Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 11, 1916, p. 7

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i ALL fiecas church Parade- Company No will attend divine service at St net Sunday morn- sows on a ftnm I JANUARY SPECIALS In our window is a very nice neat pattern of a DINNER SET pieces fine duality china Bargain at CHINA TEA SET Fine quality of English China Four very nice border decora- lions 10 pieces Special Price- Splendicf Success f ho Skating Party the Good Cheer Class of the last Wednes day Evening was a grand suc cess The proceeds Which were of field Com mittee amounted to t- Junior Christian Endeavor The Social last Saturday af ternoon was quite a This Society will continue to meet ev ery Saturday afternoon from 3 to pm There will he some thing special next Saturday af ternoon A fir Importer of Staple and Fancy China The Best Yet Twentynine tabled were occu pied at the Red Cross Euohre on Tuesday evening besides those who were spectators Everybody had a good time The ladys prize was won by Mrs Smith and Mr Ed Richardson won the prize Proceeds of the eyening expenses Look out for another aire will he ready for occupancy next week will be convenient attractive Car penters are nearly through arid lhepainieard haying their in nings- The seals apparatus and will be installed next week and the will open Monday with an attractive program Reserve the date Special raeetingthiB Friday p in for new members Full attendance of members requested- Military Col Clark the is to address the men three large factories in this after- noon ate how hi market Co- and Aurora Co fc Newmarket sbjdters marched to Aurora yesterday morning and were served with lunch by the Patriotic League At on Jan by Rev Fatber Lou- Come and Hoar the Singing The singing at the Methodist Church next Sunday Evening will be in charge of a Choir of overJ members of Co No The men have been hearsing this week under the and have something particularly good by Geo Young Hymns for everybody to sing Patriotic Sermon by the Pastor also an address by one of the Of ficers of the Battalion t St Valentines Tea The young- ladies of the Mis sion Circle will hold a St linos Tea on Monday evening Fob iitb in the School A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER How it would delight your children how It would please your friends tot Us Make Them For You E Phono Photographer One Boor West of the New Post Office ise Marian twin daughter of the late David and Marie f the Methodist Church of Newmarket was united to Mr j young ladies have gone to Thomas of The attendants were Mr and Mrs Turcolt The bride and groom to their on a large farm near Many friends of the bride this vicinity will wish them a happy future QORHAWST NEWMARKET Curling Two rinks from Newmarket went to Toronto on Tuesday and were defeated at the Granite Rink by by shots The score as follows Newmarket it Garrett Smith A Stephens Choppin- 17 A Williams Watson Payne Doyle A Boys ABinnsl3 great pains to show due honor to the amorous Saint in decoration and in many unique features The Tea will be a Conundrum Tea served plan but un like teas of that continent in the war times it will he a substantial one The ladies are invited to bring their knitting come fttrr oclock and stay till The husbands and gentlemen friends are invited lo join them at tea at whatever time between these hours may he most convenient The proceeds are for the Mission ary Work in which the young ladies are interested A cordial invitation is extended to everyone Rev Gordon Mathews of de livered a most lecture on- Tuesday evening to the members of the A Y find tteir friends was Missionary in which lor Some has been en gaged difficulties and hard ships in the West are almost incredible and the story of heroic ance that the settlers- of the West might ministration the Church was one called for the unbounded admiration of those present Those who missed the lec ture missed a treat The skating party held on Wednes day was pronounced Snaps in at will buy large size wash dish pudding pans dippers or sink strainers TWlal Total AMD mum Week Galvanized Boilers No at Hardware l work promptly attended to reasonable Out-of- town orders sollottsd CUT FLOWERS OH HAND W PHONE ftflilltary Night at the Strand On Tuesday evening hist the officers and members of the f27th York Rangers specially your kind patronage at the Strand A decidedly enjoyable evening is assured The man agement of the theatre have successful in securing the most war drama entitled The Man Who Stayed at Homo as played in motion in Canada or as The White as played on the legi timate stage in London fang tiro proceeds for the Newmarket soldiers at the front Patriotic Hookey Biggest Crowd at the Rink on Wednesday evening for the last live years to see the for the Championship of the Town between Pickering College and a Town team the entire proceeds being for Patriotic purposes Great enthusiasm prevailed as it was a very close through out There was no score in the first period At half lime it was a to I In the last period it was a lie again when in the last few minutes Pickering College boys scored making the total re NOTICE TO Pursuant to the Revised of Ontario crydiors find all other persons having arty claims against- the Estate of Thomas late of Hie Township of KaAl iii the County of York farm deceased who or about the day of November sen1 into the Town of Newmarket Oat Solicitor for 0 the Will of the said lihbmftsifbney or before the 5th February a of their and full particulars thereof and a ineiif of the securities any for ouch claims notice is further jjiven that the aaid 8U1 day of the may proceed to l route of the Estate among the parlies entitled there to having regard only to the of vhich they shall then have had notice and shall not be liable for he proceeds of the as Acts anyptrt lo any of whose claim have not bad notice hi- Dated January WAIIHKN Wl Holt The York Battalion is ejected the new York County be up full strength time fur county unit is reported proceeding steadily and lh now totals about men No special recruiting campaign Is being con ducted at the various depots throughout the county carrying on the wotk In the or dinary manner Tor recruiting and other purposes the county has been into four divi sions with an Officer in charge of each section A recruiting in now Sta tioned at Sutton a new Company is being formed Plans for a march from Newmarket to Toronto are now under and it is believed that the march will prove a strong Incentive to re cruiting in the various districts Endeavor The meeting last Tuesday night Was conducted by Mr W Steph ens Piano selections by Misses Bessie Morton and and a vocal solo by Miss Traviss Tho lesson was read by Mr Leonard Black but the feature of the evening was the address by Mr J who gave a splendid talk on Amusements that arc Worth While to an attendance of over one hundred He dealt with the subject very tactfully and Care fully needless to say everyone appreciated it greatly The meeting next week will be in charge of Mr Harold Trent and Rev J Hall topic How to put the Bible into Life As this is no doubt the last lime Mr Hall will be taking a topic before he goes away let ev eryone make it a point to be there Try to remember the Pledge The Bali have accepted the invitation to attend our Meeting on Feb After the meeting we Will spend a social hour Everybody bear in mind the talent sale of Home Made Baking Etc on Friday afternoon in the basement of the church in aid of the Field Comforts for our boys Who have left the church Attention I Schedule Postponed Dates Davis Cup Feb ft vs A Smith Feb Chopin vs Feb Winner vs Feb Final Game No further postponement al lowed except for lack of ice Rinks not appearing on above dates will lose by default All skips will be provided with new schedules for Aylcsworth Cup and all games must be played on or before set dales or go by de fault Time for first round of Single Competition is extended until Feb Only those who return a winnej by that date can be placed in the final draw Perhaps you work Indoors Or perhaps you are an outofdoors man It makes no difference The point Is this If you are supervigorous you need Underwear of su perstrength Nothing hold you long I if it f Come and get a warm comfortable suit of Stanflelds Unshrinkable The Men Main St West Newmarket The candidates applica tion for said- admission shall be made lo the Minister at as early a dato as he latter may deem prac- BALE AUCTION OF A UPRIGHT PIANO Irihr by virtue of the WW of certain chattel moH- arid of a certain Wen Order and Agreement which will be pro- at the time of sale there be Offered for sale by Public on the Market ON the of Fob Jt Hie hour often oclock in the a beautiful Walnut Piano In good condition it offered for sale to rt eo sale Jap iOJfl Auct- Gravity save many hard work and do the right Hardware- There was a capital attendance laslHtinday evening preach ers topic was Sight and Ser vice The Scripture lesson and text yveie found in Isaiah address was admirably by means of the black- hoard suggested by the drawing of an eye ajid the I aw the Lord This vision led to an vision 0 self and heart and the arrived at law a man of lips This Jed up for Sin Confes sion fit Bin and Conversion of Heart Then cahie the call for Service Whom Send and the voluntary offering Here am I send me J was an inspiring address speaker Was not in good form through illness but It was forcefully de livered A splendid little prayer meeting closed a even ing Sunday next i am Meeting for worship Hong Service Peoples Popular Service Preachers topic The of Touch All seats Withdrawn PreHidont of the Metropoli tan League Mr Liv ingston writes us as follows May we be permitted through your valued paper to announce to the wholehearted supporters of the teams of the Metropolitan Hockey that it has been decided to postpone the League Schedule for this season To of the parents sisters sweethearts the rea son for withdrawing the Schedule but we still feel that there are some of the public we trust not many who do not know Mint a large percentage of the players member- and supporters of the loams in tiffs League are at present In active service and others who are present training- in the different towns along the Metropolitan The prin cipal reason and we are proud of it why the Schedule was With drawn was owing to the fact that sufficient players particularly in two of the towns not avail able for Hockey purposes owing to so many having enlisted We trust that all the teams will bo to participate In the- games next year when wo peaco Will have been declared and tho boys have safely returned the countless of supporters of Metro politan Hockey League for their enthusiastic assistance to the League during the last few years may we recommend to the proposed Militia Hockey League about to be formed In connection with the We under stand their being ar ranged and that further particu lars will bo to public in a short time They are all good fellows While wo in a use reluctantly withdraw our Schedule for this season wo trust that those who have patronized Metropolitan Hockey League will in continue their Comfort Notes The Committee has been lied by cable that the Battal ion has been moved from lo Camp No I Kent England Dont forget to try our Satur day lunch from to or our ppular supper from 500 lo Oysters special this week Seven cases of magazines pack ed this week also may parcels sent to our boys at the front Ladies help Help I Dont wail to he invited Bake give fruit pickles etc Our sales tables need fancy articles Our Saturday meals need waiters Lots of ways to help our boys They are easy ways but very ne cessary Friday mooting at Gome and sew or knit Wool may bo had at Miss Forsyths 2 On the conditions prescribed in below Porter teacher at the Normal Schools or spcat the at her of Kdncolion who enlist for overseas service in the present after the candidates Mr Barker Brampton spent a wm other candidates for charge from the service few days with his nephew Mr Fred i certificates who also eh- Note It is expected that list for service and win fore or instead of entering a Mies Katie Porter Brampton in h the necessary entrance Summer School candidates home for a month obtained either before or will utilize the opportunities Harvey will on fercdby the local Secondary and Miss Marshall ca to the Department of Edu- Schools as may best suit and Miss Shier ol Tottenham attend- after their return lie ad- stage of their preparation for the the rink Wednesday evening milled for one session lo a Nor- academic examinations and In Miea Dean spent Thursday a Faculty of Ed- the judgment of Government Aurora the may he the it will be eminently Jilting for the Mr Wallace of on former at or about the same time municipalities lo which they be friends in Town of their withdrawal and long lo recognize their claims by Mr McVallrey who has been i patter at the beginning of the granting them financial assist- home in Newmarket sick Is back to with exemption from fees mice during the period of their work In the bank again am allowance at the rale preparation Such assistance by Private Brown of spent a week for board and the Government or by the weekend with his parents lodging during the whole or pari may be accepted as a and Mrs Brown of the session as the may be just tribute lo honorable and Private ipearco of Toronto j 3 The conditions referred lo in courageous patriotism spent Sunday at tho home of above are as fol- J coney Toronto with- town Kiluoallon llio shall nDC box factory Mr A M Armstrong M submit lo Hie Minister of was home from Ottawa- lot tWe k corlllloalo weekend i with the Militia Hookey 8 frep League t Presentation Lost Sunday afternoon at the close of Iho Sunday School a gathering of those in terested took place in the Glass Room a beautiful Wrist Watch was presented to Mr Mont accompanied the following address Mr Montgomery Dear Mont members of the Choir- the Hereon Class and the League are gathered to wish you good success in your new life as a Seedier King We have known you for a long time have loved you dear ly have always been glad to have you as one of our company You endeared yoursolf to us by your cheerfulness and humor by your manliness and your many other gifts but you have hold us all by your rare genius for friend ship- As a member of the Choir as President of Bible Class and of the you rendered groat vico never forget your helpfulness Wo will miss you sadly and will think of you con stantly go you will be sustained by our constant thought of you and our unfailing prayers May God bo with you always and bring you bock to us again soon the war being ended a peaco with honor secured and Gunner wearing the honors which are his due Pray accept this Wrist Waloh as a token of our- love respect and good wishes On behalf of the Organizations A P Addison Wilkinson Barker 1 Church and r Mrs is spending few days this week In the Queen City Miss M of Kcttlcby Spent a few days this week with friends in town Mr and Miss Alma visited In ftolton one day this week A bad accident happened on Mam St last Wednesday Market Bay when a horse broke away from a buggy near the hall and tak ing with it the shafts ran in On the of the bank and fell over top of some children were coming up with a little express Two children were hurt In tho mix up one to have several stitches In his head The horse then ran up sidewalk and was stepped at Hotel The latest report is that the children are doing fine Mr and Mrs P Stevenson of aro visiting with the formers cousin Mrs Lyons Mrs Is spending a few days with friends in Bolton AND THE Regulations of the Department of Education I On the conditions prescrib ed below candidates in at- tendance at High and Continua tion Schools and Collegiate stilulesin preparation for next ensuing Middle or Upper examination who for in tho prbs- war will oh application- to of Education af ter their return to Ontario initlcd to one session of a Sum mer School for exam with exemption from fees and with an allowance for their trav to and from thoir ordinary of at llio beginning of the ses sion discharge from the Department of Militia ami Defence Ottawa and when required by the conditions certificate from the Principal or Iho Dean as the case may be si therein with a new box factory the dwelling of the proprietor Mr Lindsay The flames started la saw dust in engine room and spread bo rnoidly that nothing could be sav ed The factory was la fell opera tion with of boxes which were insured for Idling dale of Ma eviBi 1 op Willi wh W not begin to THE FURNISHINGS en Large Display OF That sold for and In our Window Oleaflng at or for In this lot there are soft and hard cuffs plain white and neat stripe and Dont fall to eeoure 2 or of these 8hir j Phone S Mens it v y L son v

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