v I i i I f fa 1 J mount albert Housekeeper wanted at once for house about two miles from Mount Albert Apply to Frank Myers Mount Albert Mr Hayes had a suc cessful sale of household furni ture etc on Saturday Mr Shields had his sale of furniture etc on Tuesday and is moving to the city Mr Geo of Zephyr has purchased the house and in shortly Anniversary Services will be conducted in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath Oct at and pm by the Rev Thomas of Newmarket The ladies of the congregation will serve a Pie Monday evening in the Hall A program will be given in the Church at oclock Miss Katharine Borland of Toronto a Scottish Elocutionist will be the entertainer CONCERT A grand concert under the auspices of the League of the Methodist Church will be held in the Church on Friday ev ening Oct 29th An excellent program will he given including Robert Clarke and his family of blockheads Toronto and Mr Eugene Barker soloist of New market and our- best local talent PERSONAL Among our prominent Red Cross Workers must be mention ed little Miss Marguerite Shaw who made and gold pincushions raising Mrs J Mack ay spent Thanksgiving at Mrs Crittendens Harlman Church are having an Oyster Supper on Thursday ev ening A large number attended the party at Mr Thos Crittendens and spent a pleasant evening Mr Robertson had three of his sisters visiting at his home on Saturday All are school teachers r BAD FOR THE London Oct Battles south of Riga where the Germans have made some progress in the new thrust at the Baltic Province port and in Volhynia and where the Russians have gained rather important victories are now competing ill interest with the operations in the Balkans The Germans have concentrat ed very large forces with a great amount of artillery south of Riga As a result a stubborn battle has been in progress for several days FieldMarshal Von who is in command in this region reported two days ago that bis forces had reached the River Dwina but as on previous occa sions this broad and fastrun ning waterway appears to have held him up for the time being The situation however is con sidered by the Russians to he more serious than it had been for a long lime and there is again talk of the evacuation of Riga by the military who have been in sole occupation of the city since he civilian population left a month ago o Canadian officers wounded in action may in future be given three months leave of absence before being barred from rejoin ing their corps Village responded to the appeal on behalf of the Imperial fled Cross Society and raised SHARON We are sorry to say Mrs J D Graham is not improving as we would like to hear Miss Ida Proctor attended the funeral of her aunt Mrs Asa Philips in oh Tues day of last week Mr and Mrs Lloyd vis ited at White Rose on Sunday Mr and Mrs Thos of Bradford were calling on friends on Sunday and Mrs Sam Miller of were visiting at Mr Chas Watsons on Sunday Mr Frank Tale and Miss Merle Shropshire visited at Pine Or chard on Sunday After making an extended visit with Miss R Mrs James Anderson of Decatur Nebraska left for her home a few days ago Mr and Mrs Ed Strasler of visited with the two Mrs on Sunday Mrs of Toronto and Mrs Ed Clark of Queensville were calling on friends in the village Wednesday of last week Mr and Mrs Harry Wight of Aurora were calling on friends on Sunday Mr and Mrs Fred of Toronto were visiting at Mrs N on Monday Mrs of Toronto is spending a few- days with Mr and Mrs Richard Mrs of Queensville also Mrs Dunham of the same place visited at Mr on Tuesday Mrs Harris of Toronto was calling on friends on Friday Mrs Albert Milne of ville was calling on friends one daylast week Master Calvin and Miss Mary Wrddel spent last Thursday with Mrs J Kiteley has Mr mis- cows BROWN HILL Mr McLean and been spending a lew days at John Mr L Crittenden had the fortune of getting one of his legs on Sunday From young lads throwing a stone Hunting is the order of the day these days Our Walter has been exceedingly busy these days taking in the autumn shows Hut that heavy strain will soon be oer Fagged out Walter Mfes spent last at her brothers at Oak Ridges Mr of put soldier boys spent Sunday a home Ms spent few days last the City Miss Ella ofToronto at home Mr Lane visited the formers mother at Aurora on Friday last Mr Richardson of en tertained our Methodist Sunday School on Sunday last His service was very much appreciated The many Mrs Black now of Bradford but formerly of Hol land Landing are very sorry to of her serious illness We wish her a speedy recovery Mr Byron Aylward ol spent Sunday with friends in town The charge against a local citizen of shooting With intent has been dis missed The thieves around Holland Landing are in no way A pen of sheep were being watched over night but the clever thief got in took out a sheep Jellied it and threw the hide back into the pen CEDAR BRAE The farmers in this vicinity are busy digging potatoes gathering in the apples filling silos etc Mr CTinton had a party last week which- we believe was a great success I wonder why some of the the north prefer spotted horses Our school teacher Miss was home over the holiday Miss Ethel Taylor visited Miss Irene Taylor of Egypt Old Mr Rae is home again alttr a trip to the North West with his son Henry Miss Agnes Clarke is visiting her sister in Toronto Mrs James Doyle of Toronto vis her son Mr Doyle over the holiday Miss Nellie Bailey of Winchester is home visiting her sister Mrs Frank Rev Hamilton was visiting in this neighborhood last week The district is being canvassed in order to collect money to aid in the Red Cross work We wish them every success as it is a noble cuse A number of our people attended the anniversary the Anniversary Services at Virginia last Sunday and Monday and all re port a time Wing 1 I JOHN AGENT next and Poor Mr and Mrs John of spent over Sunday at the home of Mr Vanderterg Mr Merchant will soon have his post ft will be quite convenience when finished Mr of Toronto spent over Sunday at his sons Mr Vern r upon to CIDER Cider will he JnTde Tuesday arid at till No WATSON it FOR Car a big fivepassenger Oakland for sale or exchange for a Ford car Apply to K Button West Out ALBERT Nov- hah a stock of the heat makes of Cook Coal Heal er Oil Heaters Horse Blankets Gasoline all sizes and prices if you vfnt a Waggon or Buggy I can give you a bargain Phone or come and see hie I will use yon right Ml Albert FAR TO OR TO RENT Lots and in Con of East Buildings Orchards and Wells All cleared and fenced In good order for crops Apply to JOHN 3w7 p TO Having purchased a Well Outfit ve are now A to do such at regular and satisfaction guaranteed J LKWfH SON A R O A and Telegraphy Courses of the complete and modern kind taught right at your own home by Telegraph and Railroad School at Torpnto Write for and lea sons Pres go Mi again you havent Sleeping HOLLAND LANDING ferry of Toronto is spending vacation under the pa rental roof Miss Mae is visiting at Oak Ridges The Red Cross Concert held on Fri day evening was largely attended The receipts were 3500 A subscript was also taken up for the Brit ish Bed Cross Society which amount ed to J The Marsh Dent Tuesday last in the City Mrs C of Toronto pert Wednesday last with her mother Mrs J Mr J Chapman who a few last week in Town returned on Saturday last Miss Gladys spent Wednesday last at Dawson Manor Horn on the Inst t Mr and Mrs Shields a daughter Born on the Inst to Mr Mrs If a daughter Miss Mllllgan of Toronto spent Sunday at her home here The funeral of Sidney Verne Morn ing took plate Wednesday after noon last Interment in Church Cemetery of ficiated We all convey our sincere sympathy to the parents In their sad bereavement Mr William of Toronto was calling on friends on Wednesday last We hear frequent as to the scarcity of hay stacks on the marsh year This Is pro bably due to the light crop and the heavy rains during the summer made- the marsh wet so that It la almost to get on it with horses Mr J Thompson shipped hogs to the Western Cattle Market week besides other stock totall ing about Mi and Mrs of New market visited friends her last Hun- day We are very sorry to hear Mrs M in under the doc tors care Mr Richard Shields of the line spent Sunday home here KKSWICK Dont forget the anniversary vices in the Methodist Church Sunday nor the Harvest Home Entertainment on Monday evening A number from here are going to the big Provincial Convention in Toronto next o f ZEPHYR In the death of Mr George Harrison which occurred on Friday morning October Scot Township loses one of its most highly esteemed residents He had been in failing health for al most two years but the end came suddenly and unexpectedly death be ing due to valvular disease of the heart He was in his sixtyfifth year The late Mr Harrison was a native of Scott township and lived all his life on the con where he built up a fine home and was a most farmer He was a kind father thoughtful and loving hus band and a good neighbor His was an unassuming nature and a pleasing personality which made him beloved all his friends He leaves a wife three sons four daughters o THIS KAI8ER8 NUMBER Surprising Combination of Reve lation and Arithmetic The following Ingenious at tempt to prove that the Kaiser Is the beast mentioned in Rev Is lakon from an old country pa per Take the letters of the Kai sers name arrange them one the other then to the right of each letter put down the mini- her Of each letter as it stands in the alphabet after that put the figure six carry these figures In to another column and add the total together thus Mr O M Brooks of Mount Al bert He has there look Miss Ethel back to clerk iu the store Mr arid Mrs Jas a couple of days last week with friends in and To ronto Rev of Albert preached the Methodist Church here on Sunday afternoon Mr G Thayer got the Sweater Coat at Fur nishing Store He guessed the nearest to the number of seeds in the- squash His guess was There were seeds Parks horse FuripsoV won the freeforall race at berg on Friday last This winds up the fairs for ting year Mr Leonard Greenwood spent over Sunday at her home here Alex Burrows has a new Over land Gar It is a fivepassenger We are pleased to see Miss Jen oul after her recent illness We are also glad to re port that Mrs Hamilton is im proving also Miss Mr Oscar Thompson does not have to take a back seat in re gard to a second crop of tame raspberries We a sample of as fine- berries one could wish for which were pick ed from their garden on Oct 15 See that line of felt hats that is selling for There are some values in the lot Mr Duke Stonehouse met with a nasty accident on Monday He was helping to stable his bull when the animal became enrag ed and tackled him He was knocked down and bruised in the body and had his shoulder dis located and some hones broken besides otherwise severely shak en up Dr Greenwood was noti fied and fixed him up Miss Gould of this place took over prizes in fancy work at the late Queensville Fair The many friends of Mrs Mil ton Hamilton will be glad to know she is slowly recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever There have been several- cases here this fall supposed to come from the drinking water It would save a great deal of if the wells were cleaned or use the precaution by boiling the wa ters Our little town is quiet again since the summer people have gone J e are always sorry to see them go The call comes to the it was at strong to our war How we wish has- North Gwillimbury Council met at on Oct K no A Mo a no It Then refer to the 1 chapter of Revelations and verses The answer will be sur prising and it Is hoped pro phetic And Ihoy worshipped the dra gon which gave power unto thp beast and they worshipped the beast saying Who is like unto life Who Is able to make war with him And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great thingH and blasphemies and power was given unto to continue forty and two months Here Is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is tin number of a and is six hundred three score if and six The attendance at and Womens Institute meeting last year totalled Council 8th The Reeve and Councillors Hamil ton and Glover present The bylaw for Issuing the deben tures lot the Jersey bridge received the third reading and was finally passed A also providing the rat for the several Township pur poses the rate being for the Gener al Township purpose mills the County rate being 2310 mills General school rate mills Township rate 2610 millsf Several accounts were presented and ordered paid Council then adjourned to meet again at the call of the GOLDEN JUBILEE GATHERING Of Workers The Ontario Sunday School As sociation celebrates its Golden by the hoi ding of the An nual Sunday School Convention The opening feature Of the Con vention is an Historical Pageant a stupendous reproduction show ing the development of the Sun day School idea from the lime of Abraham until present The Pageant is the evening of Oc tober 0th and is the opening session Of Hie Convention Tin- sessions continuing through nesday arid Thursday glvfiij over a School of Methods which furnishes six hours of a special programme along different linos Delegates can choose the rendering them the greatest assistance The six sessions on the afternoons and evenings of Ibe three days are given to general Mass sessions all of which have a special in- lerest Onois Canadian Ses sion One a Patriotic also other features obtain Among the list of speakers are Rev I of Montreal Hi Lang ford and Dr J Myers of To ronto M of Chicago Canon of Hamilton Mr Marion Lawrence and Mrs Mary Foster of the International Sunday School staff The music of the Conven Hon is in charge of Prof Expel I accompanied by Mr Alvln Roper the whirlwind pianist Mr Roper is preparing some spe cial patriotic musical touches The gathering promises lo equal or surpass any convention of a purely Provincial nature ever held In Toronto The limit of del egate privileges Is fixed at KIGHTDO Owing to the fact that since war began various large business interests in States have been- shipping cai goes various cohimodities ad dressed to neutral countries but with primary being delivered in Germany the enemy of the Allies arid of which cargoes were making great profit the British AdmiraUy has been compelled to seize a number of these ships with their valu able cargoes and are dealing with them under International Law in the prize courts of Great Britain and sonie these ship pers have been making serious objection towards Great Britains attitude although they are strict ly within heir legal rights The following article taken from the Wall Street Journal of New York Oct 1st the leading financial paper of the States fully justifies Great Britains- and points out that she might legally go much farther in the restrictions of this class of trade from the United States To the thoughtful observer who has read the newspaper attacks upon Great Britain for her use of the of the seas what will be most striking is not what she has done in the matter of de layed cargoes or prize court con but what she might do So far as we are concerned she can operate what amounts to a virtual- monopoly in such products as tin wool pepper nutmegs tapioca cloves shellac rubber Indian tea Cocoa and many other things which to us are not merely luxuries or com forts but necessities What is to- prevent Great Britain so far as her crown colonies are con cerned from putting an doty on all these articles She commands the seas She can virtually monopolize the freight for reason By transferring the ships with the necessary insulation instalment from the chilled and frozen meat trade of Argentina lo that of Australasia she brought the American packers to their knees in spite of their majority control of the Argentine output With a like command of the export movement of the world what would Germany not do There is historic precedent in the attempt lo tax- what were then I American colonies for the benefit of the mother country which apparently traverses Ibis suggestion But India is not a commonwealth nor are the Straits Settlements from whence our canning industries derive their indispensable tin The self governing colonies of the British Empire properly make their own tariffs But the British mercan tile marine even more in a sense than the British navy holds the mastery of the sea When the New York World the best intentions and with entire justice calls attention lo what Great Britain has done in this respect it forgets what she might do She is fighting for her life as a nation and an em pire She knows that while the domestic consumer pays the du ties in a protective tariff the export duty falls upon the foreign consumer as we discovered for ourselves in the case of Brazilian coffee When the Allies are fighting for those things we hold dearest the Sanctity of treaties and government by consent of the governed suppose we take into our own hearts their surprising moderation in view of the over whelming strength Of their po sition 80 far as our own export and import trade are concerned What might Great Britain do What couldnt she do if she were as unscrupulous as her adver saries A General Manager Rervs Fund and Undivided Profits You Can Start a Savings Account with It Is not necessary for you to wait until you have a Urge sum of money In order to start a Savings with Bankl An account can be opened with or more on which Interest Is compounded twice a year MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH D TERRY Auto Tire Steam Vulcanizin 1 Send me your Auto Tires I pay Express one way Charges Moderate Qlve mo a trial All sizes of Tires In New and Rebuilt Gasoline Oils Accessories Repair Work Main treet Garage Sutton 8TANLEY A BREUL8 Prop J The person guessing the nearest to the cor rect number of seeds in the squash In our window will be presented with a Coat valued at A guess is allowed with every purchase The seeds will be counted on Saturday Oct 16th Now Is your chance to get nothing something for OUTFITTERS Issuer Marriage Licenses WEST AT YPRE8 Now the scalpel nurse As the German army surgeon readi ed across the body of the Frenchman he saw Hie girls hand Iremhle Dont give up he said gently you shall have a rest after this operation The work you have done would exhaust one I dont mind the work its Ihe mental torture I know We all have hard at her mind that you soundly Yes sir When he was gone she seemed suddenly to lose her strength She stumbled across the room as if Walking in a nightmare At last she reached the dead body of the German and knelt beside it she whispered my dear my dear She put her head on his breast My dear- she repeated my dear my dear my dear Youths Companion things to bear Have you had bad news of your own O yes Inside I am burning She caught at the edge of the ta ble breathing loudly My lover is at The surgeon touched her arm My son is at The nurse scared at his calm lion convention this selfcontrolled face it gave her Minister of Militia dropping fresh courage She handed visit his friends anil Kcttin DECLARES DR CAHT Ottawa Oct 20MajorGcneral g Sam Hughes was the feature Ontario Womens Temperance Un til an SCalpelto him quite steadily and enthusiastic reception the operation proceeded Presently four orderlies enter bringing on stretchers two wounded Germans whom they placed in a corner Neither the man nor the girl bending over the table raised their eyes until getting I have absolutely no use for tre man either inUniform or out of uni form who is a drinker stated the blister of Militia in the course- brief address He commended the work the was doing to wards providing comforts for the work was finished Then the front they turned to unconscious Kir referred to the dry can- men where they lay on the floor teen He declared that over As the nurse was behind the sur- soldiers had been trained or are in geon be did not see how white training for the war in Canada and CANADIAN AVIATOR8 WIN HONORS Lieut Homer Smith one of Ihe first Toronto trained to Join the lloyal Flying Corps writes lo his mother at Crescent Road from Boulogne of a bomb- dropping raid thirty miles across lines at Ypres The he flfew had two tencylinder engines two pro pellers and Ihree bodies and he carried a passenger a machine gun two high explosive bombs and four 20pound bombs He crossed the enemys lino at feel but enemys anti aircraft guns got his range and in spite of circling and dipping oil his part they put two boles In the seat of the aircraft and four in the wings Having drop ped bis bombs Smith returned lo his base at Dunkirk Ho mentions that on pre vious day Hcd Muloek from Winnipeg flew away In to Brus sels descended lo a few hundred feet and blew up the Zeppelin sheds there with Zeppelins in them The commanding fleer gave him a toast in the mess and the will either get the V or O He had fly miles back in pilch darkness frightful rain and blizzard now her face became while he made Ills hasty examination Suddenly standing upright he turned to her Nurse I rfaid you might rest- but I am going lo ask a special favor One of these is my son They both need an no camp had the sale of liquor been allowed We will never allow liquor In any ol our camps he We are Carrying out prac tical temperance ideas and one of the reasons why I determined to maintain the dry canteen in our ration so badly that there is camps Is because it has been lo save only one Will you to my satisfaction that the man who does not drink is as endurance is concerned by far better than the man who indulges in intoxicants It is because I have the of the men at heart that I have determined to remove the evil from them as as it lies in my power No legislature now tb credit of giving Ontario freedom from the liquor traffic declared Mrs A Stevens or Toronto in her Iresi address during the afternoon Both sides of politics have sig nally failed and under whatever side it comes as come it must that at no distant date it will have been fought for inch by Inch by citi zenship of the Province The voters have long been in ad- but are not yet strong me on my boy She stood twisting a corner Of her apron so lightly that it did not unroll when she let it fall You think me a monster he said buthes my only child The passion of his last words brought faint I know from her The surgeon leaned toward her Id do as much for you if he were your lover She shrank from her breast heaved her eyes shifted wildly Your son I she and stopping quickly began lo unbutton the boys clothing The bent over to help and together they lifted the boy In the table He was Slight and Ontario fair Ihe surgeon was heavy and lines dark It did not occur to him to the Legislature lo wonder how the girl knew marching orders When they which was his son The operation progressed rap idly The nurse never had been cooler never more professional The surgeon told her so when he had finished its strong enough or- determined enough we shall get prohibition as far as Province can give it o TORONTO LETTER Farming Clubs In Ontario total over 300 Then ho lo reexamine On Monday last two lup otherGerman Too bad sons were killed and six injured lie murmured regretfully This crushed under the debris of a poor fellow is dead Now nurse 20ton chimney at the new wo must both gel some sleep being erected at the sleep and ho added kind- of Toronto by the Massey don you worry about your Estate I J I A J I i I Further charges have been I replied laid against Aid Meredith by Geo Hodgson in connection with watched him walk across tho nomination of Col 1 for the position of Fire he said shaking a Anger i