Barrister Notary Office Main St market to good Farm Security Frank Duncan auctioned AND COLLECTOR A Mother Will be fieldW Thursday the Albert Queen St com at ilv Over McUauleys Grocery Newmarket Terry insurance and Real Estate Agent Howards Livery Newmarket If you want Buy Sell Sec Me The regular meeting oVUie win Tuesday of Feb commencing attendance is requested Press Supt Red Cross Dr H- Clark DENTIST office almost opposite the George Hotel ST NEWMARKET Dr J Boyd Graduate in Medicine of To ronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of and member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London Office Cor Main and Timo thy Newmarket Telephone Consultation Hours 8t6j the Presbyterian Church contri buted to Cross week- 7 8 McKewon WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoining New Post Office Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd bouse from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator Corner Niagara and Street New market Last week Newmarket Society sent to headquarters in Toronto the following Socks I doz Slings- Large Pads jfi Compresses Amp they the ihoan- pig or common clay Hut maybe jV may lhatveaith can gie And veryVflnest aye lac drink But gel the foe landed Canadian soSIjji This is riot amilitary coun try militarism been forced upon much against will The reason we are fighting to kill militarism today are-go- A NEWMARKET of Piano and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds ofMuslc- al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia Grafono- and Records Complete Stock P Service FIRE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR me know your wants P MORTON Lome Ave Box 373 Newmarket Newmarket Beat Toronto On Saturday the Tor onto Chess Club playing at home Church Street were defeated by team sent down by the Newmarket Chess Club Following is the com plete score Newmarket Toronto H E Choppin 0 J L Kite i Bishop Reeve P Pearson 1 Geo Stanley Janes A Total 3 Total VJ After the match took the visitors to dinner at the Queens Hotel and many old were renewed Newmarket has now like so many places or late a most flourishing club and is to be congratulated on the victory Our airi weeway ete nice enough- doubt But the strongest that eer was built sorrow out some joys that we have aye So wre maybe as happy hi California teeEra pleasing prise it yoursissue Of- and ft rtd marked- Ibe paragraph referring the School on fcbtSlv iyears ago confess Icannpt clairaas the as tain sure he has not a pleasant those have ladies indeed and a splendid typo men it was a ari honor to have as pupils Bui woisUieypyiiW lady who presides at Ross- more Miss Miss Jarvis she was I think the as well as one Perha some of yor readers will say What 1 Is that MrVAn dersoii alive you and very riiuch alive resigned all school work nearly two years ago but ani hot idle J I v liyman Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private re sidence if desired NEWMARKET DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere for Building Purposes Stock and Made to Order I The following are the officers Of Pyramid Lodge IOOF for the en suing term Noble Grand Barker Art Richardson NG Chas Lagoode Vice Grand Booth LS Treasurer Brimson Fin J Cane Chaplain A Harris Warden A Skinner Conductor Williams Woodcock Stark Oscar York Inner Guard Oscar York Finance Committee Chairman J PO Properly Committee Chairman A Skinner Arthur Richardson Robert Manning it is necessary to itie success of the cause fr which they fight They will honor and obey cojnpe- tent officers because they realize that that is also But they areVfree Canadians They are not he conscript soldiers of the Kaiser nor the paid mercena ries of any potentate long as they are entitled 16 the respect and admiration not only of their officers but of every man who carries British blood in his veins men who fight are entitled lo good pay and should they come home they should be cared for- The Militia has found in the interest of discipline arid of the men themselves to withhold a portion of the pay of the troops on over seas service until their return to Canada From the beginning of the year per cent of the pay of the rank and- file is withheld from those who have not made any as signment of pay As regards those who have as signed less than per cent of tjieir pay difference only be tween the portion assigned and 50 per cent of their pay is being withheld The pay so withheld will be paid to llo men in the termination of their engagement but the cases of men invalided home the overseas paymaster in London is authorized lo issue it before the soldier sails if the latter so desire There lo have been a misunderstanding gone abroad in connection with the amount de ducted from the pay for uni forms Some to think thai the is being charged for his outfit Such however is not the ease The Government responsible for supplying civilian walk a Are asycary as them that gang on fit though our burdens heavy an life Were maybe as happy in our weeway Scottish American INTERESTING The Campaign Committee of Toronto and York County have an announcement concern ing the work of the Toronto and County Fund As- sociation from which we Iho following interesting particu lars payments on subscrip tions received up to Dec 1st amounted to which with of interest on unused balance to time made a grand tolai of cash Disbursements for all pur poses up to the 31st Dec amounted to leaving balance hand of There were families on the fund in Sept 191 L In Dec there were The relief paid out to families was in Sept and or Dec the amount The average monthly payments to a family is about 10 of the Bishop of am It was gratifying one who lived over twenty years Can ada to evidences of prosper ity in the region I Jove still There are familiar names not many Perhaps most striking thing in regard to New market was the- advertisement of Pickering College Notwithstand ing your excellent school system unsurpassed probably by any in the United schools do flourish amongst you Fortyfive years ago they could hardly exist The Continuation School at Ml Albert is a surprise I knew ML Albert well Mrs An derson was born there In my day there was no school in Mount Albert proper The nearest to the south was at the four corners near Mr Mainprizes farm I suppose Dr Mainprie is one of his sons I have written more than enough already Thp fact that there arc those who remem ber the old Grammar School on Lot Street is my sole excuse for writing Yours very truly William Walker Anderson MAM CANADA- Touting 530 Price A bumper of and ja reap by the farmer who owns a Ford He has broken down for himself and his entire family after harvest arent you to buy that Ford Ford Runabout is the Coupelet the Sedan the Town oar All prices are f Ontario All cars completely equip ped including electric headlights Cars on sale at Ford Dealer CALL AND SEE- KN ROBERTSON South love Tit on tuna Including children 95 Winter Tours to Florida Louis iana Mississippi Covenant Cominjllee Chairman Atkinson J Davey PO Visiting Committee Chairman PO J Wilson Win Draper Oscar Woodcock Ernest anOWN8 TREE8 Jhc that can be grown WJiO Is our in your town COMPANY Limited Co Out OXIDIZED WELDINQ On Short Notice for Bale DAVIS Bank of Toronto COAL FOR Best Anthracite Coal at bar gain prices Orders filled at all hours Telephone No doors of Osbornes Butcher Shop Main St North GLASS if Millard NORTH YORK MARBLE GRANITE JOHN MOU Dealer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Mar bles In merits and of Cemetery work promptly tended to Call and see before buying elsewhere kinds of Building Stone to JOHN pox Ait 1 9 nd the Lawn Bowling A Tew of the mct in Mr Willis Store on Wednesday and made Pic David Brooks the recipi ent of a nice little subscrib ed to by all the members of the Bowling Club Mr Marshall read the address and Mr Willis handed over- a complete Shaving outfit David in Lin usual eloquent manner responded and recalled many happy outings be hud with the Chin We all admire Dave for his courage in stepping forward time and friisl lie will return and hearty The address which was signed by A A Willie and If is as fol- Newmarket To Private David Dear The members of Newmarket Howl ing Club feel themselves by the fact that you a fellow member heard call it your King and Country and have so nobly responded to it Almost since Club came you have been one of us and many has been through your skill in petting Close to Kilty that our club was returned winners The little gift which accompanies this carries with it an expression of the heartiest goodwill- and kindly feeling from every member of thai Club We are sorry lose you but your place will kept open for you and when you return you can be assured lhat a very warm wel come you Again wishing you every good thing and expressing the hope that you may return after the to spend many happy evenings with us on the On behalf of the Club The Fay Canada is becoming a- mil itary nation not from choicebut because her sons believe that liberty is worth lighting for They are leaving their their and their families not tot the glory of a military through love of lvrebu feel- that wax and fighting Jri Fronde the end of six months this sum Is relumed Ft fs therefore simply a protection required by he In cover possible desertions or dismissals before lie expiration of the months service lioridon an 21 The in terest Is now manifested the recent achievements the new Oer- Aeroplane which have been rousing public for sev eral days and which called forth a debate- in the House of Commons a few days ago Its efficiency continues to bo described as amazing The claim that it has since Dec destroyed biplanes ten aeroplanes and one monoplane Disbursements for January will amount against which the treasury hag in hand The deficit of will by the payment of subscriptions It Is staled thai the soclatlon up lo the end of paid for the services of vis iting nurses Victorian Order Vurseqnnd St Practical Nurses and 1 1 1 housekeepers Yes the war con tinues to make heavy demands BUTTONS To Women a nervoua wreck and in a weak rundown con dition a friend asked mo to try I did bo and as a result I havo gained in health and strength I think vinol is the best medicine in the world a nervous weak and or elderly people Mrs Clayton Is a cod liver and Iron tonic without oil guaranteed over come all rundown weak devitalized conditions and for coughs od J Patterson Newmarket RESORTS Special RoundTrip Fares Long Limit Stopovers Ashevillc and Hot Springs Charleston Nassau Lick Springs Jacksonville P- Hot ftprlngb Ark French and all Florida Points Havana and New Orleans via New York and- Rail or steamer according to destination or via Buffalo Detroit or Chicago Bermuda West and Other Health Resorts Mount Clemens Mich Battle Creek Mich J Catharines Well Further particulars on appli cation to Trunk Agents Full particulars and berth res ervations oh application to Grand J Agent PRICE OF GASOLINE is Belling for twenty- two a gallon wholesale in the stale of New York Congress men are making Inquiries about the steady rise in price For the prcsentt the Oil Officials merely point to the more obvious explanations exports of gasoline to he Allies shutting off Of the importation of oils from ami and the large consump tion of the fuel by automobiles Nevertheless a large fortune awaits the chemist who discovers The Canadian Pacific- Railway ot ters particularly good service to De troit where direct connection is for Florida via Cincinnati and At lanta Jacksonville Florida is reached second morning alter leaving Detroit Excellent connection is also made via Buffalo The Canadian PacificMichigan route will be found the ideal lino to Chisago where direct connec tion is made for thj Southern States New Orleans Is- reached second morn ing after leaving Toronto Excellent connection is also made at Chicago or points in California Utah Texas etc The Dining Parlor and Sleeping Car service between Toronto Detroit and Chicago Is uptodate particular Connecting lines also operate through sleeping and dining cars Those contemplating a trip of any nature will receive full information from any P agent write Murphy District Passenger Agent Toronto A HOU8EHOLD IDEA Main St Newmarket rt WE ARE WITH PLUMBING AND- HEATING LINE OF ELEOTRIO N WRIGHT 1 Chose Your 1 Our Is to please our Customers Our of Suitings Is always ready as the Seasons come a satisfactory for Dont In re lit rlfht to Gin Mil lop fcackcb do It In q W tight to root of th act on the They heal the U ufcrinr re follow A of will Ioe J P Ola f all ti Trial How many have you wished that you might take a peep into the covered bKing dish without the lid and burning your lingers with steam and then knocking them against the edges of the hot you draw the fish forward In order to get that peep woman who has had any in knows what it means to lose her temper and have fingers in this way it Isnt nice is it It wont however before thou sands women throughout the land will heaven bless the man who Invented glass cooking utensils They are truth blessing housewife One woman who uses nothing glass to coof Hays It Is a perfect joy to lcot at her dinner being baked a covered Cas serole and to actually sec the meat vcgotaoles being nMde tender and delicious by action of heat- This new glassware is perfectly clear dur able arid practical for all kinds cooking It Is molded without seams or corners and for that la exceedingly easy to keep clean The uteaslls stand a great amount of heat and do not chip or flake as do so many of the pots and pans and dishes Best of all they can be brought directlyj from tftoven to the dining and the food can be served from the dish itself More over the food will not burn or Scotch when coojeed In glass Although glass cooking vessels new they are finding almost Instant favor In the eyes of practical housekeepers who in the of new and most useful Implements During the past week Prince Albert has experienced probably a cold wea ther as has been recorded here The thermometer registered at Royal Two hundred house water setfriees were frozen up in Calgary during C TAILOR Phone Main 1 I I Sale of Used Instruments 4aAH Dominion Piano Case Organ handsome walnut case with rail top and mirror In lovely condition Organ walnut case grand Organ good a8 new flveootaves Organ handsome walnut JOUOO with rail top mirror stops forte treble and couplers Has only been used very little In grand shape THE ABOVE ORGANS BE ON TERMS AS LOW AS A MONTH VJlaphone and selections era other used Columbia and Edison Talking All the latest records Also DeUval Separator Local Agency We have a number used Capital Separators around In grand shape Let Us One In Your Homo on Trial Give Us a Chance I We Will Save TUNING I MOVING I ON SHORT THOS Monoy RENTING I Natkmal Drug CbsKakal Co Canada i Phone L J SON AURORA teave i GRAND TRUMK TIME TkB GOING NORTH