Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Oct 1915, p. 3

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a I 1 J r Game Law Following is a synopsis of On tario game law governing shooU season Partridges Prairie Fowl Pheasants or Grouse may be killed from October to November both days inclu sive but not more than ten part ridges may be taken in one day Woodcock from 1st October to November Quail black and my Squirrels November to Dec 1st Hares may be shot from October- 1st to December and may be snared or other means than shooting from Dee to pretty Good On the of this month there over paid in taxes the Town Treasury All the bills have been paid in connection with the installation of the York Radial Power the Overdrafts in the Bank have been wiped out and the Town on Oct had credit balances in the Banks of over The Council has laid consider able new cement sidewalks where most needed the tax rale has reduced on the and tilings municipally are in a flourishing condition notwith standing Hie war So much for the Council of Before You Buy A stove do not fail to look over the Kelson It sure is a winner No with reser voir and high closet at Presbyterian Church -W- 1 Atkinson of Queens- vllle will conduct services here next Sunday- the pastor haying consented to preach anniversary sermons at Mt At the Epworlb League on Monday Oct 25th the meeting is in charge of the Literacy- and Social Committee who have- ar ranged a program on Life of Tennyson An interesting time is anticipated Presbyterian Institute The Presbyterian Schools and Young Peoples So cieties of the Northern Section intend holding an Institute in the Presbyterian Church Newmarket on Friday Oct afternoon and evening- for the purpose of making belter and more efficient Sunday Schools arid Young Peo ples Societies Coming The Juvenile Entertainers are cbmingtoTowh on the of Nov under the ayspices theelhodist Mis sum Circle Reserve the TraWflrDay The canvassers who went out yesterday in the interests of the Red Cross Society report that they are meeting- with a most generous response and the St 000 proposed by the Mayor will be raised to about School Conference On Thursday afternoon of last week Inspector J Hughes of Toronto came to Newmarket and had a Conference in the King School with the Public School Hoard and Teaching Staff regarding the establishing of the Penny Savings Bank in the Pub lic Schools and the organization of a Public School Cadet Corps in Newmarket Mr Hughes spoke for over an hour on lie subjects and the matter was left with the Hoard to deal with at their next meeting wljjch was to he held last night It has ascertained that about of the large pupils have already Hank Savings Ac counts The Cadet Uniforms cost each and it is a question whether such an organization would be very effective unless the same was provided That means quite an outlay Newmarket Tired The following which appear ed in the Toronto World yester day morning is a just expression of public opinion Newmarket residents are in censed at the delay in the open ing of the new poatoffice prac tically finished since April 1st and on which with the exception of the installation of the clock nothing has since been done The present quarters across the street from the new building are wholly inadequate for the transaction of ordinary business and delay and discomfort follow Frosted Electric Bulbs Give a mellow soft light in your bulbs to be frosted each at Binns Send Surprise Party A very scene took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Aurora on Thanksgiving Day when her mother Mrs A Dyke was lak en by surprise Her family and grandchildren made her a Birth day Party The family gave her a very useful present and the grandchildren and great grand- children presented her with a Wonder Basket full Mrs Dykes children are all living hut two sons The rest all present Mr and Mrs Archibald from Strange Mr and Mrs Anthony Brown from Newmarket Mr and Mrs Neil Dyke from Mr anil Mrs Lome Miller from Newmar ket Mrs R Milgate and Miss Dyke It will be a day long to bo re membered by the family and Methodist congregation on Sunday morning and excellent address by Chancellor Bowles of Victoria University Toronto on the origin and history of the College and the magnificent work that it lias done and is doing for the manhood and womanhood of the Province In response to the appeal for finan cial aid were paid in addition to the usual contribution of In the afternoon the Chancellor addressed the and Mens Own Classes in the on the Joy of religion in everyday work which was greatly appre ciated- In the evening the Chancellor preached a very sympathetic and gospel on Gods love to mankind Mr contributed a line solo Patriotic Club An enthusiastic organization meeting of a club to be known as the Young Peoples Patriotic Club was held in the hall in the Wes ley Block on Friday evening last and Mrs J Robertson and Mrs A the ladies who fostered this new club announc ed that Dr Wesley had kindly consented to give the use of his hall lighted for the purposes of the club and that others would provide heating furniture and other requirements Those present decided to have a weekly gathering each Thurs day evening commencing the Miss Taylor of the High staff was elected President and a SecretaryTreasurer and two committees were named committee to be known as- the to them Zenollum Is a promoter of health wher ever stock or chickens are kept Its a Disinfectant sheep dip and lice killer or at mother who has been a blessing Work Committee and the second as the Entertainment Committee The purpose of the Club to enable the young people of the town to do their bit to help the soldiers representing us at the front and particularly those from Newmarket It is proposed to spend a portion of each Thurs day evening preparing Held com forts for the soldiers and to fin ish the evenings with a small dance cards and other menls that the committee can ar range A silver collection will be taken upvery cent of which is to reach the soldiers in the shape of comforts of one kind or an other It is to be hoped that ev ery young person in town will Crumbier this an opportunity not Newmarket High A special meeting f the Hoard was held at the Secretarys Office on Monday afternoon Principal l was present and presented a slicing that student were enrolled with a good aver age for September Owing to the large attendance it is necessary to have mnr desk and also more in the Room The Supply Committee was in structed to purchase the required number also additional and Dumb Bells Other grants vere passed as follows Chemical supplies Art Models addition to libra ry A communication regarding in spection of Cadet Corps from the Militia Dept was passed on to the Principal for action Through Mr- Cornell a cheque for was received to he used in a Prize Essay Com petition between Newmarket Au Richmond Hill and Brad ford High School- The title of is to be WorldWide Peace and How to Secure The Judge to he the Teacher in Pickering College Two prizes to given 1st 2nd i Compel to close at Raster The llanks of the were IiMircd to V- Cornell the contribution and the was to inform theoth- Hoard ne suggestion of an Home Principal to held in the Assembly Hall of the School was approved by the Hoard the Era to absent friend Junior Christian Endeavor A meeting be held School room of the Christian Church to organize a Junior G Society All boys and girls from 6 to years Of age are requested to be present Saturday afternoon at Brief let The thanks of the editor are due to a great many subscribers who so promptly renewed for the Era in response to our appeal by mail accompanied by many kind expressions the Schools in Town took up contributions yesterday for the British Red Cross work Balance year free to new subscribers paying in advance for Every Automobile Should be raised off the tires when not use will buy a set of steel jacks for this pur pose at Hardware Red Cross Knitting Tea There was a fair attendance at the Red Cross Knitting Tea in the Friends School Room on Tuesday afternoon and the ladies had a very social time in connection with their work Proceeds A report reached the Society that the soldiers have to pay for Red Gross socks This is ab solutely false If anybody can give any information as to the source of this report it will be gladly received and the officers at Headquarters will thoroughly sift it to the bottom High School i On Thursday Sept 30h Auro ra visited Newmarket High School and played a very interesting game of football at the Fair Grounds in the presence of num erous spectators who enjoyed the game immensely Aurora won the score being Aurora New market On Wednesday Oct Au rora went to Richmond Hill to play basketball and football The Junior team played football and the score was a lie In Senior basketball Aurora won the score being Aurora Richmond Hill Both games were very keen ly contested On Tuesday Oct Aurora again played in Richmond Hill and in basketball Aurora won the score being Aurora 18 Richmond Hill In the football match Aurora also won the score being Aurora Richmond Hill Friends The report of the Pastor on his visit to Indiana Yearly Meeting engaged the attention of the wor- In the morning service One of the most noticeable fea tures of the Yearly Meeting was the huge crowd attending On the closing day over were present Many interesting ses sions were held In which the Home and Foreign Missions Young Peoples activities work amongst the Indians Social Ser vice etc received attention The Pastor expressed his sense of gratitude to God for the privilege of attending the Meeting At the evening meeting Mr Sutton kindly gave Valuable as sistance to the pastor The sub ject selected to preach upon was What hast thou in thy house Some valuable lessons were drawn from the beautiful Inci dents kit graphically described many expressed thanks for the helpfulness of the sermon Sunday next It am Meeting for worship pm Song service nly to fulllll a duty but to spend pm Popular a pleasant evening each week A large attendance is expected in the above mentioned hall next I service for Si Thursday evening at sharp oclock the people Preachers Topic Was it Thunder Everybody All scats free THE PURCHASE of JEWELRY a MAY BE MADE HERE in full that no matter what the amount of your purchase or small you re ceive a CORRESPONDING VALUE In your Wo seek to win and to merit your and patronage Jewelers and Opticians TICKET v Vw J The following- was- acci dentally omitted the list of was published Domestic Product Canned Peats Mrs- gart 2nd- Mrs la lei Peach esHrs Robert Lloyd 2nd Mrs Young Canned 2nd Mrs Red ftaspberriesMrsGi 2nd Mrs Silas Canned Plums 2nd Mrs UYoung Currants black Mrs 2nd Mrs Marmalade Mrs ser 2nd C Raspberry JamMrs l Yoiing 2nd Mrs Coll of Jellies Mrs Fred Feasby 2nd Mrs Young Grape Wine Mrs Ed Johhf s ton 2nd Mrs Young Wine A Mrs Lloyd 2nd Mrs Gardner Raspberry Vinegar Mrs Robt Lloyd 2nd Mrs L Bogart Tomato Catsup Mrs Robt Lloyd 2nd Mrs Prosper Mustard Pickles 2nd Mrs Lloyd Mixed Pickles Plain Mrs Sil as 2nd Mrs Lloyd Chili Sauce Mrs Lloyd 2nd Mrs A Hill Governor Sauce Mrs Lloyd 2nd Mrs L Chow Chow Mrs L 2nd Mrs A Hill Maple SyruprrMrs ft Arm strong 2nd Mrs Silas Honey Strained Root Canadi an House 2nd Mrs Ed Johnston Lard Mrs 2nd Mrs R Armstrong Cooked Chickens Mrs Stephens Pie with Top Crust Garnet Evans 2nd Mrs Pie without Top Crust Mrs Brown 2nd Mrs R Armstrong l Tarts dp4Mr Bo 2nd Stephens Doughnuts Mrs 2nd Mrs L Fruit Williams 2nd Mrs Fred Layer Cake Walter Haines 2nd Mr W Brown Cookie Mrs Ed Johnston 2nd Mrs Biscuits Br unions Miss Clara Proctor 2nd Miss Coral 3rd Mrs A Hill Buns Purity Flour Mrs C A Hill Buns with Currants Mrs Ed Johnston 2nd Hook- Bread HomeMade Cream of Wheat Flour Mrs C A Hill Bread Aurora Belle Flour Mrs Stephens Bread Great West Wheat Flour Mrs A Hill Bread Purity Flour Fred R Hook Nut Bread Mrs Steph ens 2nd Miss M Home Made Candy Mrs J Stephens 2nd Mrs Williams Newmarket Dear Mary Many thanks for your re minder Yes I intend going to the Talent Sale at Friends Church next Saturday afternoon at ochvk as I am told there will be a great many nice things to be disposed of All sorts of cookies and useful articles of needlework etc hope to sec you there Yours very sincerely Jane The Union Sunday School in tend holding a Pumpkin Pie So cial in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening Oct com mencing at oclock Games and refreshments Everybody invit ed o The late Robert White a King Township Contractor with exception of a legacy pay able to a niece White left an estate valued at and it is given to his widow who resides at At the time of his death on the July last the testator was possessed a half acre of land in King worth also a promissory note for 73 farm slock and household furniture 100 o r PINE ORCHARD I i A son of Harry about years of age nearly had both legs broken last Tueslay Ho was attending school and during re cess a threshing outfit was pass grounds Some of boys ran out and Jumped on the tongue of the water wagon but not noticed by the driver of the engine fell off and the wagon passed over legs Medical aid was brought out from Newmarket immediately For tunately no bones were broken though one leg was very badly bruised ooo I Oct after three oclock this morning Are In the premises of the Colonial Knit ting Company on Cambridge did 15000 Tho factory was running Iqst until leu oclock and the superintendent made rounds of the building before leaving The company have been working oh large war orders large part of which were daiftagcd No causa can bo learned for the fire Send the Era to absent friends POS V J Complete Stock of Carpet Squaree of all Kinds and SIzee at Lees than In all vldtho eu and In all and cretonnes Damasks nd Art teena In Endless Variety Coco In all sizes Mattlns for Churches and Outslds Verandahs J adles Dainty Foot wear w Boys AUGOODGCftaa and Footwear i liens The Workmanship on ffvery Fair Guaranteed and Prices to Fit all Purses BESS J Sugar Is a little Canned Vegetables for Good Teas are getting very and higher In a stock at our low Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds A In Jifcic i To pay off Creditors and Immediate Obligations MENS 2 250 for 100 MENS OVERCOATS 00 fior i 10 for 6 r do do 12 00 for At Just a Little Over Half Price 00 for 6 16 for 9 12 for 00 for 12 00 PREMISES FOR SALE if- C A YEAR The will of Jacob who died at OclOth leaving in cash and note for bus been filed for pronute in the Sur rogate Court fijf the will dated Oct 19M the executor are directed deliver over to Hoover the promissory note for which the deceased held against him without further pav nient To or J burkholder a nephew the deceased left to his sistersinlaw Mere dia and Brown each Legacies of 100 to 10 other nephews and thirteen nieces liv ing in and Pickering From the residue of the estate the trustees are to pay a year for the support of the pas tor of Memorial Christian Church at vllle But should the church he closed for two succes sive years or he without a pastor for two years the executors are to pay the remainder of the es tate to- the trustees of Chris tian Church in Toronto to he used In paying their church debts HOME GUARD FOR AURORA The Town Hail was well filled on Thursday evening Oct I lib when the Guard for the Town of Aurora was organized J Walton occupied the chair The- proposal lo form the Homo Guard was warmly approved Eightytwo men were enrolled oh the spot Rules were adopted under which the Homo Guard work A managing was ap pointed composed of Daw son Jos Noble Taylor Frank Sails George Martin Regular drills will commence Thursday evening 21st at the Drill Hall The following have been selected as Drill In structors George Martin Ed ward Coleman William Brown William Mitchell M Carolyn Frank Sails Sam Chapman and Rennie Cash was elected All men physically fit the age of seventeen are eligible to enroll New members may Join next Thursday evening Inside target practice and outdoor range shooting will be secured Pos sibly a Headquarters may bo opened down town for the use of the men on week nights for aoclal and Guard purposes The men have In view a win ters activity A Drum and Bugle Band will bo organized In connection with tho Guard oo- 4 tfi Brown and White Stripe Towelling Reg 12i for 10o Heavy Full Bleached Towelling Red Border Reg 12 for 10o Bleached Tea Towelling 24 Inches wide Pure Linen Red 8trlped Tea Towelling In Pure Linen White Crash ToWelllng Reg 1Bo for Half Table Linen 20 Bath and Linen Towels Full Range from pair to 25 P- Gerhard Playor Walnut Style fully for quick with rolls of Bell Piano Walnut like new William Son Upright Walnut Great Snap Berlin Organ six ooatlve Rosewood Other FATHER DRIVING TEAM RAN OVER SON Machine Bargains White Rotary Family 8ewlng Latest Improvements Lovely on small month Also a few White and New Raymond slightly used from up fully guaranteed argains and Pianos Columbia De Laval Capital 000 lbs fully guaranteed 2 yrs For only PIANO MOVING TUNING A We Handle All Our own Notes GIVE A MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS I ML s jm Phone 38 v I Sidney Morniny a 3yearold lad whose parents reside on a farm a distance Hol land Landing was run and LIVE killed Monday after- WMKKT noon the wheels of a heavily I loaded wagon driven by his Butcher Cattle passingover his body The father was on his way to the mill with a load of grain and did not notice the little boy who Sheep was playing around team uinuH I Dr of Newmarket who was 0f I summoned after hearing the facts of the caso that an Inquest was unnecessary A ttr friends- 2B i -r- t v I i

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