Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 18, 1916, p. 6

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to M fe We are pleased to report that Mrs Jones is attack Qi la grippe and bronchitis League of the Church held an enjoy- able social on Monday evening A carnival will be held on the Zephyr rink on Wednesday even ing next Hope Church are holding an entertainment this Friday ev ening Proceeds for the boys ai the front Mr ft Powell has sold his farm near Holt to Mr Richard A carnival was held in the Ml Albert Skating on Tuesday evening The Red Gross Tea held under the auspices of the Womens fllitule at the home 01 Mr Brooks on Thursday was very successful About 125 people at tended Proceeds abotfl Theory fiximtnaViqii- honors at the Toronto Music j SECOND ST EG Fred caught In a cy- the other day an lost his whiskers forgetliie meel- Dont in the Hall on Sabbath night at Mr Boss will pre side The topic The Womens Problem in Canada wiP be taken by Mrs Atkinson and Ralph A good attendance is hoped for The program at ilie meeting on Thursday afternoon enjoyed by a large of ladies A paper written by Mrs and read by Miss was much enjoyed Mrs Mackenzie read an article on the work at the Jewish work at the Jewish Synagogue in Toronto Miss Barbara Young sang a solo which was appreciated by all Mrs At kinson spoke of the important part the Jews are taking in the present conflict in which we are engaged Refreshments were served and the President served a Missionary- Salad which was all that could be desired The remnant basket was well filled The delegates to attend the Meeting are Mrs W Cowieson and Miss also the officers The March meeting is to be at the home of Mrs All ladies interested in the work of the Wo mens Missionary Society will be made welcome The WWW Young Mens Bi ble Class met at the Manse on Monday night with a good at tendance The President Robert was in the chair The officers were elected follows President Ross Archie Smith Sec Ureas Albert After the transaction of busi ness games were indulge in and refreshments served The Year Skate proved to be a great success There was a good attendance and all report having a good time The supper served by the Anti- Cants and the WWWs was much enjoyed League will hold Year Masquerade Carni val on Tuesday next hunch served after in basement hutch very- welcome Misses and Neil Smith Toronto Normal visited in vet the Weektend worth league intend Joining their mends at the Masquerade skate next Tuesday evening HOLLAND LANDING The Red of the village will give a dance in- Lloyd on Thursday evening Feb gentle men are asked for half a dollar and ladies requested to provide lunch Sandersons Orchestra Our boys who have enlisted since the beginning of the war Reginald Ellis Fred Sullivan Owen Sullivan Cecil Perry John Bell Frank Bell Harry Milligan Dick Robert Glover John Dallon James Morris William Roy Morden Jack Tom Foster James Foster Richard Foster Frank Foster Alex Foster William Foster Fred Dowel Arthur Ernest Ough Arthur William Wilson The members of the Womens Auxiliary of Christ Church Hol land Lauding intend holding a Box Social iri the Lloyd Hall on Feb Every lady is request ed to take a box which will be sold by auction at the close of a good program Other particulars next week Dont forget the date SHARON Mr visited friends in To ronto last week daytf The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs I Ramsay on Thursday Mr and Mrs Hall spent Mon day with friends in Toronto a numffct attended the dance In the Hall en Friday evening and report a time Mrs Shaw entertained a number of friends to tea on Thursday evening We are glad to report that Mr Herb who has been confined to the house through illness is able to be out again A large number from Sharon at tended the oyster supper at villo on Wednesday night a report a good time The ladies of the Sewing Circle are busy quilting a number of quilts one of our friends Looks pretty serious Robert Too late for last week The grippe is still on the go in the village Ramsay is confined to the house with an in his ear Mr Gordon Fan- of visited at Mr J a few days this week Miss Maimic Keys of North spent the weekend with Miss Merle Shropshire Mr Frank Ramsay visited over Sunday at Weston Mr and Mrs Crone vis- the city Oh Monday of tliij week Mrs John after an illness of abodl a year much pa tient ferihg Mrs- ProlU was a daughter of the late Win I ah old 5th CP was years age Most of her life was spent in Scotli hear Zephyr Last No vember the family moved to bridge Mrs Profit was a kind neighbor and a devoted wifearid mother She is survive husband and six children Mrs George Graham and Aurora Oscar of ship and MissesLaura and and Sam at The fune ral look place to Quaker Hill Presbyterian Cemetery The following have been con fined to the with Grippe J Profit eringM Pickering Jr Myers The following soldiers spent Sunday at home J Smith Caldwell Griffin arid About forty couples enjoyed a dance in the hall Friday evening There were a numherherc from Mount Albert Sand ford and other neighboring places On Wednesday of last week the boys of the village played those from the country and won by a score of lto Another match will be played next Friday even ing Mr T student of To ronto Veterinary the guest of Miss Law during Saturday and Sunday Mrs J Profit returned home last week after spending a week with her sister Mrs John Pro fit at Miss Plaslon of Windsor is- a guest of Geo The fourth attempt to hold the carnival proved successful The crowd was large the ice was good and the music was well ren dered The following the winners ladies costume couple skaters Ivan Law and Mabel Pickering boysrace Ivan Law open race Mainprise Pickering Mrs lorncr fell last week anil injured her arm severely Miss Baker of Maple is waiting on Ay jmenced and- everyone is making arrangements to ice houses Mr Williamson arid family Wednesday at near Aurora- where washeld Mr N at Mr one day last week Ben seems to enjoy with motor even it Mr and Mrs Sherman and family and MrsA Day spent Sunday Toronto and visited Pie Day and at Ex hibition Who got a Valentine Did he Mrs J Boyd spent a few days in Keswick MutntoNonfine Sunday School of and that cortainl was a fine ad dress that Mr Dearborn night under auspices of the Christian Endeavor Mrs Angus open ed theiij to the League qj Wednesday evening and all spent a very enjoyable playing gams etc after the usual League prograna in charge or the Miss Evans Everyone bad a fine at the Skating Saturday night please teacher we wicked any more does fly so The recruing officers are as as bees these days Oh J by way Rob Hamilton gave one of the best patriotic speech- es J ever heard at Hie Social aV Mr Peters Keswicjc Epworth League are going to visit Quocns- ville League and the visifwill take the for of a Dress Carnival next week If itla Barflalnybu Want I FEBRUARY A MARCH GOING fc has been confined to her bed for a few days this from Johnson loaded out a car of live stock this week Ice season has commenced Special trains- have started to run from the lake to Toronto v I I few days with a I lack of some sportsmen up i on lhji mid oMr town somewhat calmer A change a re- good at is is a her Miss Hazel of Toronto is visiting her mother Mrs Mr and Mrs W Horner vis ited Mrs Cronsbcrry of Vir ginia Sunday League of at Mr John Crones Ml Al- hurch will visit at u Mrs A Waite of Church will visit their Guild next Sunday evening sup ply the program A munition plant State was wrecked hy fire Announcement is made that fourteen regiments are to leave shortly for A loss to shipping was caused in flic docks of nearly by FOR New Kitchen Range new Sewing Machine Complete do Kitchen Chairs new Wash ing Machine Box Stove set of Dishes complete at Shields Farm near ML Albert Myers Mount Al WANTED visited at Mr Win Knights street visited at Mr Wednesday of last week Mr and Mrs M Duncan of Shropshires on Sunday Mr and Mrs I New market visited at Crones on Sunday also Mr Mor- of Mi and Mrs Lloyd tertafued a friends on Saturday evening Mr and food will LumlfngVisfled at Mr J A from attended at Mrs A Starrs on Wednesday LANDING The Valentine Pic Social under the auspices of the Methodist Church which took place on Tuesday evening was Irrgcly at tended Proceeds amounted to 20 Miss of a few days last week with brother Mr W The Red Cross Aid intend a dance in Lloyds Hall on Thursday next Hie 2Uh orchestra has been secured for occasion and a good lime expected Everybody come and bring your girl and if you hove girl bring someones wife Mr W Barker of spent Monday last at Mr If J Barkers Mr Laver spent Sunday last in the city Mr Jesse formally of bis place who has been residing til the past years was calling on friend week PETERS CORNERS Wedding bells are ringing yea This is Leap Year isnt it A number of our people took in the canccrt at Union St night and report a good Mrs Ralph Draper is in Mount Al bert with her lather- is very low at time of writing Also tier mother Mrs Rye- Is very 111 Miss Gertrude her- friend Miss Ruth Richardson pi On Tuesday last Owing to the lovely evening and everyone s enthusiastic to do their part for the Red Cross the Box So cial which was at Mr James Peters on Feb was a grand success The boxes decorated and prepared by the able girls and those present was an admiring sight were sold auction and were quickly posed of at prices ranging from to All were pleased to see so many of our boys in present of our boys in khaki present also another enlisted during the ev ening and ably assisted with the entertainment ihc proceeds which amounted to handed over to the Red Cross Hayes went City for a few days and returned Sunday Mr Eves 0 Newmarket is shipping a carload of wheat here this week A number yes a large number attended the Concert Union St last Friday night Re ports are it was real good- A large cheery bonfire kept a good light and a warming spot for a jolly bunch of skaters on the lake Saturday The poet said If the world seems cold lo ym Kindle fires to warm it Of course we do not that he meant bonfires but such as that make this place one of the warmest country spots of Ontario in which to live- A big mistake was made last week It should bit Sapper Will An original contraction for that read Spr of the Red Cross So ciety wishes to announce a very important business meeting for Tuesday night Boys as well as girls are asked to be present and those who helped with Box Social at Corners are especially asked Remember at Temperance Hall Miss Nellie formerly of and now of Toronto is visiting her cousin Miss Dorothy Pollock Khaki Boys from Newmarket arc busy recruiting around this burg these days The Kirton Hall Hoys spent over Sunday with Mr J Mrs Gride and Mrs of Sharon arc visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity Well its no fair anyway fdr Keswick to be hogging all tho measels Why not share up like did a large crowd enjoyed the treat at Christian Church last Sunday night A collection of for Red Cross was taken Canned Goods Brand Peas per tin Ayimer Brand Corn- per tin Aylmer Brand Tomatoes tin Simcoe Brand Peas 3 tins for Brand Com 3 for 2Bc Farmer Dove Tomatoes 3 for Evaporated Peaches 3 lbs for 25c Excelsior for Lard per lb Gunns Pure Lard per lb Ryans Lard per lb Dry Goods Binding Gloves long or short wrist Reg 10c pair a smash in priccsper pair Canvas Gloves pair on sale pair Mens and Boys Knot Ties our profit given away to you Reg on sale 19c each SPECIALS IN GOOD Rubbers Boots and Shoos I I can hardly express the low prices I have on Boots and Shoes and Rubbers Something surpris ing I I would for you to call in and see them Overalls Our stock that we have left in Overalls we cant replace for the money You know the prices have taken advances rapidly While they last Big B Overalls per pair MC Brand per pair Si Bull Dog Brand per pair SI and in striped black and tan Prices are right come and seo the goods Cant guarantee these goods to last because when they are gone we cant replace thorn for money- Be sure you are the first one I Eggs of Wales Dressing Combs Farm Produoe Butter and 10c each I taken In BAil General Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries Boots 8hoes Flour Feed Hardware Oils BROWN HILL ONTARIO HERMAN Phone 21r3 Heres to th boys in khaki The brave our land Theyre willing todo their bit or die Come and give them a hand think will have to sack our re porter Keep the old d you choose- dont you thi Have one that will publish some nun SUTTON March leaving Newmarket at a m on Feb march ing to Cedar Valley where the Co will proceed by train do After holding a social evening there we will march to Sutton the next morning Similar social ev enings will be held at each of the intermediate points on the fol lowing days concluding at New market on Friday evening where the Company will be given a din ner following which a Smoker will be held Wc want the men of North York to join us- as we march along We want the women of North York to cooperate with us and put nothing in the way of the manhood of North York from fill ing up the ranks of this their own Company in this their own Battalion the called the York Battalion We have orders raise the Company to by 1st of March Let everyone with a unity of spirit raise the enthus iasm of our District so that this will be accomplished Only by combined efforts can reach goal We are going to coax large Mr and Mrs Newt Graham en tertained a few of their friends to an oyster supper and an jig one evening last week All report a good time i Mr preached to a congregation at Sunday aurora Last Monday night the regular of the Scarlet chapter the East L told in the Orange Hall an interesting record was set up Worshipful Brother J Steel During the ev ening several new members in itiated and the ceremony was per formed Hi Steel and amongst them was his granjlson Al ter the Steel informed those present that It was just years ago that night when he self was initiated to the Scarlet Chapter which he thought conn united a record news Mr and Mrs of the Red District Man visited It Curls for the past couple of weeks Mr Myers of has Married man for farm oil farm near Mount Albert Steady employment for the right spending past man For particulars apply to v WeiwB here 1 SlHIiLDS Mr intends building on his Toronto son farm Lot President Main and Kay the in lloroiitd week Mr of was my shop and build n now sister Mi I will give special I fur the past couple of Now In my for down one for bargains in anything line Stoves of all kinds days as I want to take SHARON Mr had the mis fortune to fall oil a load Sunday afternoon and fracture his collar bone We are sorry to report Mfee is under the an attack of pneumonia Mrs has also confined to ber with a paralytic stroke Miss Mar attended the High School Carnival in Newmarket on Friday Mr Norman Crone Miss aa visited at Mt Mat Mr Lloyd spent last in the City The Aid at the home Mrs Friday af ternoon Mr Walter Tate spent a couple days with his Mrs ft Goodwin of Holland landing last week Mr and Mrs Queen St north spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs f Kiteley Mrs Shropshire spent the weekend at Mr Un ion St A numher from here attended the Oyster upper at on Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Lloyd enter tained a number of last Sat urday- evening KESWICK to hear that Mrs Win is under the doctors care and she will soon be out Mrs Leo Jewells little girl is very sick and Is under the doctors care with pneumonia Mr and Mrs little girl Is very sick with the Sorry to hear that Mrs L Fair- Lorn Ik under doctors care Glad to hear that Mrs is able to be around Mrs J Jewell from the City a by her son dewcll came up on Sunday to visit Mr It- t I ill ami on In I I atari to down my old Ml Albert W who the young wno man wi from the who had have horse from FOR ALE on Jot flood and and to station For particu lar on a mal other l MU liighlH ago The back of Frank Vie and blanket and of Ml Albert iiiterHleiii ifnnt child ROACHS POINT Our young people i Red Dance in Friday night report a good lime and Mm Gilbert Young and baby Marjory were home for a few dayB thin week fijad to report that Mr who ban very- ill wltU KlmprpvlrjK Mis Leo Mrs Jewell stayed and her son went home Sunday ev ening- I- wonder when Uncle ill be thinking of fishing I guess there are not very fish caught this year The Aids Red Club from School They purpose it for buying yarn and hospital plies Red Cross Club will hold a meeting at Mr Frank Mortons home on Monday Feb Wo want every girl to bo there and bring her knitting Wo going to plan for the next of Field Comforts for our Canadian Soldiers at the front remember the dale Monday afternoon at 3 o clock in I he from Keftwick to the Box Social held at the home of Mr fames- reports a Say 1 Didnt boxes go high The poceedM were over Mairitl Bun- day at bin home was glad to seo his cheerful face again He left Toronto Monday lo join Ills brothers Company in Ottawa Kemn life lian Church Sunday as Pie Tom Allan or Oxbridge was home over Sunday He was presented with a Wrist Watch at Knox Church on Sunday morning The Young Peoples Society of Knox Church spent pleasant ev ening at the Manse Monday James and refreshments were indulged in Ice cutting was commenced on Saturday at the Point houses The ice although not thick is of a good quality A public meeting was held here on Wednesday in order lo make arrangements for the bil leting of the soldiers overt night next Tuesday when they make their route march from lo Newmarket Recruiting is brisk at depot here and Tremnync is a busy man He has a com pany of nearly twenty men at present See the bargain bills announc ing the big sale at Sinai ley Store This slock must he cleared one week ho come early and get your choice of the best roods Sale commences on Sat urday Malonb Lodge A F A M met for heir regular meeting on Wednesday A number of To ronto brothers were present Mr It Norman is moving into the house recently vacated by Mr Harvey and Mr is preparing to move into I lie house vacated by Mr Nor man Mr Schmidt Metro politan Conductor is moving in to Mrs Barnards house Next Wednesday night is open night for tholadles at IhoJOOF Hall The degree cams are busy with the different degrees Ihcso evenings men by speeches but we ex- peel ho men and women of North On February 3rd Mr York to respond and be with us heartily in the coming campaign Willi your help can do it hut not without Come lo the and meet the boys who have already enlisted in the North York Com pany and you will find there the chums you know We will have uniforms ready for those wlio will and a good time for everyone even if through force of circumstances you to the front in khaki Yours sincerely A R Lawrence Ball CEDAR VALLEY MEN AND WOMEN To the People of North York I feel sure by the end of this week everyone in the terri tory from Newmarket North will understand lliat we are trying 1 raise a Company of Men in this District are trying to do this in I wo ways By a by the men enlist ed in Hie North York Company having pine or ir luon in each of the following- Sutton Keswick Ravens boo Holland Ml Albert and Cedar Valley Up to dale and this means Hint we get IS6 more- by Mar 1st we are a I The S Club mot at the of Miss Annie on evening where they a real good time and crowd attended They decided to hold an open night on Friday night ami A good program will be provided The Ice harvest Is in full swing Quite a number around here been confined lo the house Mr Fred Male has rented a formerly by the late Mr Floyd Mr of Toronto friends and here Miss of al so Miss Muriel ol wore visiting Mr and Mrs Oscar Penrose- an daughter of also Mrs Geo Medly of Dakota spent a few weeks here owing to the of their father Irene Penrose Toronto was the yuedt of over the Mr and Frank Oliver Ing friends and Mr Michigan visited here Miss Clara Penrose Is visiting friends and relatives in lot a few wee a George Allen of Toronto who has is visiting friends around here week Two or three soldiers from have been in the Valleji recruiting ibis but nothing do- to see around alter shut up with for two Wo hear tovenB la fnmtere arc looking what Phillips home was the scene of a gathering 58 people to pay their high esteem sad regard for Mr Shepparu who has enlisted in the Over seas The evening was spent in playing patriotic pieces games and other amusements until midnight when a good supper was provided The presentation of a was made by Mr Roy and an address was read Mr Phillips to Mr Shcppard Rear Sit As vou have entered the tail of duty to your King and Country to fight for your and our precious liberty which has created a higher regard and high esteem tor you therefore we cannot allow you to from us without you this wrist watch and we ask your ac ceptance which will always remind you of the many pleasant times we have had together and we nil hope after the war Is over you will re among Mr made a very suitable reply The home of Mr Kenton the event on Tuesday evening a farewell for Mr Wilmot and especially the young ho did not get to the one held at Mr Phillips on account of room There weta present who had a was furnished by the Sanderson Orchestra city c- r I 1 When You Have Things To Offer Ainanufacturor of shovels that he never found It necessary to Fond out travelling men to sell his- goods The customers too the ini Orders came from all over the world The tact of the matter that those particular shovels were so much better than any others put on market that sold themselves A great many have this how to people to buy an inferior article in place of a better one Rut when you have a really superior thing lo tho best of its kind in all vou will need to do is ciis- who circulate among the peo ple and advertise the worth of the This Is as true service as of other commodity Khwhat I Tho in lint- who ate not exempted have been raited to the colors Man frpn Seed and bell bag a lit fact Sect line sen Toll for Dlr v 1 cap ma in of tor a an mi llu iml we th we eai 1 bei the oft feu til die the wei i J y eye I

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