FOUND -V- ir money particu lar Miss Box market K- i WANTED Machine Hands fop Woodworking Apply lo Positive Clutch Pulley cries Aurora- j On Monday between Post Of fice and St a Ladies Pat ent Leather Slipper Finder will confer a favor by leaving at this Offi BARGAIN FOR FARMER p Gasoline in IrsUclass running order with WaterTank in Driving Belt long good as new and Pulley all or cash iCnuuire at Era Office SlOP LOOK Double Pay FOR Recruits Authorized by militia can enlist now and return li for seeding and ploughing This means that you will re ceive pay as a Soldier and in ad dition the pay of a Farmer Recruits will receive transpor tation to any locality miles Troops will not wear the uniforms but will he allowed to wear overalls while on farm has sent out a letter as a personal appeal to two hun dred and fifty of the eligible men of York lo enlist This information should assist the men the farmers in mak ing up their minds to enlist at once and a reply is expected at he Newmarket Depot of Battalion by the of March A militia order Issued at Ottawa the close last is intended to farrsjn-te- ap proaching spring It points out however the can only the A A t whom be sou 0 More the time is to commence It Is stated in the order thai the absence must exceed one month and only men of good character will be gives leave It is further intimated that the lough Is granted the under standing that the men leading vail work on the for the period de sired Proof that a man has actual- been working during the tune will be to be presented in the form of a certificate from the plover- under the signature of clergyman or two responsible the locality In the case ol man wording his own land he will be required to sign a certificate to that effect and further proof may be required it thought necessary An Ottawa despatch also makes the ad ditional statement that during the period of furlough pay and allowances will be withheld and will be paid on the return of the man with proof that he has actually been at farm work- In case Of misconduct or fail ure to engage in work ray and al lowances may be cut for such as is thought necessary Men to engage in farm work will be provided with transportation and will wear working suits leaving their uniforms behind Commanding of- Match the em- v J V Aubrey Davis Montreal this week Lewis of j OS eXMayoV J Robertson is a Miss Horner home after spendinga few weeks Hon leases of pork od beans for the VPdntbh The order amounts to have to be ehlard- and extra secured Calgary has voted to the Genera Assembly Church union to effect by anuary fcJ arid Be With Your Depots at NEWMARKET and Hill Of Mich brotherinlaw oft J last week Mi and Mrs Jackson a few friends on Thursday of last week Sir of Toronto spent lb week end with bis uncle Mr in Newmarket Rev Wilkinson of visited her- Mrs Geo during the week end Mrs A Young has re- home after visiting a sick niece Toronto for several Sale Friday Mr Kincaid wilKhave of Cattle and grades credit Sain at 30 pm J it rAiict Lot Whip Harier Clerk Wednesday March Mr Norninii A have Reg Clydesdales Hoi- steins and Shorthorns ments eteVQn Lot Con We have something special to offer In Canned Frulii Gages Tin Lombard Plums 10e Tin izy Tin Raspberries 16 Tin Peaches 1Bo Tin Cherries 20oTin Pried 3 lbs for 2Bo W i 10 lb Cooking Figs 10c lb is I Sutton MILITARY ITEMS weeks Crossing Met- Railway Usual iMr Jackson icpre- terms Sale sharp at the Kava Grand Lodge in j this week left Thurs day morning for to join the Field to go with the next contingent A cablegram on Tuesday an nounced the safe arrival in Eng land of Mont and Carl was home this week probably Aucl Oran s I I Watch Us Grow for last time before leaving for the Old Country urs J and Miss arc spending days with Mrs Dr will he personally re Company paraded for the proper carrying out ne the at North the regulations Thomas delivered a In this connection it is acceptable sermon resented Newmarket at the Gram EDITORIAL NOTES r -w- WANTED general housework Mrs Howard Cane Huron St Burrows Pearson St Professional Ap pointments by letter or card Newmarket that the men win he provided wua j On Sunday torch the men return transportation to and- from Pauls an not exceeding 300 rfdles Jor the station or cam they members of Newmarket training to express thanks ani appreciation- to the Christian En- Society of the Christian for the enjoyable social even ing snent on Tuesday evening March lieu I visited Company Wednesday the and was made welcome by his many friends J the genial Pay master of the also Newmarket Depot and radiat ed smiles and amongst the the Dr Webb O Com- injected Dead Typhoid liaOulv In to t follows week The tilli arc the only dead ones atoUnd here so far BRICK rtCNTi On Main Street Newmarket Seven Rooms ThreePiece Hath Furnace trie Light Fixtures Possession this month Apply to Newmarket In the Ontario Legislature Fri day replying Mr Grieve it was stated by Hon Mr Macdiarmid th up to the present date the Govern ment had expended on Government House 000 The principal items were Site Hying out- of grounds etc cost of building furnishings a seditious remark a County Constabh was and costs by Police Magistrate Weir of On coming put of the Ameri can Hotel on Saturday night the Constable was to remark no for the King His seratioh cost him per word We the undersigned will re ceive Tenders up to oclock On Monday the 3rd Day of April for supplying the Industrial Home at Newmarket With Dry Goods Groceries Bread and Beef for one year Forms and instructions can he secured from the Sunt at the of the Institution Samples of Dry Goods anil Groceries to accompany tender and all goods lo he delivered The or any lender not necessarily accepted 4v0 AltMITAGK A Inspector a MR FARMER I in a US Buy Ml or Farm Properties from acres lo acres If you wish to buy or sell write us we will mail lint on request or send particulars of your Farm for sale We are also in a position to Loan Money on Farm Properly First or Second Mortgage for terra of years at Low Interest Mo business private Years Write or call Cuke Financial Broker Victoria Street Toronto WANTED Girls for Paper and Hoys to trades Ap ply at Office Of fice Specialty MfgCo Newmar ket f ONE HUNDRED YOUNG WOMEN and Young wanted at once to train for office portions The demand on the lOTT The new taxation proposition of the Dominion touching insurance companies introduced the Hon Minister of Finance has received second reading The bill Canadian companlea shall mvest 50 cent of their in crease in net ledger assets in Domin ion debentures and Foreign compa nies must invest in Dominion deben tures of all the money they on with the Government The Mail and Empire states that over worth of trade annually 1 with Russia awaiting Canada after foe war just how much this country will secure depends upon what step Canada takes white the war on to insight in- Wj the of the Vast Russian trade and to prepare for the future Now Is the opportune tune for Cana dian manufacturers to get ready to pick up What Germany irretriev ably lost Mr and Mrs F Skinner of ailed on friends here on Mr and Mrs Albert Baker and SODS arc the formers parents Mr and Mrs Jos and wiij remain for the summer On Monday evening a number of friends and chums gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs icer lo spend a pleasant evening and to hid farewell to Mr Will who left for his new home in the West on Tuesday A very pleasant lime was spent by all present and one which will he loug remembered Good luck to Will Miss Mary Stevens returned Wednesday of last week after spending a few days with friends in Bradford Are all the Snowball corres pondents snowed under or- what is the idea King Christian Ladies Aid met at the Miss Jessie Davis on Wednesday of this week Mr Mel Stevens who is attend ing the Jury in Toronto spent over Sunday at his here We are sorry to report the of Mrs Of the Fifth Line Mrs Black Lodge of the Woodmen of the World at Niagara on Tuesday and Wednesday Mr King of Defiance College Ohio is lo occupy the services at lian nxt Sunday He is pastor at Ohio many friends of Mrs John will he pleased learn that she is gradually and hopes are entertain ed for her ultimate recovery McUouiglc Chap lain Battalion has been granted permission to re main here as rector of St Pauls till the close of the Lenten Sea son Miss Mary Sibley entertain ed her Sunday School Class to a Skating Party on Wednesday ev ening after which a social hour was indulged in at the of Mrs Lewis ExAlderman Forester is making arrangements to move next week There is no word yet whether the mill will run or re main idle the purchaser being undecided about the mailer at present Mr J English of Sche nectady writes I find I cannot gel along without the hews from homo Wc are bavin an oldfashioned winter here Lots of snow and good sleighing initio last three days have had nearly a foot and half of snow Kind remembrance to all friends Mr Geo Trivett Chief of the Fire Brigade who has been a member for over years and has done valiant service has sent in his resignation which was re ceived with regret as he was very popular with all the men Al derman Fred Doyle has been chosen by The firemen lo lake his place Mr John J McDonald and his son Donald left on Tuesday to Join the Highlanders at Hamilton This is the father of Pie Jack McDon ald who went with the 1st Con tingent from Canada and been En two or three big battles in Tuesday Mr Jos Turner Lot Year Con will sell farm stock and implements also the farm at one oclock J Auet Wednesday 22 The farm stock and implements belong ing to the- estate of Win Bain sold by auc tion at one oclock if credit Tuesday March Mr J Stewart will have an unreserved sale of High Grade Farm Stock etc on West half of Lot 9 2nd Con WhiU credit Sail at one oclock J Head man Thursday April Mr will have his 2nd sale of Cattle Shropshire Sheep Berk shire and Tamworth Sows al so General Purpose Horses nil Lot Con Hast near on Met See bills at Auct NAVAL ORAN and rape Fruit J IP YOU HAVE i Hogs or Fat Calves TO St Toronto la fully ftve times our supply Writ at onoe for particular Enter Write or Call Up Market Toronto burn of is at here Wheres Jack with flho new cutter and the little bay driver these nights The box social on Tuesday night was a decided success hi spile of the disagreeable roads and weather The program was excellent quartette and or chestra Were at thclr best The committee deserve great credit Will as and gave a very inspiring address tisitoltosi decided to Oaf Toronto tetter The Toronto Choir this City has been invited to give concert in Cleveland Ohio On Thursday last week the wives Cabinet Ministers entertain ed at the Speakers in honor of the nurses and doctors who are shortly lea fag foroerscas service The rooms were beautifully decorated All the Cabinet Ministers were in attendance Three private residences were re cently into and and money stolen by George Hamilton who had a previous bad On Friday the Police Magis trate scut Wm to penitentiary for two years One of the soldiers connected With disturbing the temperance parade last week was fined in the Police Court on Friday If he had not been a the chances are he would have got a prison fientence The storm was heavy on Thursday night of last Next day 57 teams and fit carts were em- Cleaning the snow from streets corporation wianders without in- Last week while putting belt on j a pulley in a manufactory had right arm mangled A youth was badly in jured on Saturday when he missed footing in trying to toard an in a King street building badly and Is not to recover The rescue of a a build ing on fire last Sunday was almost miraculous The lad was sleeping In the story of house while the fire raged In the story A fireman mounted ladder and saved although much exhausted Mrs the eminent i addressed large gath ering at the City Hall on Saturday last She is la this- City further aid to suffering Serbians An prevails that the not order a referen dum vote till after the war Is- over but meanwhile enact total prohibition to effect next autumn was the verdict of the Jury on indictment and MctuUheon to defraud- after having been out hours and Mrs Everett fell the roadway and broke her ankle She removed a passing motorist to her- home A City liberty a ft the very of democracy Hut It- does not Include right to get in pMhlic and became a nuisance to everyone with in range of an obscene remark on a foul breath la the on Friday be fore J Arn old was charged with of wife He fined 20 or given a in If the fine He the money to ftnfi men will be the public In 10 25o PHONE US YOUR OR AND WE WILL I J PHONE s r RUGS PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO j Thursday 23 Mr East fiwillirnbury will hold an tciiHive farm sale at one o clock credit THE LEADING irnitareftDiidflrtakIg can buy your Cheap Cash UNOKRTAKING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard and Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes If i Mb wwwMi MAIN STREET for Cameras and Supples IV Ihone No NO Cradle Mr Mortimer of Sidney Brook writes 1 must re new for the as want to keep in touch with homy news have had a terrible cold win- and any amount of snow The War Is making it Very hard for the farmers to get help there have been so young men go all through On the Aral page of this issue we print a poem written oy Miss daugliler of the late it ttoelie formerly of Newmarket appeared recent ly In a Toronto religious period ical and will he read with in terest by many friends here Miss baa had encouraging success In her Work having a story Romance in the current number of Canadian Maga zine also a story Buried Treasure In the August number of tho Atlantic Monthly he of a series of child stories shortly in the Womens Home Companion In Man March 5thj IP lo Mr and Mrs a son N Hartford In Newmarket on Mar tOftf to Mr and Mrs Arthur a son Blackburn- In King on Mar to Mr and Mrs Blackburn a daughter Reed In Newmarket on March to Mr and Mrs Fred Heed a daughter TheAlUr llalnoalorouoon At the Manse the P Thomas Haines of Whitchurch Township to Miss Jva Ferguson King Tp Thi Tomb Newmarkets Family This Theatre Is now open and Is showing every evening a continuous of the best In Motion Pictures Full Program Every Evening The program changed three times week on Tuesday Thursda y and Saturday PRESERVE By having your Prescription accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Lenses Ground On the Premises Mall and Phone Orders Promptly Filled OPTICIAN PERCY On Thursday Marcli 1 Miles in his year near Baldwin The funeral service look place at the Free Methodist on March by Rev of Newmarket interred at Cometor beside Church- At Bradford on Mar 12th Sanderson Postmaster father of Druggist of Newmarket in his year At his fathers resi dence Aurora on Saturday March I John Steele Jr aged id years Funeral Tuesday March interment Richmond Hill Cem etery or TORONTO Phone North London Warch Gray P hat secured for war order has Reed In Newmarket on Mar infant daughter Mr and Mrs Fred Reed Grose At on Thurs dayMarch 1016 Jcahetlo Grose- of In her 32nd funeral will take place on Saturday Maroh at oclock from the residence of Mr Cunningham at Queonsville Cemetery SION PROGRAM EVERY EVENING OPEN AT P HERBERT KINLEY P Box 161 Newmarket I NEWMARKET hi Now flit NO i Jiisry ARCHIVES