Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 14, 1916, p. 8

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SMUW res J ay- w Up The Whole System Those who take FmitatiVesV for the first time are of tea astonished at the way it builds up and makes them feel better ail over They may be taking for somo specific disease as Constipation Indigestion Headaches Or Neuralgia Kidney or Bladder Trouble Rheu matism or in the Back And find when tires has cured le disease that they feel better and stronger every way This is due to the wonderful tonic properties of these tablets made from fruit juices box 6 for trial sire At all dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa HOU8E TO RENT On Timothy Street Furnace Light Hard and Soft Water Apply to A Boyd or Mrs Jack happened with an- accident on Sun day- evening his car He was trying to oh a narrow piece of road The- car toe road and landed in the ditch damaging it somewhat- Also Mrs Wood who was in the car felt out and out tier Nad doing nicely Witness AURORA The cricket ground was chosen as the place for the camp of tliej Battalion which arrived here Thursday on Its trek through theoounty A good number of recruits has been add ed to the force as a result of the and the meeting held at the camping places so that the strength of the battalion is now Rev A Logan Geggle of Toronto was toe chief speaker at the openair recruiting meeting of the York Rangers held at Aurora Thursday night Other speakers were Cap t Davis Mills Lieut Gordon Maj or Pink and Aurora Bowling Club in Its match with Allendale won by two shots In BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE Newmarket West end m wood finish Electrio Light Bath Fur nace etc Terms arranged if preferr ed Apply Box Aurora Ml If ml Building Lots on Park and Avenues Apply to Newmarket Gasoline Engine almost new A Bargain Write Box Era HOPE Far rtdre Catchers Clean to handle Sold by Druggists and every tf T A BROKEN CONFIDENCE By Robert Wilton Among the hundreds of and mechanics in toe big terminal car shops in the town of there were none more skilled than big Tom Warner Tom had started with the opening of the works as an errand boy and had by being faithful to the small duties gradually worked his way up to the position of master mechanic at a I salary far In excess of Ids cost of v- big quilting at Mrs Tansloysling in the interest of Mr and Mrs FOR SALE Brick House on Millard- Ave late home of the undersigned al so others added to my list lately M HUGHES mm TO LET In the Bank of Toronto Rooms for Clubs Lodges Of fices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY Wrightman who had the misfortune to have their house burned to the ground with nearly all the contents We understand there was a very small insurance Mr W Stevens and family spent Sunday with Mrs Stevens parents Our next Ladies Aid we expect will be held at Mrs Wm Peggs next Thursday Lovely weather for the camp meet ing Bringing large crowds Glad to report Mr Stickwood is getting better The crops though late are looking fine especially the hay All we need now Is fine weather to dry the hay and it looks as if we are going to gel it A young lady had everybody guess ing Sunday Now who was that young man anyway FARM FOR acres more or less firstclass clay earth being East half of Lot In the 3rd Concession of East Gwtllim- bury Good house and barn Apply J Davis Newmarket Road work is the order now The roads were In this spring of the day bad shape Larry ID than Ic6k ISFBUIl SM MY ibIU The fllct 11 taw FOR 8ALE House Lot opposite Pickering Large garden with large and small fruit and good stable- I Also eightroomed house In Ket- Apply to BOOART Tecumseb St Newmarket TO Brampton Merry Prince Sire Violas Bright Prince Dam Brampton Merry Daisy Record of Performance Vest lbs milk 588 fat Pure Bred Tamworth Pigs Everything for sale and vis itors always welcome V DAN McARTKUR Manager Black Thorn Heath Phone ring 23 Newmarket ORCHARD BEACH Many of the have Ihe road in front of their cottages It adds much to- the comfort of every body The church was well filled last Sunday morning and Prof sermon on The place of the Church in the new age after the war held the undivided attention of the con gregation He made a strong plea church union The solo by Mr MI1- ligan was fine hour of morning service has been changed to for the conve- of people corning by car from and Point Next Sunday Rev A Hudson of Mrs Field of Toronto will be the solo ist Mrs Harding of visited her sister Mrs L Jackson a couple of days last week Mr and Mrs Firth of Toronto spent the weekend with their daugh ter Mrs Will Robertson Mr and Mrs Munroe were guests of Mr and Thomson over Sunday Miss Mabel Weddel and Miss Evelyn of Newmarket spent the weekend with their aunt Mrs Jackson Mrs Brand of Toronto is Spending her vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs C Cane of Toronto Mrs KETTLEBY 1 m NOTICE Is hereby given that Colin Darrach Poole of the City of Toronto In the County of York in the Province of Ontario Manager will Apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next ses sion thereof for a Bill of Divorce from bis wife Catharine Poole on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto in the Province of Ontario the Eighth day of January DUFF- Bay St Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant Too Late for Last Week Mr Martin Shanks was a Sunday J rations Party Monday night despite the COAL et Anthracite Coal at prices Orders filled at ail hour Telephone No 3 doors South of Osborne Butcher Shop Main St North yiUNK GLASS J t mm A v 1 thousands Take pure tbelr awl visitor Jit Mr The Curdcn was a decided disagreeable weather Mr and Mrs Hunter and Miss Viola of Toronto spent over the holiday with their parents Mr and Mr ft also Mr Sibley Miss Watson has returned after spending a week with friends In Toronto Mr and Mrs Foster ami family of Toronto and Mrs Bolton and son of Newmarket over the holiday at Mr L Watsons Mr and Mrs of Toron to wee at Mr over the weekend Our popular teacher Miss has gone home for the holiday But cheer up shes coining Have you seen the latest Id boys caps at Snowball Mrs of Newmarket la visiting with friends and relatives The remains of the late Mr Armstrong were brought hero for burial on Tuesday Mr Armstrong has been residing with his son Mr Armstrong of Detroit Mr and Mrs Copland of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs It Burling We would like to Inform the Snow ball correspondent that HI says hes pot about not being able to sleep but he doesnt like the Idea of having to buy a new hammock and new tie post every week Who are the young men who leave town at a Some people are worrying What was Bill thinking of when he let the girl fall out of the buggy one night recently Plans are about completed for the big plcnlo on July15th No doubt many visitor will use the trolley ser vice Borne who own cars are embarrassed because they are unable to procure gas but we rfont hear anything Of the embarrass ment of the fellow who has plenty of It has been said that all men have their weak matter how great they are In other and so the case of Tom Warner his wcakness was in not being able to stand pros perity As a laborer and junior mechanic working his up and looking for ward to promotions which he strove hard to earn Tom was a success and no man on the works was more faith ful to his duties more prompt at his cost at all times than Tom Warner and with each promotion and sequent shortening of the distance to the final goal complete success the little financial troubles common In the average home who has a family to support gradually disappeared until by the careful sav ing and guarding of his interests by a loving and faithful wife and equal care on his own part Tom at last found himself out of debt his little home paid for his children better dressed his social standing improved and best of all the proud possessor of a bankbook which showed a nice amount to his credit seemed to Tom as walk- hurriedly toward his little home on the Saturday night when upon receiv ing his envelope for the past weeks pay he was notified by the general manager that commencing with the week he would assume the position of master mechanic with a large Increase of pay that there was no man on earth who had more reason to be happy than he and as he dashed up the steps Of his little home and into the house where he dropped his dinner bucket onto the floor with a thud he could not restrain himself and gave vent to his feelings of Joy by throw ing his cap against the celling as with a shout of Joy ho caught his surprised little wife by the arms and twirled her around the room and act ing in every way like a big over grown hoy Why Torn exclaimed his wife as he released and stood looking into her surprised face what on earth is the matter wllh you Then Torn took her by the hands and leading her to a sent sat down he- side her and related glad news of his promotion Then they called in the two little girls Grace and Florence who were playing on the lawn outside and had by some means missed papas homecoming and they loo were made glad by the good news which they knew must be good because of papa and mammas apparent gladness And now we can have pony cant we papa cried little Grace as she and Florence climbed upon his knee and almost smothered him with their kisses Of course you can laughingly re plied Tom as he gave each a hug and You can have the pony that you have ho long wanted and lots of other nice things too Oh papa you are Just the best and nicest papa on earth 1 both ex- they again embraced htm And can we let the little Smith glrlH next door ride with us cried Florence still clinging to his neck have no pony of their own you know papa and they would Just love to ride with because theyre papa drinks whiskey and gets drunk some- limes and they cannot afford to have a pony and looking up Into his face papa you wont never bo a drunkard and strike mamma like Mr Smith does will you papa Tears came Into eyes of big Tom Warner as he embraced his dear child and replied No Florence your papa will never he a drunkard like poor Smith and If I was would never strike mamma nor do aught to hurt the feelings of dear children And then his wife came to him and placing her arms about his neck said I thank God Torn you are not a drunkard and dread to think what I would do If you ever became one But you wont will you Torn and she looked straight Into his big manly eyes while awaiting his reply My dear little wife replied Tom as he took her hands In his can not understand why you would ask me a question unless It was prompted by the suggestion Florence but of one thing you may be assured Torn Warner will never be a drunkard so there and he gave her a kiss that echoed all through the room I know that you are a good kind and loving father Tom and would not do anything to disgrace either yourself or dependent up on you but But what little wife You seem to have a doubt Why is I trust you la everything Torn but do know that while you are a hard working IndUilrloda roan happy In the lore of your wife and the -perhaps- Ph- dearlfiusbahd It would kill me If this matter serious Tom the eyes ieould almost- laugh at foolish but your anxiety pains me ana I dread to think that you consider me weak to be led as tray by anything so bad as strong drink True sometimes take a social glass when out with friends but be yond that It will never gp land you fears forme a drdnkard She raised her face- to and as their lips met in a fondkiss Said this kiss which sacred me which binds my vow toVoui that never become a drunkard And she believed him his who witnesses of the sacred vow also believed- believed It himself and they were happyvery happy hours later Tom Warner was led to the gate of his Utile home and staggered through the front door of his house Into the arms of his wife drunkand the only comment made by that trusting wife as she heartbrok en and crushed with grief led him to a sofa and assisted him to sit down was O Tom I never thought It would come to this Thank God our children are not witnesses to your downfall and- kneeling beside him prayed God to forgive him this once and give him strength overcome his weak ness None but Ihe wives of men who have had a similar experience can ap preciate the feelings of Tom Warners wife as she prayed for hts redemption It was a prayer made sacred by the tears of a whose heart was crushed- whose confidence In her husband had been broken It was a prayer from the heart reaching out and out Into that unknown space and speeding on Its way until It landed at the feet of him who heard and answered In his own way that some times seems to us so strange so hard but Just Tom had met old friends up town his promotion was well known among and In the good time that fol lowed had been led along one drink after another by that old sad delu sion that he could stand Just one more anp never for a moment think ing It would go too far until it was too late and he was taken to his gate by friends Why mamma what Is wrong You have been crying exclaimed both Grace and Florence as they came Into the breakfast room on the following morning and where Is papa as they noted hi seal vacant at the table HAVE ANSWERED I MORE ARE NEEDED FOR THE 220TH YORKS AT ONCE I How Are You and Yours Answering This Appeal LI THE L08T CHRIST OR HAVE YOU THE 8AV10UR Let me ask you personally how is it with your soul How is it with those of you who have professed the name of the Master of the Gross Is itrs well with you as in other days There a time when you enjoyed the dear old bible there was a time when you enjoyed the services in Gods House there was a time when you enjoyed secret prayer was a Mary lost the Saviour and did not know how stands it with you Do you and I as of the Gross all year in the pulpit not save a soul God does not make favorite of anyone He does not make a favor ite of Billy Sunday He loves us as well as He does Him Mr Whitfield was once to hold a service but when the time came to begin he was not They went to see what was detaining him and they came to his door listened and saying I cannot unless Ynn on fellowship of I go without Van fl the Church How is it now The cloud stands between you and the dear old days You know whether you have Christ or not von know whether you feel ashappy as in days gone by Let us draw picture and as we draw it see if you are there The most unlikely person in all the world to lose Christ was the first to lose him his mother Can you conceive how the mother of the Son of God who knew best of all that ho was Divine she who knew as well as God knew that this Story of Spurgeon She lost the Saviour and did not know it but supposed supposed supposed He was with His cousins Stop stop What foolish creatures are men of the world If I buy a piece of land in our country I an abstract title and thai title must be clear all the way down else I do not pay the full value of the properly I do not get the deed put it in my pocket without open ing it and suppose it is all right Can you see the photograph It is the saddest one of life It Hush children said she your papa Is not well this morning and is not up yet you mustnt make any noise or you will disturb him But mamma they persisted you have been crying and you look sad oh mamma what Is the matter and they both threw themselves about her neck and as she fondly but sadly elapsed them to her told them that they had no reasons to worry on her account she had not been feeling real well her head ached she would be in a little while To in Warner was on hand bright and early Monday morning to assume the duties of his new position as master mechanic and as day- succeeded day and weeks succeeded weeks and he had been true to promise that he would never never get drunk wifes hopes and once more they were a happy family photograph read Many will say unto me in that day Lord Lord have I not prophesied in Thy name and in Thy name cast out devils and in Thy Thy wno Knew as wen as Knew that this 0pe the Bible and see the awful photograph child was from Heaven Angels had talked to 9upP flow does the photograph her about this child angels had hovered over the birthplace of the child Can you conceive how she who had been favjored with the high lose the Saviour But she was and she ItoUSS in the most unlikely place lose Jesus e SXi She did not lose Him in a nor in a picture win show Where did she lose Him in the Then He from Me temple in a processibiof holy men arid women WIL it unlikely place in all the world to You must e mislake the Saviour would be at church in the company J nil pr manve Yet there she lost Him and the mos astonish- ing thing is that she lost Him and did not know Promotion Examinations No K Jr I to I Marian rose Mar garet Davis Kenneth I to Jr Marks possible marks required to pass Pupils total Is given Dorothy Ram say Rose Willie Temple Cephas Andrews 270 Dora Selby Violet Hall 240 Ivan Cannon to Jr III Marks possible Marks required to pass Annie Wesley Eves Pearl 471 Hutch ison Waller Davis Fulled Mabel Adltli Jr III to in- Murks possible Marks required to pass Bessie Kershaw Ruth Van Russell Hazel Kves Fred Ramsay Jr to Weddel Tate lorne Ramsay Muriel teacher atari Night and cool floft air And the murmurous sleep of the sea And moving up the purples splendid iree Night and the And the shadowbrooding And moving through the South Orions constant three lea mellow Night and the And the eyes that wake and weep Hut calm and patient In the West The stars that Bleep What Is your watchword stars Tell me three I What Is your messages Love Patience and Constancy Ella REPORT Promotion nations No From Jr to Br Marks pos sible Marion Blokes Murray Brooks Daisy Daisy Bond Jr 111 to Sr hi Marks possible 700 Comer Etta Blokes Clark Jr to Br Marks possible 700 Prank 8tokes Oldham John Harrison Gordon Johnston 8 Coon teacher it Oh I I wonder if somebody is not here this afternoon who has lost Him and does not know it We arc confronted with this fact that the best men in the world may lose the Saviour I preached for twentyfive years and more the theory that if you had it you could not lose it Oh foolish man that I was The old apostle Paul said I keep under my body this old man I bring it into subjection for fear lest after hav ing preached it to others I may be a castaway Hut Paul d6 you think that a minister of the Gross could fall Ah yes Here he has a wild animal with him in the street he has his knee on the animals breast his hand on its throat Why I must hold him down be cause I am afraid that if I let him up he will de vour me That was Pauls idea of the life I keep under this old man lest after having preached the Gospel to lost men I lose it myself Then I turn away and listen to tho words to the Romans 4 I would do well evil Is pres ent with me and things I would not are the things I do wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death The minister may lose Christ while preaching about Him I was to preach one night when one of my Deacons came to me and said Rev Dr is here with his congregation He has closed his church tonight Thon another Deacon came and said Tho congregation from another church is here The whole church was full I started and if God over touched my heart- ami tongue it was then For tho first ten minutes I did preach then Satan came and said you are preaching the sermon of your and I said I know it Then it all went out of my heart and I cried out as I preached Return oh but I had lost itj I had lost Saviour Got bless you you can loso Christ on your knees while praying to Him Oh I beg of you tins afternoon to look to Christ and ask if you have lost the Saviour The- saddest picture of Marys lifo was she lost tho Saviour and did not know it supposed supposed supposed that He was all right I wonder if tiiere are not countless thousands all over the world who lost the Saviour- and do not know it I behold yonder a congregation in book of Revelations Somo people woio holding a confer ence Tho reports for the year were being read and they were satisfied with what had during the year but in the midst the silence is broken by a knocking at the door They call Vio is there and the reply is Behold I stand at the door and knock Then say Lord we thought you wore here all the time but He answers No I was not did not leave you but you left Me This old world is standing still for the want God Lost Yes I fear there are thousands of Churches that have lost Christ and do not know it are preaching and drawing their salaries but are not bringing soul to the She lost the Savioup and did not it Yonder is a boat upon the waters Here is artpther It salutes but there is no answer By and by they reach the boat step aboard captain is at his post man at the and multitudes have turned to God We have cast out devils in Thy name and in Thy name have we done many wonderful things Yon must be mistaken But He says Depart never knew you Ye must be born again the old word says All your character and good deeds will do d6 good unless you have been born again I once met a man and said lo him How are you He said Pretty good and said How is religion with you but he said I do not know what you mean Then I said Do you have good times with God but he said No not understand what vou mean Is right with God What did Mary do when she realized that she had lost the Saviour had to do the most humiliating thing to go back We too have to go back WW last she found Him We must gel right God I believe in the old fashioned blind man saw light and he as walking The leper found the broken widow on the way to IhefWii found Him the blind man ing found the Saviour and the sinner Lord found the Saviour I love to think of day when a boy away down south gave ffj heart to God There are things that into my life that I have forgotten but there is a time in my lifes memory that grows and brighter it is brighter this afternoon than it ever Was before and it will always go on ting brighter until this soul will be lost in vie How many years have passed day you gave your life to God Oh you may have dishonored Him since hero comes how into your memory recollec tion of that wonderful day vou gave to God Sermon by Dr of Newmarket w Sunday afternoon during the Conference From The Christina VanguwA place where God leads there is field Moody -an- I A congregation should have as many as it has members KirkpalricK In this handtohand work fl to my soul he sweetest rewards of my try- Goodell On the day of Pentecost Peter was not prew in front of the people and whether they would like it He was to them Morgan We can never heal the needs we do Tearless hearts can never be the Passion We must pity if we would We must bleed If we would be the the saving blood Jowett it is well to make friends with but never make creditors of yourfrtjnas There flowers that fumes after sunset and are iwne night dews are falling The true is Tike these A heart really based at rest in Him breathes fragrant perfume as in the darkness Alexander MafcLaren AM be shatter

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