Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 28, 1916, p. 2

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4Zf1 GROCERY end For sale Apply- Id 337 Newmarket J v to to Toronto Highest l wages Box COAL OIL BUSINESS Lane New- market- Phone 267 Call even ings COLLIE DOG LOST- Yellow and whit Strayed T Smiths Informa tion reward An person detaining dog alter this notice will be pre TEN DAYS CLEARING SALE All Winter Shapes at 50c 75c and Trimmed Millinery at less than cost At MISS Over Hunters Store PUNCH Will the parly who carried off mistake from the Euchre Par ty a Ticket Punch tied with a red ribbon kindly return it to the Office FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE Chopping Mill and Temperance House Firstclass business Lots work and good paying concern encumbrance Reason for selling health Call or write to LAWS Box Queensville WANTED Who can sell the most modern contracts for one Canadas most popular Insurance Com panies Whole or part time Assistance given Write Box 488 4w52 NOTICE The postponed Annual Meet ing of the Kettleby Cemetery Co will be held in the Temperance Ball on Monday Jan 1st at All interested arc invited to at tend A hi WATSON Pros Sec NOTICE TO BAND8MEN All Bandsmen about to enroll with the Brass or Bands now being organized for the Hi Overseas Battalion will at once report themselves to the officer in Depots Lieut J A GORDON Newmarket AUCTION OF A BEAUTIFUL UPRIGHT PIANO Under and by virtue of the terms of a certain chattel mort gage and of a certain Lien Order and Agreement which will be pro duced at the litnc of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on the Market Newmarket ON Friday the Day of Feb at he hour- of ten oclock in Hie forenoon a beautiful Walnut Piano In good condition ft will be offered for sale subject to small reserved bid Terms Cash at time of sale Dated Jan ft DUNCAN Auct i place teucWngi Contract given by be WPartbient to a Toronto Company and- Iron toe disclosures It would appear the criticisms offered sail tract was executed without due to the public interests ftp of becoming economy One rneaftter the House referring ttereto is report- with having made the observation that was brought to the the House by the for Richmond something that went further mere quota tion from the columns of a New York financial paper which says it referr ed to a written by Sir Henry Pellatt President of the Steel and Radiation Co of Canada naming prices being paid for certain classes of Shells in Canada Referring to the observation of the P for Richmond Mr Scott P for South Waterloo is reported as follows l do not wish to up the time of the House by going over this entire article- but in effect the situation is this Sit Henry Pellatt writes to the New York that the Company of which he Is- the President had received con- tracts for the manufacture of shelly and that on this con- tract Ms profits is going to be and that he has another contract which will show a profit of lb This- state of things in connection with the Militia Department anything hut creditable and justifies much of the criticism made through the daily press and by public speakers i re- to the partisan and unbusiness like methods of the Ottawa authori ties Will North York electorate con done this kind of administration of the public offices of the Dominion We think not Liberals and Conservatives alike will condemn it when the opportunity offers MISDIRECTED ENERGY Personal Liberty League of Ontario with outspoken senti ments which smack of favoring alcoholism in a pronounced ad vertisement headed Misdirected this to say this particular moment a sum of must be collected to carry on particu lar relief work of which sum the Toronto and York County Patriotic Fund Association is to raise at once With the object of this move nienl ho one can possibly disagree and the good that lias already been accomplish ed thereby cannot be exagge rated And yet at this of all Che times ihe Citizens Commit tee of One Hundred has its campaign lias dared that there is a new war on King Alco hol and announces a big drive of nearly 35000 men This drive which will last a week is hut the opening of the campaign it is to be fol lowed by electioneering and haranguing and dislocation of business and everything else that characterizes an election We put it to the patriotic justiceloving people of On tario whether the Citizens Committee of One Hundred would not be much better off with their l of 0000 in on the common cause fighting the common foe and canvassing for the Patriotic Fund Sale Register Wednesday Feb Mrs It A will an extensive sale of Stock Implements Household Goods etc Lots and on nth Con Whit church credit Hale at sharp Smith A The farm is also tor sale SNOWBALL Of course The Personal Lib erty- League of Ontario do not appear to look upon the liquor traffic as a common or regard the efforts of the friends of prohibition as fighting a com mon foe Oh no no They seem to entertain the notion that prohibition of the liquor traffic is compulsive tyranny instead of protecting the nation from an evil both material and spiritual for both time and eternity fc T have enlisted apd reported for Overseas Service i7ttir9aliohv9w during week loIJah avisiv Brown I Fred John Liscombe Leslie Hartley Godfrey Thomas Hugh J filphinstone Alfred H The following have passed the medical examination and will re port later Robinson Huntley Clarke Tomey V Weir John Squires James The members of the Local Co paraded for Divine Service to the Methodist Sunday morning- An inspiring address was delivered by Pastor Rev A P Addison Geo Young rendered a beautiful solo in his usual manner which was much appreciated by all present In the evening the League entertained the boys to a social hour and song service Se lections were rendered by Miss Messrs Barker Man ning Fair and Young Mr and Mrs rendered a musical duet which did full jus tice to their musical ability The Boys in Khaki sang When the Roll is Called for Service Rev AdJison spoke a few words dur ing the course of the evening and in part said that the members of the League were endeavoring to do all in their power to make he boys comfortable during their stay in Newmarket The evening came to a close with refreshments served by ladies present Mr J occupied the chair On Sunday Jan the mem bers of the local Battn will Pa rade for Divine Service to Christian Church at f015 am An address will be given by Rev WJ Hall Invitations have been issued to a Military Ball by the members of the local company Over seas in aid of Local Sol diers Field Comforts for Friday Evening Feb at Some misunderstanding exists owing to he words Local Soldiers being used in connection with Field Comforts The members wish it understood that the entire pro ceeds of this Ball will be handed over to Field Comforts only one Wield Comforts Society being in Newmarket- Military Night was a great suc cess at the Strand Theatre on Tuesday evening Charlie Chap lin was at his best in a tworeel comedy picture entitled Work Laughter was prevalent through out the performance Mrs Gill- ham of Huntingdon Que very kindly contributed towards the musical part of the evening which was appreciated by all present The Khaki Koir sang Well Never Let the Old Flag Fall and Good Luck to the Boys of the Allies Both were rendered in good style Lets look forward to another Military evening in the near future Regrets are being expressed on all aides owing to ho departure of Lieut J who has been trans erred to De pot at West Toronto 00 The Canadian Order of Forest ers will hold a special meeting on Friday evening Jan when a large number of candidates will be initiated into the Order A full attendance of members is re quested iiiH several with Ross Hazard with week Ernes is visiting her antrMrsJllaard Ontario St V school A I agueat at the Methodist Parson age on Sunday 0 MrsS Mann is visiting her sister Mrs hartley and other in Newmarket Mrs is spending a couple id To- rorito She left Boyd is still using a crutch bill is from his accident weeks Mr Carl of London was home for prior entering military duties- on Wednesday Marion Stewart has been leaching school at Snowball is laid up at here with was called to Orillia yesterday owing to the death of a friend of the family Mrs Mr Brown of ham writes I always look for the Era on Friday afternoon It is like getting a letter horn Mr Fred LaSalle is back from and resumed work at the Office Specialty Mrs La Salle will move back to town in March Black of renewed his subscription to Era last Saturday for the time He is one of our Mr W Lock who was so successful in bringing candi dates into the AOUW Lodge in Newmarket is now assisting the in Toronto Mrs Emily Fletcher John son of Niagara Falls writes Jan The seems like getting a letter from home We are having lots of frost here This is our first ice bridge for this winter Lieut Charles Tench son of Alderman Tench is now Lieut in the Royal Canadian Engineers 2nd Field Co stationed at Que bec Promoted from the Royal Military College Kingston on Dec Mr of Lousana AHa under date of Jan writes No need of an electric fan to keep your hands cool while outside pitching Hie fork handle is sufficient The thermometer registered below zero last week Milder today Saturday of Kettlehy Mr of spent Sunday pt and Fred Shinier in the Methodist Sunday were the to the night Dont forget hi Church ext Saturday at and Womens 11 roect at the homo of Mrs HCofley on Friday f- Mr of Toronto spent Sun day with and Mrs Scott Mr BvSHnner spent Monday and Tuesday in the Chantler spent Sunday at his parental home in Newtown Robinson Wilson is wUn her sisters iii this week Colds ana grippe are the order Of the day in town but we hope for a speedy recovery for all those who are with it ft We hope the weather will turn cold so we will Wednesday evening Lots of stock leading town these days Mr Ferguson shipping Car load of Monday and Mr Fergu son and Mr each shipping a car- Tuesday Our Dramatic quite busy these days going to the different places with their play Cranberry Corners Mr Coon and the Misses Coon spent Sunday with Mr Leatherland Mr Earnest spent evening in Tottenham Mr and Mrs James Sloan of Kleihburg was calling on old ac quaintances Tuesday Sir Fred spent a couple of days in Toronto Quite a bit of excitement in town Tuesday afternoon when the team of Mr Peter of the line broke loose from the waggon at the elevator and ran through town but was stopped at Proctors lust east of Not much dam age was done r wrthlnj fecial to offer la Fruits- Plums lOoi Tin tf Peart Raspberriet Peaches Cherries- Dried Prunes Cooking Figs Tin 12y 16oTln 20o Tin 3 lbs for CHOICE NAVAL ORAM 30c and Fruit FLORIDA GRAPE IT 3 for 25c CUBAN GRAPE FRUIT for Mrs S In Small Tins 10 12 and 15c In Urge Tins 15 18 22 and 25c PHONE U8 YOUR OR DER AND WE WILL 8ATISFY PHONE s T PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO AURORA EYE8IQHT By havingour Prescription accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Lonsoa Ground On tho Premises Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled PERCY THE OPTICIAN 6 BLOOR STREET EAST comim or TORONTO Phono North recruiting campaign in North York in the interests new York County Overseas Battalion concluded with a hUg rally there Tuesday evening The gathering was largely attended and very en thusiastic Addresses were made by Herbert Lennox J M Walton Warden J sev eral returned soldiers and others The band of the Irish of Toronto provided a delight ful Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J EDITORIAL NOTES 9 1 r to We we losing our sleighing to beat that Miss Mitchell is the doctors care Hope to her out Mita Bertha and Miss of Toronto spent In Snowball Haines spent Sunday in this burg The Box which was held at Mr Henry Webbs on even ing last was well attended A splendid- program was given The Red Cross League was held at the home of Mrs George Saturday afternoon The next rcefit- Ing will at ieaadaleB on the February welcome Mies A Hall and- Miss if Brown are visiting In Newmarket Our teacher Miss Stewart had to quit teaching or fcickness Mrs Hiram Davis daughter have from a visit in Toronto Most our young are pinned the Hope to see them out Whos the sport with the new that goes 4esr hunting on the fifth line 7 old acquaint Mm once A press despatch from Ottawa tnls week that Mr v for Cumberland will be the Governments nominee as De puty Speaker of the Commons The will be made In a days The Ottawa correspondent of the Toronto Telegram on Monday says The Shell the the Tory Nationalists and several other of the Borden in for severe bombardment when tor fire in the House of Commons last Monday night The Hon Minis ten of In for a drubbing Wort corner from England this that Great Britain steps to have wojmen Undertaking farm labor so as to provide for future wants o country This is the dictum of the Government Board of Agriculture- It is stated- now under consideration to canvass the districts of England Scotland and Wales women laborers Just as were the Act t4 A oW About fifty people were entertain ed at the home of Mr J Rao the line evening The contests anl games which were plan- for the evening wero thoroughly enjoyed by all Miss Walker of Albert is her uncle Mr Cook Mr George Dove spent Sunday his parents here Miss Cutting spent Sunday with her Aunt Mrs Sparling In Miss Mary Patio and Miss Cook and Mr Ward Cook attended the anniversary services In Metho dist Church on Sunday evening Mr Henry Plottage spent Sunday at the home of Mr Maglll Mr Arnold and his sister attended the anniversary service on Sunday afternoon the Methodist at Mr spent Sunday with his brother on the sixth line Mr George Archibald of the seventh line spent with his parents at Nobleton Agnes Pottage was the guest of Mrs J Warner on- Sunday Mr and Mrs John and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs Paton Always hears the Signature of Erf to absent CASTOR I A For- Infanta load Childrea In For voir Years TOOK PRI80NER8 A despatch says The route of the Turks is the bat tle which resulted in them being driven Into appears from later accounts to have been more decisive than shows In tho firstt reports Apart from the Ottoman losses in actual battle Russians captured during the pursuit 50 of ficers and men They also took scores of machine guns en ormous quantities of munitions VTwejttyeight rcCEiiits training at Tottenham A government report just issued says that the Germans burned homes in Belgium London Jan An Amsterdam despatch to the Central News says that the total booty of the Teutonic alllce during seventeen months of war Is summed up In Vienna as fol lows 3000000 prisoners machine guns square vllometres of enemy territory has been occupied Sniper Patrick Kiel of Winnipeg Hides was killed by shell fire on Ian He was one of best snipers our second Infantry bri gade and had been with the Bat talion since formation in Aug ust Ire had to his credit Hell was relative of tlie famous rebel Louis Pell and came from port Arthur A good name Is the most val uable a young man can have if he desires to for himself and his good generally fount date back to his boyhood Honesty indus try and promptness in meeting obligations are be qualities that commend him to confidence and respect of his townspeople It is now stated that legislation providing for the of additional money to meet tho increased cost of the To rontoHamilton highway will probably be sought by the com mission coming session of the Legislature cost of tho big highway was 000- ft mlIll THE LEADING Undertaking You can buy your Cheap For Cash EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phones ami The FryIn King on Jan to Mr- ami Mis Coo a son Houston Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Mrs Norman Houston a daughter In King Jan to Mr and Mrs John son King In Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Mrs Oliver King daughter In Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Mrs Herbert a son In Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Mrs Has kell a daughter Puller At Holland Landing on Jan Naomi widow of Fuller in year MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Fresh Chocolates Weekly OFFICE House Phone No Store No a THE REMODELLING OF THE BUILDING Is Now Completion AND WE HOPE TO ANNOUNCE I OF THIS PAPER I if hut in the width of the pavement and the added expense of parrying on grading during last Winter In ordor give employment promises to bring tho lolnl outlay to At l The Tomb Robinson At Keswick on Jan William in his 08th year The funeral will take place Wednesday at Church Burying Ground at Point Thompson In Newmarket on the 25th of Jan ma Arloy Thompson daughter of Arthur and Martha son aged months days Funeral yesterday afternoon residence on Tccumseh St to Newmarket Cemetery At Pine on Jan Penrose in his year PATRICIA THEATRE NEWMARKET HERBERT KINLEY P O Box 181 Newmarket There j Day No particular limo when you arc asked to look at our any time lha gMfes and just as long as over you interested Wo claim at his slock of ours win do 8 own arguing and we would far rather show you than loll you So we nat rag make our invitations as possible Aiui welcome all the time Dealer In Furniture and ED SKINNER Undertakers License Funeral Dlrootor 80HOMDERQ License 310 8 A J Main All Orders Motive Careful WANT8 A GOOD ROAD DIREOT TO LAKE 8IMOOE Sir Wiliiam Mulock spared the work of raising money for the Patriotic Wed nesday afternoon to Mayor Church to the session the York County ask cooperation of the County Council laofitainlnga toad or highway direct hobo suggested that the eing up of a new specified line travel the city to coe Sir Wdlliam Mulock is a taxpayer a to have the South York good roads system connected up with County system of whose given a lot of attention to tins Mat ter explained what Just what by Sir and his WpraUrf tbaMayor waa under coiislderaUon andaoaM county arrange for a deputation to would be ft wait upon the Ontario Government the present session ol the

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