iPH mm lHT 3 iSSeS rfSifca -V- I 1 Some AT TGWatesn Jewelry Store GET Next Lot We Buy Will Cost More A ii r j I A 1 J tfitV If fi iffe v J K4T iN I rtSsSr Li J Changsjl But there- is always saw OTt ra Jmx County Paper as well as the Copies wetekAverage A and 18K at JACKSON Editor and Propriatpr JACKSON f J FOR QUALITY GOODS PROMPT SERVICE PHONE THE PAINT SHOP Builders Painters Blacksmiths Electrical and Automobile Supplies South End Lumber Yard The Bin is Nearly Empty Order at once a ton of Coal BEST I P W Pearson Order from Carters Alf John MurphyJ Office Phone Tl INCORPORATED OF TORONTO Capital Reserve Fund 6439i382 i Business Accounts Bank of Toronto the Accounts of Men IX ample resources exten sive coonections and complete facilities as sure customers the Bank of Toronto a per fect service Branches NEWMARKET BRANCH Ontario Quebec and the West A M LISTER Manager OK ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH SHINGLES POSTS ETC ALSO DOORS SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM Out Inside Trim is Through Our and Will Not Shrink After it Is Put Up THE GAME NEWMARKET re it It all BOARD OF DIRECTORS Eh- Em- Eh- Sir C KHtairEt4 A r Em Em- Em CpiUl Paid up Undivided Profit BANK MONEY ORDERS tit and to in Money St o of the Kink of G Ross- Manager Branch I The New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA T O TORONTOWINNIPEG Cm1mM tMuda Wed Kfc Sun fljfU MS Mi Sua Moo to Rupert Yukon VktrU r J I in la- from Ctiftd Trunk Govt or on pJlctLa LETTER MORE v No Single Copies Alei six weeks inspection of the and week ami says Canadian a re fl Ibaii life inans Canada need not be afraid valor of Her solj or result of war House of during the shows a decrease of per relief work are now playing hockey in splendid style A Parliament Build ing ladies team beat fl VimiJO girls teamj last week f the Vic Hint The teans played two periods A man named Carl xas rested last week charged selling cocaine on the streets and i dealt with in the Police Court It was also arrested with him is wanted by thai Harriltin lice for burglary at Burlington After his trial here Henderson will he taken to Hamilton to face the burglary charge which hangs orer Irs head A carnival patronage the and Lady LETTER INDIA N MORE FROM THE I NURSE AT MALTA following sent to I L- Mrs A Dyke from The letler was Lee Bengali Mission- Wellington Square Calcutta iai5 we doing exquisite- work Willi fine gold thread for church- Easier Onepiece wjis in white ion niiist filmy- niaeriajtw dragons and open design it he by Dear Uncled person six New My dear with the Maple Kgft do going to which arrived York live pounds had kept- splendidly- Claris for the boys Shared schools Tomorrow they liaVe their concert get their treat of the teachers and workers get a hew duties are fused by toys and it a piece of yard wide and yards long about loins aril one end thrown over theslioulder and about sixtKW6 of these workers only so see we have large stall of pay every month Then we give each toy and girl an fag of candy anil some cards This will take one and sixtypounds of sweets and over four Kindred at one cent each Christmas pay have church service for them arid the day will te quiet while we our time together as have invited three other families of mis sionaries with their ten children and have two geese to make us feel like home They tost one dollar was held the Arena on each here in Calcutta but in day evening and attended Hon Dn R A Pync Ontarios Minister of and Mrs are expected home from the the villages only fifty Cents Chickens are twentyfive cents per pair and good The girls have just finished clear- Old Country the beginning of thc church an are preparing for week- the program About Notwithstanding her protested twenty of the larger Bengali girls nocence Mrs Louisa niake 0 guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to five years imprisonment in lhc with the death of McKerronJy Hon isaSoutas usual herein last therc indications ifrs died on Dec- the Mo last as the result of an will amalgamate with the illegal operation British and a effectual will The American Club announce that for speedy they intend to rebuild the premises am hopeful Tor them burned last week at cost of was here to flt I see me this morning lie will be The Board of Health in then he can be lion that thc as he is fa minor at pres- under the control of the Board get be transferred to the City Architect taken christian Department will saving JTe into myi eyes a year to the medical dc- said 4 all will mean a saving 0 5r through hive found Christ year to the medical depart- meat property t be a Christian and now The Committee of One Hundred of his has asked have decided to present the petition come and he is lyii Canadians and also had just a Australian men who had hoard so Sugar and syrup It spurns almost impossible its the last January Not long until spring weather be it has been a delightful and such a treat after the awful We very quiet just now not doing At one I helievc there were over eighteen thousand sick and wounded No wonder call this the island After dinner yesterday wo to see Bonos A priest showed us It is not very large and amost gruesome sight The chapel is in under a fort the buildings of which are a lal present interior is catacombs wo passed drv Ontario on re for Thousands expected to the deputation Ontario has veterans now ail right Over soldiers have returned to this Province and of these came to Toronto to Hamilton to London to Ottawa- to Kingston Windsor 18 to and the same to Three youths were changed in the Is wealthy willing to all or Christ a medical student in Ins second year in col lege last Sunday and he is one the finest young men ei among te He is twenty- three old and is an orphan but his uncle is executor for his property and his life he says is m he comes to for money The young man left Calcutta Sunday lor two until the rage is over Police Court With obtaining money uncle a lost card to say and goods by playing an old game happened He may have to go They telephoned for goods and asked to recover his property be- that change be sent along with the same for When the goods arrived they offered a 10 worthless check instead of hank bill They were remainded for trial The cause lr3 become a Christian Ills faith is very secure and the win bliss him I know of a lirahmans daughter marnjrng a poor Toronto Harriet and education as her is making a plication to con- trouble In getting her struct their line They claim to have tier the man le- already spent on the uge ho was caste married another wealthy Ills Royal the of to please her father and get bit was Toronto on dowry with her to a deit day of last week and Inspected thc Again he married Brahman girl educate the child i en of the Now an three covered with bones over two thousand skulls They arc the bones of the Knights of Malta who fell at Fort St when the beseiged the island ihesc men were buried in a little cemc fery at the fort and years later the bodies or at least the hones were taken up and one priest arranged them all over the ceiling and walls It is most artistically done Service is held here only once a year on the of November From there wc went over to Bighi he old friends Hot back in time lo join the moonlight pic nic gotten up by Miss a Canadian There were eleven of lis I think Three of them were young women who have been helping in hospital work ever since the war broke out and have given the nurses very good times all sum mer went on the Little Jaunt ing cars to Sf Pauls Bay took rugs Jo spread on the sand and had our lunch in moonlight It was a fine sight and quite a novelty The girls had boiled potatoes and sau sage which had previously cooked first load went into a shop and bought a Maltese slove or canoo I flunk they call lis a funny little thing just merely a flro pot to hold the charcoal or splinters and the utensil is set over if The night was and enjoyed the outing Hot fen Received two ErnV this am Doc and Dec We hear veryliltle news of he world especially of the Fast Every thing is so closely censored Even some of the incoming news papers are censored Somebody must have a busy time of it The many bells are ringing for twelve Lovingly Olive After lunch six of lis went to Cilia by train fare three pence The magiiiUcent SLvPaurs a beautiful marble This the where she preached Also saw the grotto where lie is supposed to have hidden is the old capital of Malta I wish I could describe the large cathedral the altar is marble It was from this edifice stob en feolea the front of the altar are very arc all beautifully carved After our ramp we went to a lit tle hotel and had tea bread and but ter jam Sultana sponge cake and walked to the little depot Oh I once more forgot some of our tramps so many chattering its bard think Oil our way to the grotto I soldiers camp at the Thousands of Torontos lug that is I tin Ism law were amazed on- Friday Indian marriage last to learn th press f mg fiat the Trad and Labor i made aid rtie hid the of a Of all classes to oppose bitten the casecH te last of of Toov to itself record last week as compulsory miliary training In the schools GREAT RUSSIAN VICTORY I The of Control a tew Feb The decided to abandon Messenger the Turkish gar- ant yon an to lt ri how can in the school Love Herbert Arch Dr Porter at the door said Yes When we starts a sister met us but she could not speak English only Maltese and Italian found she was Italian However she called Sister Anglais and the only English sister came and showed us around Most of the patients were Everything was immaculate They said the hospital was on the highest point on the island and one certainly fine view out over St Pauls Bay to the sea From here we went to the cata combs and lo surprise we were each given a candle and a wee boy started off with us as guide Some way it didnt appeal to me very much After we got nicely started I asked if ho had any matches with and of course he hadnt Im afraid Ive read loo many stories of parties getting lost The little kid certainly had if all off by heart When said to the girls Im not struck on this I found they all agreed and were just waiting for a chance turn hack which pro mptly did When we went through Hie others last summer Herowas a full grown guide who lighted oil as we went along and left them burning Wednesday pm After break fast the Tigneites started for town Decided we would walk to and take train car to the first walk of about twenty min utes then about minutes from Went to see the Chapel of Bones hut found we must haven permit from the Public Works Miss Millar and I went for the per mit hut as Hie priest left at was then we went into a little shop and had a cup of hot coffee ftot some magazines go Mow ers to take to one of the sisters at who has typhoid etc Its interesting to sec how the girls are gradually settling down ready enjoy the holiday Yesterday the reaction was so great they could not content themselves hut today they are ready enjoy it- Friday am Breakfast just over We have decided to stay in litis am and after to see the Chapel of Bones and Armory and then wo Canadians are going over Must more letters Love all Olive I donl believe this letter will hear passing around its such For the Good of the Guest- I YEARS AGO MarricdrAt the residence of Mr King by Hey On r- on Hie MrC to Miss of King Hubert Simpson has a advertisement of bis store in to days pap This is the same storekeeper who afterwards was the founder of Simpson De partmental Store in A Temperance ReUnion is an nounced to take place in Aurora next Monday evening Public School will hold a HeUnion on James and John Shop- paid of Holland Landing have been granted hotel licenses for the coming year At Fast on Saturday appliaation was for seven tavern licenses for that municipality Township Council granted leave for four tavern li censes to be granted at its Inst Saturday This evening J Esq County Crown Attorney for York is announced lo lecture before Newmarket Mechanics Institute Subject Climatology of America Aurora and King City volun teer Companies were inspected by Col and Major this week The volunteers were complimented t Under the auspices of Newmar ket Aurora and Sharon Divisions of the of a HeUnion was held in the Mechanics Hall Lot Sireet and proved a grand sue- cess Benjamin Pearson of Aurora occupied the chair The vocal instrumental music was grand W Hi mm i fe j of purchasing more Park lion for the at present The American Club premises were destroyed by ire on Wednesday of last said to he work of an on premises One man c hurt Temporary for the club have been at the Financiers state the Business Tax of the Ottawa will more than tl200O- from Toronto alone On Tuesday last en a charge of diamonds Into A at capture which announced IUO000 inch It Is also estimated that niorc gins were captured It Is said were guns in the outer forts In the forts and 20U field guns at in Lrzeruni may prove of immense Several hundred pieces fin the citys forts are reported to been con ha purchased from the factory before the outbreak of the war The city hi believed to have been In when the Grand Dukes is a letter reeeiwd by Mrs Cane San Malta Ian Dear Aunt we are at The Palace one of The Governors Residence lie one Where we came to the garden parly for nurses last summer They have moved into The Palace in and this has fitted up for hospital for convalescent officers Bui it has not hen opened yet and ft is not loo busy on the is land Lord Methuene has arranged thai nurses who have been on island I he longest Shall have a holi day I hardly believe I hat had been here so long A little while ago in a Lancashire so many from I I town not Tar from Manchester ft i lime There are six was being entertained over of Miss Miner the the weekend one ol the well eriiiliMidenl Misses Hard- do but men the place the guest was settled ay Hie lK four olher on the his W Hulde This am we did HO col in iinill then re not lno our 1 1 He jaunt We The master of the house by am for the transport which however until Annul I pm We went to first fiairf had that sort lunch end then sal rending up J In with us afore Now front of nice prole Pie waiting of the a been There was nine of us in- Hie ear water and from Hospital I and ginger and believe I here are In he nohnd what all- But as a lie party Will be able aint satisfied you idea of what we will wi I water live the rest on Catholic Abstainer he Island if the remains fine pule I Ills pm very iiet SAFETY FIRST birds hi the frees We hieCinneron ml myself 10 Cohen and Joseph Troup army entered his latest despatch re- sentenced by to porting large fires In These the I cn arrested weeks ago on a ilhi historic Catholic charge of stealing diamonds to the Church at Quebec Was de- of from vllen by frc on Per cent of Toronto muni- voters have signed petitions to the praying for Iticn lest Frank fl en- fll mincer was When his Over SO Years between two- wheels Always bears at the for the R son building on Street igawn of For Infants and Children been out through Some violets a few roses iris etc In bloom And mow lea time ftKinchnt tea dinner nl 7 pm- rinl j am for warm hath and then went back to bed I forgot say Hint I here are fen of us- in Wit room queer at first but Us nice congenial crowd After Miss 25 YEARS AGO From Era Feb The Queensville by McKay on the Mr Win J of Newmarket to Miss Mary daughter of the late Odlin At the residence of the brides father by Canon A on the ins Mr Fred of Whitchurch to Miss Jessie May Salter of Fast At the residence of Held by L Hill on the Mr Thos of New market to Miss Mary A of Fast The annual meeting of the Press Association look place in Toronto last week and was attended by quill- drivers from nil parts of Ontario Joshua of lost two valuable steers on Monday by stack of straw falling on Mr and Mrs Bradford of To ronto spent over Sunday her sisters Sirs John Montgomerys- A surprise party visited My Allan Howards Onion St East Inst Wednesday night On night of Inst week a load of young people dropped into Mayor Jacksons aim spent the evening in social why Jos Odcry of St George is expect occupy- me pulpit of fiS301 the Methodist next Sun day A ninepound has been kindly presented lo the edit or by Hubert Esq of Point The at Mr fed lolds was a grand dings at Pleasant Valley It A care should be exercised frozen water pipes with Hot water Is effective and Is absolutely safe Tops of furnaces being near floor aroe or the aires too near of building con stitute one of the worst fire dangers common in cellars should not he deposited where they will come in contact with articles fences or MIss and raysolf drove Presh ashes are llVehtncalise into over two account of live coals they miles Forgo to Pay vyr went contain over to firsi to see ho and one of the f oyer to the convent first to see the end one of the staters here look us the school to see the work fen years Is age bid one lit- old Children Off FOR success young men and old in he The concert was good the above the average of from public lire will he a disiincf toss Mrs of Kes wick is visiting with Mrs Jessie Hughes this week Miss viltcjs with Miss Charlie Holsfiird over Sunday Miss Lena Millnrd is Hill ARE GOING WEST THIS SPRING If so in that the- Pacific Railway oners est possible equipment and exception- ally good train service operation through Standard and were in Visiting on to any M