Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Oct 1915, p. 5

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v I J Office tf to good Frank Duncan AND COLLECTOR Or H Wilkinson DENTIST Terry wards Livery Buy or Sell See Me Dp H Clark NEWMARKET Fall Fairs v Oct Sept 30- Oct 1 Oct 56 Oct F A Miss Scientific Temperance Zephyr W WWiT If J I TV SHEATHED w p Chicago St John a ft Church Md AH In Roper Winona i he church was crowded at the It is hardly necessary that closing service of the Mission last Sunday evening when Rev Father gave a resume of the work in Newmarket The choir with Miss Kennedy as organist sang very beau tifully MAIN Dr SJ Boyd College of member of the Royal College the of SuTgeons of England assistant in Seldste Hospital and College Ear Nose Throat IhS Main and Newmarket Telephone 0 Consultation Horn 810 C jeweller Cure Quite Right In the item last week about the rates for Commercial Lightning we inadvertently made an error The minimum rate includes the current used and is not in addition to the current This Is a good deal better for the consumer Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator and Tecumseh Street New market Austrian Officer Interned A man named Victor who had been working in Town lor some time held hurried sale at his resi dence on St one day last week and immediately skipped out People wondered what was the ter but word came from Toronto on Friday that he was arrested as an Austrian reservist and lieutenant He will a guest of the Government un til the end of the war that as an enemy he had to report to the Registrar of Aliens Toronto but he had neer done so and the result that when he was brought before the chief of police his internment was ordered His wife and baby were al lowed to go free we should make comment These two names are now widely and favor ably known Prof unquestion ably challenges all others for hi best place a leader of chorus or congrega tional singing while Prof Roper is a law unto himself in music -Mr- Roper performs all the work without referring the music Mr Marion Lawrence Chicago General Secretary of the internation al Sunday School Association staff Mr Lawrence is getting away up in his years of service and cannot with us very frequently We are glad to know he is coming to this convene tion Mrs Harry Foster Chicago also one of the International Sunday School Association staff- Mr Law rence and Mrs Bryner are not warm weather there are enquires as to why hens I slap laying In some cases hens have laid very well all seasop but suddenly ih egg yield begins to fall off and sometimes ceases entire- I- It expert a flock to lay equally well at all times a flock that has laid heavily during the will generally tor wards the middle of and when they begin to but when yield drops rapidly until it practically ceases without any ap parent reason suspect vermin Of all the many varieties of ver min that infest fowl the Red mite is tie most troublesome Unlike the ordinary hen louse they are not as a rule found on the owl neitfi- are they killed by dusting as the ordinary body louse is These pests breed very rapidly especially during the hot weather usually in cracks having spent sight England and taking advantage of every opportunity operations of the British Mr Herbert is able td pro duce in the New York one of the most articles that has appeared on this subject He says Fenced in with barbed wire her coasts deeply furrowed with protected seaward byfields of dead ly mines and watched by ever active palr6l8of destroyers and seaplanes battleships that lurk in their bases ready to pounce out upon the enemy Englands graphical position is something to be envied by the other warring nations She is protected by something far more efficacious than the most cun ningly devised tranches the great natural North Sea Isles Sheathed in Metal Arid art supports nature The British Isles are sheathed in metal The island kingdom is buried under a shield of almost impenetrable containing filth or in dirty nesting at the same time Many you should about Let the McClary dealer show BY J A ALLAN CO London the heart of the Em pire is embedded in a Ring of Steel Heavy guns from her Aberdeen in the north to Harwich in the south frown toward Germany more guns at Dover Folkestone the Isle of Wight Portsmouth Portland Plymouth and Falmouth guard the English Channel fortress artillery at Point in Ireland and j Americans in the sense in which Holyhead in Wales stand guard at 4 A NEWMARKET Teacher Of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service that word is frequently wrongly ap plied They belong to Canada as- much as they do to the United States Mrs Fart is the though she ranks with any in grasp of the entire Work from Cradle Roll to Home Department Mrs Milton Chicago of The Life Mrs his been in the southern entrance to the Irish while other heavy pieces at in Ireland and Wigtown in perform a similiar ser vice at- the northern doorway conif stations are dotted in prodigal profusion around the two islands behind impassable of barbed wire at every conceivably possible landing place of an invader troops are stationed ready to be whisked to I the point of small patrol Ontario at different times and declar- boats search half forgotten coves on of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private if desired Drew a The following is copied from the Vancouver Daily Province a copy of which has reached this office through a friend Mr is a Newmarket boy and he married a Newmarket young lady Miss Alice Ash worth The clipping is as follows Cha8 Thomson a character well known to the police was ar rested yesterday afternoon by De tectives and on a charge attempting to break into the residence of Mr a broker at Hast ings St West Before being plac ed under arrest however Thom son is said to have drawn a re volver with which he threatened Thomson was seen by the of ficers prowling aboiit the resi dence with his shoes in his hand and suspecting his motives th went forward to arrest him The man the detectives say pulled out an uglylooking revolver and pointed ft at but before he could make any use of the gun if such was his intention they sprang upon him and look the firearm from him This morning he appeared in the Police Court and asked for a preliminary hearing He was ad journed to Sept there is no audience to which she speaks that brings her more pleasure Mrs Lamoreauxs early work was in the Division but for several years now she has devot ing her entire attention to that of the Teen age We venture the challenge that three or four of as practical and beautiful ad dresses as have ever been given on Canadian soil will be given by her Every S in North York should be represented LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Out 8tone for Building itt hi Stock an to LtJESBY FIRE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR Let me know your P KJORTOM Ave Box 373 DAVI8 Ontario Welders of all kinds of Metals Cogs in gear wheels Also dealers in all kinds of Threshing Outfits Ous ting Boxes Belts Boxes and Pulleys Mrs Ann Hood widow the late James Hood of passed away peacefully early Tuesday morning the at advance age of 94 years The deceased her husband were two of the firs settlers in Whitchurch twnship and had lived on the homestead form for nearly years Mrs Hood had al ways taken an interest in social and church affairs and was with her husband the donor of land upon which the Presbyterian Church was erected Her death is mourned by three daughters and two sons many other relatives and a large number of friends old and young Her two daughters the Misses and Hood who have cared for their mother with all possible devotion during her years of infirmity are the recipients of sincerest sympathy from all who have known their faithfulness A memorial service was held in the Presbyterian Church conducted by Rev J and and attended by relatives arid friends who sent many floral tributes The interment took place in Churchill Cemetery the re mains being interred in a grave by the side of that of her late husband in FOR Implements w ALSO BINDER TWINE PIANOS AND QRAMAPHOFiEQ AGAINST THE WIND It is a fine thing to have circum stances favorable when you have to feel yourself tingling with vitality to your finger ends know that you are at your best physically and men tally and that all your surroundings are helpful But such advantageous conditions are exceptional It is only occasionally that you can do your work with everything favorable And the most import ant lesson for any worker to learn is to live of circum stances- Perhaps you will not sleep well A thunderstorm or a feline concert in the back yard may have robbed you of some of the hours which meant rest and refreshment But you can not afford to let your days work go to smash because you rise weary in stead of energetic The work of cer tain days must be done with tho handicap of headache twitching nerves possibly an attack- in digestion Sometimes the first mall brings bad news and the misfortune of some friend or anxiety regarding our own future must be resolutely set aside before we can give to our daily task the attention it demands for its successful accomplishment And instead of having ideal surround ings to aid concentration us must contend with noise confusion and numberless distractions This would disheartening but for the fact th much of the worlds best work has been done in spite of these handicaps HI health overwork crushing responsibilities interrup tions have all been powerless to in terfere with the success of the worlds workers As a matter of fact if we study the carerrs of the men whose lives have been most worth while we really that the majority of them had handi caps which might teem almost over whelming Kltes rise not with but against the wind and the worker who has disadvantages to overcome is likely to surpass bis more favored competitor P OFFICE George Hotel Opposite King On Mar ket Square COAL BALE ftfest Anthracite Coal at bar- pin prices Orders filled at all Telephone No FRANK GLASS lf Ave PROVINCIAL 8 CONVENTION The outline program 1st Issued the annual Convention of the Ontario Sunday School Association and it indeed bespeaks a Golden Jubilee It Is the strongest program ever issued and we have no doubt that it will be the best Convention ever held in the Province list of Convention speakers and workers includes Rev Canon Hamil ton On t who has contented to lead in three Devotional Peri ods Johnston of Montreal of tbe American Presbyterian Church who will give a Patriotic Address on The Sunday School and Canadian He Dr Johnston Is one of Ontarios own boys of whom- all Canada may well be proud Mr John Patterson K To ronto who will give reminiscen ces of the earlier day of the Associa tion on behalf of the Old Guard Mr Patterson has been long identi fied with the General and Central committees Miss Gladys E Directress will of Pageant on Tuesday evening Dramatic work Is more than a hobby with It la her chosen life work- PARISIAN SAGE PUTS HAIR ON AMD TOUR HEAD IT THERE Whats the use of being bald What sense is there in deliberately allowing your hair to turn ray I Do you want to look old before your time- up the thoughts age will come Only too soon Look after your hair PARISIAN kill the dandruff germs and it the only preparation so far as we know that Is guaranteed to do so Man or woman no matter how old you are PARISIAN will make you look young Come in and get a large bottle today it only costs cents nd your money back if it does not cure dandruff stop falling hair or itching of the It will make your hair luxuriant bright arid beautiful and It is the most refreshing pleasant and Invigorating hair dressing made I J PATTERSON Druggist Ont NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice Is hereby given that tilt partnership hitherto existing John Archibald and Elgin Evans been dissolved Tec the future personally and on hie own account continue the business with the and sawmill outfit erto used by him AJ1 orders will receive strict attention Dtled this day of bleak and lonely parts of the west coast of Ireland and of the High lands of for secret German- submarine bases seaplanes sub marines and destroyers the Grand keep incessantly circling the Kingdom on ho lookout for enemy sea and aircraft Fleet Costs a Day Naturally when I first reached England I wanted to know what had become of the navy that Premier has said costs a day to keep afloat I was told that it was lost somewhere in the grey mists of the North Sea and that it was not strung out in a huge semi circle in front of Heligoland wailing to be sent to the bottom by boats By piecing together such trifles as Admiralty warnings and in structions to pilots posted at naval bases by watching fractions of the fleet at such places as Dover Portsmouth and Harwich in Bhort by keeping ones eyes open it was possible to build up a shadowy outline of the general scheme that costs incidentally a day by which England has succeeded in completing her isolation warding off invasion and cutting off Germany from the outside world have seen at the Hendon and officers of the Naval Air Service and of the Royal Flying Corps the pilots of an air feet it is now known on the author ity of UnderSecretary of States for War numbering air craft I have watched these air men at war games practising at at tacking Zeppelins and preparing for the promised grand aerial raid and other vital spots in lheenemys territory At present England has men at work turning out aeroplanes In addition American constructors are working day and night rigging machines for Great Britain Up to Juno 30 the United States had shipped aero planes valued at to Eng land There are now standing ord ers for sixty machines a week until the end of the war Guarded Passageways Except for her submarines the German fleet is effectively bottled It believed to be absolutely impossi ble for an enemy vessel run the gauntlet through the Straits of Dov er owing to the immense mine nelds that that idmilewide chan nel and the 15Inch guns that domin ate the situation from Dover to Calais Not even a submarine can pass down the English Channel thanks to the maze of submarine nets and traps that have been set To get out submarines must make the circuitous Journey by way of the neutral tbreomile limit off Norway There are or two tor- lupus channels left open- among deadly mines for friendly and merchantman that can only bo traversed with the aid of an author ized pilot ThosQ guarded by TBV destroyers and seaplanes British Government has notified Washington of the location of sev eral other mine fields in North Sea The northern way out into the World for the German fleet Is almost as effectively guarded as that to south All the channels between John Groats the northernmost point of Scotland and Orkney and Shetland Islands have boen set with and submarines traps or blocked with captured German ships that have been filled with rooks and atones and sunk In the fairways Be tween the and the Nor wegian threemilo limit are other mine fields Somewhere in tho neighborhood of Kirkwall or between and Scan dinavia la the main body of the Grand Fleet of battle cruisers and Dreadnoughts anxiously wailing for the day With steam up other squadrons Of warships are stationed at such ports as Aberdeen Dundee Rosyth Hartlepool Harwich Chatham and Dover ready to outflank any German flotilla that might venture forth Mail and Em pire 3w ELGIN EVANS material They are not red in color as is popularly supposed but grey it is only after they have come into contact with the fowl and have be come filled with blood that they ap pear red young- mites are white and have only six legs but after casting their skins which they do several limes they have eight legs The cast skins may be seen like a white powder around the parches this often being the- first indication of the presence of mites They are able to live and reproduce for months without animal food the first food of the young probably being filth or decayed wood They thrive best in dark dirty houses and have been found to exist in houses the following season after the fowl had been removed They usually attack the birds at night but are sometimes found on laying hens and they frequently drive broody hens from the nest They pierce the skin with their needlelike jaws and suck the blood after which they re tire to the seclusion of the cracks and crevices of the roosts nests or other parts of the house They will bite man or other mammals causing severe irritation but they never re main on for any length of lime If the fowl are not doing well and on examination are thinner than they should be a sharp lookout should be kept for mites At night they may be seen either on the fowl or running along the perches in the day time examine the cracks and crevices of the roosta and walls closely or lift tjie roosts and ex amine the places where they come in contaot with the supports If mites are found to be present the first step in banishing them is to give the house athorough cleaning Remove all droppings and old nesting material scrape and sweep out every particle of dirt and burn it Then if you are so fortunately situated that you have water pressur at your command turn on the hose with as much pressure as you can get forcing the waler into every crack if as is the case oh most farms you cannot use this method it is advisable to scrub down the walls with a brush or old broom but in any case they should be thoroughly sprayed or painted with a good strong disinfectant This wash should be repeated in a few days to destroy the mites which hatch after the first application The disinfec tant may be applied with a hand spray pump or if such is not avail able a brush will do but in either case the fluid should be used liberal ly and every crack flooded Fresh air and sunlight are wonder ful disinfectants and- combined with cleanliness are preventives against most of the ills of the poultry yard One of the very best disinfectapts to use against mites is madeas fol lows Dissolve one pound and a half concentrated lye in as small a quan tity of water as possible It will be necessary to do this two or three hours before it is required as the lye should be cold when used Put three quarts of raw linseed oil into a five gallon stone crock and pour in the lye very slowly stirring mean while Keep on stirring until a smooth liquid soap is produced then gradually add two gallons of either crude carbolic acid or commercial stirring constantly until the resulting lipid Is a clear dark brown Use two or three of the mixture to a gallon of water The foregoing is offered as a most effective remedy against mites but those who regard preparation of the mixture as too much work may use a good strong solution of or any other creolln prepar ation Ordinary coal oil will kill mites but as it evaporates quickly the ef fects are not lasting An excel lent paint to apply to the roosts and nestsboxes is composed of on crude carbolic to three or our parts coal oil Even after the house has been oleaned the cracks in roosts and should be flooded at re gular intervals throughout Sum mer either with the foremenlioned paint or with coal oil This will go far to keep the peala in check but it must be regarded simply as a check and the thorough or annual house cleaning described above put Into effect as soon us possible To facilitate ease with which this house cleaning may done all fixtures such a roosts or nests- boxes should be made movable If they are stationary at present ad vantage should be taken of the first rain day to change them It will bo time well spent ri i Children Dry FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA i GERMANS MADE Splendid vlotorles were won by the French and British armies In general engagements fought on Saturday and Sunday The German trenches were carried in the Champagne country east of Rhelms on of fifteen miles and prisoners tak en In Artola the British captured trenches on a front of live miles obtained vantage ground from which Important I town of r 1 i t A L- The following prices Ford Ont effective Aug Ford Runabout Ford Touring Car Ford Town Car No speedometer included in this years equipment oth- erwjse cars fully equipped There can be no assurance given against an ad vance in these at any time We guarantee however that be no reduction in prices prior to Aug 1916 CALL AND SEE K N ROBERTSON Ford I V m i BOARD OF DIRECTORS V MEREDITH AbTU Sir Will- Macdoaald Hon Holt Mack C A BumiuUi Em Gordon Em H R Eq Amut Esq McMutir En CplUl Up Rett Profits Total April 28956267a ESTABLISHED ft BANK MONEY ORDERS ore life and convenient meant of money to any point in Canada or the United Statei Such Money Orders may bo obtained at any Branch of the Hank of Montreal G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch TRUNK TIME TADL2 Leave I Toronto it II Leave Allundale GOING NORTH Newmarket am Allundale pm pm pm 80UTH 520 am Newmarket am pm pm pm it am pm 536 pm it am pm pm Toronto Arrive 1035 pm 815 pm 1060 pm Atrive 730 am 1018 am pm pm raffs Effective HZ NADIAN PACIFIC GREAT LAKE8 FIVE SAILING WEEKLY Port Mo- Mondays Tuoadaya Thursdays and Saturdays for 8TE MARIE PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM Manitoba from Port Wodno3dayrf calls a Owen Sound pm leaves Toronto 1245 daily Friday making direct connection with steamers at Port McNIcholl oh sailing days TOURS TO PACIFIC COAST CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION Also to I Atlantic Resorts Lake Bon Echo j- and 8overn River Lakes Lakes- 8UMMER TOURI8T8 FARES NOW IN EFFECT I FAST TIME CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE MODERN EQUIPMENT Between Ottawa Toronto De troit Chicago Canadian the Way to Winnipeg VanoouverV No Change of Cars or Depots Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write M Murphy District Agent Toronto til Agent TORONTO ATKINSON AGENT NEWMARKET i Less may be and took prisoners The French captured the village and advanced towards taking a thousand prisoners- Altogether In the two days battle front was up a distance of twenty mites and Germans captured losses on both sides In and wounded will be heavy for the bat tles fought on- Saturday and Sun day were the most Important since those In front of in Febru ary ln which It la estimat ed that 50000 French sad Germans

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