Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 26, 1916, p. 3

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A I t it I I he He IB on ill it- il- h- a- ill lie A Of US Keeks- Iioeal f vt OS Cot License incial arc off to detect Wfd renewed Newmarket Thai be visited one of penalty for run- tee license is to en is having her St imp Mr- Woollen is in he tie double tenement to for smaller bouses had put down in his last week la fine King Saturday Next Council meets at Keltleby is he 1st of is Council meets Aharon on Friday June 2nd Council meets at next Wednesday from Kings Birthday Day was duly ions in Schools here last Tues day evening by patriniic songs a in all the Diyisi NO OCCASION FOR REGARDING ONTARIO CROPS The seeding in Ontario has greatly delayed- by- un favorable weather There is however no occasion for pessiinv ism The season of 1897 was says the Globe on -all- fours with this and still the harvest from the spring seeding that year was above the normal More over fall wheat was a failure in while this year it promises well In addition to this fruit prospects and the returns from orchards vineyards and small fruits are yearly becoming of greater importance could not well be brighter than they are Taking everything together there is much more reason for encour agement than for discour agement I believe this is go ing to be the latest season for spring seeding in my recollec tion said Prof A of the A Conditions how ever vary much with localities and with individual farms On some of the lighter soils seeding is finished on some of the heavi er land it has hardly begun In the vicinity of my own old home about Coldstream in Middlesex County farmers are through In the township of Adelaide just north of that where the soil is a uniformly heavy clayhardly a start has been made In parts of Norfolk again the grain is up on some ether farms in the same county nothing has been done Our Toronto Letter CANADIANS London Germans made a utile attempt to gas Canadians a week ago Sunday Suspecting gas- the Canadians The Slbuffvnie Bait- are holding a ciaYand dance Hall Wednesday Juno7 Threepiece or- Admission alert for some the Can- jS was the Patriotic Social at ffflruiian Church on Monday new building is to be Games and season Street by wram was given lhe Guarantee Company rue Sons of England Benefit So- piano solos and piano ducts eld eir annual parade and was followed by ami ice cream week is missionary night How Missions are bless ing the world Ezek 47112 To be in charge Mrs ind Miss Annie Hills Any of the members wishing to give a mis sionary offering are requested to so next Tuesday night adiah commenced a heavy bombardment of enemy Irenches- Some wellplaced shots smashed the German cylinders arid the vapor escaped blew it in clouds towards thtj Canadian po sition but the Canadians with gay masks on and standing to were ready for it and the fumes had little effect Just at this time the wind became shifty and blew a part of the gas back upon the Germans greatly to their discom fort Following up the gas the Huns advanced with a fierce bombing attack but our bombers drove them back in a few minutes Then came a lot of German infantry They were almost annihilated by machine gun fire Followed a second lot of infantry and these were driven back almost at once Though our soldiers suffered very little frtom the gas its fumes were strong enough to tarnish brass buttons and some of it sweeping around behind killed a number of horses A British brigade- in a neighboring sector received the gas in some what more concentrated form than the Canadians ALL GOOD COOKS USE BRUNTON8 Mr has returned la his farm in after spending the winter here- Mr Garnet Cutting of Bridge- burg was home for a few days last week Our popular miller has pur chased Some class to Wonder who will get the first ride Miss Violet Mills and friend were driving on Sunday afternoon is spending the weekend with her brother in Newmarket Our church shed is almost fin ished When complete it will be of the best sheds for miles around Another Social is to be held Wednesday evening May 31 at Mr Mannings on the Line A good time is expected Everybody we want suffi cient money to complete shed We the Best IftioDate of House- Furnishings In the trade Large Variety of Carpet Squares at old Oil and 10x4 Linoleums yds wide and 4 Draperies In Endless variety Madras muslins Art Sateens Art Drills and Cretonnes rt -i- CURTAIN POLES AND BRA8S EXTEN8ION RODS i ma Viz Most Lines In this Department we are selling at old prices are below new prloea W A vj TOWN LINE ITEMS DAYLIGHT England has decided to save an hour a day by turning the clock ahead At one oclock am on May 20th all clocks in Great Bri tain if they want to tally with the official timepieces were turned ahead one hour The empire at one jump saved an hour of day- church service last Sunday at St ot only will there be a James Cathedral Bands of ll were in the march and one special S estirnatel feature were the men in- khaki Rev Canon Methodist Church The pastor look of the service last Sunday morning and in the evening he preached to the students at Pickering College A special musical number at Pie morning service was a solo by Mr- Mason with violin accom paniment by Mr Rev randy conducted the service on Sunday evening sermon being by Dr Wood of Pickering College who took for bis theme What is Religion At this service Mrs Mason and Sirs sang due It Mr P Pearson gave an ad- at the League on Monday evening was the officiating clergyman Sir Wilfrid was in this city during week and held a conference with Liberal leaders here During thc past week head of cattle were slaughtered at the civic abattoir The York paraded to Wesley Methodist Church and listened to a sermon by Rev Long According to City Hall figures there are now 37000 Toronto citizens in khaki On Friday last degrees of different kinds were granted by the University of Toronto at the annual convocation Twentytwo Temperance Con ventions are already announced to he held in various cities and Counties of Ontario during June York gathering will be held at Agincourt and York at the former on Thursday and the other on Friday of next week Great Britain there will he a saving of in the artificial lighting bill alone That means an enormous saving in coal which the empire needs just at present ooo- ANOTHER ATTRACTION The aerial tramway for pas sengers which spans the Whirl pool from Colts Point to Thomp sons Point a distance of feet is ready for operation but it may be several weeks before it is run for the accommodation of Ni agara visitors Arrangements not yet been made with the International Railway for stop- over privileges The car which will operate on a series of wire cables will seat persons and afford standing room for more When empty it weighs 3 tons when loaded seven tons It is ten feet ten indies wide twentyfour Paper Prices Advance Like all other manufacturing business the printing offices of Canada seriously affected by tie increases in the of paper ink and all other used in the production of printing All previous prices for work are consequently are necessarily Quotations given a year ago at months ago or even last month are not now effective Prices on all classes of papers envelopes cards cardboards and all material entering advanced from a material has rfearand former medium- Z have incredible Prices have lie can 1 done JjAU e newspapers of MrfutripUfin w London May Yesterdays of ficial casualty list covering the toss es in killed hick wounded and miss ing on nil British fronts during the last week gives the number of of ficers as of whom were killed and lhit of men as of whom were killed This makes the casualUIes of whom were killed The weather has improved and farmers are making good use of their time Some have finished seeding This Friday is the 662nd day of the war Mr John Cook spent last week among friends in Aurora- Mrs Barradell of the 5th Line has returned home after a two weeks visit with her daugh ter Mrs Merrill Johnson on the 2nd Line Horses are much in- demand Buyers are plentiful and prices are encouraging Some farmers refuse big offers Mr Fred built a house for Mr Ed Blackburn of 5th Line last week Having had the misfortune to break his leg two weeks ago the many friends of Mr Tillson of the 5th Line are showing their sympathy for him at his busy time and are working his ground and sowing his seed A friend in need is a friend indeed Mrs Frank Curtis of 5th Line was the guest of the Misses on Sunday last Mr and Mrs Fred Bogart of the 5 Line accompanied by the formers mother Mrs were the guests of Mi and Mrs Clifton Cook on Sun day last Mr McAllister of Aurora was a visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs Thos on the Town Line on Sunday last Mr Dales occupied his own pul pit on Sunday preaching an ac ceptable sermon to a goodsized congregation The Choir were in good form Miss Vera Barradell Tagei and Panama Hate Trimmed by Millinery Artiste at Out Prices 4 fc r a fc t 7 Lot of arid 156 Paper Out at Bo per Single Roll J l 1ST feet long and twentythree feet rendering the solo in a sweet high The motive power will be mellow soprano voice that with furnished by a seventyfive horse power electric motor with a five horsepower gasoline engine in auxiliary Although the trip can be made in four and onehalf minutes it is planned to run on a sixminute schedule Wilson Star Bond the Era to absent friends increase to Have you any Armour on Your If not BUY A GOAT OF MAIL THE NEW 8HIELD PROTECTIVE New Arrival of RADIUM Church JJJJw or last Sunday Jilt ViCCH will iu of J invited Morn- even a little culture will gain for her a name as a soloist Mr Frank foot is slowly on the mend FIGHT LIKE THUE 80LDIER8 The A i aureus Jewelers and Opticians P TICKET AGENT we- fteV hgjy recommended will the first cordial welcome Of is i to Newmarket Iiif served fcl JMlt was very suceess- Sn ie the little on Wool Wftntg roll I l the of were present with their and a Roll Call was held jut on the n removed by program also Jn ftnd Mrs W f KeswlCk of J4la Roll work for North York Interesting and Instruct REGULAR TO ON if Mi Ill Why Ohurch Remember this day resent as an old- being- prepare- Hi ore South of George London May The magni ficent fighting of the Canadian trooips during the recent violent battle at St when the strug gle at times assumed a touch and go character deserves to bo re corded at greater length Further interesting details of this important engagement have been supplied by a Canadian of ficer who gives a thrilling ac count of the dash and heroism of the Canadian forces and of the regiments who fought by their side The main burden of the fighting he states was shared by the Northumberland Fusiliers the Fusiliers and several Canadian Battalions First of all said the officer Let me pay a warm tribute to the valor and pluck of the North umberland Fusiliers They are entitled to the lions share of the credit for the victory which the achieved at St FJoi I have been at the front now for many months and I have lakep part in numerous attacks and counterattacks I have never seen any soldiers called upon in undertake a tougher job than that allotted to the Northumberland Fusiliers A CUPTIK FLNAL It was a painfully slow and dangerous task to cut the wires especially as the Fusiliers were in full view of the enemys guns which belched forth a constant hurricane of shells An opening was at last effected however and then Fusiliers went for the first line of German trendies for all the world as though they woro a football team rushing a goal at a Crystal Palace Cup Tic final A large number bravo fellows fell for their bodies were an easy mark for the German machine guns and They had 10 make their dash over a stretch of ground which afforded absolute ly no cover there was nothing between them death but the breeze of an early morning contempt for the the was grand that Is the only word to describe It and like a wavo they swept over the Gor man trendies Ft must not be supposed that the enemy wero taken unawares indeed they had made careful pre parations for this not unexpected onslaught by the British They fought desperately in Ibo to hand encounter ami for the issue of struggle was very doubtful however the superior bayonet work of the but not until we had witnessed a frightful orgy of slaughter IF IT COST US EVERY MAN It fell to the lot of the Cana dians to take over a position from the Northumberland and Royal Fusiliers- At a certain point we successfully exploded five nines in a direct line and these com pletely shattered the enemys de fences Seizing our opportunity under cover of heavy artillery fire we advanced to occupy an enemy position A dingdong handtohand struggle ensued Germans came out to meet us and though we went for them regardless of losses the decision remained in balance for a long time First we gained the upper hand and then Ger mans who appeared to outnum ber us by 5 to But the Cana dians reckless ever ami de- spile steadily decreasing num bers stuck hard and would not yield an inch of ground which they had taken The position thus captured was vital to the en emy and he continued with all his might in men and machine fire to force the Canadians to retire But our orders were to hold what we had oven if it cost us every man These orders we fulfilled and al though tho enemy made frantic and repeated attempts to dislodge us we succeeded in retaining the position CANADIAN HUMANITY On many occasions I saw our boys out on all fours under a constant machinegun fire to pick up wounded Germans In contrast to this behaviour I saw a wounded German officer actual ly try to shoot a Canadian who was making an effort at the risk of his life to save him It has happened before and will happen again But the Canadians will al ways fight like true men no mat ter what odds may be That is spirit of Canada Central News tOOOv Pieces Only Raw Silk 36 In wide heavy quality 3 Pieces Only Cream and White Curtain Nets 36 and In vide Sale Price 3 Pieces Only Dark and Light Shades Reg 1Bcl Price Fancy Dress Muslins Reg 25 and 35o Price 11o yd Fancy Crepes In Light and Dark Shades Reg yd x Sale Price 11c Ladles Tan Lisle Hose Plain and Ribbed Fine Quality Reg 3Bo To Clear pair Ladles Vests Fine Quality value 8ale Price 1 So i K SUMMER PRIG LIVE MARKET Highest prices In Toronto this week Cattle 1050 EGG COAL STOVE COAL NUT COAL PEA COAL 750 750 750 J Blockers Calves Sheep Lambs Hogs off cars a a a I Newmarket May per bush Si Oats per DUBhv Barley CO 0 per 0 Butter per lb Shorts per ton 28 00 Bran per ton 26 000 oo Potatoes per bog 2 turkeys per lb 0 25 Chickens per lb 0 209 Geese per lb 650 HAVE YOUR BIN8 FILLED NOW AND MONEY ORDER THE BEST FROM lis- V Order by Phone or by Jerry Harrington Ben Man ning or Russ Allan sai HEAD OFFICE TORONTO- I May Wheat per bush Oi Oats per bush Hay per ton Butter per 32 0 per Potatoes per hag Chickens per 0 per 27 Turkeys per lb 0200 per Paid Up PCLEQ President i Reserve Fund HAY Manager mm Drafts Money Orders and Letters of red It Issued available throughout World Dealers In Government and Dealers In Domest Foreign 8avlng tmont at all Interest halfyearly at Our rent Rates r Slay the that Russian submarines has sunk three opens an 8MYTH Newmarket SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION i GENERAL BANKING BU8INE88 TRAN8AOTED

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