Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 2, 1915, p. 7

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if 1 FRIDAY JULY SUTTON 0 if you fact lines PI on Prop liter that en to meet the Sir ay to adjust finding this of regret the dinner- great man he would be promise it of a the sentence on keeper of the of ALE If of Lot south of apply ML Albert Well IS SON is now sell- Oil Stove made also for ilcOf Lead thing Halo hugs line any Phone Of lop as the into vell remedy them ily looks the rifled by- ttc I i d V at are showing an entirely new and one of the most hand and useful assortments of if line some ilver Deposit on English Ware Tea Sugar Bowls Cream Jugs end Cream Sets 3lece Seta of fine English China Inlaid with Silver They are most suitable for WEDDING GIFTS or fop any special presentation Have a look in our window and make an selection A Direct Importer of Staple and Fancy China China Hall Grocery Seasonable Suggestions FOR HOT WEATHER- Ml led Hocks Jellied Head Cheese Pressed Corned Beef Ham FOR PICNICS Cream Cheese 25c Choice Olives plain stuffed 20o The very finest 10c 13c 15c 13c 18c Lobster tins Dried Beef In tins and glasses Canned Boneless Chicken We a firstclass line In Lemonade Orangeade Raspberry Vinegar Juice and Grape Juice in and 25o a wow Red Cross Dont forget the Knitting Tea Mr Schmidts Lawn Sa nest Tuesday afternoon the unfavorable it will on- the verandah or bouse Methodist Sunday School The Patriotic Service last Sun day was a great success about being present The of life Tablet in honor of who have enlisted for defense the Empire aroused much inter est Speeches were delivered by the Pastor and Mas ter Maxwell Hatch gave a good patriotic recitation and the sing ing led by Mr was along patriotic lines The service throughout was much enjoyed The night train going North is not due here till oclock now Mr J is now learning to manipulate an auto in order to enjoy his summer va cation Mr Win who had llirfco lingers badly lacerated with a saw at Canes Factory about three weeks ago is getting nicely and will not lose the ends of them The jitneys are doing a cheeky business driving up o the Metropolitan cars and steal ing their passengers for Toron to Mr Water Collins I empires shall be split his new on ly well- along It looks fine Champion Lacrosse Match hero Dominion Weston vs Tala- is getting Class A it is planned shall irk Ave peaco Europe Class tins China Hall Change of ad too late for issue but for the bene III of lliosj who want a bargain Set just take a look Window in a Dinner at the Store will be entirely independent but disputes between them be arbitrated by Class A states Class will be independent but will have do armies their own except for police duty and shall no inter national treaties other than mercal or postal Wilson Star T I regular monthly of the will bo held in the of Mrs Cane in Huron on Tuesday the Tilly at 3 pm is requested Press O The regular meeting of the he held on Wednes day July when all members are expected to be present as the representative io Grand Coun cil will give his report which will be of importance all age very Union S Picnic Ann it age ami Sunday Schools will hold their annual union picnic at lloul take Park on July Special car will leave Newmarket station at oclock a in sharp and re turning leave the Lake at o clock j Earl Byer years grandson of villc while handling a fie Tuesday afternoon in soire unaccountable way discharged the weapon the ball en tering bis right shoulder and embed ding in the armpit severing the big arteries and causing great loss blood Dr Gangster was hurried to the snot and succeed ed in staunching the How ol blood but did not attempt to locate the bullet Young was placed en the Toronto express and taken to lie General Hospital where he was re ported as resting easily An effort will be made to locate the bullet The accident took place on his farm where young By is a student at the high spends his summers its A Musical Contribution Newmarket is not behind in demonstrations of patriotism this strenuous war period and the latest contribution to Cana das popularity is a musical selec tion by one of our citizens Mr J Miner entitled The Cana dian Jacks Flag Which is worthy of public patronage He is the author of both words and music It has an easy military swing and is uptodate It is being sold at the small sum if Get a copy It will be pop ular with the boys as soon as il is introduced on the public plat form 9 MEDICINAL PLANTS Christian Endeavor The weekly meeting of cfely of the Christian Church was well attended on Tuesday evening The meeting was charge Rev J Hall who gave a most interesting talk on Making Life Worth While This was the last meeting of the Society until Sep tember The leading Phone Quick CORNER OF Main timothy EXPERIENCE Anyone our opinion Thade Marks Ac Ion her j on free faeneF or Uunn Ox Scientific of ftctefltiftc for Duma ft ivrJd FALL TERM OPENS 1ST The Trouble Settled The general public interested will be glad to know that the trouble between Toronto and the Metropolitan Railway at the Southern end of the line border ing on the City has been settled The following letter addressed to the Mayor of Toronto from Mr W Moore General Manager of the York Radial Company gives particulars to advise you that the Toronto Railway Com pany has by agreement with the Toronto and York Radial Railway Company Ibis day made taken over that portion of their railway 1 320 feel on street of the tracks their fran chise of which expires at mid night tonight together with al their rails lies and structure now on the said por tion of the said street I also wish to advise you thai the Toronto Railway Company will henceforth operate the said railway under their franchise from the city of Toronto and a soon as the subway under the tracks is completed will ex tend northerly their double track On Yong Street over Ihe said 320 feet and give a continuous service thereon Mission Circle Picnic Fifteen of the Methodist Mis sion Circle girls were given a mo tor ride to Orchard Beach on Wednesday afternoon and had a very enjoyable lime at lngle- wood with boating bathing and bowling There were just in the picnic parly and they arrived home about oclock delighted with the outing C E Picnic The Christian Endeavor Soci of the Christian Church ace holding their annual Picnic to Bond Lake Park on Dominion Day July 1st as usual Anoth er good time is anticipated and everybody is cordially invited to tome along with the young and spend an afternoon at the beautiful little lake The Society is looking for all its members to be there Com Union The Churches of the Christians and Friends will hold Union Ser vices during July and August the pastor of the Christian Church preaching in the Friends Church in the morning and Ihe Christian church in the evening during July and the pastor of the Friends Church preaching in the Christian Church in the morning and the Friends Church in the evening during August Next Sunday the morning ser vice will be held at the Friends Church the evening service at the Christian Church A cordial wel come is extended to all THE ALLIES ARE IN SECRET PACT Toronto does not ask for a bet ter reputation than it already possesses We get positions for many students each year free W ELLIOTT Principal Ilk St Yongc Garden Lawn Socials Band TAKEMOTICE I Newmarket Soda Water Works Is prepared to furnish- you with all kinds of Soft at short est notice and delivered free to any place you wish Bell our drinks They arc Money Makers vie Manufacture Strawberry Lemon Sour Cream Soda Koka Kola Ginger Ale Birch Beer Raspberry AND MANY OTHERS Your Patronage Will Be Appre ciated and Receive Our Prompt and Careful Attention WHEN IN NEED PHONE Newmarket Water Works Prop NORTH END WOOD FOR Hemlock Slabs and Hardwood at reasonable prices J A CODY Phone St I Christian Church The weather was very favorable and the attendance at the Bap tismal service at Keswick shore last Sunday morning was good The service throughout was very impressive indeed The car left tin grove where the service bad been held at oclock reaching Newmarket at The evening service was a pa triotic one and our pastor Rev J Hall gave a splendid talk on what real patriotism is The Choir sang well the following numbers Anthem Cod our help in ages past The Recessional a Stephens Chorus The Maple Loaf Solo and Chorus Land of Hope and Glory the solo being sung by Miss Chorus Oh Canada The children of the Primary Department of the Sunday School with their parents held a suc cessful picnic on Saturday after noon on the church lawn Miss Collins as of this De partment with Mrs J Hall as Assistant and the teachers the Primary Depl deserve great praise for the success of Hie pic nic Next Sunday morning July at we trust all the classes will be- in attendance Picnic on July at Centre Island Toronto Tbo regular communion ser vice will be held next Sunday morning at the close of the morning service are requested to Com All members be present Children FOR FLETCHERS FRUIT BULLETIN Mrs Housewife sec your Gro cer for those delicious White Cherries arriving daily The Red Sour Cherry for Pie and preserving are ready Red Currants coming along week all Niagara Peninsula grown day See your grocer to The Allies have determined that the wet in Europe will he continued imtif Germany and Austria aro lorced to accept whatever terms arc given them according to information re ceived in Washington It is claimed that this is one the features ot the secret understanding under which Italy joined the Allies The pact is said to involve not only the map Europe hut a regrouping all the nations on the continent During the past eight months it la stated plans or permanent peace have been considered by the master minds of Europe- The politicians have now determined the best means tor keeping the world at peace and they intend to keep the soldiers light ing until their wishes are enforced According to information from Rome Italy was assured that Great Britain Russia and France will con tinue the war until it is abandoned by the unanimous consent ot the four Allies It is also agreed that there shall be no arbitration by Holland the United States or other neutral powers but the four Allies shall terms of peace When it was finally determined that Italy was to be one ol these four great powers at the close war diplomats from Russia and England were sent to Rome which for the past eight months been the real capital the world Their mission was to change Italys neutrality to offensive action on their Hide The Italian diplomats holding their rioting citizens in check with muskets persisted In neutrality co quetting with Von Buelow until Italys very last demand was agreed upon even to an assurance that the Adriatic shall be an Italian la It Is asserted that after the war Great Britain Russia France and Italy shall be four great powers Europe Class nations accord ing to the plan will consist of Bel gium Holland Serbia Portugal Sweden Norway Switzer land Rumania Greece and Bulgaria Class Will consist of Bohemia Po land Bavaria Hungary and other minor states into by racial af finities the German To describe or even to give list ot the five hundred varieties of plants that Come under the head of medietas as in a more than ordinarily interesting Bulletin by Assistant Dominion Botanist J Adams A would take up an exceptional amount of space Mr Adams entitles his publication Medicinal Plants and Their Cultiva tion in Canada It is Bulletin Second Series of the Experimen tal Farms and can be had free by ad dressing the Publications Branch De partment of Agriculture Ottawa Director of the Dominion Experimental Farms makes a correct estimate when he says Such in formation as is contained in this publication should be of value to many ol our farmers Mr Adams who was formerly lecturer on Botany and Vegetable at Dub lin Ireland suggests that no farmer runs any risk by devoting a small plot of about an acre to drug culture as an experiment tor a few years But Tor anybody to go headlong into the business as a speculation would be unwise The medicinal plants demand are American White Hellebore or In dian Poke Bowers May and liinc poisonous occurs in swamps and wet woods from New Brunswick Brit ish Columbia price to lb Hop flowers July and August ripe September and October occurs it thickets and on river banks from Scotia to Manitoba cultivated in Ontario and Columbia 25c to per Golden Seal flowers in April ripe In July and August native in woods to per lb White Mustard flowers all summer occurs in fields and waste places per lb Black Mustard occurs in and waste places 10 per lb Seneca or Mountain Flax Bowers May or June grows in Rocky woods from New Brunswick to Alberta to per lb American Ginseng collected about September occurs in woods in Que bec and Ontario per lb Peppermint flowers July to Sep tember occurs in wet ground from Nova Scotia to Ontario to per lb Spearmint grows in wet grounds I from Nova Scotia to Ontario- to per lb Mr Adams in addition to giving description and exact illustrations in every case quotes the market price Following the plants in loading de- maud he comes to those used in moderate or small quantities such as Irish Moss Ergot Male Fern White Pine Hemlock Balsam Fir Juniper and so on These Occupy pages and then we have foreign medicinal plants which might grow in Canada A list of publications and com prehensive index add to the instruct- and interest exceedingly valuable bulletin AN IRRE The teacher of the school in look ing round the room alter children had taken their seats saw a face It pertained to a Utile boy She called him to her desk What Is your o dear she asked him Tommy Hunter maam he an swered How old arc you Tommy Six going on seven Trim uptodate yet consistently In good taste describe the main features of but quality is also an Important consideration with those men who value a distinctive appearance and fills this requirement most satisfactorily V 1 Has been given the place of honour in our store and our suggestion is that next time you are In need of 8hoos you give us an opportunity to you INVICTU8 The Hen Weln 81 Weal COMPENSATION Be Wile sure of That if Ml average commonplace person yon will hardly anywhere where you will not be welcomed by many worthy people while if you are not a commonplace parson you will hardly go any where where you will he welcomed by anybody who is anybody in the estimation of common place persons But if you sympathize with the poor ami unpretending and with all who need much as you yourself do then from all such you will gel what you give to them in overflowing measure not in ft Seven Reasons for Not Attending Church The empty seats at church depress me My wife says there would be one less if I but what has that got to do with it I cannot sit for an hour or more crowded building without suffocation The average church service is dull and stupid I went to a crowded theater not long ago and sat for three hours and they seemed short I could have stayed longer and enjoyed it My dog is chained all the week and Sunday morning take him for a run He would a mi really better than being a commonplace per disappointed if he did not get his Sunday and not also ft proof that God is good anifP church as he the human heart after all no Witness 5 am a baseball fan seven days in the week A church service on Sunday morning is a poor preparation for a ball game It is apt During the early history of the Theological to give one palpitation conscience seminary at Allegheny the institution was My father and mother Were fans of a in financial straights One time sort ami always went to church it was in great need of funds and rcuchedjor shine and made me go I do not go now in a very trying monetary extremity Dr to show how foolish they were and to the president of the Board of Directors prove that what the Bible says is not a meeting of the Board There were three in attendance including the president The church is tremendously expensive himself Dr Dr Swift and Dr times have been so hard that I have been sou composed the counsel Dr ex- compelled lo deny myself many luxuries pressed it as his opinion that unless immediate could mention other reasons equally good financial assistance arrived the further perpel- but as seven is number I will stop of the institution was impossible Oh here she I You dont look over live said after a careful scrutiny shall havo to ask you to bring mo a certificate of your age You may stay here this morning but when you homo at noon ask your mother to write me a note tolling me when and where you were born After the noon recess was over and the children had in the schoolroom Tommy presented him self at her desk flushed with triumph The glow soon faded from his little face however as he felt In his pockets one after another failed to find the note his mother had written He began to cry What Is the matter asked the teacher IvFye lost for born sobbed Tommy THE My dear the coal is all out Then the coas very different from me What do you mean Im all in send the Era to absent friends he said in a very discouraged tone of voice we have no one to help us No one to help us repeated Dr Patter son Why I know of a thousand A thousand exclaimed Dr I do not understand I wish you would explain Well the explanation is this replied Dr Patterson 1 am a cipher Dr Swift cipher and you are a But Jesus Christ is a unit and my mathematical education teaches mo that a unit and three ciphers when placed on the right side mako a thousand So kiiow of a thousand who are willing and ready to help And as mans extremity is Gods opportunity let us pray They prayed help came and help remained in Wireless Messages S My wife who has just lit my third cigar for me and who has looked over Ui above reasons says that I have contradicted myself several times which only shows that her weak feminine mind has failed to grasp the situation A Sentee in The tionalist As granite is the spine of the mountains righteousness is the backbone of the world for truth and righteousness No matter how rich he is no matter how royal no matter how powerful how popular or beloved if a man is false or untrue you cannot keep his memory alive McGeo Waters in Heroes Heroism in Common Life Em fc rt ran em 3P i you want sugar that is abso lutely pure and as clean as when it left the refinery you can depend on getting it in mm 1 mi mm S4 1 ssatSSm and Sealed Cartons 1020 and Cloth Bags Canadas favorite Sugar for three Gfeiteration CANADA SUGAR CO fc OF ONTARIO

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