Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 18, 1916, p. 3

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ftJwAV M A J i I March 3rd Harry and Douglas and Eva and Edith get married by the Wis Secretary of Fine Piano you want a bargain make a Oyster Supper An oyster supper will- be at note of the sale the Market- Square date Sat Feb at ten oclock v Th Private Secretary If You Want To spend a pleasant evening at the same time contribute your mite for the comfort or irk and wounded soldiers attend the Bed Cross Euchre in Wesley Block next Tuesday evening To commence at sharp Lodge Thora Lodge No IIS of Newmarket will hold its regu lar meeting on Wednesday awn Feb at oclock in the I OK Lodge Room All members are requested be present Mr Gibson the Tailor Gels elevated and kicked out He through the door on of March at Town Hall Is very amusing Mr mole has all India to help tiro I Field Comforts toel9i9ufbldvfell6 Club House Closed At a meeting of the Executive Newmarket Home Guard held Monday evening it was decided to close Military Club the attendance being so small it did not compensate the Cost of keeping it open Curling The final match for the Davis Cup was played Tuesday and was very interesting The sides were ft Smith and Clioppm J Wedlock Sherman West J Davis jr and J When the last end was played score stood a lie In the play off Chopping ile wona thus bold We cup This is the second lime Mr has won the Davis Cup Mrs Stead Sees a Joke And makes a few and Miss A fill ford is very fond of spirits What a bibulous old lady In Hall on March 3rd Brief lets- A Cold Snap The thermometer registered from to below zero on day in places about fbwni cpldest dip moderated to 10 above on Tuesday A Loyal Action G The management of the are putting a proposition all the employeesVontlie road where by be asked donate salary every two months in aid of If the platr is approved the contributions will be deduct edfrom the pay rolls spectivo months Council meets at next- Saturday Red Cross Euchre next Tuesday night Division Court here next Wed nesday Hookey rf- with lumbago Earl these nights 5TH LINE OF KING Mrs Terry fe visiting friends Morning iihAi fats usual weekly visit on Sunday Terry Laura Snowball are spending a week at Newmarket Tony Kiiiisi The Ford Hockey team frmo Toronto came tip on Tuesday ey- and had a brush with the Town boys It was a pretty lively game throughout but the home leant won by a score of The visitors were entertained at supper at the Field Comforts Room previous to leavingrfpr the City Farm Produce There was not a very large market last Saturday and prices were incliuid to be easier The buyers paying 30c 27c for eggs and IOC for chickens Townspeople paid 33c for for eggs and for chickens These were the principal commodities cold for vegetables i SNOWBALL Mr and made a flyingvisit to the City on Whats the attraction away south the line Mr and Mrs Stevens spenJiKUfc day at Rose Farm the of Mr and Sirs J Morning Some wedding In our t4wn soon Listen How does lake ever find the roads Over the Httte- to We is to be a presenta tion ever on the line is says We- that binds Goods which are arriving daily -ss- mm are marked Carry the Best uptodate Stock of Boots arid In the trade Police Court There was quite a crowd at the Vita Hall last Monday when Po lice Magistrate held a session of the Court Geo of King Township was charged with trapping a bea ver in New Ontario last fall while out shooting Constable Curtis or Newmarket made the arrest The accused was let off by paying the costs and the pelt was confiscat ed For selling liquor in a Local Option town a local carpenter was fincu or three months in jail He went to jail Sacred Music On Thursday evening Feb the Boys Choir of St Mathias Church Toronto will sing a Mu sical Service at St Pauls Church Newmarket A great treat will be in store for all lovers of Sacred Music as this Choir lias been most thoroughly trained by their capable organist who will accom pany them Service to commence at sharp- All are welcome Concert on March 17th Through the courtesy of The pulpit of the Methodist M arid Literary Club the Roman Catholic Dramatic Club has secured the Town Hall for the evening of March and will present one of the best Irish Concerts ever given in Newmar ket- Net proceeds to be divided equally between Cross and Field Comforts the dale See posters later was filled on Sunday Mast by the Morrow of Hamilton in the in terest of social service and Ism At ths close the service tde of the Lords Supper was the taster a vl -W- I I A I 9f 1 Other towns around us are us ing printers ink to secure cus tom and heaps of advertising lit erature is coming through the post office here and elsewhere If our business men sit down and wail they be surprised if trade goes to other places Skating Carnival The High School pupils held a very successful Carnival last Fri day evening at the Skating Rink There were a large number in many being really line the winners of the prizes were as allows Dressed Lady Georgian Cane Be- Dressed Gent Graham For ester Dressed Couple Miss Laura Vernon and Alva Comic Frank Cain Patriotic Miss Taylor Net proceeds for High School Literary Society Valentine Social The Mission Circle of the Meth odist lurch had wonderful suc cess with their Valentine Social and Conundrum Tea last Monday evening The attendance was larger than anticipated The la dies did a lot of knitting Mr Brougiilons Victrola provided an entertaining program together with a humorous reading by Mr Harry The tea was all right and the proceeds about The decorations loo were worthy notice hearts and miniature being profusely scattered everywhere Friends Church J- The topical address on Sunday last at the peoples pop was The power of a touch Several phases of the subject were with illustrative of the point tlfe restraining power of the touch of Elizabeth Frys hand on the shoulder of degradpd prisoners in Newgale Jail the gentle soothing effects Of a nurses touch mi a patient in Hospital a Mothers touch the touch of a little child and last of all the power of the touch of faith which healed blessed comforted and strengthened the woman with the issue of blood The preacher pressed home the desirability of all putting forth the hand of and touching the Lord Je sus for salvation and healing Sunday Feb Quarterly Meeting of the Society- am Meeting fob Worship pm Song Service pm Popular Service Topic Lessons from the Snow Everybody welcome all seats free Honey A number our idslaehts are from the effects pi la grippe Pleased to see the Honey out again alter his recent Miss Jessie ban returned to her hi Winnipeg after spend ing a pleasant time with her sister Mrs AURORA I Selling at 12 Cents Half Price Balance Members Fees Member Knitting Teas lvo Parties JonatioiiH Kxpendftures Yarn Knitting of Parties Hospital Supplies Hal on Hand I Soldiers Route March The officers of the But- latioii have planned a whirlwind campaign lo recruit men for North Yorks quota of Hie new County Regiment being formed Jan for Overseas Service A March will commence at oclock next Monday morning when a number of soldiers be longing to Co No will march Cedar Valley and take the rain for The after noon will be spent in ascertaining the prospects for recruits in lie evening a social Lime will be spent between llm citizens soldiers A program of music will be supplied commencing oclock in which Mr Jules he popular entertainer of Toronto will lake part The sol- accompanied by the Bugle Of pieces will remain all night On Tuesday morning ihey will march to arriving in time for dinner Games will he pro vided in the afternoon weather In the- evening an other social evening will he held Hie Town Hall when a similar program will be provided Mr will he at each of the ev- the route all Leave morn Bel haven noon to Keswick for night The meting will be in the ranee lave Keswick pm Thurs- and inarch for in Church Leave on Friday and have dinner Sim roil Iheiirejo NVwmarkei arriv ing at are MI0 made lo provide supper wiio in khaki III Town Hall will he good The public are all he evening and it hoped the of North Vrk will give he soldiers who are go- Iodic Front to fight for hem welcome Red Cross Items The regular monthly meeting of the Red Cross Society was held in the Council Chamber on Mon day afternoon when the Treasur er presented the following state ment for the past month Receipts Family Gathering A very pleasant family gathering Agnes Williamson Wellington Wast Aurora on Wednesday Feb- when she welcomed everyone her Family and two daughters and well as daughtersinlaw grand chilartn great grand child All the family but two sous rcslc In York County Samuel and Charlie reside at White Hose ilium and at Newmarket Frank at Kes wick Arthur at Man at Togo Mask Daniel it home Mrs Bell at North Toronto nd At kinson at Aurora This is the first time for a number of years that they have all been to bo at home at the same time and at dinner Mrs Williamson hid the extreme- pleasure taking the head of the table which fairly groan ed with tempting and will her around the the eld est on her right hand the youngest on her left- After a most hour speecbilylng and singing be came the order the day Sam uel in a few well chosen remarks and on- behalf the present ed jhclr mother with beautiful silk I as a memento of this i K scenes 5 3035 Th induction of Rev J formerly of Mitchell who has been appointed pastor of the Aurora Church in the place of Allen who re cently enlisted for active service took place Tuesday evening at a wellattended meeting of the con gregation Dr Davidson of Toronto delivered the charge to the new minister and Rev kin of Toronto preached the ser mon Thomas of New market moderator of the district assisted in the ceremony Mrs Arthur who has been an active worker in the fund being raised for the pur chase of a held kitchen for the focal company Bat held a progressive euchre at her home on Monday which realized Mrs Robinson of Acton West has been spending few- weeks with rela tives In and around Aurora We congratulate Morn ing of Oak Ridges in her success in her recent examinations in piano theory spent un- with friends in Toronto and To ronto function Jack Frost made Its appearance in earnest on Sunday monung Zero weather staying for a day or two who has one son at the and one training here His now commenced training here also We arc to hear that Mrs is Improving We hope she will soon be around again Beauty a J i cepteda position In Ottawa J pattt a business trip to Toronto last Thursday Mrs leonard is very serious ly ill with la grippe Miss M Scott of Toronto spent over Sunjday with her brother Rev Scott Mr Kuttleiof Toronto was week end visitor at the Parsonage Rev and Mrs Scott are spending a few days in the Queen City thjs week A v THE KING8 8PEEOH At Opening Imperial Parliament King Georges Speech from the Throne follows My Lords and Gentlemen It has been my duty lo summon you a flora short recess lo renew your deliberations The spirit of iny Allies and my people who are united in the conflict by fiver- strengthening tics of sympathy and understand ing remains steadfast in the re solve to secure reparation for the victims of unprovoked and un justifiable outrage and effectual safeguards for all notions against the aggression of a power which mistakes force for right and for honor With a proud and grateful look to courage tenacity and resource of my na vy and army on whom we depend worthily to perform our part in the attainment of this goal Gentlemen of the House of 4BFi FULL RANGE NEW PRINT8 In all Newest Patterns NUR8E CLOTH 36 inches wide suitable for Dresses FANCY SILK MARQUISETTE 36 Inches wide for Evening Dresses and Summer Frocks FANCY VOILES in all the Newest Shades and Patterns PLAIN CREPE DE 36 width In White Pink Old Rose and Nile Green YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO IN8PECT OUR NEW 8PRING 8TOCK fe was decided purchase ire yarn lo the Value of wijs also decided lo hold Hie next Hod Cross fin Tues day evening- There was a good attendance Tea in the Christian Church on Tuesday afternoon The proceeds were of childhood days were recalled and it seemed that Mire had wings so quickly did time come for thc departure of the afternoon of Newmarket the family the four generations and the whole time to hid farewell all otocd In Singing- with you I till we meet again Mr Fred Kittson of Toronto spent Sunday with other Mrs John Mr and Mfb Stephens of spent the sister Mrs Mr leaner of Sutton moved in to Mr Walter Proctors houe this week Mr to he motor- man on th new electric car which wo expect will ho running anytime now The first electric car made Its into town pa Saturday ringing with It of Metropolitan the township Counted the Town Fathers ni the grain and live Commons you will he asked lo make due financial provision for the conduct of the war My the only measures which will be sub mitted to you are such as in the opinion of my advisers tend to the attainment of our common object I commend them lo your patriotism and and I pray that the His your 1 HEAD OFFICE TORONTO I LIVE 8TO0K MARKET Merchants all which had dinner veek Top prices in ills When all the vorld sloops one voice claims the flight THE OF THE CLOCK I 1 The ordinary de livers In sharp unpleasant sounds A Strlklna Mantle Clock We soil speaks softly and with the of a harp FOR 8TYLE AND PRICE AND Cattle Sheep Lambs IfoRs off curs Toronto Markets J atthcOiieens Motel Mr John Terry the line King made business trip to town on Tuesday Mr and Mrs gave a party last Thursday to their many friends ion lack being a year old that day Mr Kills Pratt of Kettleby called on friends In town on Tuesday i V Cunnings who has manager of Weavers Drug Store has accepted a In Berlin and leaves with- his thisi week Mr Patterson formerly Aurora now has charge of Mr Weavers drug store Mr Pa Is of Breton a busi ness to town on Monday the band on the rink Miss Morula of Toronto spent with her parents Mr and Mrs M Brown and- Smith P WahJi Toronto spent Sunday at their pa- arley rental homes ate Sparks of Aurora duller pes 9 1025 Capital paid Up ROWLAND President Reserve Pund HAY General Managor Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Credit Issued available throughout the World Dealers In Government and Municipal Seourltles Dealers In Domost Foreign j Department at all Branches credited halfyearly at Current Rates 100 opens an account- M- SMYTH Manager Newmarket FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED FORMS SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING TRANSACTED fit- nth Wheat per bush Oats per Hay ton i 21 Butter lb 0 300 38 rcr a lb 20 Dues per lb 0 IS rer 0 IS 40 Newmarket Markets t MAIN SOUTH Glearin 1 r hn Afraid of the Burglar I lion him up all the same March 3rd L ATKINSON GO at the home of Mr Sam Shorts per ton per ton siobti 0 3a a 0 20 25 Jewelers and Opticians AGENT V w- visited his Ron Mr one Turkeys per UM1 tMokcns per lb 0 Mr Doyle and family have per lb 15016 froM the farm Into his brick REDUCTION ON ALL WINTER GOODS SPECIALS ALL KIND8 AN D FURLINED COATS AND QENT8 WINTER UNDERWEAR mi Must J at O Before gookTaklnfl f lpm I

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