tard6f present the as usuaL next Jan -f- am Meeting for Worship Song Service Peoples Topic Hair dp Wool Young Peoples Meeting For Young People con- ducted by Young People AH Young People welcome i 4 Yes at last we are lo a good evenings staling to the music of a band The Good Cheer Class of Ihe Skating Parly Feb 2nd and help boys Ihe front Pro- lo to Ihe Field Comforts Society- We Geo Pie Granger Pie Wesley Corp Bailey Pie A Hare- Pie Smith yZ I Pie- SPotter Pte A Smith Pte J Martiij Pile Cain Pie J Robinson J Shelley Stoddard PJR Penrose Dunn Corp Hardin Laker Irwin Pie Smith fPe Cross Euchre wore tables occupied al the Red Cross Manger Hill on Tuesday evening besides a wore flic good of J be cause It was a very so- ciable evening and the proceeds were oyer The dressed chicken presented lo the Society by Mr Wagner brought 520 of amount and Mrs Reg was the bolder of llie lucky ticket Mrs won the ladies prize at the game and Mr J the gentlemans Many requests were made for another euchre which will be held the latter pari of next The total proceeds of were with ex- i Friends Church A large number the congregation taken of the tunity to spend Sunday at the in Toronto but we had good meetings here In the morning three of the Friends who were in Toronto on Sat gave their impressions the nMetlngs which had proven times of spiritual uplift subject of the pastors topic for evening Gospel Arithmetic matter for discourse was in- 2nd Peter 1st It was a good exposition of growth of Christian Life until it reached its culumiation in the divine of God Great attention was given to the subject which doubtless proved helpful to rranv Com League Pie West Pie E Mitchell Pie Barber Pte J Wallace Pie Pie Geo Pie Ernie Dunn Pie ted Cheadle Ple Howard Samuel Carter Gunner A Gunner J Pte FMillar Pte Hep Pie Pte Pie Geo Pte Pie Jones Wilson Sapper Gibson G Pie GeoMurdock Pie Pte Osborne Trooper George Vale Pie Samuel Carter Gunner Mont A McCaffrey Sapper If Fennel Carl Bandsman Ross A milage Gunner Lyons Inch Enlisted In No Company Newmarket York Rangers Battalion McKay G Johnson A Smith Pie J Eves Kelly Pie Claude Vale Pie Hatch Johnston J James Pie Wm Davis Pie Miller Pie J Pie Dunn Pie J Kennedy J Rowland PI Pie Master A Smith I Ross Pie Draper Harrison Ple Cradduck Goodwin Mortimer Pte J Granger Hoy Anderson Pic The League planned for the last Monday night but owing to the absence of snow social evening was instead which was much enjoyed by the young pit Cheap Run to Toronto Club are running a cheap excursion to Toronto this ev erting on account the match i the Arena between Lee and Newmarket teams One special car on the Metropolitan Railway for ladies and escorts leaves at and the toys at In Returning both cars leave North Toronto at 1145 The return tickets arc only and may be had at Duncans store or on cars i Andrews Samuel Xorp Maurice Bridges Victor Brooks Wesley Corp- Brooks David Jos Lewis William Samuel Fee J If Flafagon Roy Forth Albert Glover Leslie Harden Joseph Harris Harry Harrison Freeman John Corp Hill George Hill Sydney Hopper John Lee James II Lee John A Henry If Rowland Corp John Norwood John Nugent Walter Orion Geo Pearson Clarence Pratt Albert Racine Henry Rose Rose Ross A Ivan Smith David Starr Edgar Stone Henry Tunny Clarence Iuran Thomas Jas II Jas Wilkinson Corp Sydney Young Geo Chapman Mears Fred ft Johnson Hugo Howard V Woods Leonard Albert It Cooper If It was stated 7000 men tor here during the 1st three weeks of I run- 1 -v- Ten thousand sol of women and children were received at thi City Mowiayi by Sir S tMfc The City Moftday voted to the City and Coun ty Patriotic Fund Mr Frank resigned as of the Department of Lands Forests arjl Mmes He was private secretary late Hon A Hardy been completed for holding the Ontario Roads Convention at the York County Buildings here February 2334 Mr J Squire mass meeting lall last night with Sir in the chair- was a grand success in aid of the Patolotic Fund the platform Sir George Foster K Church and a of other Another man hasbeen caught in the act of selling whiskey to soldiers and last John Kunan was fined therefore in tha Court or three months in jail on de fault ir has been stated authoritatively that a party of English capitalists are about to investigate the whole with the View of the richness of the gild mines and their- possibilities The whole family the mother with four children were overcome in their beds Monday morning by which escaped from the house furnace were unconscious when discovered but were resustated at the Hospital Masonic lodges of the City are voting donations Jo the City and York County Patriotic Fund On Sunday last recruits ottered for overseas service K C favors prohibition Conservative print says Jn he wants to destroy millions of dollars worth of property Prohibition upsets some peoples nerves The Mendelssohn Choir Sympathy Orchestra are announced for concerts in Hall Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings next week R workman on on Monday touched live wire and fell over feet to the ground He was seriously Injur ed Contributions to the Toronto and York County Fund totalled over onthe1tirst day of the campaign week York County gives the Ban of Com merce Hon A K Kemp J25000 and Sir Edmund Osier Sir 10000 Other big subscriptions have follow ed since In P scrap books Rather a poor market last A5S ftl were well made In day Weather unfavorable now ion tills they sent up six I Here is sickness in airs of socks- laid flown an vicinily owing to Silas Marner Consider that Friday was the second time tHat the draina Si- of was presented to a New- market audience the young people of the Christian Church are to be con gratulated in handing over to the Field Comforts Committee as process or the evening The i Splendid Work The Girl Guides of Newmarket are congratulated on the splendid work they have taken tip in behalf of our Soldier Hoys already handed hi lb P C scrap books I P the for which ibey provided also executive of the Young Patriotic Club Ho- fJ for their and valuable help in im- patriotirf work ami trust may be able In continue it j Cemetery Co Til adjourned meeting the New market Cemetery Co took place the Secretarys office last Monday ev ening Secretary reported that over had been Spent last year in re pairs and improvements A new fence was built along the south boundary and an enclosure made at back of the grounds for storing material lopls This has all paid out of the current receipts lor the year The Treasurer reported that the current expenses for the year amount ed iVi5 and the receipts In or dinary account reached 1602 which Interest The receipts from Endowed Lots amounted to 22 which is a little less lhan the previous year The Hoard has Invested Farm- Is drawing Interest ths Hank of Montreal and Win the Treasurers hands The reports were adopted as satis factory and the following were as for Scott i Timothy Trivclt A ft if Cane IN Gunner Carl Granger died in action In France September will eiiiond kindly supply The Field rooms took in last Saturday business in gene- eiect could not be very as the business was of an exceptional nature and vol ume order oh the will say thai we had lessdisturb- wilb men last year than we usually bad with men in other years In the above I have not ex pressed my personal opinion but what has been and what would be said by anyone on the street if asked concerning the things mentioned If you want my per sonal opinion of the effect of Closing the bars on business gen erally I will give it to you But as there are thousands of peoples opinions in print already I do not think that you require mine in this case Yours truly Signed AW Harrison Mayor The resignation of sixteen was accepted to en able them to enlist for overseas J one of the associate Secretaries the Hoard of Social Service ol the Methodist Church left Toronto Tues day night for a tour to Manitoba He will take an active part in the prohibition campaign in that Pro vince very mild weather Duncans Shop has a new awn- I Skaters I The Cheer Class of the Christian holding a Skat ing Party with Hand in attend- ftceneay and costumes were ln0 and the music of Newmarket lnftro Orchestra was fully appreciated M n dale When all the world sleeps one alone claims tho flight of time THE VOICE OF THE I The ordinary tlmopleoo de livers Its message in sharp unpleasant sounds A Gong Striking Mantle Wo soil speaks- softly and with sweetness of a harp FOB AND L ATKINSON COMPANY and P TICKET I 9 the MARRIAGE LICENSES I If- TWO IMPORTANT Camp Toronto Jan 17th Mr Toronto Dear Sir I am I hi result of making Niagara a dry camp last summer would say thai it added Immeasurably to discipline and to Ilia efficiency of Ihjj men It did so much good in every way thai the men them selves as know from frequent conversations were glad that drink was from camp and lis vicinily They came to thai was liest Of course among so many men lliuic warn a few who under present condi tions felt the deprivation they acknowledged Dial it waftlof the best Ijquoiout was for Ihe goiierar good as I from ninny sources I make no the fact that I would gladly see the whole truffle in drink done away with both for officers ami men and civilians and poor in llmoi should gladly conform so that those who moderate drinkers in peace lilnes would feel that their friends who do not are making the same sac illec that they themselves are making Yours faithfully W Logic Jap 10th UK Mr A Williams Y A Toronto Dear Sir Your loiter of to hand some days In reply will say that I nave uo doubt lhat conditions were much better in NiagaraonllfoTVake the camp In than they would have been With open I do not deny that was a large quantity of liqiior used during camp hut so far as the soldiers were concerned they were not supposed to have accoss lo it un der any circumstances and Ihere- bad to handle the liquor very carefully and avoid taking too much and producing drunken ness Temperance advocates claim and the great Up holders of licenses Including lekeepes admit dial of bars last was to the town Mr Davis a laymen of Toronto occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday last Pie Oerall Anmjig Toronto spent over Sunday with friends here Mrs J of Newmarket and Mrs Duncan of Toronto were at Mr Stevens on Sunday Mfp Barradell who has been spending a week at Bradford return ed home on Tuesday King Christian Church Choir were entertained at the home of Mr I J Webster on Saturday Corners a decid ed success on Wednesday evening last week Proceeds hi Red ross Mr and Mrs J spent Sunday with friends the fifth line Where was Karl on Sunday wed like does the chap go so good at telling where Lawrence goes Now less i I- NEWMARKEt ft MidWinter Clearing Sale Fancy Eiderdown lor etc Reg ami yd Price Heavy Sergey in Black and Navy in wide Reg yd Price 79c yd Ladies White Shaker Night Robes heavy weight some Fancy Trimmed Reg 150 Sale Price 75c and 25 each Colored Night Robes Reg and Sale Price 39o each i r The attendance at the Methodist Church Sunday evening was good notwithstanding the condition of the roads The pastor ID Honey occupied the and preached a very effective missionary sermon subject was the mis sionary work which lias been done in Quite a number of our citizens suffering from the ol la grippe hope they ma be soon fully restored to health On dan very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of the brides- mother Mrs John Fines when her daughter Min nie was in marriage to J Harvey Taun son of The Honey Mr and Mrs Stalcy are guests al Mr P are to is Taylor out again her recent ill ness number from here attended Mr- Irves Iooncys sale on the lino on Saturday last Misses Ida and visit ed hi Toronto over Sunday HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Capital Paid Up HOWLAND President Fund hay General Manager LIVE MARKET price paid hi Toronto week were Choice Common Cattle In 800 lbs d- Milkers Sheep carsv Markets dan Wheat per bush Oats per bush 0 Hay per ten 1 0023 Butter per lb v 300 34 per doz Potatoes per bag 00 Chickens per ft i 0 200 as 0 10 Money Orders and Letters of Credit issued available throughout the World Dealers In Government and Municipal Soourltles Dealers In Domoat Foreign Exchange Savings Department at all Interest halfyearly at Current Rates opens an aocouht SMyTH Manager FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED FORMS SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED MAIN SOUTH BIG REDUCTION ON ALL WINTER GOODS S FECIALS ALL OF RUBBERS AND FURLINED COATS LADIES AtfD GENTS BOOTS MENS WINTER UNDERWEAR Must Be Cleared Out at O nee Before 8tockTaklng 3 Doors youth of King Qoorge Hotel EN Royal lb Geese per Xl Newmarket Jan Wheatper U Oats per bush per bush utter pes Op 0 32 Shorts per ton KkgtP per ton 00 Potatoes per 0 175 if Prompt pollvory Household Flour The Leader fop Bread Made from Old Wheat MONARCH M088 R08E and CHOICE FLOURS ALSO PURE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR BRAN AND All Kind of Feed for Fowl CALL AND YOUR ORDER I A HOWARD PARTING A HP TEAM WORK TO Fire sfables St causing loss vM was- killed his lathers farm-