Ontario Community Newspapers

, August 4, 1916, p. 2

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WANTED A steady reliable on sheet lockers steel shelving and jnots We have a good position for a reliable man Apply Canada Wire Goods Co Hamilton CARD OF THANK8 Mr and Mrs Joseph Cutting and wish to thank their friends and neighbors who were so kind to them the time of the sudden death of I their son Garnet Also for the flowers sent Their many kindnesses will not be forgotten HOUSE TO LET On Eagle St Reasonable rent Apply 16 Brown Niagara St FOR SALE A number of Berkshire Sows and Young Pigs on Lot 32 Con Whit church Ralph Weddel No 3 SALE OF VALUABLE FARM BY TENDER r I t ii Qdt it TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to the first day of Sep tember for the purchase of the following farm belonging to the late Silas Toole The Northwest quarter of Lot in the Concession and the Southerly acres of Lot No 29 In Concession both In the Town ship of Whitchurch in the County of York in all acres On this farm are acres of lin kable land acres of pasture with a never failing stream running through acres of excellent bush fairly well fenced good state of cultivation orchards roomed rough cast house with wood furnace one coach house and stone foundation One Implement shed Two one hav ing underground stables Two wells one at the house and one at the barn One cistern The farm is about two from station on and miles from Newmarket Terms reasonable to suit purchaser The highest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted For further particulars apply to CHARLES A TOOLE R R No 3 Newmarket Ont Dated July 3w26 FOR 8ALE Rubbertired Buggy 1 Steelex tension Top Carriage Horse Buggy and Harness Apply to K ROBERTSON Newmarket MEAT The United Kingdom In the fiscal year 191415 imported meals having a total value of Only of this came from British possessions One of this latter amount no less than was for froz en beef from Australia It will be seen from tbis statement that Is to a large extent dependent on her meal supplies upon countries outside of the British Empire The Argentine sent no less than worth Of chilled beef frozen beef and can ned beef Canada contributed little outbid of bacon and hams Since the war broke out there have been con tinuous demands for meats of all kinds Enormous supplies have been sent for ward by the Argentine Australia New Zealand the United States end Uru guay Home fairly large orders have also been placed in Canada With a view to studying the situa tion on the spot and acquiring inform ation for the direction of Canadian pro duction Mr II Assistant Live early in the year went to Belgium and France and on bis return prepared a repor Is amongst the most valuable and Suggest articles in The Agri cultural War Book The shutting off or Hie Russian supply has a big opening Canadian eggs which will as long as the war lasts After the war Canada can hold her trade If we special attention to and grading on rough a lessening of the imports due largely to punhaing in I Jen mark Canada dried greatly to Increase The war demands have uld Hie British workman to buy bacon free- can hold this Increased keep up the quality and TWO YEARS OF WAR Today is the second sary of Declaration of made by England against many and it looks very much as if the the late Lord Kitchener that the War would continue for three years will be fulfilled This terrible conflict which involves twelve nations and has wrought destruction and death all computation appear to be just on the turning point in avor of the Allies How well we remember that lay when Germany tore up her scrap of paper and started serosa Belgium for Frances un- frontier with her glori ous army How splendidly she seemed and how sure she was of victory And how near she was to winning it we shudder to think today Her program to crush France first with one quick and terrible blow to cross over to Russia fresh from her great victory anil smash the Muscovite and then try final conclusions with her slowmoving but thor oughly hated foe Britain so far as human eyes can see would have been carried out in most of its detail but for thing and that was the Belgians So as human gratitude lives in the hearts of men Europe and all the world must never forget what Belgium did And how well we remember the terrible days when the delayed armies of the Teuton at last flow ed over the fields of France It seemed as if nothing would ever stop them and as if retreat of brave British and French soldiers would never come to an end But it did come to an end and those brave men massed along the hanks of the a million strong The five days battle that followed beginning on Sept 6th was the one decisive battle of the war With it the German tide was stayed The longdrawnout Battle of Verdun which was a failure so far as Germany is concerned will stand out as the greatest bat tle in all history On the North Eastern front the Russian reverses of a year ago are fast being retrieved by the of Russian arms and it looks as if they will soon again occupy the City of Outside of the Empire Ger many has lost practically all her ess ions Japan took her Chinese holdings Australia took New Guinea and other islands and France and Britain or their Colonics have taken all her Afri can possessions Every day brings fresh evidence that the Allies are going to win still holds unshaken con trol of the seas and the armies of ho Allies since better provid ed with munitions arc proving to be stronger on land than the Ger mans It is not a time to accept pro posals for peace Tile German Government is not prepared for it on any terms we would accept The German Government may know they are going to he I A London cablegram jiily thafuie King has appointed 1 the Duke of Devonshire a member of the Knights of the orders of St andVSlV George on his appointment as oral of Canada J The Liberals of Lenmrv held at a held a on Mr Wood Richmond as their at the Provincial election the Jolted of the of I iox Mr Woods In an effort for success- as a of Mr RowcIIfn the next Legislature on not to paddle In his article lift Light Canoe will Build Me In the August issue of Rod and Gun and also some pointers on how to paddle with the least danger of an upset Men by J Is a Various other stories and articles of equal Interest precede the regular de partments which are replete as usual with information for the lover of gun rod and dog W J Taylor Limited Woodstock are the publishers this representative Canadian magazines Hill is visiting north o Miss Bradford Mrs Geo Vale Is spending a few Jay the Mr of Pembroke If spending vacation In Town Mr Jos Meads of Toronto visit ed relatives in Town on Sunday Mrs Ironsides of Edmonton Is here on a visit with relatives Miss Clarice Brodle of Ottawa Is spending tier vacation with tier parents Tom Kelley of Bmntforl Boanycaslle Dale gives some advice J was calling on old friends In Town on Wednesday Mr Brock has returned from a trip on tho far as Northern as relatives of Sportsmans A widelyused patent medicine advertised as a cure for the most stubborn colds hay fever influ enza eczema and oth er skin diseases was analyzed at a public institution and was found to he compounded as fol lows Alcohol per rent Oil of Cinnamon 05 per cent Camphor per cent Ammonia 33 per cent The actual cost of a of these ingredients is under cts the sale price at the drug store is fixed at cts and a war stamp Recently while His High ness the Duke was at Banff an unprecedented in cident occurred when native In dians of that part of the Domin ion created him a Chief of the Tribe during a day of sports This marks the first occasion on which a member of the royal fam ily has received such distinguish ed honors from native Indians- A press despatch stales that His Royal Highness was invested with all the insignia of Chieftainship including the war bonnet Miss Young on Staff is spending a at Roches Point the Post Office Weeks vacation Miss Eileen Hewitt is horn York City Hospital on weeks vacation from three Miss Pox of Toronto has been spending her holidays with her sister Mrs J Collins Miss Annie of Toronto Is spending her vacation with her Mrs J Miss Law of- Lindsay spending her vacation with Mrs A Ave is P Lulu Collins spent the end with her friend Miss Bedford Park Miss Calbraith has returned af ter spending some holidays with at friends Mr and Mrs Win Bell of Port William have been visiting their sis ter Mrs J Collins Mrs Brothers of Aurora visited Mrs and other friends In Town last Tuesday Mr Tom Burke is of two weeks vacation McLaughlin at Cleveland spending a with Mr Jim Ohio Mr and Mrs have returned from their holiday and the Studio will be open for business i MIssEdwinna has rc- from Keswick where she spent a week with a school chum The 220th Batt has been en exports great has been trade if carefully look to the method of curing The outlook for the feeding of hogs promising at present time Beef We produce good beef aruidi but the of prime jrailable for the British market Is quite The home market the United States appropriate an this After an Interesting trial has been found that and will continue to be a good mar- el for our frozen beef possibly also hit This is but ii brief reference to of the chief points In Mr Arkells it would seem that while the far lasts there Wlllbe an Increasing for meals of all kinds for kg poultry arid dairy products cheese After the Is there be some readjustments that cannot now be foreseen but the enormous destruction of live block In Europe and the trernen- lous drains that have been made on the surplus product of the rest of the there must result an enhanced In live stock of all kinds There be some uncertainty as to market lions of grain after the war but l tock and live stock Minister of Finance at Ottawa lollfled MJiyoV Church that Marquest Ambassador to Lon don would xwM Toronto on It was at once to take the distinguished visitor in a motor around the harbor And to entr- Iftv him- at luncheon at the Royal Club en hut the German people do not yet know it They are ignorant of the true facts and their Gov ernment which has fed them with falsehoods and hold out of territorial gains fears to accept terms which would recognise Itiefr own failure hepce end of the war is not yet in sight HOTEL REGULATIONS According to regulations gov- Standard Hotels which will he the Hotels of the Province after September 10th application fop licenses bo made before August so stated Mr VlceOhalrrrian the Ontario Hoard during the week The following Is a Globe the That in addition to being a suitable place for public accommodation each stand ard hotel shall lie a well ap pointed eating house That application for li cense for a hotel should he made to the Hoard through llie License Inspector not later than August for tin license beginning Sept and thereafter not later than March for the license year commencing May 1st License fees are That every hotel keep a supply of pure cold drinking water conveniently placed for the use of guests That every guests room shall have a boll on the inner side of every door That lireescape signs must he prominently display ed and ropes must bo placed at the windows of every bed room i That liquor must not be sold served or kept on the premises That no disorderly con duct gambling or drunken ness may be permitted upon the premises Recruiting th 220th Bait is being vigorously carried on notwithstanding the extreme heat The difficulty in securing recruits from the farms at the present lime owing pres sure of the seasons work has led to a concentration of forces in the City Capt It Pickup and Lieut VV Limitsou with a number of men are carrying on the work of re cruiting at Meet ings are hold daily in factories and other large business and a housetohouse can vas is being made in the even ings In view of the fact that Halt has supplied draft of men to complete her Mater Battalion the which Is soon to proceed overseas ev ery effort possible is bring put forth to nil up the vacancy by loose men and to rush re cruiting until the Battalion Is up strength Wednesday ev ening a meeting was held under the joint auspices of he 220th Huffsand Ibe Divisional dorps at Centre Island The Bugle Band rallied a large crowd and Lt Col A of in the interests of On evening fiin a meeting was held on the ground of the Metropolitan Metbodlsl Church Queen and Church sis under the auspices of the Local Preachers Brotherhood and in I the interests of the Mr wis Chair man and addresses deliver by Capt A McLurg Ave Presbyterian Church and Pickup of he Ball Williams bend of the Division was present briefly he close Ho a Id thai man who refused to enlist because be would have to go to Camp Borden eat dirt would have In eat dust frp the natural life The of the was present nod and led In singing of hymns Mr in the spending Town of Toronto formerly Hank of Toronto hen- Is part of his vacation in TWELVEYEAROLD BOY KILLED BY MOTOR OAR lived on St about half way between it oh mo nd and Elgin Mills was struck by al motor car riding his wheel on Street shortly before noon Wednesday and fatally in jured Young Oliver was proceed ing north on the east side of the street and in attempting to loathe west side failed to notice the approach of the motor car in northerly direction Ho was struck and hurled a considerable when picked up was in an unconscious condition He was romoved attendee by Dr The driver of the motor car after giving his name and addresa was allowed to proceed An inquest will like ly be held Fresh Celery Tomatoes Cabbage and Summer Fruits Arriving Daily Hand grenades weapons which proving so regular and effective in the present war are now being manufactured in Can ada They are being loaded how ever in Great Britain THE LEADING You can buy your For undertaking embalming A SPECIALTY Night aUended to at residence John Millard Phones and We feSSwS cured and canned Prunes 10 and 12 lb 10 and 1 lb and 8eedless Raisins 12 Evaporated Apples 12V lb Dates 10 and 12 pkg Canned Fruits Peaches and Raspberries 15c tin Pineapple Cherries and Strawberries 18c tin Phone The Cradle BOND In Aurora on July to Mr and daughter Mrs G N a The Altar HILL EVANS At Christ Church Deer Park July 27th daughter of Mr and Mrs A Evans of to SergL S Hill Hat- son of Mr and Mrs J W Hill England July 27th by Rev Stewart Jessie Elizabeth daughter of Mr and Mrs pell of Holland Landing to PURITY AND QUALITY MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician arid Family Recipes MAIN STREET for Camera and Photo Supplies Freeh Chocolate ttnKJj TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No No Mrs Miss last week Maw AW and of Toronto spent Friday of Willi their friend Mrs ward Sask Hugh Ion Miss Hazel from Sioux Falls South Dakota has been the guest of Miss Mary Lloyd for UK- past week Alfred Young Is away front home for a month making an official Visit to the Friends Meetings in East Ontario Mr Fred J Henry and bride of Chicago nee Miss Florence StOuffcr the honeymoon ingrown and vicinity Mrs has received word thai her hushand Is being re moved from Fort William to J Is In the Dank of Montreal Mr and Mrs J Warn Toronto are spending a few days Mr and Mrs A anil relatives on their way back Falls where have v of with other from been residence At the of and by the Rev Elder Newmarket Vera daughter of Mr and Mrs John Smith of Holland Landing Pie William Hugh of lie Overseas son of Mr and Mrs ieorge of Ave Toronto AT Paul was sen- at Montreal to five years In he penitentiary for off an a government officer in the Ottawa valley Lantvdntcr t3S0aton wan paid on the Orilli market for hay This week old hay nan Celling for and new for It Is thought the ruling price- during the winter will be from a ten ac cording to Packet YOUR EYE8IGHT having your Prescription accurately fllledand your properly Ground On tho and Phone Prdiuptl Killed PERCY THE OPTICIAN 9 STREET EAST or TORONTO Phone North ROADHOU8E At honiC of the bride July 29 Rev Kirkland Christian Miss Mildred daughter of exMayor J to Lyman Pose Son of Mr Isaac S Hose all of Tho Tomb On July 2i her fathers residence Con Living Tp Mary second daughter of Mr and Mrs in her I7th year Intermciil at King Cemetery on July At her ville on July Johnson in liar 87th vi London on July Hoy Culling son Joseph Cutting years and days Interment Newmarket last THE PATRICIA THEATRE WESLEY BLOCK NEWMARKET Dont Miss the Closing Episodes of the Every Thursday At This Theatre Every Wednesday Evening IS PRESENTED A The Mayor has proclaimed Monday Civil Holiday for Anion The Wo mens Overseas Auxiliary hold a Midsummer fete In lawn of Mr J on Friday inn in the afternoon and evening A band will he In attendance and a platform will ho erected for dancing The musical program will Include songs by Miss Margaret Floury The money raised will he for he benefit of the Ihe front hast J Klngaton July While out shooting from was accidentally his companion voting on of near ffeeleva and In the General while upon Oallowav was gelling his rifle ready to when it accidentally went oft the bullet entering Cadon- chest week- Mrs Alkenheod wife of Aikephead of the Richmond Hill MethodlBl Church delivered to the Hoy Scouts who were in charge of their teacher A- press despatch from Otta wa that Sir Alkin fa Manitobas now At meeting of tho Live Stock Ex change in Toronto last Saturday It was reported that there was a of nearly head of live slok compared to a year ago Out July 31 Three persons were drowned in the Black yesterday after noon about miles south of when and Mrs David Godfrey -their- daughter young son and niece were rowing In Black River The upset and Mr and Mrs Godfrey and son drowned two young ladles clung to the over turned boat until roscued Miss Godfrey being the only survivor I All Orders On the Con of July Alfred aged years IN In loving memory Of- Mercy McMann beloved daughter of ir and Mrs T who this life Aug Broadway Featuring the Popular Actors and Actresses Grace Francis Ford Mary Fuller War ren Kerrigan Henrietta Grossman Etc Admission Cents Newmarkets Family Theatre DOORS OPEN AT Pm HERBERT KINLEY P O Box Just toflhoSv you are remembered Sorely missed and loved as well ore hearts are filled with Only those at home can ell Cone Home such- little words But oh what wondrous meaning they contain Down here they speak of sorrow and of loss Up there Its Joy and everlasting gain lone Home Yes home to Clod I Forever more beyond Ihe of care Pain lonllncss or sin for none of these can enter In To the Spirit there Home Our Lord Himself Hath the gate for Mercy to come And through His blood accepted and complete Mercy dwelleth with illm ln His eternal home By her Loving Mother AiMMHWIE Main St 9 of lh family mm Careful Attention J Of a new straw hat at on ce The time Is here when your FELT HAT neither looks right nor feels right and what your Spring Suit needs to set It off Is one of these smart Straw Our windows show the styles for this spring Snappy shapes all of them a lightly varied In width ana height of brim and crown so that there Is a hat to suit every man YOUR STRAW HAT IS HERE PRICES RANGE FROM to i I l Phone 243 Mens Outfitter gSSlS3pt TODftUTA

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