Phone or by Carters Jerry Harrington Ben Man- nlng or Russ Allan LET US FILL YOUR COAL ORDER8 NOW I Capital Paid Up President KETTLEBY Meeting of Meth odist Churohes on this Circuit takes place here next Sunday morning W H Madden or Aurora will be In As the scare Is blowing over about the Infantile Paralysis In Newmarket the Committee Is trying to arrange for the North York Boys Conference here the last week In August The Red Cross and Field I forts Society shipped a HOT WEATHER availing intensely warm weather is particularly hard on both extreme youth and consider able ago papers daily chronicle deaths due to exposure in the heat deaths that might been avoided by the exerciso of care Even with fans and other or aggrava tions of the torrid season wo of course do away with he heat but regard for a few elementary principles of produce will at least help its baneful ef fects discrimination re garding the nature and quantity of food and beverages avoidance of the sun as much as possible light clothing rejection of need- leas hurry and worry all this will help The Health Depart ment or any physlolan will supply more and formation- main thing Is to keep quiet temperate and away Reserve Fund E HAY General Manager Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Credit Issued available throughout tha World Dealers In Government and Munlolpal Dealera In Domoat Foreign Exchange Department at all Branches Interest credited halfyearly at Currant Rates opens an 8MYTH Manager Newmarket DI80O0NTED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING BU8INE88 1 1 Newmarket Wheal Oats per Barley per Butter per lb Eggs Siiorta per ton Bran per ton Potatoes per Chickens per tt Aug 3 1916 0 28 0 0 0 0 000 00 00 5 Hay per Too 8 00 35 Butter per Kffgi per Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 33 0 LIVE STOCK MARKET la- Toronto MAeU it St Aug per 04 Following were the highest prices paid in Toronto this week Butcher Cattle 9 Medium Butcher Cattle Common Butcher Cattle Milkers Choice Calves ri Medium Sheep 700 TORONTO