I I I I J Notify Public St oft good Farm Frank Duncan AND COLLECTOR- Dr Wilkinson I DENTIST Grocery Terry laweaoe 4 Real Estate A- Howards Limy Sell See Dr Office a BAIN Clark DENTIST opposite the King George Hotel NEWMARKET Dr J- Boyd in Medicine of To- Jo University aso Licentiate The College of J and member of the Royal of Surgeons of England clinical assistant Eye Hospital and Dm- Ear Nose ffrort Office Cor Mam and sis Telephone i Consultation Hours8iO 78 leeks toeal f BrlefloU Some Aurora bowlers came up on Saturday afternoon and had a friendly game on Newmarket green Clubbing Rates for The Era will be sent to any address in Canada England Scotland or land from now to the 1st Jan for paid advance Post- age extra per week to United States The Clubbing Rates for will be as follows Era and Toronto Daily Globe Era and Toronto Daily Mail Era and Toronto Daily Star Era and Toronta News 300 Era and Toronto Daily World Era and Toronto Weekly Sun Era and Canadian Countryman 160 Balance of 1915 free for all weekly papers MATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Churcl Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger House Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Street New market A NEWMARKET Teacher Of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia Grafono- and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service York Teachers The Annual Convention of the North York Teachers was held in the County Council Chambers Toronto on Oct 7th 8th A large attendance of teachers was present both days The follow ing were discussed Art work by Miss J of Normal School in two ad dresses Miss Johnson of Toron to spoke on the equipment re quired by the primary teacher lo do the most successful work in that department of the school The Superannuation Bill before Ihic Legislature Play Life in the Public Schools How we use the Golden Rule Books and the His tory Readers The following officers were electee Mr C Mulloy B A President Mr A Newmarket Miss A Nee- lands McDonald Aurora Misess Eva Well- wood M Kennedy R and Messrs Jas Lawson and W Rolling DECLINE SUBSTITUTES Material tor supplies Postage Express Red Cross Pins Expenses of Entertain ments Flag Day Talent Sales Lawn Parties etc Balance Weedseeds made up per cent total weight- of a car dr flax A sample representing over bushels per eent by weight of pure wheat the remainder being larger If made up of weed seeds Such are the statements embodied in a pamphlet issued by the Seed Branch of Department fit at Ottawa and that can be bad gratuitously by address- the the same department The pamphlet is entitled Grain Screenings and A Seed Analyst is the author he been assisted in the work by Archibald B A B Dominion Animal Husbandman and fibul try Husbandman who Results of Feeding Experiments at the Central Experimental Farm These are given with elaboration of- detail that add much to the pamphlet which the dedicatory announcement truly says of 20253 Draft sent lo i Retained for goods ordered Joekson of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Private at private re sidence if desired NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes lt Stock made to LUESBY FIRE INSURANCE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR me know your wants P MORTON Ave Box 373 Newmarket I Ontario Oxygen Welders of all kinds Cogs fn gear wheels Also dealers all of Threshing Outfits Out- Belts Pulleys The Board met on Saturday ev ening at the Council Chamber and ordered the Treasurer to pay the prizes awarded at the New market Fair there being no pro tests A number of accounts were passed hut it was impossible to tell how the finances would pan out The following resolution was carried unanimously at the regu lar meeting of the York Pioneers in Toronto and forwarded by the Secretary That the York Pioneer and Historical Society desires to ex press its heartfelt gratitude lo the President and other Officers of the Newmarket Fair for their very kind invitation and hearty reception on Oct 1st and to the citizens Of Newmarket for their kind in providing automobiles for the Supplies 77 King St East Pairs Socks 58 pairs Wristlets Scarves 38 Knee Caps Wash Cloths 2 Night Shirts Flannel Shirts 9 Flannel Bandages Bandages 5 Handkerchiefs doz Surgical Kits pairs Bed Socks packages Old Linen in and 10inch squares- Slings Flannelette Quills Autograph Quilts 10 pairs Pillows pairs Pillow Cases doz Sponge Bags doz Covers for Water Bags doz Cholera Bella Scrap Books 74 Compresses 39 Large Pads 14 doz Small Pads doz Wipes Mouth Organs War Boxes Sheet 113 jars Fruit Jam Jelly Kit Bags for Cots filled with all necessary toilet articles and clothing Rubber Cushion lion of the Ladies Pioneers and their I FOR Implements HARNESS BINDER TWINE STOVES PIANOS AND Rid Cross Soofety The annual meeting of New market Branch took place on Thursday afternoon of last week in the Council Chamber 25 mem bers being present The President made the an nouncement that the membership fee had been raised to and as sociate members Reference was also made to contribution of canned fruit etc and knitting The treasurer presented the following report which wae adopted as satisfactory Financial Statement Newmarket Branch of Canadian Red Cross Society Sept to Oct 13th 1915 RECEIPTS Flag Day Grant from Council Talent Sales At Homes Literary Society Knitting Teas Entertainment Our Boys Union School Sons of England Autograph Quilts Cook Book Fund Davis Leather Co Davis Leather Co Office Specialty Cane Ernp High School St Johns Church Johns Lawn Party Contributions inch fees Contributions from try Memorial Service Sale of Ice Crearn at Mr Lawn Parlies 57342 Busy Bees A O Court Rescue Red Cross Pine Knitting Shields Red Concert Interest George Hotel Opposite King On Mar ket Square Newmarket COAL FOR BALE Best Anthracite Coal at har- prices Orders filled at all No 177 THANK GLASS 40000 7460 4538 500 7660 10000 19000 3905 4492 Supplies Given to Other Sources Caps pairs Socks Scarves 50 pairs Wristlets 3 pairs Pillows 5 pairs Pillow Cases Suits Pajamas The election of officers resulted as follows President Mrs J Robertson Mrs Howard Cane Secretary Mrs L Jackson Treasurer Miss Nellie Forsyth Auditors Mrs A and Miss Robertson The following were appointed a Committee lo arrange work for Knitting Teas etc Mrs Row land Mrs Hilts and Mrs Levi Rogers Regular meetings lo be held on the 2nd Monday of each month The payment of constitutes a Life Membership The Society has 27 now and would be pleased lo receive more AGED TAX COLLECTOR Restored To Health By Corinth am a col lector ana years of age I was In a weak rundown condition My druggist told me about Vinol It and- in a week noticed consider able Improvement continued IU and now I have gained twenty pounds In weight and stronger I con sider a fine to create strength for old people A We guarantee cod and Iron tonic for all weak and debilitated W J Patterson Druggist Ont i i DO YOU WANT A POSITION When You Complete a The Demand for Graduates of EXPENDITURES Treas Can Red Cross 170000 Yongo St During the last two months haa been mora than four tlrno our supply Enter now Catalogue Free importance to all the production handling arid uses of grain and its products The heads of Ihe different sec tions into the pamphlet is divided are Coinposition of Screenings Uses of Screenings Grinding Screenings Screenings in Feeding Stuffs Flax Seed Screenings and FeedingExperi ments The last mentioned mo3t thoroughly with cattle sheep swine and poultry and trie conclusions leached are elabor ately tabulated The importance of proper screening to the grain grower miller and feed manufacturer is minutely de tailed and a summary given in which it is set forth That the material removed from grain at terminal elevators consists of shrunken ail broken kernels of wheat oals barley and flax besides varying proportions of a very large number of weed seeds That up to the present most of the screenings from our terminal elevators have been exported to the United States where they have been recleancd and used in vari ous forms in feeding live stock That on account of the ex tremely small size of some and the hard flinty seedcoats of others the complete pulveriza tion of all weed seeds in screen ings cannot be accomplished by an ordinary chopper That screenings over a onefourteenth inch perforated zinc screen to remove the finer weed seeds black seeds may be satisfactorily ground by ordinary choppers if reasonable care is taken in the separation and grinding That feeding stuffs manufac tured from screenings riot pro perly sometimes con- lain thousands of vital noxious weed seeds per pound Such ma terial should never be fed as it is liable to introduce weeds that entail the loss of thousands of dollars That feeding experiments have proven that the black seeds are useless as feed and expensive as adulterants Their admixture in any considerable quantity to feed makes it unpalatable tor all kinds of stock That screenings without the black seeds may be fed freely lo horses sheep or swine but it is more profitable to have such screenings compose not more than to per cent the total grain ration Buck wheat screenings arc especially valuable as poultry feed That more attention to the cleaning of grain as it is thresh ed will save lh cost of trans porting the screenings to the terminal elevators and will leave the grower in possession of much valuable feed which if he does not need for his own use will find ready sale among live slock men That the growth of weeds tails an enormous each year lo farmers and while it is desir able to utilise everything in grain screenings of good feeding value it be better to burn them than to permit their use in ways that will bring about any in crease in the number or distribu tion of noxious weeds A petition containing fifteen hundred signatures has been pre sented to Fort William City Council asking for submis sion of a local option bylaw At a meeting of the Association a re solution was passed that com mencing on Nov 1st- no liquor will ho sold to in unl- 1 Motor Ambulance of Nurse for Five Cots in Duchess of Hospital Maintenance of Cots National Com Tobacco Wool for Knitting Children Double All the Way TOWONTOCH10AGO CHICAGO Leave TORONTO 800 am pm and pm daily MONTREAL Leave TORONTO pm and pm dally Equipment the finest on all trains PANAMA EXPOSITION Reduced fares to pan Los Angeles and San Diego and further information on application to J Depot Agent Phone J Phone UpTown form I State of Ohio City of Toledo as Lucas County Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney Co doing business In the City of Toledo County and Slate aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH CURE FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence this day of December AD Seal A Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of y litem Bend for testimoni als free J CHENEY A CO Toledo Sold by all Druggists Take Hails Family Pills for In the- breach of promise case of Maty Ann Frederick whcTsued Horace Hennessey for a 0000 damages jury awarded her The prosecutor is years of age and the defendant A says there was deapwQ au driver who an men week was fined He pleaded he lost control of the the court seemed to be of the opinion ho hurt been loo much corn juice Principal McKay announced last week to school that Ihe Technical School would offer every facility for returned crip pled soldiers to learn alradey Irving Hearst second son of Premier W Blearst of Ontario obtained a commis sion the 74tri Battalion how at Niagara Camp North Toronto is making a move for separation from the City of Toronto and will seek legisla tion to be restored to its former status as a separate municipality of the County of York Knox who cap- lured last Friday after being seen rifling lockers was sentenced to the Kingston Penitentiary for 3 years Whiskey was blamed for caus ing a Russian to run amuck in a foreign lodging house on Niagara St last Saturday night a knife Three men all Russians were his victims Mrs Nellie a brilliant authoress and platform orator preached in the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church on Sunday ev ening lo a crowded church Scores of people were turned away Pilot T in his aerial flight on Sunday grip on the Curtis Marine Trophy and its cash prize of surer when he covered 442 miles within the stipulated ten hours He travelled between Toronto and Hamilton The final trip was made via Bronte and Port Credit at a height of feet Engineer Ripley who intending construction of the Street subway and north end union station expects that the latter will be roofed by Christmas and completely finish ed next Dominion Day Up to Saturday last Canadian casualties have totalled about including some 3000 killed and missing out of troops who have gone to France Enlistments have to talled about 760000 Miss Mary Ann Frederick aged 52 years and who a few days ago was the plaintiff in a breach ol promise case against a retired farmer of Trenton named Horace Hennessey and was awarded was married on Thursday of last week to William Linton of Aurora where they will make their home Gordon A Bonier promoter of the coal mine on the Stoddard Farm in Duffer in County was committed for trial on a charge of fraud For a serious offence against the daughter of Mrs A Patrick a jury at the Assize Court held that George a lithograph er must pay damages Miss Addison daughter of Rev Peter Addison gave a- tea at Hall on Saturday when her guests were some of the Pro fessors of Varsity and Victoria and their wives Fruit was very plentiful in the market last Saturday Snow ap ples lo per basket peaches a basket pears quinces c arid green corn lo 15c per dozen eggs to per dozen and butter 30c to per lb The place of honor in the flower market was held by the chrysanthemum The first graduation exercises of Welleeley Hospital Training School were held yeslorday af ternoon when the beautiful drawing rooms and li brary filled with friends who came lo see the girl graduates receive their rewards Sir Wil liam Mulock President of the Hoard acted as chairman The statement is made that employers have paid into the Accident Fund during this year since the Workmens Compensation Act has been in operation Report has it that the Govern ment action to close bars at o clock where liquor Is sold does not apply to Clubs If this bo Iruo the Government has shown a weakness for the whims- of which will be resented at next election Last Friday evening Single Tax Association of Ontario officers and heard addresses from J Dixon M P P of Winnipeg and K of When the Aesipe Court opened on Saturday morning there were court constables in attend ance and the court officials are said to have numbered almost as many as the Jurors present Why should Toronto and York Counly taxpayers have lo stand such a useless expense Half a dozen constables would the neces sities of the court Fancy about a day for constables Mostly all Cily men too Calgary Both speakers contend ed that taxation of land values would largely solve the problem of unemployment and prevent land speculation Labor candidates Irrespective of party will be in the Held for municipal honors next election both for Board of Control find Council Roasts breads A retain their natural i baked in a f3fll i i 1 v J I I ihk LJ from come fresh and sweet its perfectly ventilated the dealer in your town BY J A ALLAN A CO I t I- f im fctj r A MADE IN CANADA j 1 A ss The following prices fob Ford Ont effective Aug 1915 Ford Runabout Ford Touring Car 53000 Ford Town Car No speedometer included in this years equipment erwise cars fully equipped Theroi can be no assurance given against an ad vance in these at any time We guarantee however that there will be no reduction in these prices prior to Aug 1916 CALL AND SEE K ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Newmarket Se a BOARD OF DIRECTORS V MEREDITH Eaq R Ansu Eq Sir William MacJoniJd Hon RoM MacWr SirThoiSIiBuiliotMrKCVO C A C Gordon R Drummoad Esq McMulir Eiq Sir Frederick Muiagtr Capital Paid Up Undivided Profit Total April BANK MONEY ORDERS arc a safe and convenient of transmitting money to any point In Canada or the United States Such Money Order may be obtained at any Branch the Bank of Montreal C Ross Manager Newmarket Branch- J tetorin Miwmarkot ENTER ANY TIHE I Resident and Day School for Boys and Girls Preparation for and Examinations COUR9E8 IN TYHEWRITIHO a Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department MUSIC ART I I Address P A Principal- mm