T a Weeks A Very interesting and instruct Young irUe live lecture was delivered at the Friends Church will have- a 7J- are now offering specially good value In Football The High School team Aurora Wednesday afternoon and had a friendly game with the High Schoolteam there but our boys were defeated Halloween Party The People tin f One of a nice pattern with gold line edge at Is well worth In specting Another line we are now selling freely is a very QUALITY ELITE LIMOGES FRENCH CHINA In a very neat border pattern The price today for this line Is Our price Is 3000 for pieces The above lines are owing to war conditions very scarce and hard to get We would suggest your early attention as we look for Higher Prices soon Brief lots Newmarket bowlers went Bradford on Tuesday afternoon and were defeated by one point There is a rumor that the Im perial Bank is about to open- a branch at Newmarket The Home Guard and Bugle Band had a big parade around Town Wednesday night- the oh Tues day evening when Mr Clark spoke on Honey Bee While there was a fair attendance the executive feel that there is still a large number of Young people within the Church who ought to belong to this Society AH paid up members were divid ed into sides for the purpose Of bringing in hew members Mr Maurice and Mr Edward being elected Captains We hope the competition will a keen one Friday night Program and games tations extended to all people of lhe talent Sale The first Methodist Talent Sale this season under the auspices of the Ladies Aid will take place in the School Room on Friday Oot from to oclock Afternoon tea will also be served The public invited A Direct Importer of and Fancy China I- China Hall Grocery Preserving Time Calls for the Best Sugar to make your preserving a success We handle that Good Sugar Give us an order for Sugar and you he Satisfied We carry a full line of In all Sizes Case Adjourned Samuel the East Gwilimbury Township farmer who is charged with reckless driving as the result of a collision between his automobile and a farmers outfit near Richmond Hill two weeks ago was so se verely injured in the accident that his recovery is doubtful His case was adjourned until day next James of Holland Landing was arrested by the city police on a warrant sworn out by the county authorities He is wanted on a charge of theft Poultry Show The arrangements for North Yorks Fourth Annual Poultry Show are now well under way and from present indications the position in the front rank which this show has won will In retain ed this year A nunher of the leading outside breeders have again signified their intention or being here while the local con tingent will as usual back their own and make it interest ing for outsiders The dates of the Show this year ftco and a noteworthy feature is that the entire proceeds of during the whole show will be given to the Red Cross Youll Be Surprised How cheaply and comfortably you will heal that cool with one of our Oil Heaters each at vw Oil Heaters Fashionable Wedding An incident which much public interest was the very pretty which look place in St Andrews- Church Newmarket last Tuesday evening when Miss Florence Grace eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J Cane was united in marriage to Mr Geo A Beck youngest son of the late Beck of Pene- Long before the time announc ed for the event all the seating capacity not reserved for the guests was occupied by ladies and about lined the walks in the vicinity of the church and re mained there till the was over For half an hour prior to the service Mrs Bice the church or ganist rendered A Perfect Day and other suitable selec tions during the arrival of the New Signs The Grand Trunk Co has erected new signs at eaoh of the three crossings in Town In ad dition to the ringing of a gong when a train is approaching an electric light shows the word Danger in red letters you take unusually low prices In Boys Suits you need and pay quick Cash for them or are you tied J ceremony Pictures and Music The Club Orchestra is again appearing at the Strand Picture Palace thereby giving cinema patrons advantage of its instru mental skill and the management is to be complimented in the ef fort to provide inspiring in addition to top notch pictures Truly a delightful which is well worth the expendi ture of a modest dime a V Best Value in Rubbers at per doz and FOR SEALING When Pickling you should try our Pure We have a FirstClass Quality of Cider While Wine and Eng lish Malt Vinegar in bulk and in bottle The Canadian Beauty Electric Iron beats them all Can be used a stove also Is Guaranteed for all lime Binns Hardware The Loading Grocer Phone Quick CORNER OF Main Timothy ANNOUNCEMENT GEO YorkCounty Regiment The proposal to organize a regiment in York County as a means of further stimulating re cruiting in the Various munici palities is being enthusiastically taken up and although no defi nite action has been taken ad yet it is believed that the formation of the new unit Is assured Ma jor county police magistrate who has been ap proached an offer of the command of the proposed corps by the movers of the scheme staled last night that he would assume the active head of the re giment if desired The matter was first broached by the Newmarket Home Guard an organization strong Harness r Collars Faced Harness Bags and Grips Repaired NOTE THE Main Nevmarket South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET AND Division Court Although Court only lasted from to II oclock it was a pretty lively hour His Honor Judge Coats worth presided and lie made orders for committals of several fellows to jail for days because they paid no attention to judgment summonses Besides the Town lawyers the legal fra ternity of Bradford Aurora and was represented The first case of any interest was a dispute over rent which was adjourned till next court on account of the absence of an im portant witness The suit of vs Preston a disputed account brought out some very contradictory evidence but judgment was given for Several cases were adjourned till next Court which is on the 1st of December work promptly attended to Prices town orders solicited CUT ON HAND Winter Apples your order at Foresters Mill See ad PHONE 1Z ml WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent In York County PAY WEEKLY Outfit exclusive territory and money making specialties Our agencies are the best In the business for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guar antee deliveries In first class condition Nursery stock is fteJIing weI Ibis year and good money be made in 1Mb district particulars write Manager NURSERY CO Toronto Out A BARGAIN One of those pencil Illinois vacuum carpet Sweepers Good new Cost Will sell for W No further use having an electric sweeper at Christian Endeavor The weekly meeting of the Society of the Christian Church was largely attended on Tuesday evening The president presided over the meeting and many took part in the general discussion of the topic Rev Al fred Young pastor of Friends Church was present and gave a most helpful and interesting talk on Shields against Temptation Those who were absent missed a rare treat Dorothy rendered a solo The meeting next Tuesday ev ening be in charge of Mr J Stephens who will speak on A Basis of Sound Belief How to Get it This will be a very help ful meeting and a large attend ance Is anticipated All young people In town having no church borne are specially requested to attend Dont forget the Old Fashioned Social In the school room under the auspices of the K on Mon day evening Oct from to oclock An appropriate mu sical program also games and a tempting menu be given for a small fee The Social Commit tee is sparing no efforts to make this a grand success and every one is cordially Invited to spend the evening with the Dont forget the date and dont forget to be presents Com The church decorated with flowers palms and ferns Promptly at amid the strains of Lohengrins Wedding March the bride entered the church on her fathers arm pre ceded by the bridesmaid and flow er girl The ceremony was performed by the Pastor Rev Thomas who on behalf of the congrega tion presented the bride with a bound copy of the Bi ble this being the first wedding in the church although the edi fice has been in use over years The wedding guests numbered over and while they passed out of the church the organist played Mendelssohns Wedding March Motors- were in waiting to convey the party to the home of the bride where a reception was held the dejeuner being serv ed by a city caterer The bride wearing a short wedding gown of ivory satin skirt made in cascades and bodice of chantiliy lace veil and orange blossoms was given away by her father and was attended by her sister Miss who wore pale pink taffeta and net large black hat and carried pink mums Miss Doris Cane daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Cane made the daintiest of flower girls- in pale blue taffeta and tiny net bodice with hat to match The grooms gift to the bride was a platinum wedding ring of diamonds and emeralds to the bridesmaid a platinum bar pin set with diamonds and sapphires to the flower girl a sapphire drop and to the organist a pendant The groom was attended by Mr Hutchinson of Toronto the ushers being Mr Beck Mr Roy Cane Mr J Davis and Mr A McBrien The grooms- gifts to them were tie pins After the reception Mr and Mrs Beck left by limousine for Toronto the bride travelling in a green plaid suit with hat to match The honeymoon will be in Bermuda New Orleans the Panama Exposition and California points The bride will receive in her home at Pen- clang after the New Year The numerous and beautiful gifts to the bride attest to the popularity of the young couple The guests were Mr and Mrs Cane Toronto Mr A Toronto Miss Alice Firstbrook Toronto Mr Roy Firstbrook Toronto Mr and Mrs Toronto Mr A Oak- villc Miss F Mr Reynolds Toronto Mr Tingle Toronto Mr Hutchinson Toronto Miss Hutchinson Penetangui- shene Miss M Mr and Mrs Fred Kelly Miss Hilda Toronto Miss Helen Strachan Toronto Miss Kavanagh Toronto Miss Eleanor Legale Owen Sound Mr A Toronto Mr and Mrs Beck Peno- Mr and Mrs Eager Hamil ton Mr and Mrs George Robinson Penetangulsheno Mr and Mrs J- Jennings Mr and Mrs Waller Beck Mr and Mrs Alfred Beck Toron to Mr and Mrs J Berlin Miss Rosa Berlin Mr W McBrien Toronto MrSC Skinner Mitchell Mrs John Rico Aurora Mr Fred Mr and Mrs John Walker rontp Christian Church Let everyone reserve Nov and for the Ith annual Ba zaar to be held in Newmarket Town Hall again this yearThere will be the usual Hot Meat Din ners and Hot Fowl Suppers also a Dramatic Entertainment each evening Cranberry Corners and Silas Dont let these dales slip from your mem ory Nov 1 and to a Credit If any anywhere can or will sell good stylish reliable long- wearing Suits at these prices wed like to know of It these prices are positively Invincible Its good buying thats all on our part first on yours now J- What We emphasize In a line if you want Boys 8ults that will satisfy at prices that will please get In this sale today a J Police Court- morning a couple of school boys were severely repri manded by Police Constable for performing stunts on the Metropolitan cars and disre garding the commands of the conductor They were let off on suspended sentence as a warn ing against any misbehaviour of the students while travelling on the cars Future cpmjjlaints will be severely dealt with Material Tweeds and Worsteds Sizes to regular value 550 your choice of the lot for I I Sizes to Material Tweeds all neat patterns principally folk style regular values and 800 your choice of the lot for Brief lets The electric linemen in Town finished their work oh Wednes day the line out to Sir Wm farm being the last to re ceive attention Carpenters have got the roof on Mr Shaws new barn out on St It is said it will be the most uptodate barn in York f Mr A Rogers has just pur chased a fine outfit of Sanitary Steel Stalls for his barn near Pickering College He will have a line uptodate barn and one which will be a credit to the neighborhood I J Main West Newmarket AS IN DAY8 OF OLD By Mabel Crews On Tuesday evening Pyramid Lodge No held a very successful social evening which had been arranged princi pally to hear the reports of their representatives to Grand Lodge which was held in Stratford about two months ago P Geo Young and M Morley Andrews were the representatives for this year and the very able and full reports which were lis tened to showed that they were very energetic during their so journ in Stratford and that the Lodge was fully repaid for elect ing them It was also announced in lodge that next Tuesday evening would be set apart for the unveiling of the memorial stone erected for their late brother P J Hughes This ceremony being of a public nature it is expected that the Mayor and Council will he present and also several prominent local men All mem bers are earnestly requested to be present for this ceremony which is to begin at pm sharp When we hear our grandmothers lll about how their mothers used to weave their own cloth and spin their own yarn we think of thai as being very far indeed We never heat of anyone doing these things for very few people have time or inclination Bui there are always exceptions A few weeks ago in reply an appeal for socks by the Red Cross Society a pair of socks with a history behind them was received at the societys headquarters They looked quite similar to hundreds of other heavy woollen socks that were piled up ready to he sent to the boys at the front but they were not There was not another pair in that whole col lection that could compare with them And he reason for this Was briefly staled in the quaint little note that accompanied them These socks are genuine homegrown socks They were made from start to finish on our own farm The sheep the wool pa clipped it son Selh cleaned ami I spun yarn so we all had a share in it Knittin the socks was the easiest part of it We hope thjy will get to some poor hoy thats out in them horrible trenches flghtin for his country bless him and bring him hack safe to his moth er Maybe thcseH keep him warm for a spell from an old friend Who measure the of thai sweet old And lucky is the boy who receives the May the old ladys wish for him come sating throb of impassioned fervor and ecstasy palpitate through and through his whole being And now arrived within the ancient cily what a rush of memories flood through the mind memories of superb magnificence and FARM NOTES Two hundred and tbirtyfour school fairs are being held Is Ontario this Next may a dry start in converting the now by cultivating the land Attractive packing la many casta more important than quality of the fruit you are offering for Dont carry over winter a lot old that produce only thirty careful feeding will be needed eggs per yar Have only egg hens this year on account of the great amount of spoilt grain in the coun try- Experiments in alfalfa hay for hogs indicate that the feeding value of the alfalfa may have been Increased slightly by the cooking but not sufficiently to offset the extra cost Prospective supplies of red clover seed are very much and best Canadian farmers next year will face an extreme shortage- high prices Farmer should endeavor- yet this autunrh to save every bit of the red clover crop that promises to yield good seed Seed Branch Ot tawa Nov is the date of the annua Provincial Plowing Match under the auspices of Ontario Plowmens Association which lakes place this year on the the Ontario Agricul tural College lady socks true THE JOY OP THE EARTH and the terrible anguish ever endured upon this earth Here is the veritable Mount Moriah itself the very rock upon which Abra ham- offered up Isaac the site whereon stood that at once the most august and most sacred building ever erected on earth and at the same iM that whereon the most lavish outlay o treasure amounting in all to a value of more than five hundred millions sterling was ever expended in ail time the Temple of Jerusa lem And on this very rock upon which we standing escorted by a Turkish alas sol with fixed bayonet stood the Holiest of Holies that hallowed spot wherein the glory of the Presence was wont from time to time lo re manifested But is impossible in the brief limits allot ted to this article even lo refer innumer able places of interest crowded within old walls some authentic some legendary Let us then lost in a revery of lowly adoration only pay a moonlight visit to that sacred spot Geth- semane and contemplate the scene where be neath those gnarled old olives the Saviour of the world suffered such racking soul agony an He first foil the four incubus of mankinds sin resting upon Him But here and on dreaj Calvary later on He was hearing the punish ment due to us He was opening the gates of the kingdom of heaven to all who will accpt Him as their Redeemer I The majority of those who have never trav elled in Palestine arc usually under im pression that the country is av stony cheerless wilderness with nothing to attract save the historic inercst attaching to it with a few more- or less authentic monuments and relics of he past On the contrary however tho Holy Land is a sunny garden of flowers a very- paradise of enchanting though sometimes rug ged beauty a land of hill and dale of wild ravine and steep beetling cliffs brilliant pas tures of wild lilies or cyclamen of glowing scarletancmoines azure blue gentians or gold en narcissus or tulip The traveller landing at journey ing Jerusalem there is now railway but do not wish to lose all the I WHO PAYS It is a notorious fact that the victim of the drink habit often his family to suffer for lack of the necessities of life As a byproduct of this misconduct and neglect there comes losato grocer baker butcher dry goods man and other legitimate business enterprises that would have been helped by the spending of tho money which is going across tho bar It is a notorious fact that the viotim of drink habit often accumulates indebtedness business men and fails to pay these liabilities The bad debts a part of the operating expenses of the legitimate undertakings and increase the price that has to be charged to the people who pay for what they purchase of journey should travel by road In both these cases the liquor dealer absorbs passes first along a road bordered for more than the profits that other men would make and in a mile by splendid orange groves lofty trees making would benefit the community The almost as largo as forest trees loaded wilhquor seller is a social parasite producing no magnificent golden ovalshaped fruit thing but evil and living upon what others pro- gardens being protected from intruders by impenetrable hedge of cactus which when in His parasitism is of vilest kindj i flower must present a most gorgeous spec- it- involves suffering arid misery for innocent tacle After sites of pro- unwilling victims who do not consent to the found historic interest through the loveliest misery and shame to which they flowerbedecked scenery the traveller subjected by a process that degrades njonV length arrives at a turn of the rockbound road starves their families cheats honest industry and the first view of the domes and minarets benefits heartless lazy creatures who I first gazes upom central point whlle Parasite simply e of the hardest a to humanity and to of very lh legislative enactment approve r fervid emotion and rapt fascination course through his veins and a of making money out of misery cruelty and destruction H3iaGB