SEE fit ffjBS5a j J J zim CHOPPING DAYS the Ontario Monday Legion last Monday day at tremendous victory for the and evidence of he growing decline of ionfidence In 1 J BENT House on I Prospect Ave month Apply to Alfred Queen Ft rr T of Hay In fields Apply to P East WANTED 1 FURMI8HED ROOMS Young children wish to gel two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping Apply Box 3 Era Office POCKETBOOK LOST On the way from to Newmarket on July con taining about in cash and a note Finder will he rewarded leaving same at win this office John Decoration Day AT NEWMARKET CEMETERY ON SUNDAY JULY 16TH 1816 Sf ftr the an So ones taking part will meet at the Market Square and leave for the at 3 headed by the Band SCOTT K ROBERTSON ii- President S Ejus FOR 8ALE Rubbertired Buggy Steelex tension Top Carriage Horse Buggy and Harness- Apply to K ROBERTSON Newmarket PIGS FOR 3 Brood Sows and their little Pigs Ihosecond litter A REYNOLDS Cedar Valley a j- WILL HOLD WAR ANNIVERSARY I i Wan At the meeting of the Toronto and York Patriotic Association It was de cided on motion of Sir William president and seconded by Rev Wilson that a patriotic demon stration be held on August the 2nd anniversary of the declaration of war simultaneously Willi other de monstrations in all parts of the Em pire to reaffirm Canadas solidarity with the allies and to express her desire that the war shall be carried on to such a conclusion as will prevent the recurrence of Germanys attack on the liberties of the world The form of the demonstration has not yet been determined but it may takesjlace in Queens park on the evening of the historic day In presenting financial state ment Mr slated that the demand on the fund was rapidly ap proaching the 10000 families which was set as the likely limit During the past month the sum of which is in excess of the previous month and was paid out to the wives and dependents of soldiers families making the number of the families now rcceiv- assistance Were added to present adniiniatraiiob The majority at election of was turned by Mr into majoruy The Conservative candidate- Mr John A is personally popular In the district and has proved his popularity by being elected Reeve in a Liberal In Issued to the press after his defeat had beeiijannouned ho blames to gether he liquor and proGerman vote He claimed that the Liberals had can vassed pilice with the he as a me nib of the County Council had been too generous in voting for In their- campaign material the fcohservaliye Speakers Informed the electorate that the- election of Liberal would mean a slam at the Brit ish causey They especially lauded trir Sam Hughes so Sir Hughes may take some of the blame especially as the soldier vote wenl largely agalnsihim was the Conservatives only other cry True Hon I Lucas slated at the first thai was to be the issue and the only But the parly failed to influence the public and soon aban doned the bilingual cry So it they fell back on prohibition Mr Hay made himself very clear He stood on Mr Howells platform he said The result was that white Mr Hay polled the normal Liberal vole in Stratford City enough Con servatives stayed at home to allow their parly to be badly beaten The result is a decided blow to the Hearst Government as a desperate ef fort was made by the Prime Minister Cabinet Ministers and members of the Legislature alike to ward off the de- It indicates very plainly that the are tired of the sort of Govern ment they are receiving from the men in office and are turning towards Mr W Howell as the ablest man- in public life in the province of Ontario The press of the Province of Ontario very generally will note with satisfac tionthe statement of Chairman of License Board that every effort will be put forth to prevent whiskey going to Gump Borden Word comes from the eastern pari of Ontario that Smiths Kails Perth Kemptville Carlton Place and Al monte will Jointly unite in a scheme to secure for their respective municipalities from said corporations will hold a meeting on the of next month to consider the whole ques tion and take action list It is now quite evident that win more be A press despatch from Ottawa this week stales that arrangements are be ing made for allowing several hundred of the men who have served at the front to qualify as officers through casualties to he filled from the men in the ranks best qualified through experience and training In the fiiiii- of the past month there were over officers casualties in the throe Canadian span A the exceeded vn r The total number of receipts re ported during the which together- with 7M3 vfously received makes a total payment on account of the new subscriptions From the end of last month to July further rccelplfi of have swelled the total actually paid on account of the new campaign to that the new fund Including grants from the city and county which have not been paid amounted to 000 the amount paid Is not too sat isfactory says Mr report The subcommittee appointed to deal with this matter intends giving a good deal of time and attention to the col lection of the moneys due on the new campaign and think the result In that connection will be quite evident a lit tle later We have or hand as on Hid day of June the sum of The total relief expenditure to June Of the applications made to during the past month were declared not eligible and were held over forfurther Information cause of discharge death or trans fer to some other branch families with children were- dropped from the lists The total number of Individuals on the fund is 57j8 of whom are children end adults viile the average allowance per family for the month was and for indi viduals It is announced that the Fish and Department of the Ontario Government has decided to send ex perts In order to ascertain whether the Inland waters of the eastern and western parts of Ontario contain a sufficient supply of fish to warrant permits for net fishing being granted We can assure the Department thai Lake need not be visited by Its officials are all too scarce since the carp got located In its waters The Toronto Telegram remarks lliat Mayor Church Is going to start something doing in regard to the Metropolitan Railway franchise The statement is also made that when talk about he radial railways was broil gilt up for the last election ami the plebiscite was taken the people voted for the city to contribute to wards the Hydro Sir Adam Reck at that time spoke at meetings and said the Metropolitan railway was to be bought If possible Mayor Church now says 1 am going to as Kir Adam Heck purchase of the Metropolitan Although Ontario has experienced an unusually wet spring the Belleville Ontario has an article full of suggestive thought headed signs of Draught It says the brewers big horses will be hauling loads of soft stuff around the country and the lolly paunchy driver will no longer strain at the rope that lets the quarters and halves down Into the innkeepers cellar A Toronto brewery Is advertising ginger ale I The white flag Is flying to the breeze and the great headache factory Is wondering what It may do with Its vats and colls and loads of barrels and bottles To this extract the Globe adds Upon that kind of draught the Province will thrive mightily Ail r IP Good Substitute for Can Rubbers When about to close a of the very often finds herself short of a rubber band or the breaks A very substitute can be made from newspaper This is better paper because say It better They often use it to make small pipe joints air- and watertight Cut several layers of the paper- required put them on the and screw lid down as tightly as possible preferred rings of soft leather cut from the tops of may be used they are not as from newspaper At the Markham Liberal picnic on Saturday Mr P Johnston of Toronto wan one of the princi pal speakers and he did floy the Do minion Government Without gloves Here Is an extract from his reported address You must ask why Sir Robert did not call for Sir realgnaUon Whydldhe not appoint a man to that position In whom lie has the moat confidence Why did not Borden put In conslUon for once In his life act In the Interests of his the of which he largely con trols What Is behind all this Is there some reason why did not give Hughes some other job Has he Hughes such a grip on hs that they dare not touch THE TREK v With the punctual the aroused the slumbering at on the morning of Monday however last relief of sentries Then uShcred in a glorlou ummer dawn with the clear notes of he reveille At the roll- men inspected and physi cal drill carried on Breakfast over veryOnfl set to lo gel things In readiness for the trek Drays and earns were driven dp by the farmerW who failed the column of the places of encampment At Uie sound pi the bugle ten is the ground and by a and everything of and Bugle the column through tjife slree gaily with flags Along the parade were gathered of the residents show the boys so many of their favours to have one look at departing heroes Then the dusty and the parching eft ho doubt that summer had come and the cold and rain and muddy roads of the previous weeks which were so at the lime were rendered pleasant in memory than they worefn reality However the men pushed on in fine and with unflagging spirits The eleven miles lo were covered at the rale of 3 miles per hour By noon the camp was pitched and a cold lunch served As usual In the afternoon platoon and squad drill Were carried on At p hot meal was served in the evening a monster audience listened the speeches of Major Pink Cap tain Davis and Captain Mills The moving- pictures Were highly ap preciated On Tuesday morning July this land of plenty which the good peopb lavished on the men was left at a mv and the Town of Newmarket was reached at a m A parade was made through the Main streets after which camp was in the Fair Grounds In the evening a large crowd assembled to listen the ad dresses LtCol B Brown P Pearson Esq the Deputy Reeve who occupied the chair Alex of the Captain Chaplain of the Battalion and Gibbons Wednesday July was a red- letter day in the annals of In the morning a big parade took place through the streets head ed by the bands of the 206th Irish- Canadians the 127th Yorks and the 220th Yorks under command of Major J Pink LtCol Brown took salute at the King George Hotel and with him was his father II Brown and Lt- James both officers of Begimeot York Bangers and LtCol A of the predominating colours Tags of the same colour were sold by young ladles of Ihe Town who wore armlets of a similar hue In the afternoon the Fair Grounds a magnificent scene displaying every summer tents Imag inable and dense crowds watched the various events such as baseball matches football matches races and lugofwar etc or found refuge in Hie various booths where thirst- quenchers of every description were obtainable The piecederesistance among the various events was a between the team of the and a Ford motor car which wasnt In It for a single moment The box ing matches In the Fair Building were largely attended and the principal at traction was the bout between Long boat and in which the palm was awarded to the Indian The three- mile race was won by Tod Woods of Toronto Sportsmens Battalion The motorcycle race of five miles was won by of Newmarket who heal of Toronto by i narrow margin A sum f over was raised for the Battalion as a result of the various attractions The Battalion owes a deep debt of grati tude to the Ladies and all who help ed to make of July a Battalion Day hi every sense of the word The Military Camp was an ob ject of great Interest and added great ly to the picturesque appearance of the grounds were given of drill and In the evening a conceit was given under the direction of Donald McGregor and the following artists gave a moat Interest- Ing program which was much appre ciated Henry Bennett Miss Maud and Miss Madge Williamson Thursday morning July nth the column mlved on to Aurora and camp ed on the Cricket rounds In the evening a monster patriotic meeting was hold Addresses were made by Rev A Logan of Toronto Captain Aubrey Davis Lieut Gordon and Captain Mills The chair was taken by Major Pink On Friday morning the ninemile march was made to Richmond Hill In a blazing sun The fact that fell out speaks well for the condition Of the men The Ladles of Hill supplied strawberries In profu sion which Were enjoyed and appre ciated very much In tic evening ii meeting was held Reeve was present and speeches were delivered by Major J Pink Brown and Captain McDonald of Toronto is visa ing her JohnrLBrimsx Mr and Airs Geo- and Lake J and Wilcox 1 pate7aerori of Toronto has been Spending hex holidays Miss Mrs ifcCftrmtci Pembroke is a visit with her mother Mrs mother of Mrs is spending a few weeks relaUvesin the Cily and Walter his sister and friend have returned from a motor trip through the Stales Lewis and daughter of Oak ville- are occupying Lawyer house while they are at Orchard For ted days and ton hurled themselves at German pause Sir Douglas in the re- i SEED Gordon Lonsdale of Toronto hi up at Newmarket spending an en joyable week wilh his uncle Mr Lyons Mrs from and two children- Imperial ribsk ar- here on a visit with her father Mr Wilson St V ljt J won a medal a race on Dominion Day for boldhead now at Camp Borden the capture whole of lheenemys defence oh a- front o vards iThe number the British ftOO The a ft- fiye trenches support trenches arid extending for depths from to yards It included Ave- strongly village numerous heavily wired arid entrenched woods and a large number of immensely strong re- Twentysix field gunsi one na val antiaircraft gun one heavy howitzer were captured These are apart from the guns hidden In houses and buried in the debris Promstron Examinations ill si the -Spring- Is- heret and planting time is now fln system handle Rennles Selected which of 14000 best on the market VEGETABLES Fresh Celery Tomatoes Cabbage and Lettuce i t We have a large variety of 10o lb Prunes 10 and Raisins 10 and 1 and Seedles3 Raisins Evaporated Apple lb cured and canned fruits lb- iff it it fort dp 2Cand15cpk- Miss Manning is fipendfn and 12cpkg Fruits of In two or three weeks at the Camp on and will visit at Lindsay before her return Air and Mrs and her mother Mrs Parr left- On Tuesday for a trip through the as far as- They expect tbbe gone about six weeks Mr Rogers and wife of Toronto were visiting with her Miss A Rogers over Sunday also Mrs Rogers and son Mr Norman of St Miss has closed her studio in Toronto luring July and August and is spending part of her vaoatlon at Port the guest of Mr and Mrs A Coombs Miss Simpson of Toronto is spending a week or two Miss Kleanor Stark Her parents Rev P and Mrs Simpson leave on Tues day for a trip out West as far as monton Miss Olive Garrett accompanied a number of Saskatoon teachers on a trip Friday night last via Great Lakes Ere returning will visit friends In Toronto Bradford and other places Wat Signal Miss Beatrice Lyons of Newmar ket is in To rod Id spending a few weeks with her aunt at Carlton Street Rev and wife have relumed lo their home in Pitts fori I spending his vaoatlon wilh his uncle Mr Alfred Newmarket and other relatives around Lake Mrs Neil Morton Is visaing her brother and other relatives and friends at her old home Brougham int for a week while Misses- Bessie and Laura are spending heir holidays with their sisler Mrs 1 at Mass Besides Boston ami oilier New Coast places they visit Rev and Mrs J Hall formerly of the Christian Church here now at Franklin N The following the June Examinations held In S No 3 Names appear order of merit Jr iVtoSr and Johnson Flossie Ernie Harvard Crawford Elmer Coiner red Jr Harry Thompson Amos Crittenden Foster Douglas Station Fred Fisher rec to Jr III Nora Wilfrid Frank George Oldham to Freddie Herman Stevenson Bessie Station Morris to Jr Ruth Gladys Hernia Jewell Jam Park Lulu Taylor Cecil Edna Stevenson Howard Station Mamie Fosten Teacher x Phone THE LEADING Hon can You can buy Cheap For Oasb EMBALMING A SPECIALTY i Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phones 17 and 26 Plums and Gages tin tin Peaches and Raspberries tin Pineapple and Strawberries Up I a R PURITY AND QUALITY MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes STREET NEWMARKET Cameras and Suppliea TELEGRAPH OFFICE lono No 151 Store Phone No J tions The Cradle At Hospital on June and Mrs Andrew J Municipal 2 to Mr Phillips or a daughter WAY In St Josephs Hospital on Monday June 1910 to Mr and Mrs May of Place formerly of Pine Orchard a daughter ARMSTRONG Sunday July to Mr and MrsWaller Arm strong a daughter THE i PATRICIA THEATRE WESLEY BLOCK i THE POPULAR BROADWAY FA VORITES DBM YOUR EYESIGHT having your Prescription accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly Lenses Ground On tho Promises Mall and Phone Orders Promptly Killed PERCY THE OPTICIAN BLOOR STREET EAST voni TORONTO Phone North pete In lo Pie and daughter on June Mrs Pole a Juno Promotions No marks required to pas Suc cessful pupils as follows to Stiles Prod Wood Nellie Horner Jr HI to HI Nellie 108 Roy ftgo Harding Corner 308 thec al to Jr in Viola Greenwood Oliver Margaret Lyons Michael Harding Dorothy 359 rnan Jr to Sr Peter Matt Norman Howard Oliver recommend ed he Id all McKvcry Teacher i of Whitby and Clara Kevin of vere at a Sunday School picnic near Mills On Saturday morning July Camp was at oclock and lite long trek to the City was start ed at The spirits of men were of the highest all through the inarch The Column was met at by the Headquarters Com pany who accompanied them to Park where of the Trek were Inspected and by Brown at a Ho On Is Till Up Tl I 1 Whatever wrong others may show you whatever harm may come upon you- the result of unfortunate cir cumstances IhV Injury these things can do It strictly limited All the rest Is doneby discouragement -Tie-hope- attitude if mind can Work more Injury to than other No is really be ton until he gives up In Newmarket on Inly Mb to Mr and Mrs Will a son In Landing on July 1916 to Mr and Mrs Arthur Ough a son In on July 1 to Mr and Mrs Silas Ilea cock a son The Altar CLARKE VAN At MlC home of her parents Vandor on June by Aurora Van Nostrand only daughter of Mr and Mrs Al bert Van to James Al- Clarke sod of Mr David Clarke IN THE COLLEGE ORPHAN A Brilliant Drama of College FILMED IN MAGNIFICENT ACTS Wednesday Evening July Master Key Every Tuesday BrokenCoIn Every ThurwtoJ Admission Ten Cents Newmarkets Family Theatre DOORS OPEN AT PM HERBERT KINLEY P O Box Newmarket The Tomb- PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS Dogarttown Public School Review examinations names In order merit A who obtained per cent or more of the total num ber of marks those who obtained toss than per cent of the total Jr and HI papers for both A Roy Mazo Evans Aimer York KdltK Pry Medra Williams Clella Wilder Prank Lome Audrey Duncan Pearl Rose Irene Crew A Norman Wasley Myrtle Clarence Myrle Alfred Allen Jr ARIchard Irwin BrMay I A Shanks Suddenly at his late residence Sutton West Thursday July Kilmer Charles be loved husband of Funeral at on Saturday July PHrLLTP8 At Municipal on July 1st Mildred Alma Allelta May only daughter of Mr and Mrs Andrew J Phillips of TRAVI88 Suddenly at Browrihin on Tuesday July In his year Funeral Thursday to Mcfunt Albert In London on Wed nesday July 1016 Mrs Allen In her year The funeral will take place from the residence of Mr Hall Prospect Ave on Friday the at oclock a Service at Pine Orchard MeeUmj House at 10 and Interment to the- Pine Burying Grounds 1 i Isabel Ada Fred BUi- mar Myrtle Of a new traw hftt at on The time is here your FELT HAT neither look right nor feel right and of these w your needs to eet It off one straws 1 Our windows show the correct style for this Snappy shapes all of them varied i height of brim and crown so that there Is a hat to suit man YOUR STRAW HAT IS HERE I FROM to TORONTO