Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 11, 1916, p. 8

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I- Mrs MffW Mar I hare used for Indigestion and Constipation with most excellent results continue to bo only medicine I saw Fruit- advertised with a letter in which tome one recommended them very highly sol tried The were more than lory and I have no hesitation in recommeritkrfg-jFrait-a- A Time Is proving that era always be depended upon to give prompt relief Constipation end Stomach Trouble A box for trial alio At dealers or sent postpaid by ftUres Limited Ottawa F0R8ALE 2 Building Lois on Park and Avenues Apply to Newmarket FOR CHEAP St A New Cottage on Apply to Mrs Lloyd 3w52 SOLD BY TENDER Two new Brick Houses on Block A Lome Ave at a bargain P MORTON Heal Estate and Fire Insurance Newmarket A grand racingcarnival was held on rink here on Saturday night- The second heat in the race for the cup came off and were offered In several other iiexri meeting of Branch of the Womens Institute will be held at the horheplMrs7 John on Thursday Feb Ah interesting social evening held at theiEpworth League cm Mon day evening when a literary and musical program given and home made candy was enjoyed bji Mr Erdmann Beynon was so un fortunate as to break his arm last Sunday morning when cranking his car while on bis- way itfs ap pointment at Lefroy account of accidenthe was forced to retfurn home and was unable to take bis work during the day Absent for no or average attendance Report Primary Mount School January Marks Fisher 169 Mary Campbell honors 455 Rolling Esther Rolling 423 Cora Dike and Winnie Little Jr Marks 405 384 Cora Wilson 329 Hayes 226 PINE ORCHARD OR EXCHANGE Chopping Mill and Temperance House Firstclass business Lots work and good paying concern No encumbrance Reason tor selling Call or write to LAWS Box At End Acre of Land Apples Pears and Small Fruits Brick House buililings Well Apply to Mrs J on or to BOX Newmarket P The next regular monthly meeting of the Pine Orchard branch of the North York Womens Institute will be held at the of Mrs Van- Lupcn on- Wednesday Janl6lb at The program will consist of a Thimble Tea Each one sup posed to being thmr fancy sew ing and knitting exchange ideas thus making the meeting interesting tor everyone Also a paper by Mrs Sunny Side Life Roll Call How to mending easy- AURORA Morgan and Hansford promoted- to EflieRoss and absent Marks Dyke honours 267 Hayes 244 Hilda Davidson honors 243 Haines honours 243 Angus Harrison I ion 210 Last Saturday evening about oclock fire w discovered in the residence of Mr Watson Spruce Street An alarm was given but the fire was extinguished before the firemen arrived One room was badly damaged by the fire Mrs J A Knowles for merit- Miss held her bridal re caption on Tuesday evening Febru ary 1st at home Wells Street A large number of guests were pre sent The bride received in a green silk gown and was assisted by her other Mrs Ban ner FARM FOR The West of lot in 2nd Con of East con taining 50 acres of clay loam in good stale of cultivation Only 3 miles North of Newmarket Comfortable roughcast House outbuildings orchard small fruits abundance of good water fences in good repair acres hardwood acres fall wheat of hay and balance plow ed twice over lost fall Apply on farm No agents R Newmarket If not sold would lease l- a good tenant YOUR POWER by tending the Popular Clara Woodcock 213 Roy Manners v 151 Forrest Toole and Vera absent Class Total Marks 325 265 Basil Thompson Arthur Harrison George Wilson V Lena King 209 Mitchell Kenneth C y Thirst and Hilda Kenny absent Jr Primer Class Marks 240 Frank Ross honours 223 honours SOO Frank Harrison honours 200 Norman Harrison honours 184 Rolling 175 Howard Morton Sara Woodcock Marline Vera King i- 18 Florence Harper absent Margaret Harper and Edwin Class A absent These marks are based on monthly examinations and daily marks Number- roll L A Policy teacher 143 lass School Reports Toronto Out Host place in Can ada for High Grade Business Ed ucation Enter Now Open ail year Catalogue free Young Charles Streets over experience Trade fi Dctiona AC f vac for Kettleby School Report For the Month of January V Class Marks possible 1798 Janet Davis J Lena Clapson D Dove Class Marks possible Lulu lion- Fox Hunt Da vis 737 HI Class Marks possible VBowman lion D Fox K Moifnt Lewis Kaake Dove Class Marks possible A Fox Hunt R Hunt 744 Jack Da vis 703 Burling Bur ling K SO Bur ling P 330 Gamble I Class Marks possible Lewis OH Burling 232 Gamble Primer No of Stars I 75 Warren M Foster- J Lewis A Class Mount Grace Hurling Gamble Lewis 8 Class 23 Many during the month account of Chinas Teach or- Report No lor tho month of January Names are placed in order of merit Kenneth Bessie Brown Helen Wilson Muriel Harry Watson Jennie Glover Eddie Kershaw Jr Jack T III Eugene F Tirflale Vera Glover Arthur Glover Bessie Kershaw Muriel Ramsay Russell Fred Ramsay Hazel Eves Annie McKrill Pearl Wesley Eves Jr IL Hutchison Ada Gardner Glover Walter Davis Mabel Hewlett lett Hutchison Cephas Andrews Rose Ivan Eves Dorothy Ramsaji Violet Hall Jr L Kenneth Margaret Davis A Margaret Leopard Pupils present every dav during the month Helen Escella rel attendance for month 24 Whether the question be- viewed from the stamipolnVofuotiooal of the atsiriiy efficiency the aDumcnt in fa or suppression of s le during the war is has done thisaileading politicians Britain afe fdousoli most widely known dpn The Spectator atd economize and pat great national economy Open us the cutting- root and branch of our expenditure Jon if wo do not pur waste In alcohol- than It e mean Win this war we must the intoxicants order to money aal get more and the ministers know as well as wfe do the only ireat saving attainable be f these from an authority a recent writer calls the- at well as at Westminster to takoarntegand asl has the Dominion Gpreramtnt answer can it have to the protest in these war times that last year two hundred and seventylive million pounds of food stuffs were destroyed in the breweries and distilleries of Canada in order produce sixtysix million gallons of intoxicating liquors with an estimated value of and three dollars There is he loss of both of the iood the loss of the money paid for the liquor andthe loss of efficiency in the men- who drink it The most authoritative voice in Journalism of British respectability calls out for prohbition during the War Will Kings ministers listen And what ajout the Provinces Al berts and Saskatchewan have taken the lead British Columbia Manitoba and New Brunswick fc soon vote the question and we have faith that the others will not be far behind The Provincial authorities are re sponsible for the waste of men caus ed by drink They have the power to cancel forthwith every license bar room shop or club and stop the waste Every wasted dollar will be needed to meet the financial demands of the war and afterwards All wasted energy is needed in the munition and every wasted man is needed now front and other ur gent sendee at home- The authorities have been waiting to sure that they will be sup ported by the aril now may- expect that the will go aheJL Owing to the In advertising Used and the and per annum when not so paid I t AMERICAN SUBSCRIPTIONS IN ADVANCE ONLY NOW THE TIME TO PAY UP I Postal Notes are the cheapest and safest way to send renewals WE HOPE TO MAINTAIN THE HlQH STANDARD OF THE ERA and give full value for the money without going Into bankruptcy on account of the War as some papers have already done J j is Editor and Proprietor SOMETHING WRONG mmk A J I- I for i4 teT4 J DOM Mil countries Ask for our will bo Mat fit Mount Pleasant School Report Him No North Jr Mary Ruby Hamilton Gordon Stephens -Mir- shall JolniHlon Carl loin Wight Viola York Jr Har ris Wight Taylor If Joe Johnston Tom Lizzie York Hop kins Not KvercU KinK Jack ytilen Jr I- ell a Tboiipson Jean Hamilton I Wight Nora honey Clifford Allan York Jred Stevens Mildred Primer Verna Irene McMillan Willie Tnskey Wight Jr King Joy Kroner TENYEAR SENTENCE FOR WHITE Toledo Ohio Feb 7 In the Unit ed States District Court here Her man convicted ol bringing liiH wile from Can ada Into the United and putt ing her In in Detroit Toledo and other Ohio cities was sentenced to serve years Leavenworth Penitentiary a line His brother Joseph was con victed and sentenced to servo ten years at Leavenworth The Govern ment the two men on both white slavey charge and violation the act forbidding the importation of aliens for immoral purposes TO AM Via the Leaving Toronto pm Through Tralne Ho Change fifto that your reads Report for So Senior Room for Month January Claw CANADIAN PACIFIC train Canadian Ticket Agents or Murphy Passenger Agent Cor King and ATKINSON Newmarket COAL OIL BUSINESS j New- market Call evqu a Rogers Anna 238 Ulna U Alma M Mitchell Cook Arthur Annie Wilkin Donald Hots Stella Walter Merrltt Harrison HI Mildred Dike 226 Think Kenneth Hansford Hots Kathleen Host pete Man ners Marguerite Shaw 1ft Jr III Florence Jeleer Itobett 21ft l3 I Drew on Rollins I KIDNEYS Perhaps Your mo out of order Mmke our urine It fthoutd bo light straw color if It highly colored reddish or odor or unusual If or look lo They out of order GIN and them in the or all point to in kidney or action GIN Gin Pitts are worth In because drive paint out of the yiUm- only cost y tenia a with the aosotute guarantee of Mtlsfactlonor your back Six boxes or a If you write to National Drug Chemical Co of Limited In Wednesdays Telegram of we find the following report of a County Police Court trial and it without com ment After hearing evidence to show that 15yearold Eliza had been up without a of education and that her homo conditions were terrible for a young girl owing to charac ter of her parents Magistrate in the County Police Court today made the girl a word of the Childrens Aid Soci ety The also severely County Constable of Sutton in chnrgoof case for not stricter as truant officer of the village began to explain that Mo had to explain the School Act lo every family wlien he went lo en force it but Magistrate old him be careful on this point that he wrs a constable and not a juilfce The constable then began a recital of the various of fices he filled Oh I said the greatly a pooh bah The trouble is you are loo I know you are the chief lecturer around villago and so I nut giving you p change by letting you have advice Well your Worship I am very glad to gel ft I think the will do me good the constable K and of llio Childrens Aid Society that home was not a It for the girl to stay Mrs A for whom girl is now working domestic said she was greatly improving and like lo The magistrate strongly com mented on conditions In a village like that would permit children In grow up without gel ling past- first book A broth er of the girl now said ho only got three months at school confinement in a warm damp pen is one of most prolific causes of weak sickly pigs in the spring Labor is going to be scarce this season Plan to have bulk of lighter pruning done by the of March When the barn yard is covered with about half a foot of ice you realize what an advantage a drain would have boon With each cows record before him the dairymen is able to feed moro intelligently Meal in proportion to the milk is a good motto If you have not an incubator yet if will pay where you want over a hundred chicks batched his spring to look over some catalogues Have the incubators up and aired Hotter get a new see that they are correctly regis- Pitch holes are tho result of drifts Drifts are result of winds the winds by a row of ever greens and you have solved the win ter good roads problem There need be no fear of low mar kets this season Production will not be as heavy as It was lust year and good prices should prevail for everything farmer can produce Farmers are unquestionably enter upon- a very momentous year There are ahead even greater 111 the difficulties now ex- CANADIAN PACIFIC LEAVE TORONTO P M DAILY VIA THE TRAN80ANADA Through equipment Including Eleotrlo Lighted Observation Oar Standard and Tourist Dining Car The frequent P Service passing through the Business Centre of each Oily is an asset to the Traveller Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent or write Howard P A Toronto AGENT NEWMARKET Clothing Factory Destroyed Ottawa Feb of mysteri ous origin destroyed the manufactur ing establishment of the and Company Limit ed on Albert street early this morn ing There were fight employes in was and it will need all the covered on the second floor It spread formers native shrewdness lapidlv and the med had to get HINTS every day Keen flic stables dry of litter and ventilation Pork and beef production is on in Columbia ashes and salt is unreal Hone producer for young pigs pick a stormy day look over fix up and oil the different sols of har ness All the chickens that will bring in fair returns should be hatched by end of May mare is a good thing for will make stronger colt flow testing not only produces bel ter cows but and dairymen It Is a good practice to keep the cows In a box sfalj a few days lie fore and after calving he most of his land with labor and transport deficiencies When I tie cheese yield from a de finite quantity of milk is low it may be due fnt lost in making the cheese or to the milk dirty Unclean milk often contains some germs which have power of dis solving the casein the milk con stituent required for cheese and thus causing ft lo pass off in whey The breeding of Army horses con tinues fo he aftcntfnn of the farmer The question is as yet not an one do not know the mind of the Government hut we are Inclined In the belief that one sure basis upon which the Army horse breeding can be estab lished is make profitable to breed horses for this purpose and not equip Army In times of peace from a subsidiary branch of horse breeding Good Roads In North York At a private meeting held County Council adjourned lata Friday afternoon lives the of North York in favor of aglo roads system for North York The committee was appointed a year ago to take up the matter and has been busily engaged In preparing Its report on the for submission to the Council at this session Although some diversity of opinion existed atnoni as to whether the present time was propi tious to undertake the expenditure of the feeling was al most unanimous that this was best method of securing the desired Improvement The committee bow- ever declared In favor of the and the roads to be included and the cost will be a matter for the Council its next meeting Send the Era to absent friends ipldly via the fire escapes lames Smith the night was sin the floor at the time The building smoke but tlie elevator down to tho second where he was caught by and assisted to the fife es cape The old man suffered from shock a was nearly when the firemen rescued from escape The firm was engaged in making tarpaulins clothing and haversacks for the Militia Department Thou sands of dollars worth of material was in the Building ready for very Smith ihe night be lieves blare to have been work of an He says he was on the second floor Just a few minutes previous and that there was no sfRn danger The loss about on the meat off the works which was a building feet by feet the loss Is now I estimated between and a structure It was sixstorey brio 1 i Munitions Plant at Destroyed Incendiary Expected nt be lie to be of a incendiary origin out In the munitions depart ment of the iV tool and shell plant a today and completely destroyed the shell department The thory Foundry fire was of Incendiary origin has been increased of fur ther evidence A workman by the name of who was eating his dinner in the factory heard an and found the plant In flames another employee he- stranger comb Into the and he asked for and An fire In that he had a which he set Adolph chatte beside a resin tank master arrested at and saw It there when he left the plant a of explosives w at discovered there the fire was tlon Toronto ete Two brass hands of lltir anil a large number friends and relatives were at the North Toronto It station oil Saturday to welcome the seventh contingent of wounded and dis abled that has returned from the front- Win Armstrong an employee of the Campbell Milling Co had several ribs broken and was oth erwise badly bruised about his body when he was caught be tween I one of the front wheels his motor truck and a light pole on Street bridge Saturday morning Miss Hush was he suc cessful contestant in the medal election contest of the Hoy- ill of list At well meet ing of the Sheep Breeders Association the president Colonel reported rapid growth and improvement In the sheep breeding in in Canada At the meeting of the United Farm- era Association last week it was suggested that the calling of drover should to exist The Idea now is to have a central or ganization which Will handle on the market the live of the mem bers Thinking ho had a grievance Mr Fred who evidence when Kb was fined a few days ago for using bad language over the itelephone went to Mr house end threatened to his head He was bound oer to keep the The Department of Education that after next September grants to all A- Schools will be the same as to High Schools ARCHIVES OF p Ik o i I a

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