Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 4, 1916, p. 6

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JOHN YATES MOUNT ALBERT INSTITUTE- The next regular meeting of die Ml Albert Branch of North York Womens Institute will be held aUie home Mrs Thomas on Thursday Feb at oclock This will Meeting- There will be a Bed Cross Tea served to which all are invited for 25c tie Note no toe activity Bask hi helping to finance the wheat The report Stable showing an- Is of strongest issued fey thisj known institution since incorpora tion years ft PERSONAL Mrs John Hutchinson and daughter Miss Sadie are visiting at the home of Mrs Geo Mam- Mrs Cunningham of Holt is suffering from an attack of the grippe Mr Amos Lapp who was con- fined to the house for lime with a severe attack of grippe is now on tlie mend Mr has recovered from he effects of his accident and is able to he about again FRANK WOUNDED A telegram on Monday an nounced that Frank Rams- den Of Ml Albert son of Reeve of East had been wounded Later reports staled that he was in the Hospital at Boulogne France suffering severe wounds in the chest which he received in ac tion on Sunday Private Rams den joined the University Corps tlial enlisted to reinforce the Princess early last fall Previous to enlisting he had to undergo a dangerous operation at the hospital at New Liskeard but so keen was his desire to serve his country that he took the risk He was a graduate of Ml Albert Continuation School Newmarket High School and the Faculty of Education After teazling about a year in Scott he taught in before he enlisted He was horn and raised in Mt Albert where he was very popular and bis many friends here are anxious for his recovery Mr David Bedford who was perhaps the resident of Albert and vicinity passed away at he home of his son-in- law Mr Vandewater on Thurs day He was in his year The rain which fell on Satur day night froze on the pavements and made travelling on Sunday almost impossible Not very many went to church and among those who did falls were frequent The roads were in a very had stale on Tuesday being hard fro and very rough and the at tendance at the market was not very large February this year contains five market days Tuesdays Not thai il matters much hut in how many years will this occur again Any items advertisements etc for the Era should be handed in not later than Tuesday evenings as the stae for Sharon now leaves at am on Wednesday mornings THE DOMINION HANK REPORT A ONE GENERAL ITEMS No one need be at a loss for conversational openings while the weather continues its variations has surely run Hie gamut Mount Albert School Report crowded out till nextissue Grippe has been very prevalent here as elswhere end many are puite ill We are glad to hear that Mrs John Graham who has been ill for over a month is able go out for a short walk on warm bright days Mrs Love also who has been quite low has taken a turn for the better Our sleighing has entirely gone and we are glad to say the icy condition of the sidewalks and streets is also gone Mi Al berts hilly streets may be esque but when coated with ice the pedestrian loses sight of their beauty when trying maintain a footing of any kind Mr Thos was a victim recoinly When taking out the horses to the hearse for a funeral he slip ped an J fell receiving a severe shaking up Fortunately was dangerously hurl and is now getting around again We are sorry to report that Miss of Albert al so received serious when out her When near the lop of a steep icy hill a bolt broke freeing the horses from the sleigh which slid hack down lull and then its occu pants out The others escaped uninjured but Miss was thrown forcibly a bard rough bank and sustained severe bruises in addition lo She was quite ill for some days but again attending to her duties Mr Bedford died last week at the advanced age of eightyeight He was in his usual health and remarkably active till within two weeks of his deaUh We are sorry to hear that wc are to Ipse Mr Paisley and Paisley from our village Their collage was sold last week to Mr Leslie Kennedy of near Zephyr We hear also that the home of the Mr and Mrs near the T has been sold but have not heard the name The prohibition was well signed here As Mt Albert citizens would not for a moment think of going back to bar con ditions they feel they ought to help others lo a similar good tiling The following composed by one of our boys at the front was handed to me with the hope that ought be true of all our brave hoys It will appear next week There will be a Leap Ve skate at gpBoDaisyvTury George congregation will he Aid in the Evelyn Jr Willie Mary- ilill A Elsie Huntley Roy Bain Bain Marian Charlie Tank Watson avenge attendance A teacher Between thirty an fort ladies tended at borne of Mrs on Wed nesday last aril spent most eooy- Frank Milne lotion and a Delate given the Pursuit Object Is more pleasure than the AtaimnenTh negative was tak en by Sirs Roy and Mis George Pearson and the Affirmative Pursuit side was taken by Airs Ton Miller and Mrs Sydney Thomp son judges decided id favor the aflirmative HOLLAND LANDING A Valentine Fie Social is to be held at Lloyds Hall On Tuesday Feb under the Auspices of the Aid of the Methodist Church The program will consist of Address Recitations Dialogues There is also an Autograph Quilt to hi sold by tender A is anticipat ed come EGYPT Hello Measles are raging in Egypt you go it is We are glad to hear that Mr Carl Keotch likes his new job in Parry Sound also Mr Anniversary Services post poned on account of so many being down with the We are glad to see Mrs James Sinclair out again I guess Mr Grow has got bis fea there wet he hasnt been seen day Jack and Jill Peoples Society every Ev ening who were present week missed a treat faotcbme next week it Night will be in charge of the meeting Pearsbn and Mr Alex Hamilton are visiting and Toronto and Sir spent a few days the There will be service i in v RED CROSS FUND IN NORTH 1 I ix PETERS A very satisfactory the rink next Wednesday night under I I to tho The Dominion Hank at Fortyfilth Meeting held recently at the Head Toronto The report that the Hank has made marked progress during the past year has part In Iko financing tin general busintss tit Country The for the were and alter making the necessary allowance for charges of management bad and debts and Domin ion and Provincial Government tax es the net amounted to to ii fir on the Capital Total assets reach the euro of 187 an crease ol fully over Current Marcs practically no change lie- against 147190- last year An Interesting the the fact that the account of or 27 per cent of- the the public while immediately per cent of the liabilities to the lie vhlft the immediately or per of the llabUilies to the There is a considerable increase in BARQAIN8 for In anything in my line Stoves of for 40 days an I want to take down my and build a ilsw one will and lrnirt on in anything I have In slock f shop to take my old Albert the auspices of the We Will Win Bible Class ments will be served in the Hall by the Girls Cant Class the night come and have a good time The Society will have a of material suitable to be into garments for hoys and girls in School Homes and Hospitals on Thursday the home of Mrs Huntley A pecial program is prepared The topic that of the Jew will be given after which refreshments and Missionary Salad ill he served Ail will be made wel come The Managers the Presbyterian Church have arranged tor an Oyster on Feb Full parti culars later The Guild will meet on Sunday in the Hall at oclock- The subject is Our Young Peoples So ciety The leader will he Mrs Marion and Mr Fred Header Marn Limskill Miss Hannah will preside The Anniversary the Methodist Sabbath School will be held Sunday Feb The KeaWkk will speak to the at a On the ev ening of Tuesday Feb will be In the alteif which a good program will be given A good time Is assured to all who come welcome Report of School for January It S Kthra Floyd Beatrice Thomuson Hello Howd this for change of weather Were pleased to see Roy able to be out again Miss Olive Terry spent the weekend with Miss Ruth Richardson of Hayes who has enlisted for overseas serpice spent Sunday at home Mr and Mr Hayes should be very proud of their boys who have all their services Mr Clarence Crittenden has been in he City tor a few days Miss Peters was re latives in over the week- Mr and Mrs James Peters were in the City attending the funeral of Mr Peters uncle last week Mr A Crittenden has recently got the phone in are sorry to hear of Mr Geo Locks illness Hope he will be well again Say Did you hear about the Box Social to be at Mr Jas Peters on Monday evening- Feb Boxes will bo sold by auction Proceeds aid of Red Cross wel come i Mr Ross has been laid up for days with a cold Mr Oilier of Toronto spent with friends in this vicinity Miss Bessie Locke and brother spent Sunday at home Mrs John Anderson was visiting relatives in for a week No n PEFFERHAW the 1 J hi J held at by Willbughby presiding Hie addresses were on Che fiiid our duty to those who and Country against barbarous allied After the addresses era persons volunteered to subscriptions asking for offerings to this fund Tho Ques tion was asked How much does owe this fund Sir said Esq did not use the words native Township I love the best to infuse the spirit of in his associates of boyhood offered if the Township would raise this amount or he give ten per cent of any amount- they did raise On the of Nov called a at foi report from those collected for fund Those present were Perry Mor ton James and M Silver It was de cided that the collectors should form with Reeve presiding I Silver was appointed of this amount paid at this meeting and what was collected after the meeting was 1 The Divisions were can vassed separately Mo I No No 3 These subscription lists were sent to O Esq who re sponded very promptly with his ten per cent making a total from North of which- amount was for warded to Noel Marshall Etfq OS King St Toronto This is bis acknowledgement of the sum Oniario Treasurers Toronto Jan 1910 Your letter of the 18th to Mr Noel Marshall enclosing cheque for in aid of the British Red Gross Society and Order of St from North has been transfer red- to the Hon Mr trea surer of the Central Provincial Committee who has directed me to acknowledge receipt thereof and In express his thanks and the thanks of the Committee for the contribution Yours very truly A Ministers Secretary Tile list may be at my place any lime or if any live of those who donated to this fund request me to do so will have ail In names published Willi the anion they donated I Silver selling Dunham is Mrs Mathta3 is able to IV a is also- Im proving Mr Putnam is with the bean industry these days Just call Mr Barney last in here Mr Don who has spending a here left last week to take his work of dandelion In his lawn Wed- Milne is able to about her work a little Wonder who the laughing maiden is we hear oyer the phone so much The spruce tree has fallen Res there on the But uncle and Tom are cutting it Arid carrying it all around But when tho sun is shining As hit as it can We cannot bask in the shelter Of old spruce tree Mr Jesse from the west relatives in this neighborhood lastweek visited his parents here 1 I w ivTjT At the Fortyfifth Annual General Meeting- of the Shareholders of The Dominion Bank held at the Head in Toronto on January the fpllow- statement of the affairs of the Bank as at December was submitted tJ GENERAL STATEMENT Capital Stock paid in Balance of Profits carried forward 34443971 133 payable 3rd Jan- Former Divide da unclaimed ft mt 1 pi Sunday Miss of Penetang is visits aunt Mrs J Terry The third Red Cross Tea served by the Methodist Ladies Aid will be on evening of Feb Come one come all for good sup per from to theft Anniversary service will be held Sunday the and the usual tea in the basement on Mon day following welcome The debate given at the Institute meeting last week well fought Mrs Thps Miller art Mrs Thompson for the alTirmatl e and Mrs ad Mrs George Pearson on the negative The Judges Mrs Rev and Mrs Pole and Mrs decid ed there was more pleasure in the pursuit of an object than in the at tainment of it Mrs favored us with a recitation and together it was a splendid meeting and a large crowd Humming Bird The of Meth odist deserves credit for the manner- In which It conducted the League Meeting on Sunday evening last topic and Nation Building was well taken by four of the boys The Misses Vera Smith and Doris have returned from spend ing several days In the city being the guests of Mrs Aylw They attended the Mendelssohn Choir- Con cert and report a most enjoyable Mr Smith O AC spent weekend in Toronto Do riot forget and Red Cross Tea to be held next week In the basement of the Methodist Church Everybody welcome Miss A spent last weekend in Toronto The Messrs and H Knight are spending a couple or weeks in Toronto Total Liabilities to the Shareholder Notes in Circulation 499566600 Deposits not bearing interest Deposits bearing in terest including in terest accrued to date Ft a i 536122475 in 6596559799 Balances due to other Banks Balances due to Banks anil Banking Correspondents in the United Kingdom and foreign countries Bills Payable Acceptances under Letters of Credit Liabilities not included in the fore going 26724140 4735200 Total Liabilities to the Public 7394963745 Gold and Silver Dominion Government Notes 1104190550 Notes of other Banks Cheques on other Banks Balances due by Banks and Bank ing Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada 1 r lowing is the report of the Union Society for Dec Club Social A friend of Com Mr Council Grant Social- flirls AL Horn QUEEN8VJLLE s CI ro tiOO forwarded to Head Mr for yarn Supply from T Co It Corner Money Order for At Home i- on hand i FOR SALE acres on lot and handy on DAN IIOHAN 352 A good net Of Hob HlflhH nearly all rood Vitv to If Willie Mackie Hill Viol Hill Ir Kmraa Marjory Hillary lennle Loan Ralph Hill Byron Hill Watson Wright lady Flanagan Alice Smith Jr Lena Irene Milne Mary Arthur Byron Cunningham Ruth Alice a A x ilBertla Ban Walter RoasWat- The following Sup- have been mode in Dee and Kent to tho Cross Society 30oo I Ox Mandator I Quill 2i Hand KnitHockK Mrs Win Griffith Mih MOUNT iS Bruce Morton The- Womens Missionary held its meeting on Friday af ternoon at the home Mrs Moulds Plans were rtade for on the work for the new year The Annual Minxes Alia Vera Smith Doris Stephens Messrs Robert and Marry Knight arid Kemp the weekend in Toronto The League service on Sunday Evening was conducted the boys of Mrs Stephens I class The Topic The Parmer and Nation was exceptionally good Mr Harold spoke on Stanley Eves on The Farmer he to Mr on Farmer as he should and Mr tccil Foster on The Farmers at titude tho church Two choruses were sunt by the class Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather on Sunday the Volunteers Mission Hand met the Methodist Church and spent an hour learning of the need the Heathen children and our obligation to the to them The Cross giv en Friday evening by the Boundtowin class was a decided success The play Whiter than Snow well rendered and highly appreciated audience Judging from the applause which greet ed the closlnjf ft each scene The amount realhed Including sate of was Service will be held in the Methodist Church Sun day at A A large number of our citizens are laid up with the grippe but I guess George will soon be again Rev Mr Kemp In able to be around again after a severe attack of lum bago The senior room of the school had holiday on Wednesday for their MissNeelands to of our former Miss Pearl to Mr White s ol Mr Van White of extend our- heartiest Sergeant and brother were home from Toronto over the week end We arc pleased to report Mr is recovering Iron his illness Mr Stanley returned to Toronto altera few weeks visit at Mr T IT Mrs T Wight Land ing was calling on friends here last Wednesday Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson of To ton to spent the weekend at Mrs A K Mrs Jerry Graham of Button west over Sunday with friends here Mrs Llmmons of Toronto Is spend ing a fcw days at Postmaster Watsons Mrs Montgomery and son of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr a Wilsons Mr Mrs of White Hose visited at Mr Lloyds on Monday Mr and Mrs Stole of Toronto visited at Mr Millltons over weekend Miss Inez Fuller Holland vlsited at Mr J M on Saturday sons Mr joined the colors was in the West when the war broke out He was among the to enlist and is now serving his in Franco enlisted at Oxbridge a months He a other North York would like to be transferred to the York Hat possible- Domlntpn and Provincial Securities not exceeding market value t Canadian Municipal Securities and Foreign and- Colonial Public Securities other than Can- not exceeding market value Railway and other Bonds and Stocks not exceeding market value Call and Short not exceeding thirty days Loans in Canada on Bonds Debentures and Stocks 594490013 Call and Short not exceeding thirty days Loans elsewhere than in Canada 22145959 Other Current Loans and Discounts in Canada less rebate of interest 4745393123 Other Current Loans and counts elsewhere than in Canada less rebate of interest Liabilities of Customers under Let ters of Credit as per contra Real Estate other than Premises Overdue Debts estimated loss pro vided for Bank Premises at not more than cost less amount written off Deposit with Minister of Finance for the purposes of the Circula tion iund Mortgages on Heal Estate sold President 1 A General Manager AUDITORS REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS We have compared the above Balance Sheet with the books and accounts at the Chief Office of The Dominion Bank and with the certified returns received from its Branches and niter checking the cash and verifying the securities at the Chief Oflice and certain of the principal Branches on December wo certify that in our opinion such Balance Sheet exhibits a true and correct view of the state of the Banks according lo the best of our information the explanations given to us and as shown by the books of Bank In addition to examinations mentioned the cash anil at the Chief Office and certain of the principal Branches were cheeked mid verified by at another tunc year and found to ho in accord with tho hooks of the All information explanation required have been given lo us and all transactions of Bank which have come mow our notice have In our opinion boon within the powers or the Bank Toronto January a rT- T7 J ml CLEARING OUT I A Dandy Line of Shirts at A Better Line at Any for Working Shirts at 49o and A Big Line of Hats Winter Mitts Winter Caps Winter Winter All Othor Linen Collars Ties ft at 100 at Than Cost rog for for res for 39o at Coat and Loss I each at 350ft or 3 for at Big Reductions Boye Sweaters and 8woater Coats at Low Cost Underwear at Less Than What It Costs Wholesale Today I CALL IN AND GET UP AS A GENUINE SALE D OUTFITTERS of Marriage 8UTTON WEST SUTTON AL Ilium Moionlq At Homo in Town Hall Inst was hip the with wishing ft fcufe lo iilrt after the war Is over The ihoinhcra of Mnlonc Lodge presented him with tl Wrist Watch a slight token of their estceni Dr made ft reply lllftiiklnj ftll for their good Dancing old unci the orchestra never play ed A nice duet was dered a solo Miss llolhorn Over was realized for the Belgian Fund The sails in ahont for where he wilKenler the ftl Koilt Dr reports that lie pick ed A of from on Wednesday Keep the date fresh in your mind as that is the night of the Annual bancc of for Hie of the local Fund Store- is still selling shirts iO ami Heller get couple they are gone Sutton meets tonight i to transact business his garden on Jan last is riwny in the city this This is County this pari of the country Mr ft former resident The Methodist Ladies Aid met was a visitor hero r ii

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