Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 16, 1916, p. 2

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mm m H5 SB SS5t a f a TV K r 1 f- das is ess s rai l rf k ess 1 J- EH T57 JjTl S3S arfff 3 ill 3 B i3 lFi s L FOR albioalhew Bargain Write Box Office r TO OR RENT house Raglan St bath and all a Newmarket hereby vD that Colin of the City of Toronto In the County York itf the of Ontario Manager will apply to Canada at Ihe next thereof for a Bill of Divorce from wife Catharine Poole oa the ground of adultery- Dated at Toronto in the Province the Eighth day of January A DUFF Bay St Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant OPEN AIR Band AND PATRIOTIC MEETING ON THE MARKET SQUARE NEWMARKET On Saturday SPEAKERS IRWIN K a Clerk f the Peace for York Co PICKUP DAVIS CAPT and others Come and hear some of the facts about THE GREAT WAR Every body Welcome HON E J DAVIS Chairman WANTED An Apprentice or an Improver Apply at the South End Bakery Newmarket Miller Bros ir- For Apply Specialty MEN WANTED Wood and Metal Department at Employment Office Office Co Newmarket Boys and Girls WANTED For Factory Inside work all year round Work under good conditions GOOD PAY Active intelligent operators machines wanted for 1 Write or apply to CANE SONS CO NEWMARKET A yi A i R WANTED For Summer Resort at Jacksons Point Good Cook Girls and Woman for Kitchen work also Char Boy Apply to Wlnans Newmarket WOOL WANTED Dont sell your wool before you see me- Top prices will be paid Phone 232 at my expense P Newmarket AUTO HIRE Any parties wishing to go out into the country on business or pleasure can be accommodated by with his new car Terms reasonable Orders left at the Market House will receive prompt attention Phone 232 ftere forboys years 4ge lb during The Liberal Monthly in llib lejests is offering IWq prizes and in jnaddiUon- to a commission Jo that journal It coals5C a be in of everjsufJporUr Wilfrid Send 63SparksSt Ottawa tber information Greed and graft was dealt With lengthy manner report or the which was submitted to the Conference in on Saturday During which followed te- Mills declared complaints made in connection with graft were not attacks on any particu lar individual but an attack on a system he was ashamed of The people of all creeds and- politics are disgusted with the greed of politicians contracts when in every com munity our boys- are sacrificing their lives in the cause of jus tice and freedom The of Rod and Gun is on the news sland3 its list of contents is of interest as u5u at to the sportsman and life in open on the and Canoe Routes to the East is the leader in Infq is sue which contains ampngolher stories unfortunate encounter an enraged fishermans Luck Trout Fishing on the Stave River an article on the Destruction of Fish and Game in the Mountains de scriptive of the- damage that is being done in that region by resi dents who are ignorant of or criminally careless as to the game laws besides well con ducted departments devoted to guns and ammunition Ashing notes the kennel the trap etc Rod and Gun the sportsmans magazine is issued by J Tay lor Ltd Woodstock Ont Our Toronto Letter A mass meeting was held in Massey Hall last Monday evening and declared favorably for na tional registration Half the men who had volunteered for overseas service were married men while single men were clerking in stores groceries and icecream parlors doing work that women could do A change was demanded Harry Greers experience of a mixture of gasoline and whiskey who placed the gasoline in his qulo and the whiskey inside his own person had to antitip and costs in the Police Court this week for his action Lieut Col of the Overseas Battalion writes Canadians on the battlefields of Flanders are confident deter mined and undismayed There will only be one ending to the war no matter how long it lasts It has got to last until the Ger mans arc driven out of France and Belgium A conference in regard to pow er development was held the be ginning of this week of both Provincial and Dominion Cabinet Ministers Hydro officials and municipal men regarding the Ni agara situation Hon J J AttorneyGen eral in the late Sir James Pi Whitneys Administration and Minister without portfolio in the present Ontario Government passed away on Tuesday last The 220th York RanrscrseasBaitaliOn has the an air- meeting was held at Scarlet huge that was lighted with selec- Band and the that The a was occupied by the Rev made a rous ing speech K C- spoke with splendid effect- Ho appealed to the born pointing out that up to February of 270 recruits in Canada Were Bfilffoespociajly appealed toJthesihgle men show ing that the a year for- a married than for a single man Other Mills and Lieut On Tuesday evening a meeting was held at Silverthorne which brought several new- recruits to the Battalion The Battalion Band was again in attendance Addresses were delivered by Mr Henderson Gibbons Rev and Lieut Mr Henderson said that just as Nelson had laid the foundation for Britains seapow er so Kitchener had laid a found ation for Britains landpower which was sounding the death- knellof Kaiserism He appealed to the young mep to come forward and lake their part in Britains i fight which was a just one and was being waged for her nation al existence Ho that if recruiting officers- seemed at times to be overzealous in their work it is because they realize the seriousness of the present situation Gib bons the story of the battle of St and eulogized the brave Canadian boys who had stopped Germanys rush to Calais He said that the men in the trenches frequently had wet but they never got cold ones and in all they endured they found compensation in the fact that they had done their duty Thursday out that up lb ffiat the village of Schornberg had riot contributed a single recruit to the Battalion Mo- J A si also addressed the the causes of- tliewarV showing at Britain had Apt sought it and had tried mqan3 to prevent it wad a yt aid have port every Canadian He slated that fercd to his try Captain Pickup the of situation and showed how Canada in- intheissues at stake He depicted Canada as it mightbe under rule po litically- socially religiouslyand morally and emphasised the fact that there was only one way of keeping Canada under the British flag and that was by fighting He then discussed the various excus es men gave for not up who remains at to make money and a pleasant lime He called upon pie Of New market a returned soldier to stand on theplatform arid asked the audience give him hearty cheers K the Adjutant of the then made a strops appeal for re cruits and was Major Kirtley who balled upon the men to come and en list with the Ball Moving pictures were shown arid the hand of the Battalion aroused grcjil enthusiasm Sunday June On Sunday detachments from Headquarters and the surround ing depots paraded to the Presbyterian Church for di vine service where an excellent sermon was preached by the Rev Bach About men of the Battalion were present On Sun day evening two patriotic meet ings were held one in the Theatre on Bathurst Street other in the Royal George en the corner of and St Clair Davidson Esq spoke at both meetings and ap pealed for recruits with splendid results F Mills In Howard of Ottawa 8 IhftveeiLJ J- Air- Toronto spent Sunday in his father rhe tltorVnd Mrs JackBOD rrMr5Cj anil family to Orchard on- Wednesday for Mr John S of H I t i few Jersey is here Visiting his sis er it rs Clancy Price and of spent Sunday R Aon an attended the wedding of her niece Miss Alurlei Ate Ga Hum at on June arid planting Ronnies Selected Seeds the boat on the market- me I now on we conild Fresh Celery Tomatoes Cabbag and Is DAILY ABSORBS WEEKLY If PHOTOGRAPH Hi i f f A AND MOTHER Mow It would delight your children how It would please your friends Let Us Make Them For You I ZURBRIQQ Phone- Studio Oo Door West of the New Poet After more lhau forty- four years of to its readers the old farm and fireside paper The Weekly Mail and ceas ed publication on May and Us many thousand readers have transferred for the remainder of their weekly sub scription term to the list of sub scribers to the Dally Edition The passing of the big metro politan is largely the re sult of the increasing operation of the Rural Mail Delivery in Canada and especially Ontario which has rendered the Dally pa per an imperative necessity to rural residents who depend en tirely upon the City Daily and their own local paper for all the latest news and market On Thursday night the officers of he held their weekly meeting in St Pauls Hall Major Pink Acting Officer Commandingwas in the chair Reports were received from the various depots throughout the County and the results attained were very satisfactory consider ing the unfavorable weather that had been encountered Ft was re ported that football and baseball games are being arranged for the men of the various depots The Battalion is still in need of a drum instructor for the Bugle Band An open airrecruiting ral ly was held on the same evening at Mr Oliver of the McLaughlin Mo tor Company addressed the meet ing He referred to some unkind things that had been said about the Canadians pointing out that they were absolutely un fair and untrue as England had set the rest of the an ex ample in recruiting If there were any- men in the who deserved to he censured they were the Canadian born Gib bons also spoke appealing to the young men to offer lliefr services for their King nod Country In or der to the brave boys who had been so long in the trenches Mills Pickup and Ma jor Kirtley were present and gave brief addresses brass and bugle bands were in attendance and moving pictures and war films were displayed plained the Cartoons which depict the horrors of the war in Belgium R Pickup and Lieut Robertson also spoke Solos were rendered by Lieut CJohn8tone and Mrs The Bugle Band was in attendance and the various bugle calls were given At Headquarters- much activity is being manifested Meetings arc being every night at den Park or on Ihe street corners with encouraging results Trills Brown and Miss of Toronto are guests of Miss for a few days John is visiting hersister Mrs McDonald in Toron to for a couple Of weeks Mr and Mrs Klrby spent the weekend in Toronto with her brother Mr Arthur Coombs Mr Clark Town He lias charge of the new Printing at Canes Factory -r-Miss- Currey and Miss were the guests of Miss Mason aLNewcastlc over Sunday 77We regret to learn that Pte Bruce C of Oak Ridges has died of wounds received at the front Mr and Mrs from Quebec Province are newcomers to Town He Is employed at Canes Fac tory Mrs had a few ladies In for afternoon tea Wed nesday to Miss Roberts of To ronto who is her guest for a few days Capt of Aurora and Pte of Sharon were among the Canadian Volunteers who were wounded in the great battle on the French front last week andc 10 and 12 lb 10 and lb and Seedless Raisins Evaporated Apples lb Dates 10 and 12 Canned Fruits Plums and Gages 10c tin Pear8l2y2C tin Peaches and Raspberries 15c tin Pineapple Cherries and Strawberries 18 Phone mmm OR This poem composed A of 220tl York Overseas Bait The dny has sped and night has spread Her dismal shroud oer Britains head Old Englands greatest Warrior dread Brave Kitchener is dead maids and matrons weep Children and old folks still may sleep In earned ease but men must keep Their tryst with Britains foes One more we owe them but that one Shall cost the thriceaccursed Hun All that hes won by guile or gun Or Jack Canucks foresworn Canada as in the past Cold calculations from you cast To honor youre committed fast Youve nailed your colors to mast To quell the foe On Flanders fields your thous ands slain Call you to arms again again And you must go weighing pounds was caught in Mud Lake this week by one of the employees of the Stone Lumber Co Blind River is again the victim of a disastrous- lire which has swept the east side of main street as it did the west side some years Mr and Mrs Andrew announce engagement of their daughter Florence Mildred to Fred erick J Henry both of Chicago Illi nois the marriage to take place In the Fall Mr and Mrs Frank Curtis and Mr and Mrs ftf motored to on Saturday to visit an uncle Mr Geo arid return ed on Tuesday night Imvnghad a de lightful run Rev J Stewart of Owen Sound was elected as the neW Pres ident of the Toronto Methodist Con ference lie has been In the ministry Ills leading rival for tin honor was F Wilson of Street Church Toronto Others in running were Rev J I Simpson J Wilson and Rev Geo Robinson When he look the chair the President elect had Con ference holding its sides with laughter by his typical Irish speech of thanks for the honor done him At one time he was stationed at Aurora and Ids father was resident of for some years before his death Rev of Bradford was ejected secretary the business committee comprises- Drown Rev J I Simpson Hon J Davis and Mr Alex Mills PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes 1 9 MAIN STREET NEWMARKET for Cameras and Photo Supplies Freeh Chocolates Weekly OFFICE House Phone No Store I J IN MINUTE8 as GOAL Oil mm mm J5 Li J 5e ram mm 5 mm f s John Campbell engineer of the Waterworks has perfected a device for his automobile which robs the increasing price of of Its terrors For time ho has been experimenting and has suc ceeded In developing a principle by which he burns coal oil instead of power The principle of the new device Is a coal pipe passing from the sup ply lank around the exhaust the beat of which evaporates the coal oil before It passes into the com chamber Mr Campbell hat applied for a patenton blB He ha been using the fuel several days gallon oeoaj far gallon of gasoline and at less London June An official statement saya that the Hampshire was mined The vessel was accom panied by two defitroycr until Hampshire was compelled to de tach them on account of the heavy seas an hour before the explosion Survivors say the Hampshire In ten minutes Destroyers and patrol vessels hurried to the scene Search parties were sent In motor cars along the boats seen to leave the ship Admiral Jetllcoe concludes that all wrecked on the lee shore Twelve landed from a raft All hope has been abandoned for the others Ausftjah destroyers hoyp sunk thirteen large Turkish Friday June On evening an oped air patriotic meeting was held on Ave Earloecourt Mr J McNichol occupied chair Gibbons spoke with great effect He said that the great losses St wcro duo to the fact that they did not have sufficient They look ed in vain for reinforcements that never Hundreds perished because young men of Can ada held hack and refused to of fer their assistance Mills Lieut Griffin and Major also gave stirring addresses The brass and bugle bands provided the music and moving pictures of military events were shown June 10th On Saturday evening recruiting meeting was held at Dr Presi dent of too fiohomberg War who acted as Chairman very kindly placed his lawn at the disposal of the for the meeting Captain Aubrey Davis was the first arid made a strong appeal to the men of the Township of King to take their part In the great Was pointed The Cradle At the Rectory Brad ford on JiinclOth to Rev and Mrs J son HUNT In Klnjf on May to Mr and Mrs ChOijCS son i near on June to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cowiesonason The Altar At on Wednesday June by Rev Mr Scott of Wye- vale to Miss Muriel daughter of Mr Hugh of PRESERVE VOUII EYESIGHT having yourPrescrlption accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted 1011803 Ground On Premises Mail and Phono Orders Promptly Filled PERCY THE OPTICIAN STREET OF iir TORONTO Phone North The Tomb in Scott on Saturday June 1016 Robert In year Funeral Monday to Ml Albert Cemetery At Jon lure Henry in year MORTIMER On June 13th 1016 at his residence Dufferin St Toronto Peter Mortimer husband of Elizabeth Mortimer aged years Funeral from Newmarket depot to Cemetery for In yesterday morning KNIGHT On May 23rd at the home of her daughter Mrs Us Milwaukee Wiscon sin Laura Robinson wife of- late Thomas- Knight of Mich In her year Interment at Leamington At StoUffvllle June 1916 B el dest daughter of the Philip Of a hew straw hat at once- The time Is here when your FELT HAT neither looks right nor feels right and your Spring Suit needs to set It off Is one of these smart Straws Our windows show the styles for this sprlnj shapes all of them slightly varied In width w height of brim and crown so that there Is a hat to sullereq man- YOUR STRAW HAT IS HERE PRICES RANGE FROM 1 to 5 Phone Heist can buy your a At me- Grant Hushed In J J n s il

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