Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 14, 1916, p. 1

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difficult ijl Repair We Do Yours Watson Graduate Optician The Leading County Paper as well as Oldest arid No paper sent out of North York unless paid in TTackSON Editor and Proprietor WON AssistantEditor r Quality Good Prompt Service TRY- l THE BINNS HARDWARE THE PAINT STORE A Our Toronto Letter flllR OTTAWA LETTER lilmsi en vrsno inn HOT WEATHER GOODS Refrigerators Screen Doors Screen Windows Ice Cream Freezers Hammocks Florence Automatic Oil Stoves Meal Oil Stoves Perfection Oil Stoves Detroit Vapor Oil Stoves Verandah Roller Shades ft OXFORD AT NEW LOW PRICES Berger8 English Paris Green lb Iron Pipe Valves and Fittings Newmarket phone BANK ESTABLISHED BOARD OF DIRECTORS Y D Amos Eh ffldLjbrE ml Profit Tool A 19153 SAVINGS Deposits received from up on which interest allowed C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD QUALITY FIRST Oil Satisfied Customers and More Orders tell the Whole Story CEMENT Fresh Car Just In W PEARSON Office Phone met from Carters Bishop Jlles John E Murphy INCORPORATED ofTORONTO Its Fund When You Travel Take money you in the form of Bank of Toronto or of Credit art absolutely Life and are a protection against loco by theft fire or otter Their coat a Inconsiderable Obtainable from any of the Dank of Toronto i In Ontario Quebec and the West BRANCH S y A Manager The more lend- ut at ana Material OF ALL KINDS LATH A r ALSO i MOULDI Will Trim Throuah Out After It It Up SBM8M LTD Toronto I opening a market It is expecietl llie mar ket building will be ready for occu- by the 1st of August Up to this week the City has celved from insurance companies the sum of on soldiers Injured In addition to these the City has ac cepted the liability for on the lives of Toronto soldiers on whom there were no policies and whose in surance will be paid out by the City treasury According to present Indications portions of York Township bordering on the City for two or three miles will soon be lighted both houses and on the streets from the Hydrd- power It is now stated that the whole val ley of the Humber Is reserved for Park purposes The boulevard scheme will he changed A new bridge construct ed and a new driveway on the East ern bank the river Two taxicab drivers were sentenced by Magistrate Kingston to fines this week for having been associated in illicit traffic Flanagan who was reported among the missing overseas has sent a postcard to his mother in this city that he is now a prisoner A Toronto woman Mrs Katharine Fleming was killed in a street car accident in New York on Tuesday Joseph Woods of the Township of Vaughan was committed for trial this week by Magistrate on a charge of stealing chickens High Park Society re cently held a very successful flower show In aid of Red Cross Fund ceeds The Overseas Committee of the Y M C A are in receipt of a cheque for from Mr Arthur Blight this net proceeds of a costume recital given by his pupils for soldiers comforts It is estimated that over 20000 peo ple visited the inland resorts on Domin ion Day A pickpocket named Letcher was sent to the Ontario Reformatory last week At the annual meeting of the To ronto Conference for the Relief of War Sufferers Inst week a financial report was submitted which stated that since the 1st- of August the sum of had been raised The grounds of Toronto Schools are being kept open this sum mer for young people to play in during the holidays Up to the middle of last week the Toronto Fresh Air Fund to give poor children of the City an outing during the school holiday amounted to At Sunnyside Farm Lake a party of 48 are enjoying themselves These will he replaced on the Inst by another party of all at the expense of this Fund It Is a deserving charity it Is stated that Mr George A will make a tour of the world to study A conditions A statement appears In on evening paper to the effect that the Ontario License Department are taking to prosecute two or three Companies for manufacturing patent medicines alleged to contain too much percentage Of alcohol The liquor question may huso a change in the Ontario Cabinet Quite a number of auto drivers were fined and costs one day last week Ordinary people are amazed at this for auto men must see that policemen are watching them Ten handed out a piece at one ses sion of the Police Court recently half of them for driving paid street ears and did not stop to allow to alight At a meeting of the Womens Emer gency Corps held In the Central A recently Mrs an nounced that large number of wo men were now employed In the muni tion plants One factory which had tried women as an experiment has now asked the Emergency Corps for more The P train for the West con sisted or ten cars filled with Home- seekers for the Prairie Provinces on Wednesday night of last week the largest crowd which felt Ontario since April On a charge of stealing over A Hew was sent to Vie Kingston penitentiary for three years on the way to attend the celebra tion at Newmarket last week neap Hill the chauffeur for Brown was seriously in jured when the auto he was running was overturned Shown Superintendent of the Methodist Church Canada has been gazetted Honorary Colonel by the Minister of Militia Increased cost of living Is the Clubs of the City As a result members of some clubs have been notified that a slight Increase will hereafter Sir Sam Hughes In a letter to Dr Orr gives assurance that his depart ment will cooperate to make the military part of the Exhibition nex month a success Mrs Hannah Crosby who died here last week aged yearn was born In Russell and Commis sioner participated In a heated argument In the Juvenile Court when the former asked for an adjournment of a case was refused and the adjournment was d to write to the AttorneyOeneral In the Police Court recently John Martin was fined ft or Ottawa The other day Sir Barns special train conspired wijha level to kill one man injure another and destroy a horse But Sir Sam must have his special train when on the countrys business So must Colonel Allison when he Is scratching gravel As a gravel scratoher Colonel John Wesley Allison to have beaten his best previous record such was the inspiration he got from Sir Saras cheerful manner The words had hardly fallen from Sir Sams lips when Colonel Allison began to scratch like a poultry farm He found gravel everywhere he scratched ten per cent being his minimum laceration Noth ing was too small to engage Colonel Allisons attention as a gravel scratch es He turned tightly from a twenty- million dollar order for fuses to A five hundred order for bayonets Canada was Ids gravel pit wherever he looked Some people will be to ask as did why it was ne cessary for the British Admiralty to use Colonel Allison and his crowd as mid dlemen In its negotiations with the Militia Department of Canada for the purchase of three million rounds of defective ammunition which was not too defective to be used In machine guns and why it was necessary pay the Allison gTOup a twentyfive per cent profit on cartridges that cost them twenty dollars per thousand The answer is simple enough Colonel Allison was the official er for Canada having been appointed so by Sir Sam This was part of the gravel he expected to scratch Ever since Colonel Allison got his orders to scratch gravel he has been on the job sixteen hours a day per haps more In fact It Is that he cut his sleep down to keep up with the gravel train and that Is why his health broke down his health is now restored and he can look forward to a old age enlivened by troops of friends who honor him as the most diligent the most enter prising and the most uniformly suc cessful gravel scratched In the West ern Hemisphere If not in the habitable universe When Colonel Allisons children gather round hi knees and ask Daddy whom did you do In the great war the reply proudly Evorybody I It goes without saying that it takes financial genius of a high order to scratch gravel as as Col onel John Wesley Allison did Some people may think It Is easy to grab ten per cent off the top but Just let them try Even Colonel Allison might have found It hard land orders If Sir Sam hadnt backed him tip with kind words When the Allies saw how much Sir Sam thought of Colonel Al lison they naturally coughed up nil hey had to the super- patriot It may he Sir Sams policy to people like the Duke of Con- naught mil of the country hut we must remember on the other hand that it is his policy to Induce people like Colonel John Wesley to come in and taken advantage of us Meanwhile certain matter seem to have escaped Sir Sams mind Sir Sam Is still the Minister of his resignation of the office and Premier alleged tenor of It being strictly for advertising purposes Sir Sam does the work and that being the case it is a wonder that he had not thought before now of appointing a Director of Recruiting Recruiting Is In way In Canada right now The Impression seems to have got abroad that the five hundred thousand figure set by Premier Borden Is a bluff and that all that Is expected of the Militia Department Is to mark lime This sort of humbug docs not please sincere officers who arc anxious to raise new regiments Tills spirit on the part of the Militia Department has filtered down to the young men on the street who believe now that the regiments are simply going through the motions have no real deMre to hasten re cruiting- Even the recruiting ser geants feel this chill In the official air and when they are not blackguard- Ing the crowd for not enlisting or as saulting bystanders because they will not sign up they are laughing at their own foolishness In kicking a dead horse Recruiting Leagues are disbanding all over Canada- most of them with mutual recriminations one prominent citizen asking the other why dont you go and similar In vidious remarks A movement which should be regarded as he highest sacrament of patriotism has now alas become a generul source of Irritation WhatH more It has decended to cheap tricks such as planting converts In the crowds exhorted at the street corners and luring recruits that way This apathy toward recruiting which has Its source In at Ottawa may be expected lo continue so long as people think that the Government Is riot In earnest about It And the way tin tan thatll nlssn prove that It Is in earnest is ap pointing a Director of Recruiting who will get a systematic and in telligent plan and cut put the vaude ville stunts Msny people In Canada believe that no at all Is bet ter than the efforts we are mak ing now The other day the Govern ment suspended the Express tor printing an editorial against further nil ting Canada but even this Inci dent doeo prove that the itself Is In earnest about further recruiting if the has nothing YEARS AGO f From Era July J RENO park MONTE A picture showing one of the cottages of the Monte Reno Park where the Methodist S S is holding their excursion this year The park has been specially prepared for handling S S picnics The best of boating and bathing and splendid athletic field Cdme and have a good time Going by Grand Trunk Special train July Fare adults 35 children it looks as if he was being made the goat ft is worth lhat the document which Colonel Chambers the Chief Censor produced as his authority for scaling up Editor Smiths premises was signed P E Secretary of State a gentleman who in times past publicly favorpd shooting holes through the Union Jack to let a little more freedom Mr name at the foot of this loyal docu ment puts a very sharp edge indeed on the joke Meanwhile Mr paped Devoir continues to print sedition of a kind that makes the Sault Express editorial look like corn meal mush P NEW ARSENAL The- death of Mrs Stephen Wallace of Whitchurch aged years Also of Mr Lloyd of King aged years A soiree held at Mount Albert on the 5th Inst was a great success The cavalry troop recently formed here- turned out In their new uni forms on Wednesday The people of Sharon and vicinity have raised a Volunteer Company The men drill regularly every week Mr Thompson formerly In the em ploy of Mr Sykea was found dead In the marsh in Whitchuroh- Dr held an inquest The North York Agricultural So ciety at a meeting on Saturday de cided to erect a show building on the Newmarket Grounds j I i A3 AM YEARS J Lindsay July The first wheels will be turning by the of Septem ber In the new Dominion Government smallarms ammunition factory In this town One cause largely contribut ing to Lindsays getting this big Do minion arsenal Is the fact that she has a large supply of electrical energy on lap The plant will be located In the South Ward whore a site Of one hun dred acres has already been paid for The contract or building the factory Is In the hands of Wcstinghbusc Church Co engineers and con tractors of New York who propose to employ four hundred men on the erec tion of the building and the Instal lation of maohincry The building will be of concrete steel and glass The number of employees Is to be two thousand half of them men one- fourth boys and onefourth girls They will work eight hours a day their wages are to be regulated by the Civil Service schedule Millions of dollars it is reported here have al ready been expended on machinery and a big rolling mill plant has purchased outright In the United Slates Arrangements are under way to have the cornerstone of the factory laid With public ceremonies within the next few days A number of men from Lindsay will be sent to the ammunition factory at Quebec to learn the details of manufacture to take responsible positions In the plant here Lleut- has charge of the Government end of the operations Indigestion Qtpman Lottos In Jutland Fight Two battleships of the Drear- nought type One battleship of the type The battle cruiser One of the Dread nought type One battlecruiser so badly damaged its return was doubtful Five light cruisers seen to sink one possibly a battleship Six destroyers seen to sink Three destroyers bo badly damaged It Is doubtful if they reached port One submarine sunk Petrograd July 6 Nearly half a million Australns and Germans have been put out of commission since Gen eral began his great advance a month ago today The grand total of prisoners to date is in round num bers 236000 of are of ficers The War Office announced today the capture yesterday of more than Teutons of whom were taken on the Dniester front Two hundred and fifty cannon and machine guns besides large quantities of munitions were captured ANOTHER GERMAN SURPRISE Many people arc martyrs to Indi gos 1 1 on and its attendant ailments without having any thoughts of what lies at the real root of matter They eat and drink too much often at the wrong limes ami then complain or else dose themselves with medi cine simply because it cured someone else If the same Individual consum ed the barest amount of food fur few days and that of the plainest description he or she would find their indigestion vanish once There Is nothing like for any thing wrong with the stomach Some faddists shite lhat to eat no breakfast is an infallible cure It Is nothing of the sort The body re quires food but If the amount wo eat was cut down onehalf It would still be sufficient Study- the diet and drop all foods that cause Indigestion In this rcspeol what agrees with one person may he poison to another Therefore test the food yourself Sweets and starchy food should be dropped for a time Orange and lemon taken the first thing In the morn ing are good especially orange juice I have known this fruit cure a case of chronic Indigestion when nothing appeared to have a permanent ef fect Hut the great thing Is to reg ulate the diet and only eat what and not to drink with the meals A DEATH BY AOOlDHNT Baltimore July The worlds first merchantman the German underwater liner anchored Baltimore after voyaging safely across the At lantic passing the Allied blockad ing squadrons and eluding enemy cruisers watching for her off the Am erican coast She carries mail and a cargo of 70 tons of costly chemicals and dye a tuffs and a message from Emperor William to President Wilson and Is to carry back homes cargo of nickel and crude rubber sorely need ed by the- German army The carries mounted In her conning tower two small guns of about threeInch calibre No tor pedo tubes are visible She Is able of submerging In less than two minutes On the surface of the water the submarine has a speed of from two to three knots an hour more than the average merchant steamer Fifteen days out from to Baltimore the submarine- reached safety between the Virginia Capes at oclock this morning The undersea liner Mr understands Is about feet long and thirtyfeet beam and Is propelled by two great deisel oil engines She Is as large If not larger than any of the German naval submarines and carried deadweight or cargo From Era July The AltarOn July 8 at the home of the brides mother by Rev J Mr Geo Cole barrister of Cal ifornia to Miss Lilly Wood daugh ter of the late Joseph Wood of New market On the J Wil kinson Mr Wallace- to Miss Mary Elizabeth all of Whitchurch Sunday Schools of King and West Gwillimbury held a convention at Lloyd town on the 1st of July Miss Annie of Toronto Is spending a couple of weeks visiting- old friends in East mak ing her home with Mr W A Mr p of West Toronto is spending Mb holidays with his daugh ter Mrs Walter Mrs David Evans has so far re covered from her recent illness as to be able to attend church again Mrs Walsh is spending a week in the City Mr Fred Day left for England last Friday Mr of Toronto Is spend ing a few days In Town Mr and Mrs Isaac Sliver of Toron to were in Newmarket over Sunday Mrs Is visiting at the home of Lawyer Robertson Mr Frank is spending a few days at At a meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Christian Churchon Wednesday Mrs Prosser was elected President In place of Mrs resigned It Is announced that Dr McConnell of Toronto Is going to practice his profession at Ketlleby Our school teachers are returning home Mr George Fierhellcr from Duntroon Mr Ed Srigley from Mr Ed Lehman from Shrub- mount Dominion Day was celebrated wllh enthusiasm at Holland Laonding ft 1 J i sis A a An held Into the death of John Gordon caretaker of the Summit Golf Club near Bond Lake who met his death on the evening of June near Jefferson when he was struck by a motor car was held in Wrights undertaking rooms at Richmond Hill Thursday Coroner Wesley of Newmarket was In Charge After hearing all the evidence Jn the pose the jury returned a verdict of accidental death tor neglecting to attach a war stamp to box of tooth paste he sold a Montreal drug gist fined or a month in jail How things do shift about Japan has sold to for use against Germany the big guns that Germany sold to Japan to knock out I Samuel Bennett of Bolton was seriously Injured at Weston last week when his horse got frightened and ran away He was thrown from the rig and had his collar bone broken rt fefcj Armltago Public School No K A W following Is the classification of pupils for after the vacation IV Waller Terry David Lunney Hen- cock Bruce Lewis Owens Beatrice Florence Campbell Jr IV Emily Haines Chester Woods Owens Nellie Buckle Hobble Lewis 429 Laura Blanche Pottage 3G7 rcc Jr- III Leigh Vera Aubrey Mao- Main Alice 338 Dorothy Ernest Edward Lewis Ernest Cook Walter Baldwin Clarence Pottage 391 Walker Harry Newton absent Arthur Smith absent Sl5 Lome Owens Woods Dorothy Lunnoy Marshall Evelyn Keith Hart- man Part Second ClasrfOordon Douglass Beckett Primer Eleanor Hill Margaret Clifford Walker Jr Primer Evelyn Mildred Walker Frances Kitchen Leonard Owens LIta Newton Lawrence Mao- Main Oscar buckle ft kindest and wishes for the greatest possible cooperation success and prosperity t successor pupils parents trustees and section also with my but deeply appreciated for the innumerable kindnesses lam As Canadian Pacific Great Lakes Steamship Service Canadian Pacific Steamship sails from Owen Sound p m eaoh Wednesday for Ste Marie Port Arthur and Fort William Connecting train leaves Toronto 525 p m Full particulars reservations etc from any Canadian Pacific Agent or W Howard District Passenger Agent Toronto m i E4 I VIVIAN CJ5 i Service was held at oclock here Sunday morning In the SundaySchool room Mr Fred spent Sunday and Monday Niagara Falls Miss S Cook spent a few days with her mother- Mr Earnest Summerylllo of To ronto spent a few days with Mr Chas What takes to so am EX rVi often mm i Mr leaves for Lind say as foreman for the Grand Trunk Railway the first of August Pretty fine weather we are having Just at present Mr Atkinson spont Sunday la the city Mr -ii- ij Mr Priestly spent Sunday with Chas m and tr Toronto to fill more than thirty times as many positions as they had graduates during the last tvVelve Write for Cata6gue

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