Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Oct 1915, p. 2

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TV SALE A Sow and young Pigs four weeks old Apply to Angus Campbell Vivian v I Toliowfng Britains declaration FOR SALE fine Leicester Breeding Ewes Apply to Howard Wo Newmarket or Phone RESIDENCE FOR SALE Centrally located on Church St Rooms Enquire of Miss at Pickering College or C Newmarket LOST On Sept 26th in Egypt Presby terian Church or vicinity a pair Glasses No Anyone finding same and Returning to Miss will be suitably rewarded Miss of the guest of Mrs CE Cane of war oh Bulgaria Bulgarian j John English is back to people in the City pre within town after spending the summer miles by an order Ottawa I at Holt to report and regis- ler without delay- On Sunday morning last citi zens passing the Bpy Scout head quarters at and about oclock were sur prised to see a string of Boy Scouts comprising cyclists ready for duty As result of taking by mis- PONY STRAYED From the farm of Sir Mu lock St the latter part of Sept a old Shetland Stal lion brown- Suitable reward for recovery J M KELLY PO CARD OF THANK8 A CHANGE HEEDED MtfkfjMM I It is stated in the Toronto press that the the Couh Court Clerk of to which exMayor of Toronto Mr John Shaw has just been jap- pointed amounts to over per annum in fees The perqui- site is unreasonable and we call the attention of the Ontario Gov- ernment and North Yorks local representative to the necessity of legislation touching of salaries of all County officials paid by fees such as County Court Clerks Sheriffs Registrars etc Just so soon as the fees of any County Of ficial reach a rea figure should be placed on yearly and the flees of the office diverted to the County Treasury taxpay ers who have toj pay for office buildings and perquisites of said officials have a- right to expert that any surplus oyer and above a reasonable salary shall form part of the County funds We commend this thought to the honest consideration not only of our local representative Legislature but also the Govern ment believing as we do that legislation in the direction sug gested is both reasonable and in the public interest Thursday- Cot Miss Gladys Belfry- spent the with Miss Ida a Mr and Mrs Haines of ton were guests Mr and Mrs over Sunday The many friends of Mr Harry Warner will to learn that he is very low Miss Mildred Hughes has rel Take a dose of after visiting Miss Mabel medicine on y and M J Wright spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs at Keswick rMrs Harry Heap and son of Winnipeg are guests of Mrs Ross a week or two Ern is enjoy ing a weeks furlough from Ni agara Camp at his home Bolton and daughter from spent the week end with Airs Allan Howard Bros will have a sale of of Cattle Horses Pigs Implements etc on tot 2nd Con Old Survey of King miles West of Newmarket credit at sharp J Headman Friday Oct Mr Darius York will have ah unreserved sale of Farm Stock Imple ments etc on Lot in the i Is the best time to buy your Grape They are nice 5th Con or North the price at the lowest A Mr and Mrs W Curtis de ire to thank the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy during the illness and death of their twin daughters al io to those who so kindly gave the use of their for the funeral FARM FOR The West Half of Lot 33 in the Con of King Tp Containing More or less good Clay Loam Frame Barn 30 Driving- House and Sheds also Brlok- Residence with Rooms Hard and Soft Water Fountain near the barn and a Stream on the back end of the Farm For further particulars apply on Lot adjoining to JOHN T CURTIS 37 Kellleby P O EDITORIAL NOTES A press despatch from Ottawa on Tuesday states that Canadas Customs trade has increased in the past six months The total trade for the period was The new Provincial Board of License Commissioners for more than a week past have been vis iting a number of Western muni cipalities with the view of ob taining a personal acquaintance of how hotelkeepers are keep ing hotel The Chairman has definitely warned licenseholders that they must obey the law or surrender their special privileges This is quite proper and every way commendable man named passed away at the General Hospital Another opium joint was raid ed on Saturday and rests were v Where is anyway J e municipalities affected the West Shore Electric scheme which through havedecided to take proceedings effort paid to John promoter of the road This decision was come- to at a meeting held on v J 1 The 575 was warded by Mri Justice in the action of Philip Lever against the G P for a broken leg Municipal borrowing is becom ing a serious matter to City tax payers Torontos borrowings during has cost The new regulations governing the Canadian Patriotic Fund an nounced from Ottawa this week bury on Con Line it credit Sale at sharp KavnaghAuct Miss Maude from Alberta is visiting with her cousin Mrs Dawson Yonge St Pie Root Lundy from Ni agara Training Camp spent the weekend with his mother oh Toronto Markets Oct Wheat per bush 0 Oats per bush 00 38 25 21 10 Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per Chickens per lb per lb Potatoes per bag 15 300 u 210 is- I We have tho best Honey to be had Put up In different size quantities IN GLASS AT 10 and IN TIN8 AT and Newmarket Markets Cape Cod Cranberries QUARTS FOR 26o and which go into effect 1st of November cuts down the al lowance to married women with out children from 15 to per month This change will effect a saving of a month while Queen St A number of Newmarket Ma- sons attended the funeral of the late Waller Collis in Aurora on Monday afternoon Mrs W Brodie motored up from the city last Sunday to see her son Mr Walter who is very poorly Mr Schmidt and wife left for Rochester last Friday to assist in celebrating his mothers birthday Mr J Patterson and Oct 1915 Wheat per bush 090 0 Oats per 33 35 Barley per bush 0 Shorts per ton 0C 00 Bran per ton i Eggs Butter per lb 0 280 30 Potatoes per 0 0 80 Chickens per lb 0 20 Is year We have quite quantity of Fall Apples to sell at PER PECK J PHONE 36 THE LEADING the cut to the families of men motored to and garrison duly from to back on Sunday having visited saving of Tues- Pacific Coast Tours Via the 8cenio At Attractive Fares Through Trains No Change See that Your Ticket Reads CANADIAN PACIFIC Natures Exposition Route to the California Expositions Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket Agents or write G Murphy District Passenger Agent Cor King and Yonge Sts Torento A Agent Newmarke BUNCH OF FOUND On Eagle St Newmarket about 1st of Oct Finder can get them at this office On Sunday Oct for the first lime in fortyfour years the people of Chicago experienced what a dry Sunday means All liquor stores bars of hotels and restaurants were closed from oclock on Saturday night until on Sunday night No less than saloons cafes and gardens were closed Only people having personal acquaint ance with the Windy City can have adequate conception of the change experienced M Residence doors East of Church St on Timothy St Newmarket Terms Moderate Steaming from Port Arthur at the head of Lake Superior to Port Col borne this week is the W Grant Mordcn her holds fill ed with the largest cargo of grain ever transported by any vessel in the history of Canadian shipping It consists of and bushels of grain nearly bushels greater than the record of any Canadian freighter At the present cash price of wheat this cargo is worth fully half a million dollars WANTED Woman for general housework Must know how to take care of milk Good Wages paid to cap able person Please call and Friday afternoons MRS J Richmond Hill GREAT OPPORTUNITY Having installed an electric plant I have no further use for a small dynamo haying a capaci ty of from to lights to run from a steam plant Can be seen in operation at any time Cost will sell for THOMPSONS MACHINE SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket OXIDIZE WELDING AND FOft 8ALE and Davis East of Toronto Bank Newmarket A press despatch from Ottawa on Friday last makes Jhe follow ing statement The Canadian Patriotic Fund will ask for for this coming year or an average of a dollar per capita The campaignfor the fund for the year will be inaugurated about Nov with a personal ap peal to the people of Canada from His Royal Highness the Duke of There are now twen ty thousand families who are receiving aid from the Patriotic Fund By Christmas it is expect ed there will be twentyfive thous and families who will be aided by the generosity of the people of Canada The law in New York State gov erning the running of automo biles is far more stringent than in Canada For instance operat ing a car while the operator is in toxicated ncurs a penalty of and one year in prison A per son operating a car without be ing licensed incurs a fine of and a day is chalked up against the owner of a motor vehicle used in carrying passengers as jitneys do in Toronto who employ an in temperate driver A fine of 50 is the penalty for persons under years of age operating a car accompanied by a licensed chauffeur and Is a fine up on chauffeurs who run a car af ter the license is revoked or sus pended will make a further per month At the Assize Court on day an Albanian was round guilty of wounding a Macedonian and was to ten years in the Kingston Penitentiary The members of the Toronto City Council Board of Trade and York County Council will be the guests of the York County- Board of Highway Commissioners sys tem oji Friday The lour is being undertaken in ordr to give the city and county representatives an opportunity of inspecting the work done on the highways of the coUqty during the last few years and particularly the results of this years labors Over men stood In St Jo sephs Church Leslie St last Sunday night and with up lifted right renewed their profession of faith and baptismal vows It was the closing of the mens mission which the Fathers had been conducting there for a week The extension of the car line which was commenced last June was completed last Saturday and the first cars pass ed over the new line on Monday A deputation from and neighborhood waited upon the License Commission this week and requested the adoption of a regulation to the effect that li censed dealers in liquor should be confined to the municipality for the license was granted At present men who had carried local option had to sit hack and watch laden wagons from Whit by supply the people with liquor While the Ontario Board has no power to order the Clubs to close at eight oclock Chairman states that he will invite them to do so volun tarily Before the Canadian Club on Monday Mrs Nellie de livered an interesting and clever address on Woman Suffrage Temperance and the Foibles of Male politicians Hon A Landry of the Canadian Senate was in To ronto on Tuesday on his return from Kent and Essex where he addressed meetings on the bi lingual question Work is now in progress on the Lansdowne civjc car line and the poles are being placcdin po sition ft is expected cars will be running by Christmas His Honour the Lieut Gover nor of Ontario and Lady have issued invitations to a re ception on Saturday afternoon to meet the Marquis and relatives during the day Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Brodie motored to Cooks town on Sun day and visited relatives Messrs and W Jefferson returned to town on Friday last after spending two months at Mr of Toronto was in Town last Saturday shak ing hands- with old friends The call at the Era Office was appre ciated Lieut W Jones of who is back from the firing line at the front was the guest of Mr Ross a day or two last week Mrs Russell Collins will receive for the first time since her marringe on Wednesday Oct and afterwards on the second Wednesday of each month large number of ladies called on Mrs Rev Grandy and daughter on Wednesday after noon and extended a cordial re ception to the Town which was duly appreciated Master Maxwell Hatch filled an engagement last evening at a big convention field in England Expects was one of his numbers which wus certain ly right uptodate Miss Ethel Perkins a nurse in New York City has shown her interest in her native Town and the cause of British liberty by sending a donation of for the British Red Cross work yester day At the Rural Deanery Chap ter meeting held at Bradford on Tuesday Rev McGonigle Hector of Newmarket was elected Rural Dean West York This office gives super vision of all the parishes includ ed in the Deanery Bandsman lloht Harrison Undertaking Yuu can your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Ihnntv n The Cradle Jackson On 2nd of Oct at Vancouver to the Rev Mr H and Mrs formerly of Newmarket a daughter McDonald In Whitchurch on Oct 15th 1915 to Mr and Mrs Wm A McDonald a daughter The Altar VanAllen8harpo In Newmarket at the home of the groom on Oct Rev Thomas Mr J formerly of to Mrs Maria Sharp of Pene At St Andrews on Oct TOWN OF i NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters- List Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of York at the Coun cil Chamber in the Town of New- market on Saturday day of October at oclock In the forenoon to hear and de termine complaints of or omissions in Voters Lists of the Municipality of New market for Dated at this day of Oct P J Town Clerk The Canadian Liberal Monthly gives the political standing of Hon the new Minister In the Borden Govern ment at Ottawa and says Mr L is classified In the Parliamentary Guide as a Conservative Nationalist and has been known for mny years as a flose friend and supporter of Hen ri the founder and ilghprlest of the Nationalist propaganda He has been the NationalistConservative Montreal district was the bead of the Inside organization In the of an election which set a new record for Quebec if not for the whole of Canada extent of the corruption and devious methods practised under the general su pervision of Hon Rogers to keep the seat in the government fold This the kind of Govern ment the M P for North York ess of Aberdeen L Cooper of Belleville was in the City on Monday He grand master of the and came here to complete arrange ments for the great rajly of to be held at the Arena on Monday night Potatoes grown in Alberta were lending a welcome to fend Era to friend delights to honor on sale in Toronto on Tuesday at per bag The tide of decreases as com pared with dates before the war of all our great continental ralK- ways has turned and are again showing substantial increases Last week saw the largest number of animalskilled at the City Abattoir in Its history The total for the week was head of cattle lambs sheep and hogs During the past month people paid a dime for the of Harrison Baths showing ah increase of over cor responding month of The Hon Provincial Treasurer addressed a patriotic gathering at this week Out of 325 men roll of membership of Rhodes Avenue have gone to the front who has been three months at Camp formerly solo player in Baud spoil the here with Ins wife and six children He ex pected this would be his last vis it before leaving for England Mr W J Of tho Public School Win in renewing for the Era says I believe that my grand father was one of first subscribers to Era and it a very welcome visitor which is a of old times Over ladies attended the reception of Mrs and Mrs on Wednesday after noon They received in the drawingroom which was decor ated with pink carnations the callers being Introduced by Mrs Jackson The tearoom was presided over by Mrs Dr assisted by Mrs Bert of Aurora and Mrs Snider of To ronto the decorations being red roses and autumn loaves In the evening several of the High School Board Joined in extending a welcome to the Principal wife and her aunt to Newmarket Church Newmarket 19th by Rev F Thom as Miss Florence Grace daughter of Mr J Cane of Newmarket to Mr Geo Arthur son of the late Beck of Penetang The Tomb Fountain On October 1015 at the Western Hospital To ronto Mary M Fountain wi dow of the late Jno Fountain Service at Bates and private chapel Queen St west on Monday evening Oct interment at Newmarket on Tuesday afternoon upon arrival of train Rev conducted the service at the grave AMD QUALITY Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Freeh Chocolates Weekly OFFICE Store Phone No House Phone No I IF I The Nations Need Oollls On Saturday Oct 1915 at Western Hospital To ronto of pneumonia Mr Wal ter of Aurora Morning Accidentally killed at Oct 1915 Sidney Vern son of Mr Sidney Morning aged 3 years In Newmarket on Oct 2nd Vera Doris daugh ter of Mr W Curtis aged 7 mos and on Oct 1915 Greta Dorothy twin daughter of Mr W Curtis aged months and two weeks Interred at Newmarket Ceme tery At Mount Albert on Sat urday Oct 1915 Chris tina Alberta beloved wife of Frank Myers In her year Funeral Monday to Mount Albert Cemetery Does your health make for efficiency Are you sat isfied with it Are you giving of your best physically and mentally to country lo your business and to your home Or are you suffering from some chronic condition that seems hopeless to overcome Are you aware that the greatest Science of drugless healing us at your door and waiting to enlighten you as to its merits Ask yourself honestly why you are not effi cient and then why you have not investigated the merits of Chiropractic the greatest Science of the century Come and Test it for Yourself a Specialty including Violet Ray High Galvanic and Sinusoidal ABSOLUTELY no case taken unless help can be given TELEPHONE 224 for appointment or call at the office of Ivan Lewis A OSTEOPATH Street I I so -BOO-t- It is now affirmed officially that Lake Erie produces more fish to the square mile than any other body of water in the world Sfi PRESERVE YOUR EYE8IQHT By having your Prescription accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Ground On tho Premises Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled PERCY the OPTICIAN STREET EAST TORONTO Phono North I J O I A In loving memory of my darling Grace daughter of Mrs who died at Newmarket on Oct two sad years ago today Since our dear Grace passed away As time goes on we miss her more Her loving voloe Her smiling face No one can take our darlings place Mother and Aunts To every purchaser of and for every TUESDAY Hats for every A J ft All WEDNESDAY And 10 votes for every THURSDAY Any article In the 16 votes for Underwear and 15 votes for every SATURDAY Shoes Hats Sweaters Shirts and votes for every cent AM EXTRA FOR EVERY ORDERED THE WEEK DURING a Outfitter r

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