Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 4, 1916, p. 4

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mhe jjcaffHi Msai rr 5 mm v M r VIR6INIA Norfolk VI differed from no appetite and very thin one friend told me I have now taken and have fifteen poonds have and can eat anything MATTIB Norfolk V is a cod liver and iron remedy which creates an nd pore healthy blood Try It on our guarantee J Patterson Druggist A CHflBQE V- Charges of waste of the of miniicipal Councils throughout Ontario have decided to were -til- u by Reeve Fleming this ask the Legislature nietto- law which improves that a ATTEND THE IT I TORONTO Has a National Reputation for superior Business and Shorthand Education Catalogue Free Commence Now W J ELLIOTT Principal Yonge St Toronto WINTER TERM OPENS T A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED at once for NEWMARKET L and District for the OLD RELIABLE NURSERIES Farmers I Why remain idle all Winter when you can take up a paying agency Choice list of varieties for Spring Planting Liberal Terms Handsome Free Outfit Territory WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULAR AND WELLINGTON TORONTO k ONTARIO as- WANTED HOW Reliable Salesman to aot Agent In York County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive territory and money making specialties Our agencies arc the best the business for we sell the highest grade- of slock at most reasonable prices and guar antee deliveries in first class condition Nursery stock is selling well this year and good money can be made in this district For particulars write Sales Manager NURSERY CO Toronto Out i Glenyille Roller Flour MILLS the war lasts for municipal purposes County Council stands among hose favoring a proposed amend ment to impose instead i Taking into account the strenuous situation as out come of the European war a change the lines proposed is not reasonable t The young men who elect to remain home while those of like circumstances join the fcolors and fight for King and country should bear a reasonable share of the finan cial burden the war situation has In connection we notice that certain municipalities of the Province the session He could see no for their postponement t stages of the meetings Major port recording the activities of the County Constabulary for quarter ending Nov 30 The report stated that the are working satis- and etfteientlyj since the mation of County conv of the commis sion the friction which formerly existed between the police and the public has almost entirely disappear ed The standing committees were pomted v FF Clarke the new rffc have decided to that the present commander of the York which imposes to be amended Battalion appeared the so as to read per year To our members of the York Council mind this proposition and thit sug- requesting a grant of on by York County is not equity of the battalion for the purchase of able would the of a field comforts Clarke who was graded tax based on the earnings or j accomranied by Major Brown as some men are in and Captain J Boylen stated portions which command that the regiment was already in remuneration than others The receipt of two field kitchens another law In this respect is not just had been promised from Mark- the receilng minimum sal- ham leaving two to be provided for aries a the proposed graded change Reeve Harrison of Mimico stated is well wotth consideration by that was considering the gift the Legislature There is no sense in of a kitchen and Reeve Keith 0 taxing a receiving a month stated that while he as much a on re- cot make the ceiving double that amount The the Town of Newmarket scale should be graded the as also give one The cost of the field is approximately Other items ol expenditure which Col Clarke said were necessary for the proper equipment of the battalion was band instruments costing motor truck marquees and blanket straps My own Col Clarke is the comfort of my men and that can only be obtained by necessary equipment The numbering now over is composed entirely of young men from York County per cent of them are Canadians and fine types of citizens Major Brown said that equip ment asked for would aid materially in the work of recruiting It was other assessments j EDITORIAL NOTES Cobalt made record of silver ore A press despatch states that for the week ending January no less than eight cars of ore were shipped from the Cobalt Camp four of the cars went to Canadian smelters two to Thorold and two to Wei land The total shipments were pounds Assessment Commissioner of Toronto reports that the assessed value of the City for totals With this date before them and by comparing the number of civil and criminal cases for the proposed shortly to bold a route past year before the Assize march from to Torono Farmers Advocate of June lias written the Farmers AdyojaUsey6ral times trying to induce to Syqcate the growing of aya fctai last j butaweerJ At last they and the following is a of their Visitors wliphaye seen the ex cellent stand sweet clover On a acre plot at eldwqqd favorably impressed with the crop Readers will re member that this plot was sown in Hie spring of I an and two cuttings were taken- that season the last being made in October rather late and crop Washout too close to ground A fav orable winter was easy on the clover but the roots heaved somewhat and a lesson was learned It is not good prac tice to late or too close However crop came through alright and at of writing June 1st the stand is very thick ami two feel in length It is nearly ready to cut and will likely be harvested before this is read We are giving the crop a thorough trial as a feed The old complaint has been that stock will not eat sweet clover AH we can say is our stock will and do eat it They ate it last year as green feed and as cured hay and anyone its payabili ty should see our bull the calves and pigs of all ages devouring the green feed Pigs running in red clover eight inches high will leave the pasture and come to the fence and eat an armful of sweet clover thrown over to them The old sows and the nursing litters relish it and the bull simply hops it down It was sown thickly and will be cut early so as to prevent it becoming woody It looks good as far as we have gone with it in an experimental way The Farmers just placed an order for an additional supply of the seed LIKE PIE Of course you do when you know it is from M088 R08E FLOUR You can count on turn ing out the sweetest and most delicious CAKES AMD PASTRY When you use this flour Its recognized as bent by all compe tent Judges TRY R08E FLOUR THE NEXT TIME YOU BAKE Your grocer will supply you EVERY 8AOK GUARANTEED Phone Proprietor ty Courts York County Council will be able to form fairly reasonable conclusion as to whether the existirfg basis of City and County is edit able It is the duty of County Coun cillors to get thoroughly posted in regard to financial relationship York County hears with Toronto Another feature in this connection should be namely that the existing court relation compels York County jurymen to spend weeks instead of days as jurymen it oer In the course of his speech in Par liament last week Mr Carvcll P for Carleton is report ed by the Telegram correspondent thus here publicly accuse the Minister of Agriculture today with so allowing the contracts at the present time to be manipulated with the knowledge and of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries that the Atlantic Hay Company are cither filching about from the same trust funds or are filching it from the farmers of my constituency or the rest of the country- The Min ister of Agriculture has allowed him self to be Jockey in which he colleague the Mi North York electors will please take a of how the coun trys business Is being managed the next polling day comes round HONORED FOR COURAGE London Jan We are authorl- tqUvcly Informed that the rati On of Miss Laura of Toronto as Lady of C race of John of Jerusalem In the for this purpose it is probable that the several companies will at a given point and march street The question of a grant refer red to the committee on finance who will report favorably THE COST OF PRODUCING MILK For the Era The cost of producing milk obvious ly depends a great deal on the milk ing capacity of tbe cows used Com pardon eight of the best and I eight of the poorer cows in an On tario dairy record centre shows that there was a difference in profit per cow of the eight high yielding cows giving dn average profit of while the poorer cows return ed profit of only 1205 per head The milk In each case was valued at per hundred pounds The differ ence would no doubt have been very much reduced had the feeding been the for all the animals Those that yielded the higher profit were he the toll king period being per head the food received by the profitable animals was valued at per head Calculating from the standpoint of cost of the milk the with the low yields frAido only profit oh a huh- dral pounds of milk while the higher yielding cows made 54 cents profit from an equal amount of milk This information and great deal more of equal value is contained in i that yielded the higher profit P tetter the others average cost of their lor Minister of Marine and RATS IN TRENCHES Devour Tires mid in There is a plague of rats along he British and French lines in Flanders and France A soldier describes Clio invasion as than Hie Germans- in a letter which adds Trenches communications fields woods cellars and barns arc choked with them We have them holding congresses at night in the busiest roads and giving concerts by day in the most crowded villages lit erally march on top of them They breed and breed launch them selves into assaults on the canton ments like the Germans on the by battalions on masse They are beginning to be tortured by hunger and the shortage of food makes them capable of anything The other morning I paw a cyclist whoso tires had been half devoured by a platoon of rats other night some of our men hod their surgical firstaid which hey keep in a coat allock ed and carried off Woe to the man who goes to sleep with a morsel of chocolate in his trousers Ho will wake up Co And himself without his trousers The writer goes on describe he methods of warfaro that aro being used against he new enemy parti cularly some of the ingenious giant raps devised by the soldiers for Catching he nils on a wholosalo firufe her courage Wi j r 7 the Dairy and old Storage CQmlnlK- of the Department of Agricul ture at This Work Plumbing 3 of Our 8peolaltie8 unselfish devotion in the disaster Ik a daughter of i geoaOeneral She and her1 aothtr were fUtmgtii on tains twelve append which deal y the work ol ffl ST a the extension of mar- j dairy and storage divisions was thrown into the water one of boats She Satieties export and inv swam about for threehourB during lrade dairy produce wtich which time went down twice fchow to leased from lis raft on which one member of the in during the crew was standing- He pulled lhc 0 cheese In- cute the water Subsequently created from lbs to a life boat which was fng and with it the Uvea avoiIablc atthc of of of the were clinging to All the women with A youth of rears at named Jepson set fire to a fuse cap on Saturday and had three fingers badly new British aeroplane has alt the advantage of the German fcer and some additional one closely guarded Washington Jan 21 Gregory today advised House Judiciary Committee that the Government has indicted persons and four with its Investigation of hyphenated plots and conspiracies THI8 fct T1HBUITH3 s J to Hon of when they were taVen the the the only one who retained her nerve Hilt undressed the women wrapped them in blankets and care Miss was way to to taJoccareof Arthur who of publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture a Ottawa For ChiLdrea In Use For Over Years sell the farm and move to the said the e I just got so sick of living in the cburitry and dpin without neighbors and nice libraries it ed as St wasting life- out the with nothing to dp but told father that now were getting along and the children- all married weought to thiiikv Pi and take some comfort Well to say try a year in the city He farm but ho a good to u And so we moved to the city Well I liked first rate suited me I used to turn faucets just to see the water ruii thinking how to work that old the farm and wo boil every bit- of hots in he stove And whenr wanted to cook all had to dp was to match and turn a handle in the gas stove and there was my fire And instead of wood stoves all around the house we had steam heat furnished the My it was One I just got fat on it But Pa He got kind of peeved He sat around and didnt know what to do didnt like the crowds streets and he lifted and he shopping and he went to sleep in the theatre and ho com plained he didnt see any of the old faces he was used to Nobody says- anything to you here he mourned A might as well be a mummy He took to running out on the farm every little while that made me lonesome Im so used to father that when he aint around I miss something Anyway he peeved so- and feol so mournful looking I just said wed go hack and here we are again Hut things are going different Father sees it him self and he says so Were get ting a furnace put in for this winter and fathers figuring on running water in the house and he says he doesnt sec why we cant have electric lights loo I guess he took notice more in the city than I thought of Anyway hes strong for city conveniences and says he never know how hard it was women on the farm till lie saw what would make it easier I guess fniherVreal fond of me though weve been married thirtyone years Any way hes Interested in mak ing things more comfortable for me now And Ive learned something too that Im going to Leach the Iry women around here Say the government oughtnt to keep all its the backwoods districts Country people living right around the big cities need to be taught a lot about belter ways of living Wo learned that by going to the city staying for a year but most farmer folks cant do that has to be brought to Ihcin Now you lake most farmer peo ple Theyre sick with colds or something all winter They think theyve got to bethat its nat ural Well it isnt First placethey shut up their houses light and nil Into one room vMlll a big lire In the stove and maybe an foe cold floor Well they gel sick of course The women go to meetings and the house is all healed and not a window open Then go homo with bad cold and Ijieyll never go to another meet ing Most of the time in the wince the women Just slick in the house and think if they get a breath of fresh air theyll catch City people get out doors more because they can gel around better they keep their health bettor Farm people dont know how to eat either In the fall when they kill their hogs they gorge on fresh meat for a month or two wont else Well thats enough to make em sick all Winter They dont cat enough fruit and vegetables to keep their systems working right most fanners dont have fam ily gardens and dont like vege tables anyway Im going to wake up our Ladies Societies in the church and Im going to see cant get one of these government do- science experts next to show life women and their husbands too how they cando to get along belter on farms As father says out J j rt J Forty Years E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Has Been Womans Most Reliable Medicine Here is More Proof Always bears the of We offer One Hundred Dollars ftard for any case of Catarrh that be curetf Halls Catarrh Checy Co Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm BANK OF COMMERCE Toledo O Halts Catarrh Cure Is taVen in ternally acting directly upon the weve got Gods- blessings blood and mucous surfaces of the put got to learn how to system Testimonials sent thorn for mans Price cents per bottle Sold by Yes Indeed that year In all Druggists cltv did us both a heap of good Take Halls Pills for con- In Wilson To women who are suffering from some form of special ills and have a constant fear of breaking down the three following letters ought to bring hope North Wis When I was 16 years I got married and at years I gave birth to twins and it left me with very poor health I could not walk across the floor without having to srt down to rest and it was hard for me to keep about and do ray work I went to a doctor and told me I had a displacement and ulcers and would have to have an operation This bo much that I did not know what to do Having heard of Lvdia Vegetable Compound I thought I would give it a trial and It made me as well as ever I cannot say enough in favor of tie remedies Mrs Korth Wis Testimony from Oklahoma When I began to take Vegetable Compound I seemed- to be good for nothing I tired easily ana had headaches much of the time and was irregular I took it again before mv little child was bom and it did me a wonderful amount of good at that time I never fail to recommend V egetable Compound to ailing women because it has done so much for me Mrs A Have St Okla From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman Mass- I was suffering from inflam mation and was examined by a physician who found that my trouble was caused by a displacement My symptoms were bearing down pains backache and sluggish liver I tried several kinds of medi cine then I was asked to try E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound It has cured me and I am pleased to be in my usual good health by using it and highly recommend it Mrs Osgood Park Mass If you want special advice write to Medicine Co confidential Mass Your letter will be opened read answered by a woman and held In strict confidence This Book helped me improve my Farm It is the most valuable book I own it cost me nothing It has saved me lime labor and money and Ive got better looking more durable and more serviceable buildings than I ever had before The first of concrete farm improvements also the lust cat no expense for paint or repair no from rot ruit no of any kind Besides they lower the Insurance rate If you havent copy of What the Parmer can do with Concrete tend for one today Theres more 150piicsof r limbic Information plant by and pbotoCrapba ol farm facts A copy will scot o you frc charts upon receipt of below CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED Montreal CUT OUT AND MAIL ivr CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED BaHflir MONTREAL a copy of A What Tbf Do With M Special No particular you lo look our Furniture Gome any time that pleases you slay jusl as long as ever you are interested Wo claim that this of ours will do its own arguing and wo fur rather show- you loll you bo wo make our invitations us as possible And you are entirely welcome all the time FRED- SKINNER- Undertakers License 340 V 1 it dt

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