Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 18, 1916, p. 2

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m i BILKERS With or without their calves I Apply id McMillan ftA1AttAT amounted lo 1 vis and i On Wednesday Jan 20tb be tween Newmarket and Pine Op chard a Ladys Black Leather Chatelaine Reward for its return Willis Newmarket BEREAVEMENT Mr and -MrsTVm- Clarke thank their friends for the kind expressions of sympathy extended to them in their recent sad bereavement IF YOU HAVE Hogs or Fat Calves TO SELL Write or- Call Up J St Lawrence Market 2967 Toronto CLEARING SALE RHODE ISLAND RED8 Must sell lo make room for my Breeding Pens Pullets at each A few good Breeding- Cockerels still left for sale EGQ8 FOR HATCHING I YORK Sutton Wes FOR Yearling Durham Seed Oats A at bushel Banner Oats at bushel O A Barley at J PROCTOR Box Newmarket throughout Nor are aP results Hie North York men in khaki had a inarch to Aurora on Thursday of last week They were by the there Addresses were given by of town- followed by an excellent luncheon served by the ladies Cigars were provided by the charge of Aurora Depot On Sunday Feb the mem bers of Company will jSarade for divine to Presbyterian Church A Soldiers Lament All duc my And nobody gives a hoot About the feel Of a blistered heel Or a callous spot on nVy board keel I Would that some goat would make a meal On my ingrowing army hoot LETTER BELGIUM A Han Tellg Why He Enlisted Belgium- Jan Dear Mr Editor Before I finally left Newmar ket was asked by a number of FARM TO RENT- 300 acres Lot Con East or Lot 35 Con Whitchurch Uptodate buildings fall plowed acres Kail Wheat acres Alsike Only responsible tenant accepted For particulars apply to Mrs dfrisky on the farm or to W Newmarket Phone i0l that the war had made its oppress on Ontario work Dur ing 191415 the probanda work only figured as against in the preceeding year grant the Army was also saved The Mail and Ottawa the readers of Journal Parliament bunt Hill will be in l their as nearly as replica of the old The shell the is still c wails are great thickness and A despatch nun Ottawa state tfal looting has taken place since the big fire at the Parliament Buildings The restaurant was broken into and till robbed also quantity ol cigars stolen Guards were supposed to be protecting property but and were taken from the Speakers and a number of cheques and documents stolen members rooms and their desks ramsaefced The Courts have an offence under section of the Criminal Code to destroy or damage a tree in a park ground or inany land adjacent to or belonging to dwelling house As matter ol fact in Ontario no other than specially appointed municipal officer has the right to remove or trim a tres Telegraph or telephone men can be prosecuted for hacking a tree A press despatch from Ottawa this week states that the proposal for the extension of the present term of Parliament has been adopted Both sides of the house agreed to the proposition Under present cir cumstances no doubt the country generally will be pleased to learn hat Canada will not hold a war erection his year The proposition was adopted in the House by an unanimous vote The Ontario License Hoard upset but that lh future held still the nerves proprietor brighter prospects for me of the Arlington Hotel Hut alas for my hopes livery one will those awful Oar from Mrs I is spepd- a few days in the City with- her son Geo Everest of Toronto visited her aunt Mrs J A Mr JphnMorgan of Toronto formerly this Town visit ing friends here over Sunday Mr Walter of To ronto spent with his of Queen and Sis Mr J Davis left for CalifprhiaSOn Monday a ac companied by Mrs Harold- Davis of Kingston Mr HDrapepf ford writes be times nothings see ins to till lho bill like the EraV May and Mri Allan of Toronto visited wiUi Mr and Sunday Eastwood returned from Alliance Ohio after a visit of- five weeks with her brother -Eastwood- Gunner Mont Brimson lie of Stock Lot Con Survey King n6s gale atone o clock Haroh r41r A will have a sale of Farm etc on Lot 1 East Half on the of King an to Oclock Thuraday Feb Mr J Huntley will have an extenaiyo sale of stock irnplements con East GwillimburyStop on Metropolitan Sale at one sharp J- Feb Mr Fred inwiU have a Farm Sale mHes of Aurora on Stop credit Sale at one H AucL Green Gages Tin l We have something special to offer In Canned Fruits credit on all sums over or six per cent off Raspberries Lombard Plums Pears Tin ar tli ci 15c Tin 20c Tin Cherries Dried peaches 3 lbs for Figs 9 10 and 124c 10c lb ii CHOICE NAVAL 25c 30o and J Battery accompanied by Mr Geo Jackson of the Royal Ci spent Su at his homo Miss Ross of Toronto people Why I Enlisted and Mss of not being Very ready with an an- the Tuesday Mr J Kay lot will hold a very extensive farm sale at 12 ocIoek credit w J Kesler Grape FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT 3 for 2Bc CUBAN GRAPE FRUIT for 26c y swer at- the time I thought I would now amuse myself by tell ing them through you Up and including July any thought- of my ever soldier had not even occurred to me and if anyone such a possibility I would have probably thought they were crazy but lime brings wonderful changes and little did think what the future held in store for me At the lime was about 3G years of age married and I had Iwp children of which any father might be proud owned a nice Utile home and held a fairly good Loral Manager the Bell Telephone Co In other I was comfortably off and had no reason whatever to doubt 2 Ayrshire and Jersey Cows and years old coming fresh next month McMillan No Newmarket or Phone I- t Will I itvi SSKf I 1 of lu rty when Germany tore off the- mask and the Great War which was destined lo drench Europe with blood and to draw into its i- Miss Si Burrows Pearson St Professional poinlmenls by letter or card Box Newmarket FARM WANTED Up lo acres Must be firstclass soil and good build ings in exchange for acres Alberta This is choice quarter partly broken with buildings and situated on lake Apply to Box 80S Newmarket TEN DAYS CLEARING SALE All Winter Shapes at and Trimmed Millinery at less than cost At MISS Over Hunters Store AUCTION OK A BEAUTIFUL UPRIGHT PIANO Under and by virtue of the terms of a certain chattel mort gage and of a certain Lion Order and Agreement which will he pro duced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on the to April supplying liquor to soldiers out hours and selling whiskey to soldiers- The barlender said he never sold in to any one hut the evidence two was to the enect the had sold them ana two other bot tles whiskey The City Will probably apply to lor increasing rower along taxation lines lor mu nicipality purposes Aid Graham pro- to tax race courses theatres amusement places etc in connection with racecourse vortex millions of peace able men including myself During the first two weeks still had no thought of enlisting but events moved rapidly and with the fall of came talk of Conscription in England and for rst time I realized that it might possibly be up to sooner or later lo go and do my bit The thought was allogeth- distasteful to me at first hut I soon came to the conclusion that it was the only thing to do Hon it was suggest a tain amount he levied tick- once I li4 convinced myself of the necessity el and also to receive a percentage on the machines the bookies at other racecourses This would lighten the burden taxpay ers The February number Child Betterment and Social is to hand and as usual full in io the 8hre it is designed t Mill Some of the things Child Bet terment and Social Welfare stands for are as follows Pool gardens and more play grounds lor children in our large cities treatment lor loys and girls Physical training as the basis education ol children Rtnng and education by the state o young children I poor families that are compelled to the child ren labor for own support J- Market 8quare Newmarket ON the of Feb at the hour of ten oclock in lhc forenoon a beautiful Walnut Up right Piano In good condition It will be offered for file subject to small reserved bid Terms Gash at time of sale Dated Jan DUNCAN Auct WQHJEN TO MOBOLIZE Feb I he London Dally News some details plans to a re- campaign for to the soil It la proposed to Issue an armlet to women willing to undertake farm work and that they will entitled to uniform village will te canvassed by womans committees and all who volunteer will registered axil giv en an and which of coat hopts skirts and gaiters These are to itd at a low price Already men have been withdrawn from the Held of agri culture and it anticipated that a further will be to this occupation oDjy the others who axe Indispensable will remain essential that an army at 400000 women be MILITARY COMPANY- Watch Us Grow I J Two of Brothers firm In London for trad- leg with the enemy The Ministry of Marine his confirmation A ml ic The following have enlisted during the week of Feb 10th to Mayes Geo fjeo A Walter Huston ftobinson J Chapman Wm Miller Wm Donald Leslie Frank Holland Marshall Holland George Edward fitutley York McLaughlin Carl- Walter Lee son Graham Fred On morning the of No Co paraded for vine service to HI Pauls Church G McGonigle Chaplain of York Hangers preached a appropriate sermon evening the parad ed to the Methodist Church where the boys in Khaki occupied llie choir Young sang On His Malcstys P gave a splendid patri otic sermon Col Clarke from was present and gave a short address- emphasis the need for more men m The following weeks saw the German Army moving across France with astonishing rapidity committing in its course at which the world stood aghast and which set the light ing blood of English speaking all over world boiling with rage I came very near en listing immediately but on spc- thought I realized that I could not leave my wife as well provided for as I would like to and that there were lots of men around who were younger and better able to go therefore decided not lo enlist as yel but lo get my affairs in the best bible shape and be prepared for any emergency The Battle of the Manic gave hope that the war I be over but the stubborn resis tance at the dashed those hopes to the ground However it began to look as if llie enemy was last under control and that it only required KileJionors army lo go in and finish It but disappointments were In The fall of Antwerp the entry of I he Turks into the Struggle and other things all combined lo convince me that the war would be a long struggle and that If wo were lo win it was now up lo every man who could possibly get away to go and do his bit no mailer the sacrifice Generous action on the part of llie telephone Company cut me lo leave my family in fairly good circumstance and my enlistment followed as matter of course a step which more recent events have con vinced mo was the right one Yours truly If MorUrnorc their cousin Mrs Stanley Mrs ing writes We an oldfashioned winter and our supply limited Some of the branch not open for days and the roads hi poor con dition Rev It J Simpson who closed a term on the Newmarket charge three years ago been unanimously requested con tinue with St Meth odist Church Toronto for anoth er year Congratuiations to Mr Pic- Ion Brown oil being Mayor of P Mr Brown is a brother of Mr Barney Brown of Newmarket and he was employed on the Era staff nearly years ago Mr and Mrs Simpson of Verdon Man Mr and Mrs J of Ml Albert Mr Ken neth and lady friend of Perth Mr and Mrs Willis spent Sunday With Mrs Mr Morley Andrews of Au rora formerly of this town has been building a now residence Yesterday Mrs Andrews held first reception in her new home and a nurhbe of Newmarket la dies went 16 tender their congratulations At Aurora on Tuesday Rev Thomas addressed the con gregation in connection with the induction of Mr A as assistant minister in the Presby terian Church there during the absence of Rev Allan at the front Mrs Albert of Van couver writes find I cannot get along without Newmarket news and look forward lo the day when the comes We are having Thursday Feb Powell 1 Similes South of Holt will have an important farm sale at oclock cred it i In Tins 10 and 1Bc In Urge Tins 12 15 18 22 and 25o PHONE U8 YOUR OR AND WE WILL 8ATI8FY Map Thos Will dispose of horses registered cattle implements at lots con East mos credit WJ Auct The fierce conflicts along the French front which have been in progress for over two weeks con tinue and the Germans have a little the better of their Opponents in territorial gains The ground won and lost by either side is however- out of all proportion in curred It is estimated in fantry fighting was resumed late in fanuaty- men have been killed wounded or on the western front We obscried the other in the a lady addressing a letter presumably her fiitnd write In Haste on the lower left hand corner or the envelope Thats propel When these magic words ap pear o envelope dropped into the local Government shop everybody connected with the department jumps around lively The postmaster dances a jig the mall carrier whips up his horse into a brisk trot and the postal clerks on the tram- run to the engineer and tolls him the throttle wide open and let her go and eventually letter gets its destination Star S fc- PHONE i PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given Physician and Family Recipes I Bflllll MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Photo Supplies fltiyler Weekly W OFFICE House Phone No Store THE LEADING You can buy your Cheap For Gash stead Of winter rains This means A great deal of illness and the hospitals are full of Miss M Ross of Vancou ver writes The weather reputation of Vancouver and the Pacific in general has been smashed all to bits this Ihrcn feet of snow here now and indication of more to fol low- Of course such a condition docs not occur more than once In about seventeen years so wo fissured by the old timers and almost everyone I talk to hopes it wont occur for at least seventeen more Mrs of Brampton writes We look each Friday for the paper very as it keeps so well informed of the doings of the old town We heard with pleasure of the new lighting system which must ho a great deal better than it used to ho We are proud of the many responds to the call of the Mother Land and your Roll of Honor indeed growing rapid ly May bless protect and prosper manly young men and bring this terrible war to a per manent ending bringing all our hoys homo to us each one crowned with tho and maple entwined I also wish lo say how much we enjoy the letters from front also those of Miss Wo never tire of reading them- Wishing your paper every success Night calls attended to at i THE John H Millard Phones and 20 The Altar At the home of the bride on Feb by Rev Thomas Hoy Vin cent of Ml Albert lo Miss Vera Venetta of Prospect Ave Newmarket J This Theatre will The Tomb Baker- his late residence Fob Peter Baker years Murray At North Newmar ket obt Murray aged years Interred ycslerday afternoon at Newmarket Cemetery the funeral being in charge of No 501 Toronto In which Lodge he was a member for years f At Industrial Home Newmarket on Feb 1 1010 James Mitchell from South York aged years 4 I FRENCH SUNK GREW OP DROWNED Feb The following statement was fatten out here today The Minister of Marine fears for the fate of the cruiser Amiral which has been the Syrian coast No news has been re ceived from the crulKer since Feb when German tele gram a submarine sank a French warblp The Amiral under normal conditions carried a crew of guns and odr torpedo tubes PRESERVE YOUR having your Prescription accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Ground On the Premises Mall and Phono Orders Promptly Filled PEnCMriOPTlClAN EAST ot TORONTO Phone North IN MEMORUM loving memory of Robert Saunders who this life Feb flth Gone from us but not forgotten From all earthly care set free Death from him met no resist- As his soul gained liberty i The we loved is now laid low The loving voice is still The hand we often clasped In ours dcaUis cold chill Wo often sit and think of him When we are all alone For memory Is the only friend That call its own Mother NEWMARKET The HydroRacial Is In deadlock at St Marys the Mayor refusing to sign it thou passed by the Council as the towri has exceed ed Its borrowing powers of gas and the gas plant at A fine specimen of wildest was shot by Morris of Owen Sound in Long Swamp six mile from town rera 8 A J Waling St I AH Orders Careful I i GEORGE tenuis i Phono I AD

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