Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 14, 1916, p. 6

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AGENT MOUNT ALBERT i Mount if I SI DAY The annual decoration day service wjflibe held in the Cemetery on evening next There will be addresses by resident ministers and The Mount Albert band will furnish appropriate music and the fraternal societies will take part The procession will form the village at oclock and proceed to the where the service will begin at There Will- be no evening service In the churches The public cordially invited to assist in arc ing this Bible service as successful as fesa I j PERSONAL Mr- Merle Miller and bride paid a short visit to friends in Mount Albert last week before leaving for their home In Sudbury Mr Oliver Lee of Toronto was In town for a visit to his uncle Mf Henry Mrs A Ashton of Minneapolis Minn is visiting her brother Mr Henry Cleverdon Miss of Keswick has been appointed teacher of the Junior department of the Mount Al bert public school Mrs A Stiller of New who has been staying with her Eister Mrs for the past few weeks left for her home on Wednesday Miss Minnie Leek of Swift Current Sask is spending her holidays with her sister in town Misses Mae and Louie of Toronto and Miss Alma of Slayner are holidaying at the parson age Mrs Hardy and little son clarence are visiting relatives at Fern Glen Landing he Methodist Garden Party will take place on the church on 25th Particulars later mount pleasant Dont forget the Strawberry Festival under the Auspices of the Young Girls Mission Band tonight July on Johnny Andersons lawn A good program will be given Cpnie and have a good lime and help the Band along Admission Born July to Mr and Mrs Geo a son Service In this church Sunday even ing July 16th at hi Betsey A Haying is in full swing now and lots of weather for it Stanley Rose of Lindsay spent Sunday with his parents in town Sorry to report the death of Mr Hiram He was a highly respected citizen Some people around this berg are preparing for the Big splash We wish Max a joyous lime now Ha ha I Mr J Merchant has got his new lawn fence completed now It looks Camp meeting was found on Mr Goods ground on the 2nd of July and so merrily did It con tinue that it closed on the just like a book And so the kid dies came gliding along in the late hour from whence they lour ed Halfpast three I Who was it Hal ha I Pshaw Wishing you much success Sleeping Beauty in iff i ft- rib i J fceok King East Womens Institute will pleased to entertain Mount Albert Littles on Thursday August 3rd at borne of Mrs J McDonaJd at p hi Master Kenneth pupil of Miss Vera Hags was successful In pass ing his elementary pianoexamlnatlons 2nd grade of the Toronto Conserva tory of Music This hot spell is decidedly uncom fortable but is the proper weather for hay and the growing crops which by the way never looked belter this Vicinity Mr Oliver has some good I fresh milch cows and springers for sale Mount Albert O No spent the at West Toronto The Mission Band of the Methodist church held a very enjoyable Ice cream social in Mr J Rowlands lawn on Tuesday evening Mr HI ram Traviss an old and respucled farmer living near Brown- hill dropped dead while working in the hay field on Tuesday Heart failure was the cause The business men of Zephyr have decided to take afternoon as a holiday during July and August The Zephyr Methodist Sunday School arc holding their annual excur sion to on Thursday July Jack Tyrrell has a school friend MalUand Mcintosh spending few Jays with him Leckie of Toronto visiting her aunt Mrs Tyrrell The Adult Bible Class of the Sunday School at Newmarket art to picnic here on Saturday Some twenty young ladies belong ing to the Mission Circle of trie Church In held a rile on the Beach on Wednesday after noon Mrs Wagner of Nevniarkt Is the of Mrs Davis for a few Mrs Leslie is here visiting Mrs Marjorie and Kathleen Widdifield are spending a few days with theiraunt Mrs C Cane Mr Cameron of the Toronto Star and family are rusticating at wyld Mrs oft Toronto who Is summering at Point was call ing on friends at the Beach on Wed- nesday Mr Fred Ross Is making Improve ments in his cottage The Garden Parly on Mr lawn last Friday evening under the auspices of the Keswick- Red Cross Girls- was a great success The gate receipts amounted to dad the net proceeds will be over Far more bicycles are In among the boys and girls on the Beach than for several years Prof Michael of Victoria College and wife were the guests of Mr and Mrs A Elliott over Sunday Mr Fred Sherwood and Mr and Mrs Guy Smith were guests of and Mrs Wilkinson last Sunday Mrs of Toronto was the guest of her friend Mrs Long for a few days I There Was a Mystery Connected With It Bf NORWOOD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I J I It Is many a since i a J Void i tie hi MOUNT ALBERT HONOR ROLL A J E Harry Shields Ross Shields Shields John Morgan Morguu Milton Wellwood Geo Reg A Gordon Smith David Terry Geo Cameron Lawrence Stanley Draper James William Byron Geo Price Wesley Brooks David Brooks Leslie Mahan Rev Oscar Irwin Percy Kenneth Ross Stokes A Middleton Roy Arthur Wain Cecil Steeple Geo Treadway The W ML will meet for the July meeting in the church on Thursday afternoon at 3 oclock as we realize that no nation no matter how high its educational system is rises no higher than its women So it is aim of the Womens Missionary Society everywhere to raise the standard of women so that we have a Godloving and Godfearing na tion All women and girls will be made welcome At the meeting the topic Work among Chinese and Jews in Canada will be taken Mrs Rev Atkinson addressed the W M Societies at Aurora and Sutton last week The Special Meetings being held in the Presbyterian Church are well attended Mrs Huntley accompanied Mrs Atkinson to Aurora on Wednesday afternoon The sacrament of the Lords Supper will he observed in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning at oclock j The Garden under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church held at Mr A Putnams lawn last week was very successful Evening service at Sit Pleas ant Presbyterian Church next Sabbath Program for Wo mens Institute July Delegates Report of Dis trict meeting Discussion on Patriotic Work speech by each member Sutton West Miss Miles of Milwaukee was the guest of her grandfather Mr A Mrs Fenton Mrs J and baby of Toronto- are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Mr J of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs A mammoth Garden Party Is to be held on Mr Walker grounds on Tuesday evening next under aus pices of the Girls Patriotic League The Band of the Irish Fusiliers and Pipers willbe present and a program of vocal music and elocution Is also provided THE LENNOX PICNIC TIME TABLE by Mrs subject to P be Paper fletclier chosen Music September Three hundred tilings a bright girl can do Prize for the mem ber giving best and most complete list mem ber to compete October Paper by Mrs Rev Kemp subject to be chos en Roll Call Recipes for Left overs The following is the lime able for trains to the Mammoth Military and Patriotic Picnic at Point on Wednesday July TRAIN Time Adult Child 105 Si Wood vi lie 85 83 Sunderland 75 75 Goodwood LOO 50 Arrive Jacksons Point Special leaving at 7 p in War tax extra on all tickets not more than one dollar TRAIN Child inc ISLAND GROVE Time Adult Sloifvillo800 Vivian Mount Albert 840 850 Hiown Hill 40c Arrive at Jacksons Point Special leaving at m TRAIN Time 1028 Vivian Mount Hill Arrive al Jacksons Point Training leaving p Adult Child SLOG 85 05 05 45 45 40 20c I J K Merle Jennings Howard Jennings Chester Donald Shields fSUlK 1 SERVANT WANTED Good General Servant for family of three Apply to Box Jacksons PL TRAY upon the premises of the Undersigned about July one Red Heifer Owner Is requested to prove property pay and take her away Oliver Ml Albert n ML Albert Dealer In of Farm mm loaplemente McGormick Binders Mowers and Rakes and the uel Oil all beU goods made and the John Deere Peter Hamilton and goodsfend not forget the quick Meal is the beet Stoves or write The cottagers are all enjoying these lovely July days at Island Grove The Boarding House Is well Oiled Everyone is taking good advantage of the lovely wea ther The tennis courts are in good condition now Service is held every Sunday evening at Mr Joys Come and enjoy them with us A Morion picnic was held at Mr R Mon day honor of a cousin Rev Aylrner McLarty of Michigan who with his wife have been visiting friends and relatives- around Kes wick Mr J A Irwin of Toronto spent the weekend with his wife and family at Island Grove Mr W W spent a few days In the City last week Miss Jean and Mes Hetty Hums spent a week with Miss Erie Miss la of Markham Is visiting Verha Willoughby this week There was a picnic at Island Grove last week and two more arc booked for the near future Miss red a few girl friends a lawn tea last Wednesday The Islander TORONTO TRAIN Time Adult Child Toronto 145 05c Arrive Jacksons Point Train leaving Jacksons Point at Plants Are harder better rooted bet ter than hothouse plants Choicest varieties of Tomatoat Celery Cauliflower and Cabbage Flower Plants Asters Carnations Cosmos Dean thus Phlox Klbwery Sage Sweet Snapdragon Verblnaa etc TEN CENTS PER BOX OP Wee have moved from the east to the west aide of IB on the north farm of W A Tory Walk Bouth from Stop to The but our iuatoraera Kaat Including Holland Landing may rely upon the from the wagon weather conditions are favorable the market every Saturday TERRY many a year since the United States merchant marine was a thing to be of Some persona living remember the clipper of the mid dle of the last century with their tall masts and sails Con federate rendered hipping goods on them ao that they all disappeared their trade passing to English and afterward largely to Ger man ship The trade then losfha never been recovered Some say It Is because other governments their others that seamen may be hired cheaper In foreign countries than in America One thing la certain the American merchant marine since the war between bo states has been little or nothing Whether the great Euro pean war will give any of it back to us remains to be seen It was in the fifties that Horace Graham sixteen years old ran away from borne and shipped on one of the farnoas Blackball lino sail ships the 8cott Those were days was a romance of the sea when vessels were propelled by sails when they rode the lightly and there was no of ma chinery in their vitals That Is why youngsters were continually- running away from home to go to sea Horace Graham made trips to and from China on the same vessel as ordinary seaman for three years he was made third mate Ode day on a return voyage a derelict was sighted The captain atood on the aft er deck examining her rising and fall- big with the waves and when be bad made up bis mind that there was no living thing to be seen aboard of her he ordered Graham to man a boat pull to the ship make an examination and if there seemed to be no reason to the contrary to sink her When eight stalwart sailors were In the boat which was provided with sufficient gunpowder to blow op the vessel sev eral augera and some food In case persons starving were found she was lowered and pulled to the wreck On approaching her- Graham who was at the tiller had a full view of her stern on which her name had been and from which some of the letters had been or worn off Ordering his men to rest on their oars be took out pencil and paper and made a record of the letters remain ing giving the proper spaces for those that bad been erased as follows ON transferred the letters to pa per the officer order to give way and the boat moved forward passing close under the ships It was then that Graham noticed a closer view that an attempt had been made to eliminate the remaining letters but the bad failed had evidently tried to scrape them off with a sharp instrument but probably had not sufficient time to completo the work j On reaching the ship a rope with an Iron hook was thrown up caught op the gunwale and Graham climbed It leaving bis men la tbo boat A terri ble scene greeted him had been a fight on the decks and In the cabins Corpses of men with their weapons hi then hands lay here and there and all except one wore the clothes of sail ors of civilised countries The one ex ception was a man hi Asiatic costume It was plain that the ship had been boarded and captured by pirates That they had left In a hurry wits also evi dent An auger had been left In side of the ship below the water Indicating that an attempt to sink vessel bad been interrupted Then too all the lifeboats except ono had been left in their places There were blocks for eight boats all blocks being filled save one set and at this point the davits were swinging out In dicating that a boat had been lowered were two cabins astern one evidently the captains In the other Womens clothing was found In that belonging to the captain from a little drawer in a locker Graham took out a daguerreotype photographs were not at that common of a girl eighteen or twenty years old There was something very attractive in young and Innocent face among such frightful surroundings put the picture In pocket not only for the purpose of Identifying the ship but because he wished It for himself Before sinking the derelict Graham returned to the Scott and re ported to the captain Another boat was sent to the derelict to make fur ther examination but bad taken care to possess themselves of the log and everything else by wbJch the Vessel might be Identified Though they hud evidently left her In a hurry had taken time for ouch removal Nothing remained but to make a note of the latitude and longltuda in the derelict was discovered at that time a favorite for pirates That night before turning In Horace Graham took out bis daguerreotype opened the case and feasted bis eyes on the likeness within It bad been nearly a year he had seen a woman of his own race and those of were not attractive to him It teemed to him that this girl was the of Innocence from the bor- remains of It and to to fill in the erased Fortunately- the pirates bad either neglected this fea ture the Illegible and had not taken pie time or be trouble to eradicate It- Horace Graham worked till late on tilling hi the letters now and again looking up the Likeness OR ON Troth the position of the letters pre served be knew he possessed the first and last letters and Ships were there and are now named for- women and Graham fancied this was a cose In point By trying different letters successively hi the first part of the he finally obtained He felt quite confident that the name of the ship was the Margaret Though he puzsled long over the last name be failed to make It out The next morning as be was mount ing companion way- to the deck he heard he lookout shout- Lifeboat on starboard quarter Reaching the deck be saw the cap tain raising his glass Graham down for his own glasa and Boon de scried a ships bout rising and falling with the waves but could see nothing in It Meanwhile the ship had been put off her course to point to the boat When the Scott a womuns figure whs seen lying In the bottom of the boat and a man evi dently dead was over a seat A boa the Scott was manned took the other hi tow When the ship the woman who was either dead or unconscious waa Hoisted on to the vessel Almost as us Graham saw the face of the woman recognized In It though much changed by suffering and hunger the of da guerreotype Aspoouful of broth was given her and she revived After tak ing more she Opened her eyes and look ed wildly about But seeing that she was on the deck of A vessel the wild look subsided uud she asked what bad happened After being told she was questioned everything except the horror of drifting the oceans bosom bad passed away from her Here was a disappointment to Gra ham for as soon as he recognized her as the original of the daguerreotype be believed he would receive an ex planation of the mystery of the Mar garet Tbo likeness shown her but It failed to excite any mem ory whatever Other means were tried Including mention of the Margaret but without avail At last all attempts to draw from her Informa tion to what bad happened were given up Unfortunately at that pe riod It was not a universal custom to ft Lots of Good Fowl pay top price Dont dsiau In selling them while my prfoe Is good Prop Herman Phone GENERAL STORE Mop paint tbe names of ships on their life boats so that even Information was not forthcoming only thing known about girl was that she spoke the English- language wit a Yankee accent rescued girl received every at tention and very soon was able go on deck She tried everything that was suggested to bring about a return of memory but without avail There was no other woman aboard so that she had no companion of her own sex Graham was so devoted to that gradually all others gave way to bint The Scott was homeward abound and as soon she came Into port be was deputed by the captain to shipping records with a view to gain ing any Information about derelict e Armed solely with the record bo bad taken from the wrecks he ran over names of American ships till ho came to the of which there were several The Thurston record This Was a great gain lie learned that ship had been named for a favor of tho master and that she was aboard tbe vessel In Chinese wa ters at the time she was discovered by Scott She had not been beard from since Hongkong was overdue The rescued girl was known to bo Margaret Thurston spinster nine teen years of ago and an orphan Graham hud fallen In love with her and her only her uncle with whom she hud Hailed was sup posed to have been murdered Grqltiim Interested himself In securing for her some property to which heir These attentions on tbe part of the young sailor won her heart and be had no In persuading her marry him Several years after this marriage Mrs Grahams memory returned to her Utile by Utile she recalled the tragedy of which she was The Margaret Thurston was chased by a Malay pirate which on Its vic tim rapidly Striking a fog the tons captain believing that his vessel would be captured nit his In one of the ships boats with two men and set her adrift This was us far as Mar garet Grabam nerved her The rest was merely a surmise It supposed that when the ok lifted tho Thurston fell a prey the pi rates who boarded her and massacred her crew Probably a cruiser was covered and the pirates left they had captured and made their Ono of men sent with the cap tarns niece In the lifeboat was ac counted for Aa to the other there was nothing to indicate his fata though supposed that In deli rium be bad jumped overboard Graham did not return to the sea for soon after thin last trip the war between broke out which put an end to American shipping He Inherited a little property of his with that of hi wife enabled him to make a good living ashore 1 After a gossip tolls all knows she gets busy and tells more -r- The consumption of cigarettes In Canada Has Increased during the war- reaching la the past fiscal year a total Jealousy la responsible foe a lot of fruits that are kept In family Jars The more dollars a man has- hind art argument more Tour King and Country Need Von when Britain Is calling her sons to the offensive In pursuit of the Huns and every man has hit place to rill J when your own Battalion Is being called upon to enter the Training Camp In active pre paration for Overseas service when your Empires cause and that of civilized humanity Is In the balance YOU CAN HELP TO TIP THE 8CALE Will You Gome NOW YORKS if FARM LABORERS WANTED The Western Provinces of Can ada have experienced an- acute shortage of Farm Laborers for Summer this year Even when times were normal throughout Canada moreover it was always necessary to bring from twentyAye 16 thirty thou sand laborers from Eastern points for the Harvest season As voluntary enlistments have very heavy and inasmuch as a successful crop is predicted by the experts fear is be ing felt along the lines of the Canadian Northern Railway on account of the difficulty experi enced in obtaining labor which moans steady work and good wages for all who visit in the dis tricts served by the For particulars apply lo Butcher A Y Newmarket or write to It Gen eral Passenger Agent King St Toronto WHATS this good fortune To them is given the opportunity of seeing pictures of the most beautiful aspect of tlie Palls from an angle thai even Hip usual visitor lo the Falls falls lo secure These pictures are now being shown throughout the Dominion most of Hie moving picture theatres HUMOROUS SELECTIONS Mrs Clarke crime running hurriedly to her husband one morning Oh Dick she cried as she gasp ed for breath I dropped my diamond ring off my finger and find anywhere Its ill right Bess replied Mr Clarke across It in pocket my One of the ambitions of most photo graphers in this part of Hie World Is secure pictures ship The Maid of the Mist which goes right up to the foot of the Canadian Horseshoe Falls at Niagara Many have attempted this but none have been entirely successful until the moving picture department of the Canadian Ford Motor Company re solved that they would secure motion pictures of this wonderful spectacle If It were humanly possible In do It and the results surpassed their fniid est expectations The cameraman from Ibis company donned the oilskins worn by all who lake this hazardous trip ami mounted his camera on the forward dock of the boat At first pictures were easy hut as the little craft drew nearer to the Falls the mist became more and to house to camera pictures base of more dense and it was frequently to the pilot wipe off the lens of lite Despite the difficulties were secured right at the the Falls The spectator can we the huge clouds of mist rising from the foaming water and gazing aloft as though actually present at taking of the pictures sees the huge cataracts of water hurrying over the brink Many Canadians have groat natural wonder but large majority who have Some people have very sensitive nerves A trolley car was crowded be yond capacity and there were more fares than seals Two men were seated side by side Why do you keep your eyes closed all the time In that singular manner one of the Oh was reply It pains me see so but ladles standing I A merchant prince of Manchester en gaged a rising young painter purpose of having his own to oils conveyed to The MBS were arranged How long do you think It take asked the model Perhaps fifteen days was the re ply Sittings began and the artist so heartily into his work eleven days the portrait was done Why asked this Croesus of OX- when Ihe fact was annoy ed to do you Intend four days work It docs not matter at all pot trail Is finished answered the painter Well sir this Is not business said a hundred guineas and days work I am ready to the price hut you ought not to spent an hour less upon the work than we agreed for There was no use arguing with a- man The painter look his brush again and spent four sitting more lengthening little by little in por trait the ears of his patron Weekly seen there never this Is a had lUc John Campbell of the Battalion died at Camp Borden WW heat stroke following the big parade Tuesday and there were prostrations through the day FRUIT CHERRIES See your grocer for those- delicious While Cherries arriving dally The Red Sour for pie and preserving are about ready Red currants coming along LOOK FOR THE MAP This Rebel Is your pro- It Is Niagara Peninsula Growers personal guarantee of Quality Note his number your deal- er that your fruit must have map and that you take none without It mm wens no EAT MOM CANADIAN IV ARCHIVES Si ONTARIO- TORONTO

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