it a B -fiW- fc fRHdiERT fc 1 junior Christian Endeavor So Committee are hour next alter- at the close of our regular in Room of the Church J5S To each loyal son and daughter Mores Ireland fair I ween Willi the blue sides strelohodbove her Heres to her Shamrock warm and t i And heres hearts that love her lhe Patricia Saturday PROGRAM WE mk drama in drama in which carries away A you will IT for on Pauls Pauls lioid their regular at Reeve MM PART I PART I God Save the An Operetta Exile- Scene Kathleen at in Canada sweet strains of ComeBack to Erin arouse in her a desire to visit the land of her births Act Act ril deliver an addresses a large i of Ill hoped Ihal a large vail w w- elsewhere n tins issue- Finances in Good Shape report of Hie auditors the Council Meeting on nighl ilfiVil of last year has been wiped and a substantial balance on hand Irf the year with of the protect their business a of In lax automobiles hire KalWcqn under the safe guidance of Canadas messenger GoodWill en route to Act in Erin Scene Kalhleeirs reception by Erin- Religion and Science Scene 2 Kathleen visits the scenes of her childhood joins the village folk in their mirth and recreation Failing to recognize the freedom in Erin that she enjoys in Canada she takes leave of Erin to return to Canada carrying with her memories fob as long as life shall last for Let Fate do her worst there arc relics of joy bright dreams of the past which she cannot destroy PART III The Grand March of The Allies National colours National choruses transport wagons Jcitehens will Of reality to the warlike A stop be at and and the force will bivouac Wills night then Advance to the KodaJc-bAr- at- Mount Dennis The from the of Newmarket and Aurora are to be asUed 16 cpntribiite teams for the transported es timated that some seventeen or eightpeh will required to the mens As the leaves its fourteen de pots they will immediately be taken over by the On the comple tion of his Clarke expressed- his to all who have assisted and that an incorrect impression had got in some to the attitUe of Reeve of Richmond FrrH He had always been more than sympathetic in the cause and Guarantee the Workmanship of Every Pair A DKUNrUN of the 127th Toy Convention LI iimz Mrs Harry Doyle Dlreotress Methodist tall Jay but two good the pastor in announcing the or Tuesday evening the pastor stat ed that of the Boys are in khaki and over GO of wearing King uniform The S met at the of Mrs Manning on nesday business a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served C H A R A C T Kathleen Miss Margaret Canada Miss Rose Doyle Miss May Forhan Good Will Morris Religion Miss Elizabeth McCaffrey Science Mrs Geo Vale Village Folk Misses Osborne Dovjc Doyle McCaffrey Vale Messrs Duncan NEWMARKET ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE Farm Produce itomllrai last oi a condition of the hand and as follows per do per lb and Chickens per lb per basket IOC hive Chickens per lb IOC liens por lb i ie Ducks per lb IOC Live Geese per lb Live Turkeys per lb He Pigeons per pair Rabbits per pair Live Young Pigs per pair per lb Calf Skins per lb Hie S3 Si Sheepskins i and Tallow per lb Pianist Mrs W Net Proceeds for Local Field Comforts and Cross Societies Come to the land of the Through Erins Isle to sport awhile As Love and Valour wandered Through the Land of the Shamrock Th green Chosen leaf of Bard and Chief Old Erins native Lecture Postponed I he Department of Toy and Com merce has recently received several as to the place of theGerman toys now ex cluded from the United Kingdom tips beenfiUed- It is a that nation whose sefdiers used little children as shields to them I against the fire of British and French nation which rejoices when bombs dropped from Zeppelin kill innocent children the nation that exaurtcd when the odlcs of- murdered children from the en the ocean is the one which before the outbreak of the war made toys for children oer the world There was ho sentiment in it simply a matter of busintss to supply the demand With- a view to encouraging the manufacture of toys Canada both for the home market and for export Sir George Foster has arranged for Conference which take place in the Royal Bank Building at the Corner of King and Toronto on the 28th March at oclock in- the number of samples Herman toys such as formerly imported into Canada will be on exhibition show manufactures what the Germans supplied there will a Collection of American toys to show what our neighbors in the -V- C Wn r I r t t I Carnival at Albert report good time Mr Waver of was in our town on Sunday Looks fine Sh his mony at Church on Sunday to rodps An illustrated lecture on -Sub- Owing the condition of States have been doing to Views and News will be the Methodist Sunday School Qemfft It is given by Bishop Reeve ride and Supper was postponed last in St Pauls Church Tuesday Saturday till tomorrow afternoon March 1st 1910 at sharp Will Reorult Unit I Newmarket Hero Honored Then was a large attendance at the Town Hall last Friday The first meeting of the Colonel I and of the York Rang- joldior A who was Battalion was hold on Thursday invalided homo about a month evening of last wee committees B- In with were formed to carry on the work of J lIC IMjn organization of fruiting o series lown I on J Davis of concerts are to be given through out the county at which prominent citizens will speak The staff of the new battalion is now complete it is Friends Supper to be commanded by Col The usual success attended the Active- recruiting will soon annual Oyster Supper at the commence throughout the county Friends Meeting House last Fri day evening It look till after oclock to serve the people the ladies excelling themselves in the templing menu provided The pastor and pupils of Pickering College entertained the audience until program proper com menced TWO pianos were pro vided and four young ladled from tin College played several double quartettes in a crcditalbc manner The reading by the pas tor was viry laughable while the Ihrillfiig and experi ence of Alfred were I Ob I In a very manner profound Alto gether i was a very pleasant ev ening and a vole of thanks was I end red In both the performers lady workers Bat Will The soldiers will be with Us only two weeks more In con nection with the recruiting meet ing Of the King Township War Auxiliary at Ketlleby on Satur day the important announcement was made that the Over seas Battalion Col F Clarke Commanding Officer would at the Canadian Kodak made a address and he was followed by A I Addi son and ftev Pie Walsh accepted the gift with deep emotion He was wounded in the leg ami jaw and was badly gassed in the early fighting at St He is a na tive Ireland and is a veteran of I he Boer war A but pretty place in St Church Monday morning March ftben youngest daughter of J wan united in marriage to third son of Mr and Mrs p Kuril ail of Rev Father wedlock officiating The eiileccd die Church of Wed ding Mutch She was given away by brotherinlaw Mr Ham wore a navy blue suit with hat to match and corsage vhite carnations- and carried a white prayer book and emerald Itosary Miss Julia sister of the groom acted as bridesmaid a blue Mill with rose silk hat and of pink sweet peas tie carried while prayer book and amethyst Mr brother of the acted as beat man I choir of which the bride J a rendered beautiful the ceremony the happy wup amid lowers of confetti fid M they will widp J Younfl Peoples Guild The contest at the Presbyterian Young Peoples Guild is having very satisfactory results Home splendid meetings are being held Last Monday evening the pro gram was made up of talks on Japan and Japanese songs ren- new plant at Mount Dennis deiOd by seven young ladies in the building vvjiloh has just been Japanese national costume The completed will make one of Urn platform whs prettily barracks of any overseas rated with Japanese lanterns regiment Companies are now and was a Newmarket by all The attendance was Aurora Weston nut encouraging and both the Wood- Beds anil the BlUOB arc plun- and a number of other many more interesting The will nigs Ihe latter arc III Charge lake place at he end of the monlh1 Monday evening and a good Reeve W Wells presided at time is expected Allare invited the meeting attend that all Canadian manufacturers of toys will send exhibits so that the will be thoroughly This is a great the development of the Newmarket Factory There has been ppjsngly of toy manu facturing in Canada sincc the out break of war and there are known to he not than twentyfour toy manufactures in Canada at the pres ent time There may be others All manufacturers of childrens play things and games are Invited to send exhibits Most of those now manu facturing toys in Canada arc making them as a side line using waste ma terials but there ere few concerns that are devoting their entire atten tion to the manufacture of toys While the Toy Conference will not open until March 28 it is desired to have the exhibits In place not later than March 21 in order that every thing may he welt arranged It Is proposed keep the toys on exhibi tion for about a week after the day of the Conference should be addressed Toy Conftrcnce Royal Bank I Building coiner King mid Streets Toronto you any Armour on Your Watch If BUY A COAT OP WAIL THE NEW PROTECTIVE New Arrival of RADIUM DIAL WRIST Jewelers and Opticians P TICKET LICENSES Always something going J I art man One would thing the March Lion had taken vengeance on our peaceful winter weather and cidii to stir up a hit flllte I of spent Sunday with his parents to report Miss Toole Is on the sick Hat We a speedy recovery Mr A busy getting his supply of wood We by the music the other evening there will an sijPier Boon Hunting is the rage around our burg Albert JMummor Is line sportsman Mr Oldham a trip to the city last week as it got stayed Mr and Mis Hoy returned after their tionoytioon Congratula tions M Clifford Rose pioed tto the farm of Mr Clarence where he Intends spending the summer We wish him J is these Mr and Mrs Be Oldham left tor the West on Monday Miss is home after vfilMn in the city Mr Wesley Smalley has purchastd a new driver M1b Smith with Mrs W Oldham 1 quite a number on the lint Ins our burg are A Mr Boy Thompson has joined the Hoy Is ap tiCUOMUIORfS Ida of Richmond I Pill spending a lew days Mrs Davis Mr Ralph paid a business trip to Arthur this jweek Mrs A returned to on this eveirg after visit with and Mrs Ill Smith and of the Toronto are couple Of the Queen City Dr a business trip to Newmarket on Father spent a couple of in the Queen City Mr of Toronto spent over his parental home private of Toronto the weekend at his Mr of moved on Monday onto the property at the south end of the town Mrs Ferguson spent a spent days with friends In the Queen City Mr Robert paid business trip to Newmarket on Monday of is spending a with his mother Mrs Miss Coombs of Bradford spent a few days this past week the of Miss Rub Dean Mrs Wilson and daughter of lo- ae with and Mrs f Mi son of New market spent Tuesday in Town Do not lot your talentquarter lay iille Male use ol it of Toronto is a week with Mrs Coney I A NEWMARKET Sale in Our Staple for Weeks FULL RANGE OK TOWELLINGS 1 Piece Huck Towelling In wide for 1 Piece Huck Towelling 18 in wide for Blue and Red Check Towelling pure linen In wide for 12i 1 White TurklsW towelling In wide Grey Factory Cotton in wide for 10c- Blue Oxford Shirtings Reg 1 Be for 12 10 Pieces Heavy Shaker flannel good colors 36 In wido would soil today for 1 80 J Oft 3 Pieces only Fancy Cretonnes Reg forev j OFFICE TOIIONTOi 8 mm Friends Mooting House nder the the Aid Thei will be a Social on Wednesday next The ntertalnnnnt the from Toms end will be and Friends of the Friends Newmarket under the of the Re- Alfred Young to cohmence at number of Casualties would he nearer prompt At the close men will be- served adults 20cts children 0 Casualties to date Capital Paid Up Fund HOWLAND HAY President Qenoral Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Credit Issued available throughout tho World Doalers In Government and Municipal Securities Doalers In Dornest Foreign Exchange Savings Department at all Branches Interest credited halfyearly at Current Rates r 100 an aocount Manager Newmarket FARMERS NOTES FORMS SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED MANITOBA DRY Nawmarket March Wheat jwr bush 85J0 a Oats per bush 380 Barley per bush 0 50 V last Monday was 2 lo 1 S in favor of prohibition in the ro j A v J J ince of Manitoba All and club Ottawa list of actual pities among the Canadian of June Potatoes bag- 2 the MtUtla Department and amounts result of which the were to drien from strongly preparer Post- There been VlUedln action on the and are H rtart H i