Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 24, 1916, p. 8

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Win J do it to the root of the trouble Gil KIDNEY act on the the oothe the which are anils the Elect mod likely A of in world of mm mm A quiet wedding was solemnized it the Methodist parsonage when Vera Viola daughter of Mr and Mrs became the bride of Frederic- Boys of eldest son of Mr and Mrs Boys The ceremony was conducted by Rev Roy Gray The young couple were unat tended and left immediately after the marriage for the en route to Toronto and Bratilford V Toronto L I AURORA A Bylaw was introduced to regu late and present the erection Wooden wnnrr limits in the Town of Aurora Mrs Robert who resides with her Miss Mary Reynolds on Street has knit eighteen pair of socks and of mitts for the soldiers Mrs is and is busy knitting every day She certainly is doing her bit- to by FrulKatWes a stroke of Paralysis in March and his left me unable to- or help myself and the C6nsiipaUon was terrible Finally I took fbreOMTaiM This fruit medicine toned up the and ad tally relieved the paralysis By the I grew stronger until all the palsy left me am now and attend my store every day PHILLIPS own remedy and FrvrtatiTesis made from fruit juices p Wo a bos trial size At dealers or sent on receipt price by limited parent trie month to KinseHaV Saifc on Zephyr tolet at arii cap year ing well attend by the and returned opine on a couple- 6f Tip of our by Wl ike Not ffc but upHoldin right mm K Another we of the The flag Itmows till the fiaiser r 1 JT I will Mr I P of write Gin ire the PS Key nd which l at me a world of in to Ge4 GIN a box or tor 2J0- if you write National Chemical Co Canada Limited Toronto liver Sluggish You are warned by a sallow skin dull eyes biliousness and that grouchy feeling Act promptly Stimulate your liver remove the clogging wastes make sure your digestive organs are and when needed take Ja of Any MKcfaoi Sold everywhere lnboxea25 cants RENT On St acres of land Orchard and good Stable Apply to J Proctor Box Newmarket or Phone Jacob Grove of who died on Feb left an estate probated at The principal item in inventory is the homestead of hun dred acres valued at which is willed to son Grove another son gels a mortgage his father held against his farm at and a grandchild Annie left His widow Mrs Sarah Grove is left an annuity of a year and the testators home ami furniture use until her death or remarriage Other items arc two mortgages totalling cash and other property val uedat The widows annuity is a charge oil the bequests to the sons as we A BRADFORD FOR SALE Building Lots on Park and Avenues Apply to FOR Brick House Lot on prospect Ave opposite dickering Large garden with large and small fruit and good stable Also an house in Apply to St Newmarket IMPROVED FARM LANDS WANTED From to Acres We have clients wanting land to on this Spring- If you have property to sell we can sell it Write us and say what you have got and price No sale no charge to you Address ONTARIO St Toronto ONE HUNDRED YOUNO WOMEN and in wanted at unco to for choice office positions The demand on the IOTT Toronto Is fully five times our supply Write at once for particulars Enter now You Going he Grand Trunk Railway will run EX0UR81ON8 EACH TUESDAY 5i March to October at Inclusive Tickets valirj to return within two months inclusive of date of Hale and Return A Return PropoHlonaU low rates to oth- pointy In Manitoba and Alberta and ticket on application to Depot to J ft Mrs Hand spent Satur day in Newmarket Miss Dorothy Watson of New market spent Sunday in town Mr John Rosamond of New market was in town on Wednes day Miss Clara Cain of Newmarket spent a day in town last week Miss Myrtle McLennan was the guest of Newmarket friends for the weekend After a protracted illness Mr H postmaster of Brad ford passed away at his home on Monday March The deceased was born at Hull England in and coming to Canada ten years later settled at Richmond Hill He became in terested in newspaper work and locating at Bradford in 1866 took over a newspaper then being pub lished under the name of The Chronicle This was changed to The South News and Mr continued to publish it until when it was amalgamated The Witness The deceased was a Liberal and the Mackenzie Government appoint ed him postmaster at Bradford in an ofllce which he continued to till with satisfaction up lo the time of his death For over forty years he was an active Justice of the Peace He was married in to Miss Nellie Walk er who predeceased him Mr had been a member of the village council of the Model School board and chairman of the High School hoard He interested himself in several societies and was a member of high standing In the Masonic A W and lodges Fortyfour years ago Mr was appointed of the Peace and for many years has been Acting Magistrate For many years he was a member of the Methodist Quarterly Board and its treasurer and a member of the Choir Perhaps no man in Bradford was more generally re spected He was particularly fond of his home and family It might truly he said of lilm He was the friend of all enemy of none He was consistent Christian a good citizen a loy al subject He will he much miss ed in the village and in the church The family surviving are Miss and Miss Nellie at home Miss Jane of Kingston J R of Newmarket and P of Marie The funeral was in charge of the Masonic fraternity from the Methodist Church lo Ml Pleasant Cemetery Blackburn of Mb lime convalescing like the roans were almost ladies the Church were hot disappointed in a crowd at I their Social realizing of thirty dollars l saw Is in the district Mr Alex of the Line cut his supply of wood on Monday last We expect soon to bells on the 6th line Glad to hear Mr Fox is on the mend Mr M Stevens ol the Line went the City on Monday to serve on the jury Mrs Gould and cbjidran Bond spent last week with her sister Mrs On Thursday morning of last week there Massed in Toronto the re presentative of an old and local family In the of Mr Joseph brother our most neighbor Mr George Blackburn berry in his day and while he resided in trinity he Was well known and much respected but years ago gone to Toronto to reside with a sister he has not mingled with those who knew him when younger although made frequent visits to the old home stead private life he straightforward and and had an expression ol goodwill for every one He remains were laid to rest la Newmarket Cemetery Satur day morning last the body morning train from Toronto and service heltf St MUch sympathy is expressed Mr Geo Blackburn and his only sister in Toronto at the loss of their only- brother The items wouW be Incomplete to day without a reference to one who was well known to all of us and one whom we shall see more here The news of the death of Mrs George of Farm on Friday morning last at the West ern Hospital Toronto came as a shock to the community and evjoked many expressions of sympathy and sorrow Few In the district were better known In a quite unusual de gree she was possessed o A few months ago she underwent an was renewed last week when she suc cumbed From information recefived we learn her were taken to the home of her a therein as she had interred in a Cemetery that was dear to her for as a and a she had known it Many will miss her especially her huahand to whom our sympathy goes in this hour Sudden and sad bereavement God took her quickly but It is probably the way she woum nave wanted to go LOITER FROM CALIFORNIA f Mar TOioi to Editor of Newmarket Eva- Sir Being a erxfrornMhetoes up though ex iled here a sub urb rl a fewitems from this cesspool of German in- and flagrantly flaunted before the public eye hoping they may be some use Though we have many staunch Allies here J by intermarriage or corrupted by German gold German honor sans Christianity or manhood com to coalesce well with the loose Western- morals of the paperssupposedly neutral bought or they lean to the corrupt German side One scurrilous rag hardly worthy- the name of- a paper in vile English and worse spelling spues out its daily imbecile trash thai only the most benighted could swallowsantagonistic to the British and very friendly to the German Well Id prefer the Germans had such a mouthpiece than that we should be degraded with such illiterate and laughable twaddle Tho paper calls itself The Leader is of Catholic ori gin and swelters with dense ig norance These poor ignorant fools cant sec that if by any mis chance should be vic torious that the United States would soon be a thing Of the past being degenerated to a Tueton holding They dont see that the Allies arc the United Slates battle as well as the bat tle again and he Iron Feet a battle for and against crime arrogance and brutality The Examiner hides behind a thin veil of supposed neutrality but it is so transpar ent that one sits back and waits impatiently for the time when the German brute will be relegated to the status they would like bring the States to Yesterday it issued a canard stating that an uprising of Australian Troops had occurred giving the impres sion that they were rebelling against- the English flag When I letters from nephews who are serving in the army oiling how the troops rose and took all people of German name interned and destroyed their pro perty I knew it was not true Anything derogatory to tho Al lies is eagerly printed but letter after letter with truths about the German clement are studiously suppressed The President seems at last awake to the peril of the Stales and sees the dread meaning of this nation that has sunk all manly attributes on the one of self aggression and the employment of any means la as sure Well they have worthy allies in Turks enclose verscson The War that are teeming with If not with poetry and their halting meter may be forgiven through heir Ever faithfully and sincerely yours T It scoffs at peril- and bravely fights- Till Teuton hoards indulge in flights The dauntless flag of old a sigh as I raise on high martyred flag of poor giunvA proved brave let it Now in Good Health Through Use of E Vegetable Say it is Household Doctor Called it a Miracle I fc or poof i Each swordwe swear unsheathed Till paid in full both bravo and Tree Be to peace and liberty The martyred flag of poor Bel gium Behold the flag nowa tarnished rag The emblem of disgrace and the Kaiser Slays children and sick sloops dastard trick Theemblem of disgrace and the Kaiser Commits pirates of the sea A stigma vile to humanity This The flag as it ought he Tho pirate flag of Ihe Kaiser shows no shame for Leige or The pirate flag of the Kaiser I Us breaking of- pacts its low- graven acts The emblem of disgrace and the Kaiser I The For every soul shall ten Ger mans bleed Lust murder rapine and brutal greed The pirate flag of the kaiser I a month or two when arc through With the pirate flag the Kaiser Germany will a small cup of lea The pirate flag of the Kaiser I They will have to draw the point so fine Curtail their cheese and beer and wine Hoc the Kaiser sell The Watch on the Rhino To keep up the flag of the Kaiser All women ought to know the wonderful effects A tydta E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill Here are three actual cases When I was single I a great deal from female weakness because my work compelled me to stand all day I took Lydia Vegetable Compound far that and was made stronger by its use After I married took the Compound again for a female trouble and after three months passed what the doctor called a growth He said it was a miracle that it came away as one generally goes under the knife to have them removed never want to be without your Compound in the house Mrs Frank 1642 Fulton St Hardly Able to Move Albert Lea Minn For about a year I had sharp pains across my back and hips and was hardly able to move around the house My head would ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite After taking E Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills I stronger than for years I have a little boy eight months old and am doing my work all alone I would not be without remedies in the house as there are none like them Mrs Y6st Water St Albert Lea Minn Three Doctors Clave Her Up Pittsburg Perm Your medicine has helped me wonderfully When I was a girl 18 years old I was always sickly and delicate and suffered from irregularities doctors gave me up and said I would go into consumption 1 took Lydia Vegetable Compound and with the third bottle began to feel better I soon became regular and I got strong and shortly after I was married Now I have two nice stout healthy children and am able to work hard every day Mrs Clementina All women are Invited to write to the E Medi cine Co Lynn for special will be confidential Forest Protection In Canada The Commission of Conservation Dominion lands in the West has just issued a report on Forest dealt with containing Protection Canada 101319M the results of special studies conduct- which is particular interest in this r Howe connection It contains much White The Trent watershed in On- the work of the has also received special provincial forest vices and of the -in- a report an intrusted with by Or Howe in the care of the foaests ships of Burleigh and This Forest fire protection is assuming district- is important In that white a large place in public attention It little value as an agricultural For the Era According to press reports Sweden proposed to cut off the export of chemical pulp to Oreat Britain Naturally all eyes are immediately way causes turned to Canada to The forests or British CoturobJa and that to con Unite as a country she must conserve her resources product The report treats exhaustively the lire pro tection ot forest lands along railway rightsofway Through cooperative action great headway has been made in securing tho of forest losses through to rail- threatened deficiency area it is being repeatedly overrun by forest fires and little remaining timber llestroyed suggested that the placed un der the control ol the Dominion Forestry Branch for protection from fires aiul for reforestation The way ot the transgressor i is hard at best but the traveling easier with the first J to the right A Cor i i eiaawho Iveavloa free ly km it wm good he would MiAf hinufeH LINK Too late for is sorry so rrkny readers of the Era were disappoint ed On account of no Town Line cterns appearing in last weeks sue but Is no respecter 1 to tor a am again well and the future as in to make the items Interesting Mr Albert removed his newly rented farm on the out of On Monday and on gave a tXpvtl party to bis and about fifty and it tune are id tee r t recovered tevete the Wn Line bat been confined to the with but l now 6tr lU hat from ftweto Of Too late for last week Walker Is Improving after a severe aWack of grippe George 1 Marshal Pickering went for the mail on snowshoes on Friday iw roads were blocked with snow could not get Zephyr junior hockey team the juniors of Albert on rink 3 to Miss Toronto to attend tne cousin Miss A- Curl wno is to be united In marriage to Fred Walker second son of Frank Walker ceremony is to take place ibo at inn brides Mr and Mrs- ard Curl Mr turned home alWr their honeymoon trip While decorating horses for s Myeiei cut severely He has been connnedto ina bouse for nearly a week from loss ol of blood Horn to Mr and Mrs J on March son lulius is all Brrdiea days Wrtpre Henderson Pickering Pickering Arnold Mrs Mist Cook and Mr Mrs tended the lor ft Ontario in Toronto ine and neighbors pi it showed thnr j by their ana bidding at ocji rows over the one hundred mark while though brought t two each Mr FLAGS WE KNOW Let all him- it triumphant and brave The glorious flag old Eng land I Oh sec it on high then Rive voice and cry Hurrah for flag of old For it knows no four and it fears no foe spreads aloft we gov From lorid zone to perpetual snow The Union Jack of old England In each fearless fold let all eyes heboid The glorious flag old lund As it floats on high all true cry Hurrah for the flag of old I It knows no repulse waves calm aha free In every and on every sea lis presence Ihero proves our lib erty Union Jack of old But It fieeks no fight though it brooks uo slight The glorious flag old Eng land I Well not talk of peace till release the flag of old Eng land J Ah I tteo it spread so free and grand Tho Bun never sets on its free land To the needy with helping hand The Union Jack of old England Now place by Its side our Frenoh brothers The flag of our Ally The red white and blue the Will carry the Era to a SUBSCRI till April 1st 1917 if paid by next Friday any place in Isles FOB Builders A Order op OV sua t I g

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