Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 14, 1916, p. 4

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t f iTH A political writer of some i past century the that politics make queer 1 and remark- holds 4r In toil tire v Compound j Act This fani wa- MS nervous spells sad the blues My chil drens load talking and romping mmke me so nervous I could just tear everything to pieces and I would ache all over and feel so rick that would not want anyone to talk to me at times E Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re stored me to health and I want to thank you for the good they have done me I have had quite a bit of trouble and worry but It does not affect my youth- looks My friends say Why do you look so young and well I owe It all to- the remedies Stopiel Moore Avenue Washington Park We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles nervousness backache or the blues could see the let ters written by women made well by Vegetable Compound- If have any symptom aboutwhich you would like to know write to the E Medicine Co Lynn Mass for helpful advice given free of charge dissolution of Parliament on the Reciprocity Issue- mark what followed Ihc wis Billet- temporarily by the Conservatives in Opposition Ufa present Borden Gov ernment- at their first session the demand for the measure so strong- that they were- compelled to take it up as Government bill In point fact it was practically the only really useful leglBlaUonof that first sessiot under the administration Practically therefore the Libera Opposition in the Commons and tin majority in the Senate are en- tilled to the credit the Grain Act giver to the country Of course ceriah amendments were added to the by the but Liberal majority in the Senate cor rected these amendments- arid saved the country rallwaf and eleva tor monopolists Furnace Work 1 I Plumbing 1 Kir of Our Specialties St the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop HE TINSMITHS in i SONS Smiths Grocery STREET NOISES The July number of the World directs attention to the nuis ance occasioned by noises made public thoroughfares oftentimes causing unnecessary alarm many municipalities have regulations providing Tor the punishment of this nuisance but they are not observed with any special regard for propriety Although the municipal code pro- London En women of then- card of the wounded or assist in work of that kind are their to promote good work They soldiers at the front The have given i so trouble to too government that it undoubtedly the hearts of those hi mui- have turned all to aid the fighting men and so ebon come after this terrible war is over Thousand of women in Canada have overcome their and have been cured of womans ills by Dr Kerces Favorite Prescription- This n started nearly half a century ago Dells most widely today because it la made without alcohol or narcotics It can now be had in tablet form as well as tiqutd every woman who suffers from Laekache headache nervousness should takethia Preecrip- tio of Dr Pierce It is prepared from nfiares roots and herbs and does not contain a particle of alcohol or any Its not a sectet prescription for ingredients arc oh wrapper Many- a woman is nervous and irri table Wis dragged down and worn out for no that she can th of In per cent of these cases It is organism that requires attend weak back dUsy spells and black circles about the eyes are only symptoms Go to the source of trouble When that is corrected the other symp toms disappear i v i j tV A Story of the Sea Wartime B i j i St Thomas I wish to say for the benefit of other women who Buffer that I recommend Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription a great help I have the same to many who in turn have been helped a reat its use Mrs J St St Thomas up on me rapidly It matter was ber for if would take were a neutral flriri we nrove ourselves neutral we would boI to for us papers at It about ifejck tnwben weiilaovered the cruiser the tell dark she had witfalb five or six miles I ordered every but she bVoiadimmedlately after flred Then friendly fog earner along and a mantle about us that not- even could penetrate nVanddld On of October And us again Julia asiled from New York for one of the crew came GeOoai Italy- She was an English hot- me and rerrted that the men were torn hi great fear that the ship was haunt- verted Burepead war had bnbcariM sept for broke a States vfeasel the man who had heard theiti and or She carried a cargo of copper him to t6the part it was for Italy or wa to ship from whence they seemed to be to a couhtry engaged bave emanated He led me on to a -TT- t lower deck where there were a few staterooms several of them copper was In great demand tor the Then suddenly a manufacture ammunition And Bound of some one crying came from further knew that although were of two doors sailing under the stars and stripes our before I located the sound Then try captain was constantly on the lookout Ing a third I found It locked for war vessels though I am not sure J knocked but my doing so whether at that time copper badbeen Increase the sobbing within Weare friends and wish to Then why have you locked mo In here and left me without food of drink The voice was that of a woman v par it a r reserves tell your ferbcer to send ft I lieges ret m Excellent Busineis High School College Departments NEW BUILDINGS with LATEST HYGIENIC EQUIPMENTS The largest In Caturls track fivritamfag pool theatre Kales Ik slreet- shouting for instancy yet its provisions arc seldom enforce and a certain of actual is allowed to pass Of years a new offender has appeared In the automobile driver The Municipal World says Not the least offender in the catagary of noise makers is the freak automobile alarm Many varieties are in existence and as there are also various of freak drivers the conibinatlon becomes nerve rackihg At- tempts have been made vlthoul permanent success To these alarms and to secure uniformity This would also be of advantage in accustoming horses to the approach of auto- mobiles No question but there Is truth In this observation and it is of sufficient importance for of and other organizations along with mu nicipal councils to urge upon the On tario Legislature the enactment of a law secure the desired result Editorial Notes The lawa from Sir Wilfrid is planning to deliver at least three pub lie addresses in the Province of Ontario during the coming month In riep he will also speak at a number of political gatherings In Quebec According to a press despatch from Ottawa moie men are wanted for dr It is stated that the Bru sh have requested Naval 10 dlior men from Canada l- for probation and flight lieutenants in the Naval All Service Applicants must be he ages of and Canada has contributed men Jhc Imperial Airman Service Naturalists tell us the life of a fresh egg is three days in the country call them many days later The outside of a egg is coated wltlian albuminous substance The rnomen the egg is laid tltis substance is of sticky nature but readily when it comes In contact with I hi air The purpose of this coaling is to prevent the egg from spoiling are likewise told that If the egg be washed this coating Is removed he keeping qualities greatly This be a useful hint to keepers Constructive legislation fur the benefit of the masses Is fir aim ami he and his supporters working diligently to discover the means to attain the end The Libera Leader hopes- that hit visit to Eng land will equip him with a fund o useful information on which to draw in his endeavor to grapple with problems In this country The Jus demands of the working man for consideration lias been already row acknowledged by Mr Howell in life work in connection with the Work mens Compensation Act Ills proposal to Institute old age Pensions and employment Insurance Is being en- Ontario i Summer Session Now open In 8hawe Business 8choola Torohto Contnuea until Aug when Fall Term be gins No vacations Enter any time Free catalogue Write W H 8haw President A cablegram on Friday last from England announced that the King had received David Lloyd Ceorge that day and handed him the of office a the newly Secretary of War In the British Cabined Karl Derby liar been appointed under Secretary of War SI Id GREENHOUSES QORHAM NEWMARKET For Spring Planting GERANIUMS for BEDDING I TOMATO A8- VERBENA and other Bedding Plants- Floral of every de- made on short notice We notice a despatch dated at the close last week an nounces that have agreed to an exchange of civilian prisoners This exchange will effect many thousand Germans who were In terned In after the sinking- and a large number of civilians In German Interment camps It Is to be hoped for Is of the farmers Ontario to counteract or at least If minimize the loss experienced Ins year by rust on the wheal oats and barley crops will prove successful The Dominion Department of Agricul ture estimated the loss to from rust in reached are making larger use formalin to loss this year It Is slated the City press that a deputation from the Hoard of Trade re cently waited upon Hon lames Duff Ontarios Minister of Agriculture reference to Hie matter and urged an extension of the work in getting read for planting of fall W8 PHONE Sv t fe i A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED In every good town and district in Ontario where we are not represented Territory reserved for the right man Highest commissions paid J Attractive advertising matter i t i sacs mm SPLENDID LlftT OF NEW OR 8EA8ON Including the NEW EVERBEARtMa RASPBERRY REGIS 8TONE and WELLINGTON The Nurseries TORONTO ONTARIO Tlie Liberals as yet In opposition have been showing leadership In con nection with agriculture In the legis lature and a sympathetic willingness to study the question outside tint House The agricultural Is taking note of the altitude Of the two parties and there are Indications of such a slide at the next general el ection that The Department of i culture as at present constituted will slip into deserved oblivion During this present week the Ontario Hoard of License Commissioners hove sent mil to every doctor druggist dentist and veterinary surgeon in the Province a pamphlet containing por tions ft the Ontario Temperance Act Which comes into force on the of September next This lias been done so as to prevent the above class es of people from pleading Ignorance of the law On Friday last the Canadian As sociated Press cable announced from Londop that P Armstrong of the Canadian Express Association sailed for Canada that day and will at the request of Sir Foster place full Information before coinmerelal In terests of tire prospects of the devel opment ef export trade with Europe provided private interests cooperate with the Government in systematic Mr Howells great policy of social reform has been Liberalism Aggressive Llheralisn was urgently needed when Mr Row el seized reins of Liberal Chariot boldly attacked the great est social evil of our time the Liquor traffic During the contest which has Just token place In North Perth the Government hasbeen whining that they have no credit or sup port from the Temperance people offset the antagonism of lie Liquor in terests over the passing by the Gov ernment of the Ontario Tcmpcranr- Act The Temperance people evident ly remember that Mr Howell man to raise the Temperance Issue and force the Governments hand and who therefore should have the credit for tills outstanding mCOBUrC development of business J i Here Is something Tor Municipal Councils to think about In the July number of the this question Is asked The Assessor between September and April for succeeding year He places doge assess ment At the court of appeal parties say the dogs are dead or lost or some thing has happened that have not got them Has pie Court of Re vision the right to strike the dogs off the assessment or remit The answer given Is an in IhU Is of Farm Spring and Summer A French official report on Mon day says We have upward of prisoners guns machine a large number of rifles mortars and other military LABORERS VVANTED The Western Provinces of Cana da are not experiencing an acute ol Laborers for which maltes steady work and good wages a certainty has call ed for Laborers and an equal number Is required In Manitoba and Alberta After a thorough canvass of the Territory served by the Canadian Northern Railway It was found that an average of men Is required a the points from which returns were received An average wage Is per month Including board Is being the highest being Der V v further particulars as to the required and the wages at the various apply to Butcher Agent or write I declared contraband of war We Steered a course south of that usually taken by ships bound for the Mediterranean In order to take as lit tle as possible There are few vessels to be met with on that part of the ateri and we did not speak a ship till we were In longitude 32 degrees minutes west latitude degrees 20 minutes north and then we spoke a vessel we came upon because she had been abandoned She was a Bmall steamer of about tons Our captain after satisfying himself that be coald get no reply to signals sent me aboard of her with a dozen men to examine her ana report I found her In good order but the only living thing aboard was a dog He was dying of hunger but I considered that be could not have been left there very long or be would doubtless have died for I could not any Indications that foodbad been left for I went below to have a look at the cargo and found the bold full of rifles The machinery seemed to be in good working order and there was a trace of lire left In the furnace The only thing wanting was the lifeboats I saw no reason why she should not be taken Into port as a prise I signaled the captain telling what I bad found he came aboard to have a look at the ship and cargo himself We concluded the vessel bad sighted a man of war and that the crew expecting capture had concluded to get away themselves There several by which they might have escaped In a fog or by bearding a faster vessel than the pursuer The absence of the ships boats tended to conOrin this theory The captain concluded to try to get tho vessel into port prize If could be taken to Europe her cargo would be very valuable but of course there was danger of capture by war vessels for there was no doubt that a cargo of rifles was contraband of war Anyway the captain directed me to aboard with the men I bad with me Including en engineer that ho would send me and ordered me to try to get the ship to either a Spanish or a- Portuguese port If I could get far enough north to reach the western coast of France better still but be ad vised mo not to try for France unless was chased and saw a chance to es cape in that direction Since there was fuel for power and food for a prize crew there was noth ing to be sent me except the engineer Soon after arrival tho fires were relighted and steam having been gen erated parted with tho I took a mors northern course and next morning was out of sight I found that our prize her was the Pelican was a faster ship than might have been expected from her size could do fifteen knots an hour There were flags Of all nations aboard which was not surprising con sidering that carrying a con traband cargo Indeed there was every indication that she bad been taking big risks One unexpected discovery was made there had teen a woman aboard Wo found in a stateroom wo supposed to have been Intended for the captain a lot of feminine paraphernalia Think ing that In this room I might And something that would throw light on the ease I made a careful search I found nothing except a crumpled bit of writing paper on which had been written In a womans hand locked In my room I am frightfully worried about you must happened- I will try to set to you but I dont know how HELEN There was Just enough In thla to be Who was father And who was Helen She had evidently not been able to send her message and bad crumpled It and thrown It Into one of the drawers I would have proceeded at to look for the time I discovered this I was called on by watch who had sighted a line of smoke on the star board quarter I kept on the same course till the steamer came near enough for me to see with a that was a cruiser though she display no flag then I pot the ship due which would piece the cruiser tern She was evidently coming up for she increased rapidly in six pot on all ateami but the crwtoer her that If she would open the door I would explain certain matters td her of which she might be Igno rant She replied that she could not open door for she not the key whereupon I decided that if she could not open it I would Look out I cried- Im going to break down the doorl drawing put my heel it aod it flew open Inside was a girl about nineteen years old She was dressed but bad got Into a berth to avoid the opening door Grouching back was evidently un certain whether we were friends coming to do her harm She was very pate and weak and I saw at once that she was starving Before questioning her I sent for food of which I gave sparingly Then I carried her up to the stateroom where bad found womens clothing She told me that this had been room and she had been taken from It by several members of the crew to the one In which had found her As soon as the girl was able to talk fully expecting that the mystery of the Pelican was about to be solted I ask ed for- her story I was doomed to dis appointment She knew very little more than I did father was had been master of the Pelican He had sailed from a small port In the States Ho had told his daughter fore sailing that she might go on a trip with him more On morning when she bad tried to her stateroom she found dooi locked The same evening she had been taken to the roorn In which I found her and confined there A supper had been given her and the next morning a breakfast That was ail she knew She was- much surprised to learn that ship bad been desert ed and greatly feared for her fathers safety for she was sure that If free to act ho would not have let her to perish I cross questioned Miss Bradford- Helen Bradford was her to get some clew that would enable me at least to form a theory which would solve tho mystery I got nothing She did not even know that the cargo con of rifles was aware that a great war being fought and her father had told her that the ship was liable to bo overhauled by a cruiser and searched but whatever happened would be In no danger only Incident mentioned bearing on the case was that the porthole In her state room had been darkened at Our voyage proved an exciting one chased as we were on several occasions by cruisers Wo showed a neu tral flag and at the same time a clean pair of heels The worst of it was that wo driven off our course several times and thus kept wandering about In tho Atlantic ocean On ono occasion being chased by a gunboat wo would have been taken were It not for the fact that could do about a knot more than she I whatever could spare In trying to comfort Helen Bradford and slnco pity Is akin to love I may boon in lore without knowing if I certainly- on my mind to keep from anything sentimental I found out afterward the nature of my feelings for girl I had been in strumental In rescuing During a spelt of bad weather wo lost our reckoning and one still morn ing enveloped In a fog we ashore on the coast of Morocco had various visitors among them an Italian trader to whom I confided the secret of my cargo Ho proved wealthy enough to buy It and paid ma In gold I went asboro with and crew and the night a made kindling wood of the Pelican I married Mies Bradford and we returned to America I myself a court of admiralty and divided price for tbe cargo as I considered yust my wife getting tbe principal pert We have net as yet heard from father nod the mystery of tbe Pelican Is still solved My theory that crew that being chased by A they left the ship In skips boats the captain a prisoner with thorn His davgtrUr AUPUrpose Sugar packed In original bags or cartons The accurate weight of LANTIC SUGAR in orig- inal packages is a great help in pre serving as it the work to be done without weighing the sugar For strawberry preserves in light syrup use quarts of berries to a 2lb carton of SUGAR For richer pre serves increase the proportion of sugar according to taste LABELS FREE Mai us a ball trade mark cot from a bag or carton and we will send you gummed printed ml 0nS strawberries raspberries blackberries currants ATLANTIC SUGAR Power BldgMontred ft 1 MAIN STREET x Specials for Friday and Saturday Running Shoes and Pumps NOW THE 8EA8ON AND HERE ARE THE GOODS FOR THE 8EASON AT OFFSEA80N PRICE Ladles Patent Leather Velvet and White Canvas Pumps Reg On 200 Pairs of Boys Girls Ladles and Running Shoes at Greatly Reduced Prices Ladles and Misses House Dresses Sixes to 38 Reg on Sale Two for Sideboard Covers Reg on Sale at 23c Pillow Covers Reg pr on Sale 48c Mens Fine Top on Sale for 39c each F 3 Doors South of Kino George Hotel AUTO CAR FOR HIRE Proprietor a Hook itf chums you WE ONE OF VIE GET 1 I have been from three to J GRAND TRUNK TIME TABLE a j j am ewmararet am Toronto Mr am am pJn No earlytrain MondaymornIng and late train Mmrck Octet Evew a AmsAsS v 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC

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