Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1915, p. 4

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Fran Female Restored to Health by Lydia E Vegetable Compound a Canada doctored for ten yean for female troubles and not get well I in the paper Vegetable to try it to tell you that I am cored You my letter as a testimonial lbs Belleville Not Scotia Canada Another Woman Recovers Auburn suffered from for ten years and bad such pains that come times I would bod four days at a time could not eat or sleep and did not want anyone to talk to me or bother me at all Sometimes I would suffer for seven hours at a time Different doctors did the best they could for me until four months ago I began giving Vegetable Compound a trial and now I am in good fcaalth Mrs William Gill No IB Pleasant Street Auburn New York above are only two of the thou sands of grateful letters which are con stantly being received by the Medicine Company of Lynn Mass which show clearly what great things Vegetable Com pound does for those who suffer from womans ills If yon want spe cial write to Medicine Co con ft Tons letter will be opened read and answered by a wo- wan and held In strict for some days pasthaye to the the examination or married who for overseas service after of- himself at the recruiting station he undergo exam ination by the doctor at- Head quarters of the depot battalion If he passes this examination he is sent forward to the training camp lo- undergo some weeks of training when another medical examination and may be passed as satisfactory or dis charged as unfit for service And this is where the difficulty com to married men especially who enlist Those who are discharg ed course cease I- youngest Pearson tne is g duty or the Empire He Newmarket on Friday afternoon by ans under rule and our Pioneers num about- 180 including their extended an invitation to ladies and they were me the of Winner Continued from pa to have iny claim upon the Government or patriotic fund to pay or relief Under such military rules as the foregoing lake the case of a man with a and small children and with nothing but his daily labor to support In case tie heeds the of duty and responds thereto by enlisting he may find himself at the beginning of winter without equipment or means to Mm 10 meet the necessities I of his helpless family To avoid such circumstances as the presents it ap pears to us the one military ex amination should be sufficient ho of From the premises Lot Co 6 Whitchurch about 1st one Red and White Heifer about two years old Any person giving information leading to re covery will be suitably rewarded Sept CLARK NOTICE Removed to South West Cor ner of Market on Timothy SI qUB PAINTER PAPERHANGER ART DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper 8upplled from 3o per Roll and Hung the Most Reasonable Terms ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 ALL KINDS OP SIGNS PAINTED E8TIMATE8 SUBMITTED Metropolitan Station by of local and conveyed Fair Visited Newmarket the first arid were fa vorably impressed both with the Fair and the Town After spend ing an hour or two on the Fair Grounds they assembled at College and ninny express ed their delight with the situa tion the extensive and appropri ate buildings grounds and equip ment At oclock President Crocker of the York Pioneers called the gathering to order in the Assem bly Hall and an hour of speech ifying was much enjGyed Sir was received with hearty applause and he made a very sympathetic ad- and family of surroundings re minded him of school days- while the outlook from the College re vived memories of bygone days His grandfather lived in New market a century ago and his mother was born within a quar ter of a mile from the- His school boy days were spent in the neighborhood and never did the country look so beautiful him reviving associations of the long distant part Seven years ago to the day Sir William laid the corner stone of Pickering College in Newmarket and he was pleased to testify to the excellent work the institution had done and its prospects of doing more It is an historic in stitution its origin dating o the question ment may be definitely decided and thus relieve the situation of the possible circum stances present regulations da- tail Order and discipline must be maintained It is a necessity but loo much red is and unsatisfactory EDITORIAL NOTES Waterloo County Council petitioned the Government for a clause protect ing black and grey squirrels for three years and it is now stated that prayer of petition has been granted Word comes from Germany that they are now stripping the palaces thai country of all meta not in actual necessary use to provide war ma terials for ammunition Things must be looming up somewhat for the Kaiser under such conditions I The simple gift that lend the touoh of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERE8 A IN YOUR TOWN ZURBRIQQ Phone Photographer We are aleo prepared to take at night by the aid of Light Studio open Saturday evenings and any other evening by ap pointment Studio Door West of the New Post Office In his speech at the Arena Monday evening of last week Sir Robert Bor den Dominion Premier told his thou sands of hearers that it was his in tention that all gallant sons who may return maimed or disabled shall be adequately provided for in the future as the people of Canada would wish Under auspices of the Protestant Churches of Canada the Yv M A and the Ontario Sunday School As sociation will hold a conference at London from the to of November and at from the to of the same month at which boys from all over the Pro vince are expected Addresses will fee delivered by public men touching the duty of delegates on their true value to their Empire to their homes and to Church Roller Flour MILLS The Globe of Friday last very pro perly remarks that the situation in live stock industries of Western Canada at the present time Is an in teresting commentary upon the pro blem of disposing of this yearns very large wheat crop The cost of trans porting wheat across the ocean to Britain at cents per bushel Is equalled in exprbitance by the charge of or per head for carrying cattle from Montreal to Liverpool As beef is free for local consumption In the United States it la quite pos sible that agriculturists of the West Provinces may give more attention to livestock raising in future This may be the result of present excessive ocean rates OPO THE GREATEST TRAGEDY I Manufacture ROSS PASTRY WATER LIUT BUEfiO FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA Those Brands second to none Ask your grocer for a trial sack Satisfaction guaranteed or money returned the thill at home The Western Milla dont help you Phone Newmarket ROBIN Proprietor Furnace Work Plumbing of Our Specialties Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS The war grows in magnitude a magnitude that appal the with all their pre paredness They have let out a de mon that they might well wish un der seal again Others play at frightfulnegB when they And it would seem If an awful retribu tion were about to overtake the mon sters who would wade through the blood of millions and the devastation of Europe to establish a hellborn denomination Never will the forgive or for get the nation and its leaders who brought civilization to the unparallel ed and slaughter now centred In France and Belgium in Russia in Austria In the Dardanelles In Asia Minor and that has almott the rest of Forced to enter into this Armaged don we must continue In It until the Huns who brought it on are vanquish- for ever There can be no quarter and we must none we the consequences and the destruction that will to our sons and al lies let It be what it may We must meet slaughter with greater slaughter and out match at its own play There Is no other appeal now but to slaughter and the ingen uity of slaughter History may just ify us but only the blooilest warfare will us Our people must steel themselves for the worlds greatest tragedy now in our and In our midst 1 SONS to Onion smut is reported in Ontar io for the first time and means been adopted to it con trol gears ago in Prince Edward County As we are passing through strenuous times we cannot be indifferent to the call for ancc It will be impossible to adequately punish the Kaiser his advisers he said who deluged the world with blood When we as Canadians think of conditions elsewhere we owe a debt of gratitude to the Giver of all good for what we enjoy her Canadians are nOL responding as we should in soldiers and money We have had a century of peace in Canada and it takes some for the militant spirit to be awakened in us He was glad to know that recruiting is more vigorous of late If he was a young man eligible to serve and shirked his duty he was sure he would want to discover some to hide his head in shame when surviving soldiers return to receive the welcome and grati tude of the people amidst the mu sic of the bands and cheers of the populace We have a country worth fighting for and worth dy ing for but cheering will not win battles not breath is what is wanted There will be peace until the Allies are in Ber lin Who would stay at home when such an honor is open to every young man Sir William was deeply moved and could scarcely control his feelings when he incidentally referred to tlu fact that the father of his 3year old grandson was now a prisoner in Germany He congratulated the York Pi oneers on such a successful gathering and hoped to have the pleasure of meeting with them again next year and retired cheers Hon J Davis spoke of the great advantage Pickering Col lege was to Newmarket in addi tion to its value to the students on account of the gatherings in its Assembly Hall of an Intellec tual character and congratulated Inspector Hughes on hie sug gestion to bring the York Pio neers to North York While the College stood for what is preparation on the threshold of life looked back on what had accomplished This was readily seen in the im plements now in use compared with other days and ho paid a high tribute to the early settler through whose energy and ardu ous labor we enjoy much today We are proud of Great Britain France and Italy and there is only one way that the terrible carnage of will end and that Is by smashing Mr Geo M Henry M P P for South York declared that by birth ho was a North Yorker The men of influence in educational municipal judicial and walks of life half a century ato are now reeling on their oars and they are looking to the young men to take their places He was a pioneer for Good Roads He spoke of the conditions at tached to the settlement duties when the land was obtained from the Crown over a century ago one being that they should cut and stump highways along their property This were slow to do but not any more so than the doing of statute labor today He urged the people of North York to stiffen up the baoks of their representatives and get in the procession for Good P Pearson represented Fair Association and spoke of the pleasure it had been to have the visit of the York Pioneers In a he belonged to be cause for years Pearson farm had never departed from the name His grandfather was a Sunday School Superintendent for 36 years always advocating temperance and the moral wo Pi- to make a- to Dr Hughes Toronto School delighted with trie gathering of the Pioneers aha their cordial receptionr He spoke of trie excellent Pickering College how that it had stood for the best things in edu- cation- skill and especial character And referring to the activities of the friepds in this locality nearly years agpj he suggested that Mr be appointed Society Historian and collect information for publica tion before all the Pioneers are passed away and many things of interest are forgotten He paid a high tribute to the women and on his suggestion hrie the To ronto ladies was called to the platformto respond on their be half Mrs Torrington reminded the Pioneetsof the sympathy inter est and cooperation thai the wo men had put into all the work of the men and in the crisis of to day the women from Halifax to Vancouver are nobly doing their duty Dr Firth and Mr Albert Rog ers of Toronto on behalf of the Managers of the- College express ed their gratification at the pres ence of the Pioneers and invited them to lunch in the Dining Hall Before separating however Inspector Hughes desired to show his personal appreciation of the generosity of the College Board and stated his intention of plac ing a Medal in their hands for competition among the students Proceedings closed with the National Anthem and cheers for the King LOST 105 SUBMARINES Additional- information confirming reports of tbe practical failure of Germanys submarines and the cap- ture of large numbers of these cr in ports along the English Channel anl in the North Sea has been brought to this country by three men who the confidence of British and French ofiicials That of the Kaisers undersea craft have been captured or destroyed was the assertion made to them Many of these craft estimat ed at from fifty to sixty have been manned by British or French crews and places in service against Ger many it is said Three men whose names obviously are not permitted to be used were for several weeks tjio ofiicials of the allies and while not sworn to any confidence had revealed to them many of the inner features of the great conflict in its land and sea phases They declare that as high as twelve submarines a week been caught within the last month and they predict it will be only a short time before the attacks of the Ger man undersea craft will ccaso entire ly or dwindle into state of practi cal Although the German ship yards have been busy turning outnew sub marines it is estimated by officials of the allies that Germany now has barely two score of these craft and their power of destruction bas been curtailed greatly by the present of the allies in handling the undersea menace Fisher- 2nd Mrs Fred Mount in Silk Mias 2nd Miss Emb Kersey Lingerie Misa Pillow Graham Miss Fisher Table Centre White Emb- Miss Mrs Fred gart- Table Centre Silk EmbMr Graham- 2nd Fisher While Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Fred Doylies Silk 2nd Miss Fisher Carving Cloth White Mrs 2nd Miss Carving Cloth Silk Emb Mrs 2nd Miss Fisher Tea Cloth White Mrs Fred 2nd Mrs Graham Tea Cloth Silk Mrs Kersey 2nd Miss Sideboard Emb Mrs 2nd Mrs Pearce Table Runner Silk Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Pearce Sofa Pillow Mrs Gra ham 2nd Miss PinCushion Mrs J 2nd Mrs Graham TeaCosy Mrs Graham 2nd Miss Fisher Wool Tea-Cosy- Mrs Graham 2nd Miss A Murray Centrepiece Drawn Thread Mrs 2nd Mrs Kersey Doylies Drawn Thread Mis Fisher 2nd Mrs Tea Cloth Drawn Thread- Mrs Kersey 2nd Mrs Green wood Luce Mrs Kersey 2nd Miss Fisher Airs 2nd Miss Fisher vLace Mrs Kersey 2nd Miss McCutcheon Lace Duchess Miss Fisher 2nd Miss McCutcheon Lace Point Mrs Graham 2nd Mrs Kersey Lace Irish Crochet Miss 2nd Lace Maltese Mrs Kersey 2nd Miss Fisher Work Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Kersey Crochet Lace Mrs 2nd Miss Netting Lace Miss cheon 2nd Miss Fisher Tatting Mits Recently the Jjew York- World car- out a controlling hand is much thV dried on an enquiry into the high same as that by which water lorpe- priced for certain everyday food sup- does are guided Water torpedoes plies Four principal reasons were can now be made to run around a account for these high ship in a circle or to describe the prices of them figure in the water This is done I upon or grew out of the fourth and by means of the gyroscope and ihe that great effect the water- has on it publio is not eager to get food at the lowest possible The de tails given in the report show sim ply a lack of thrift on the part of great the people they will hot leave the beaten track of their pyre bases even to gain a manifest advantage in price A mixture of pride and laziness it tho way in which it was put If people would read advertise ments more carefully and would act upon the information they obtain from advertisements many a dollar would be saved thai is wasted The very fact thata mer chant advertises proves that he has confidence in his goods and if be advertises prices also he thereby de clares his desire to be judged strict ly according to the service he is ready to render to the public same idea is carried out in the air TROOPS BILLETED WHERE THEY BRICKS MADE WITHOUT CLAY Bricks without clay of an Illinois works open up a new industrial field In this case the chief material is the tailings from coal mines but it is claimed that the process is adapted for utilizing siliceous wastes of all kinds thus providing a source of building material to localities having no clay The coarse siliceous sub stance is brought into chemical com bination with a binder of lower fus ing point consisting of suitable pro portions of pulverized silica alum ina potassium or sodium The pro per mixture is forced into molds under high pressure and the bricks are burned in usual way but for a much shorter lime Samples pro duced were not cracked or damaged by a temperature of 2900 degrees Fahrenheit or by a cruching load of 20000 pounds per square inch The new process it will do much toward keeping down the high cost of living As limber he- comes more scarce ils price has in creased and in many localities build ers Have found it cheaper to buy bricks even though forced to pay for a long freight haul When it was first announced that bricks were to bo made of coal many people laughed at the thought of using such material in fireproof con struction As a matter of fact no part of the material used is com bustible after being treated in the new process It is said that the cost of the new material may be lower than brick even in territory near clay pits poo Ottawa Sept 30 General Sir Sam Hughes has receiving tele grams by the score from every vil lage town and city Canada ask ing that troops be billeted in their mvst The General explained this morning that battalions already or ganized will be broken up into units smaller than companies Their lo cation has already been All municipalities which raise twenty men or over according to size will have their men with them for the winter These men will be given squad drill a winter under military district control and in the sprine will be formed into Troops already organized s General Hughes will not be bro ken up to send a few here and a few there all over the country but ever- village municipality or hamlet Canada enrolling within its own hi twenty proper qualified and upwards according of the place frill be J to have them billeted in their midst during the winter It is thereto to each municipality if it wants sol diers to raise The men win be in squads during the winter under military control Except in places where enough men arc raised they will not be organized into until the spring when the bat talions will formed The Lord helps those who help themselpes en For Infanta and Children Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of GRAND TRUNK SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE Good Qolng 11th 1015 Valid for return date of Issue only First Class Fare and One Third Good going October and it Valid for return until Oct Return tickets Will be issued between all stations in Canada oast of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron Mich Buffalo Black Hock Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge PANAMA EXPOSITION Reduced fares to San Francisco Los Angeles and Ban Diego Tickets and furthor information on application to J Depot Agent Phone J Phone 14 Agent Newmarket Soda Water Works Is prepared to furnish you with all kinds of Soft Drinks at short est notice and delivered free any place you wish Sell our drinks They are Money Makers Wo Manufacture Strawberry Lemon Sour Cream Soda Koka Kola Ginger Ale Birch Beer Raspberry AND MANY OTHERS Your Will Bo Appre ciated and Our Prompt and Careful Attention WHEN IN NEED PHONE Water Works Prop NORTH END 2nd Mrs Fancy Bag Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Graham Sofa Pillow any other kind Miss A Murray A Applique Collar Guffs Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Kersey Queen Anne Darning a 2nd Mrs Best Novelty Miss A Murray FINE ARTS Portrait Oil Painting Waddell 2nd- Miss Bailey Landscape or Marine Oil J 2nd Miss Bailey Animals- Oils Waddell 2nd Miss Bailey Flowers or Fruit Oil Miss A Murray 2nd Miss Bailey Still Life Oils Miss Bailey 2nd Mrs OKcefe Portrait Colors Mrs ft 2nd Miss M Landscape or Marine Water Colors Mrs M 2nd Miss A Murray i Animals Colors Mrs 2nd Miss F M Flowers or Fruit Col Miss A Murray 2nd Miss Cook Still Life Col Mrs O 2nd Waddell Stencilled Work Mrs J Willmot 2nd Miss F Bailey Pen Ink Sketch Mrs M O- Keefo 2nd Miss F Bailey Pencil Drawing Mrs M O 2nd F M Bailey Charcoal Drawing E Wad 2nd Miss A Murray Black White Oil Mrs M OKeefe 2nd Miss F M Bailey Coll Photos or Marine W Stephens 2nd Mrs J W mot 2nd Mrs M OKcofo Carving on Wood W Stephens 2nd Miss M Bailoy Modelling in ClayMiss A Murray Painting on Silk Satin Etc Miss M Bailey 2nd Mrs Lloyd Leather Work Mrs Kersey I Brass or- Copper Pierced Miss F Bailey 2nd Mrs Kor- Work Stephens 2nd Miss Fisher Mrs Brown 2nd Miss F M Hammered Brass Mrs Ker sey 2nd Miss M Tray or Plaque Miss Annio Meek Novelty Miss Annio 2nd A Brodie Coll of Coins Mrs W Brown 2nd Mrs D Hamilton Curiosities Miss M Butterflies Etc Gib- Stuffed Birds Etc 1st 2nd and 3rd J Any Kind Nat History W Continued on AIR TORPEDO TO BE USED FOR Durham Carves Brood Sow with Pigs I Hog Filly Draught rising Bay Draught rising Apply to D Koewiok At the end of six months there is going to he the greatest aerial at tack by the allied forces in Europe that the world has ever seen- says Albert Bond Lambert president- of Aeor Club of St Louis and a prominent member of the Aero Club of America During the three years that I spent studying the science of aero nautics in France l knew a great many have been taking an important part in the handling of the aerial service of the Allies ho continued and since the beginning of the war I have been able to keep in close touch with events in this line through them While I am not at liberty to make known sources of Information regarding the coming mass attack with aeroplanes I can say that they are many umu lack will be risked the idea of building torpedocarrying aero planes in this country the Allies have been experimenting on it continu ously They have now perfected a small- aircraft which can bo mech anically adjusted it is sent into the air so Jhat it will fly and guide itself until the moment is reached for it to drop the torpedo The torpedo is set freo by a time- clock arrangement and can bo drop- DJOM away from the original starling point of the littlo aeroplane No aviator accompanies the air craft and the torpedo is run entirely like a mechanical toy and it si to go wherever it will and destroy poMOnn si paddojp earth When it is considered that it costs from to to mako a modern torpedo and that tho aeroplanes that will bo used for the aerial bombs cost only to construct it bo seen that abandoning of machine in mid air will not mean any great loss as war arc rated Tho Allies arc now building great numbers of these aircraft and eg pad grand air bombardment is to take about flrsl of year I dont know whether specific points at which aerial torpedoes are to be launched been decided upon as yot but from descriptions that I have of manner in they work it appears that they will as wea pons There is no defenso against them aro simply a matter of evolu tion as tho modern dreadnought and the wero matters of lion ll the Dardanelles have not been captured by time this air raid takes place undoubtedly the torpedoes will be used there They will enable allied ships to stand out of rango of the Turkish guns and to demolish Turkish forta with aircraft that do not carry This form of must undoubtedly of tho greatest efllcacy whero over is a bombarding While this highly offootlvo modi fication of tho old aeroplane Is be ing worked out in Europe it is bas ed on ideals originated in this country and which our coun try thus far failed to for its own defonso It was imagined that an could bo loft to in air without a guiding aviator until dovlcos as stabiliror was invented HUGE NEW WAR PLANES The first ot a fleet giant sen- planes being built in Canada for the British Government recei el its of ficial recently at the flying grounds in Toronto and proved t be an dnqualified succets A speed nearly one hundred a hour was developed This airship is larger than ever built before It is called The Canada and is fitted with a number of new devices It carried latest iilevelopments in control and is so arranged that absolute accuracy is obtained in bombdropping The Canada is ol the type The America which built be fore the war the trip across the ocean hut is much larger writes an aviator who witnessed the tests Its wings are feet across and it is built to carry more 2000 pounds This will allow caliber rapid fire gun to be and large quantity of The new are the most wonderful things about it The stabilizer is used and by a arrangement a telescope fit- a heavy carried new i la MAI ted to it so that the pilot always knows his exact vertical is he always knows the has with the horizontal This with fittings the of which cannot be explained as they were developed by the makers allows the pilot mere ly to pull lever to drop bombs- on any specified object The Canada was built by the Cur- Aeroplane Company at their work shops in Toronto and will cost about The sister ships or other aeroplanes of the same model will all be standardized withit and ev erything has been s that the British government will have several squadrons of these giant machines ail of exactly the same model and with all their parts interchangeable The first squadron of twenty which will be shipped before October will have cost the British GovernrnlDt about The Company has orders for of the same model as the America which is still in service It is acting as at convoy troop ships and other vessels With its large calibre machine gun it proved a formidable foe to and is said to have destroyed three to dat Flying while on scout duty about feet above the channel or the Irish sea the pilot can see about 20 miles In every direction and at a speed of more than miles hour can catch anything that looks aus picious In England they say a gun- carrying aeroplane is worth live de stroyers and cruisers and their strongly advocated because they re lease the units for battle use In addition to the other types of machines ordered The Curtiss Com pany has an order for of what is known in tbt British as Model This is a fast reconnoitering or scout machine and a number are shipped every week Many of theso are being made in Buffalo According to the service on which it The Canada will carry bombs weighing or 200 doundsf It can ten of latter weighing in all a ton and with the certainty of etriking attain ed by the now device will be able to blow a town almost off the map Her guns will have an unlimited range both up and down and able to attack aeroplanes above tt0 which Is unusual in aerial as it has always been necessary for tho aviator to climb above his en emy before he can deliver the death blow Cleaning A Pressing Newmarket Midway between Ontario and Sim- coo Sis Making over all kinds of a specialty CLOTHE8 CLEANED On short notice A 0 I T lir al la Cc i J At si t t It a i I ft OW j L

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