Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1915, p. 3

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Millinery Ladies Black Velvet Hals from 75c UP Cut price IhroughouMhe goto stock and work Roche Co No Sunday Delivery The winter season with the milk dealers is now on and from Ibis lime forward the milk will not delivered in town on Sunday People will require to get a double supply on Satur morn Methodist Church The adjourned meeting of the Boards will lake place in Board Room this Friday ev- nine at oclock for important business Every member request ed to at League There was a splendid program fairly attendance on Monday evening Hon J Da vis nave an interesting address Mrs Howard Canes solo was very much appreciated and Miss gave a very pretty instrumental number There was also a Tableau by a number THE TOWH HALL NEWMARKET On Eveng Oct I of There will not be a- meeting next Monday evening owing to the holi day Presbyterian Church The Choir of St Andrews Church are preparing special mu sic for Sunday Oct In the evening the service will be large ly of a musical nature Service next Sunday morning will be conducted by the Pastor In the evening Rev Harvey Grant A a returned mission ary from China will be the preacher Rev F Thomas is required to go to Aurora as Mod erator on account of Rev H Allen enlisting in Overseas Con In response to ENGLANDS FIRST APPEAL FOR ASSIST ANCE from this OUR DOMINION OF CANADA to aid the care of the EMPIRES SOLDIERS AND SAILORS wounded in fighting our battles for CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY The regular monthly meeting the of the Metbodisi will be held- at the Par- The Canadian Order of era will hold their- regular nieel- this Friday evening at oclock sharp full attend of members is requested- i Tuscan A A Regular meeting next Wednes day evening It is understood that a motion be discuss relating 16 military service at the front J Venerable ArchDeacon Cody of Toronto arid other speakers have kindly consented to be present and de liver Addresses icy Efflolenoy Attention is directed to the an nouncement of Dr Lewis til page two of this issue Since eating in Newmarket the Dr is doing a successful and everin creasing practice Complete Stock of riishlnfls J Squares of all Kinds and Slzea at than City Prices Linoleums arid yds wide I Bungalow and Curtain Scrims In all and qualities Damasks and Art Sa teens In Endless Variety Cocoa Mats In all sixes Cocoa for Churches and Outside Verandahs ALL QOCD USE BAKING POWDER Boys and Footwear Mens Sureflt Footwear Workmanship on Pair and to all Purses Newmarket OddFellows Band in Attendance CHAIR TO BE TAKEN AT OCLOCK MAYOR H CANE Chairman Remember We carry a large slock Specialties Irons Toasters Grill Stoves Lanterns Flash Lights up Tungsten Lamps up to watt 35c cp Carton Lamps for Hardware lf Dainty uptodate Foot wear- I Sugar Is a little cheaper Canned Vegetables for Good Teas are getting very scares ind higher In price lay In stock at pur low W Quaker Bulk Tea all kind A Stove Bargains at Binns I Cheerful Oak good as new cost 1200 Tortoise keeps Ore 48 A Small Healer 5i0 New Coal Cook Stove No r Brief lets Dont forget Talent Sale on Oct commencing at oclock at the Friends Church Newmarket Fair Directors meet on the of Oct Prizes and accounts are payable on and after the Mr P Morton Estate Agent has disponed of the farm belonging to Mr Astle of Raven- shoe also the borne of Mr Morris Timothy St Newmarket About time arrangements were made for the annual Bible Soci ety meeting Knitted just thing for odd jobs i Wasting the Water All through the summerthere was plenty of waterin the Reservoir but today it is tax ing the wells to keep up with the demand The engineer is pump ing gallons a day and it is the opinjon the Town offi cials that the schools arid college are the cause of lie shortage It has been found that the small electric pump is not capable doing the work required and rfr extra expenditure of will have to be made to meet the sit uation Monster Patriotic Meeting In response lo Englands first appeal for assistance on behalf of the wounded Soldiers and Sail ors in the Worlds Greatest War His Worship Mayor Cane has called a Public Meetingof the cit izens of the Town next Tuesday evening in the Town Hall com mencing at oclock Patriotic Addresses will be de livered by the Venerable Arch Deacon Cody of Toronto and oth ers Newmarket OddFellows Band will be in attendance Let our people show their loyalty to the Empire by a packed house This appeal is made in re sponse lo the following telegram received by the Mayor as the British Red Cross Society is ask ing for a million dollars on tin anniversary of the battle of Tra falgar to carry on their work I beg to inform you that Lord has sent me the follow ing cablegram I Peg British Red Cross and The Order of Pay your taxes and save the discount A lady in our Town has flnished- pair of socks for the soldiers This must be a record- breaker for the Dominion The Ladies Aid of the Christ ian Church have set the and of Nov as the dates for their annual Hot Fowl Supper and Ba zaar The The annual meeting of the Bible Class connection with the Sunday School took place at the Parsonage on Wednesday evening about young men being present The following officers were elected for I the coming season Hon Patron E J Davis Hon President Aubrey Davis President J Church VicePres Storey- Secretary randy Treasurer Thompson Teacher Rev A P Addison Asst Teachers and P W Pearson When business was concluded the boys enjoyed progressive after which Mrs Pauls Church There will be no 830 am ser vice next Sunday The rector will preach at Brampton and man from Toronto is expected here son served refreshments and a inform you thai evening was spent Methodist Ladles Aid There was a fair attendance at the meeting on Wednesday after noon in the Ladies Parlor It was decided to put a metal ceiling in the dining rom at the Parsonage on account of the plaster falling The Talent Sales are lo be con tinued through the winter the one being on the Friday in October with afternoon tea A Y P A The first meeting of St Pauls A P A which look the form of a Social was held on Tuesday evening in the School Room The President delivered a brief ad dress in which he outlined a very interesting program for the year This followed by a short en tertainment games and refresh ments All it a most suc cessful and enjoyable evening many becoming members of the Society and others looking for ward to joining it at an early date On Monday Thanksgiving Day a Ramble and Corn Roast will be held All wishing to join in this are requested to hand their names to the President MriiCs Walker not later than Sunday j I If J I i I Century Clothing Half Price St John in view of the great maud upon their resources both in A Comrades Farewell France and the near East have A number of young men met at make an appeal through Mrs A E West Mil- Ave on Tuesday to say farewell lo their school chum to relieving the sufferings of our who is here on his ast vis- wounded soldiers and sailors from l before leaving for England home and overseas at the various During the evening Mr A seats of war from all parts of the read the following ad- Kings Dominions We have al- dress ready received generous assistance Dear George in our work but with he increase We some of your companions of British and overseas forces at the of the old town of Newmarket front there is a corresponding in- have known you for many year- Red Cross The ladies had a very social lea in St Pauls Schoolroom last Tuesday afternoon which fairly well attended Annual business meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held in the Council Chamber oclock on Thursday Oct and it is hoped that there will be a full attendance of the I ad leu Every lady in town is invited Next Red Cross Tea will be held En the Friends Schoolroom on the of October The President has received a Cheque from Mrs Aubrey Davis for 100 the proceeds of the en tertainment given by the children some time ago under the direc tion of Miss It must be very gratifying to them that their efforts added such a handsome hum lo the Red Cross Fund Proposition Turned Down discussion at the Council Chamber last Mon day over the proposed Shoe Factory At the previous mceling the Manager thought the proposition of the Council to loan 15000 to the new Factory was not very en cou raging when they asked for 20000 but the suggestion of Deputy Reeve Pearson to accept the personal bond of the Direct ors for 5000 met with favor when he talked it over with the other members of the firm conseejenfjy the application for was renewed upon those conditions When lh matter was pressed for decision the Council was far being unanimous To some proposition looked good to others there were complications that they did not like Reeve Keith observed that un let the Council agreed upon something there was no going to the expense of putting it vote of the people AH were In favor of a loan of on factory torn repayable in years and assessment Hie Manager vas present and crease in our expenditure and we shall be grateful to you if you will help us by organizing an appeal and sending the proceeds to us for the object which I have named I shall be greatly obliged if you will kindly communicate the forgoing to your Government Their Majesty the King and her Majesty Queen Alex andra are giving their generous and have valued your COnpaiUOlj ship are met here to any goodbye to you as you go to serve your Country and ours In the fight for freedom and equality We are sorry to lose you from amongst us but are glad that you have had the courage to make this choice We want you to have patronage and I trust that you will with you something which will be also be able to see your way lo help a perpetual assurance of our love of our interest in your life and f In view of the urgency and our prayers for your safety Will portance of this first appeal that the you accept this Watch from us Motherland has made to us I con- and may it serve for you these purposes Our love our sympa thy and our prayers will always follow you Mr F then presented him with a beautiful Wrist trust that you will once organize with a view to getting a worthy contribution from the peo ple of your municipality on Board and the Clergy of WVf Town are requested to lake seats all his old riend on the platform felt he was only whawa right and some of them would join him later The Washer I Washes pro vi clothes right You can free Refreshments were then served and the young men dispersed THE PURCHASE of JEWELRY Thanksgiving Mr L Farr the popular or ganist in the Methodist Church has arranged the special music Sunday Morning OrganPrelude Ashford Anthem I Will Magnify Merchant Offertory Cnvatina Rouselle Solo King Davids Lament Mr Thos Davidson Swift Clarke Evening Organ Prelude Clanssman ftoln Fear Ye Not Mrs W Cane Offertory Evening Rest Bihl Anthem Praise the Lord Hall Soprano Solo by Miss McCarly Solo Mr Barker March Aux Flambeau Clarke There Are Times When you want to chase the chill from that cobl room of our 94 Oil Heaters is very handy for the purpose Hardware MAY MADE HERE In full that no matter what the amount of your purohase large or small you will re ceive a VALUE In your selection We seek to win and Are determined to merit your denoe and patronage Jewelers and Opticians P TICKET Motor Accident Mr Sam of the Farm met with I an accident on Wednesday night while driving his cur home fro Toronto Somewhere on St he met a Ituly driving a The horse scared at the motor reared up and came right into the motor through the glass screen In the general mix up the was frightfully out up about the face Sam escaped with a deep wound on the hand which he got repaired in Newmarket- The lady was driven to a doctors office down St where her wounds were win made us comfortable Sam is very much worked up over the affair and regrets that the lady was hurt So far the responsibility for the accident has not been placed Sam was driving very slowly on account of having a poor light Ills electric lights were out of commfssloh and he had lo buy a lantern to come home At the time of the accident he had the lantern on the front of the car and the two coal oil lamps lighted as welb Christian The Endeavor was hold on Tuesday evening as usual It was the monthly consecration service and nearly all the mem bers responded to names when the roll was called Mr Roy a splendid pa per on What will make our So ciety a greater success and the general dUouaBlon whioh follow ed waa very interesting Mlsfl fHK s Belfry sang a solo The Executive Committee will have change of the service next Tuesday night and promise an in meeting The subject for discussion Be a Follower Come and a friend Com The Post Office Clock f Va new Town Clock in the Post Office Tower has been striking the hours ever since last Tuesday afternoon with increas ing regularity The clock sets off the handsome building and there is a good tone lo the bell The clock was manufactured by Messrs Gil let Johnston of and there is only one more like it in the Dominion of Canada and Hint is at Mid land There were live men here to put the works together from Toronto from Ottawa oho from and one from Aurora but they all gave it up Finally Mr McKewon of Newmarket who resides one door west of the Post Office was per mitted to tackle the job though it had been said that no in Newmarket had head enough to put it together However wrestling with numerous cogwheels and pieces of shafting for two or three days he suc ceeded in making a perfect as sembly of the chaotic Jumble and the monster timepiece is doing creditable work Having master the mechanism without he assistance of instructions or blue prints Mr McKewon deserves job of winding the clock and look ing after its care Report has it Mr Stephens has the appointment caretaker for the new Aurt Post Office but the Post Office which was completed early in May bus not yet gol that far It is said that there are so many applicants that the Govern ment is afraid to make the ap pointment before the next elec tion for fear of giving offence Nice way to treat a suffering pub lic What would say if Reformers were doing business that way Aurora Brown and White Stripe Towelling Reg 12i for 10o Heavy Full Bleaohed Towelling Red Border Reg 12y for 10o Bleached Tea Towelling inches wide 12c Pure Linen Red Striped Tea Towelling- In 12 Pure Linen White Crash Towelling Reg 15c for 11c Half Bleached Table Linen 20 Bath and Linen Towels Full Range from pair to pair mm Pickering Colle a Resident and Day School for Boys and Girls ENTER ANY TIME Police Court Police Magistrate had a very interesting eeBsion yesterday morning which continued until nearly one oclock Five Newmarket young men were most repri manded for gamblingon Sunday and were let off on suspended sentence If thoy come before him again will be sent down without the option of a fine They had the costs to pay Two young men named Foster from Landing wore found guilty of stealing from cousin and were sent lo Jail for two month Mr Sam was charg ed with furious driving but the case was remanded till next Wed Toronto Preparation for Matriculation and Teaehers Examinations IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING I Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department MU8IO A ART I Address W P FIRTH A D Principal Markets Wheat per bush- Oats per bushj Barley per bush Shorts ton Bran per ton Eggs Butter per lb Oct 7 75 0 0 39 as 30 30 Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 180 Toronto Markets in Hay per ton Butter per lb per doz Chickens per lb Ducks per lb Potatoes per bag LIVE MARKET Choice Beef Cattle Good Butcher Cattle Blockers 0 35 30 35 0 o S I Oct Wheat per bush SO Oats per bush Milkers Veal Calves Sheep v Lambs Hogs off oars i tend the Era to absent friend sm Z

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