Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Jun 1915, p. 8

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V 3iZ fl 6 e is y l i J Hi i fetf 4H If HI J V V w J I Hi BIB EH J J A jT HOLE FAK1ILY liif Around the Keeps YhuAiI OH II SplMffl Tillage experiencing one of busiest due in measure to the orders by local nifinufacurers the government on war supplies Todd Is now busy on his third or harness and while the MnrMunv Woolen Mills received assurance that a big order or blank ets will shortly be given Already the firm are making ready for the con tract which will call for day and night work- HAMMOND ESO Scotland Aug are the only pill to my thinking They work completely no griping whatever and ope is plenty lor any ordinary person at a close My wife a martyr to Constipation We tried on the calendar without satisfaction and spent large sums of until we happened on I cannot say too much in their favor We have used them in the family for about two years and we would not use anything else as long as we can get Their action is mild and no distress I have recommended them to many other people and our whole family uses them J HAMMOND Those who have been cured by arc proud and happy to tell a sick or ailing friend about these won derful tablets made from fruit juices a box for trial At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa BRICK BUNGALOWS Sale or To Rent Grace St Newmarket Im mediate possession Apply to Barker Box 343 Newmarket FOR SALE OR TO RENT- Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket A Cement Block House newly decorated rooms and bath Apply to G Prospect Ave STOREHOUSE TO RENT On Huron Street An old es tablished stand Apply to Miss r STORE AND HOUSE TO LET On Main three doors south of King George Hotel Good stand for business House seven rooms all conveniences Reasonable rent Apply to I TO RENT Good House corner of and Lome Avenues also Building Lots for sate on and Lome Avenues also Mrs ler Ave Toronto or to Newmarket Park two Park two 12 While mounting the steps up to the house one night last Miss Sarah daughter of Asa a wellknown farmer here slipped and her fall was critically Miss was returning home in the dark and to reach the was mounting the new set of steps with out sides on them when she tumbled and fell to the floor sustained several broken ribs and it is also believed she has injur ed her snine Or A ol on arrival the lady in a critical o Wednesday 2nd at to Mr and Mrs J Dough erty a daughter The marriage of Mr J II Robin son of Miss M M Vaniant at the home of J Mutch A I of who of ficiated Mr Robinsons Lest man was Mr and the brides maids the Misses Vanzant cousins the bride The bride was very sweet in a white embroidered net over white brocade dress with white mohair hat with white plume Dairy ing a bouquet of of the valley The bridesmaids wore blue brocaded satin and embroidered muslin The happy couple left for the four p train going south to The shirt and pillow shower in the Hall for the Uni versity Base Hospital on Friday last was well patronized by the of the town ash dona tions amounting to were re ceived and sheets an cases While coming down the steps at the Queens Hotel on Saturday evening Mrs Thompson or Toronto had the misfortune to slip and fall breaking one of the bones in her thigh Mrs Thompson together with her had motored to from To ronto on their way home had stopped at the Queens for supper Dr Stevenson was called and had the injured lady to Toronto where the Xrays were applied and the bones set Last Saturday afternoon two alarms of fire were rung in The first was a in garage on Victoria Street The fire was ex tinguished before the firemen reached the spot No damage any account was done The second alarm was for a in the roof of Mr Closes resi dence on Tyler Street The were soon on the spot was extinguished The firemen ap preciate the work or Dr Stevenson and Mr who with their and motorcycle helped to draw the reels to the fire For the Era THE OF EQQ8 Eggs are of the most difficult of food products to grade Their ex ternal appearance gives hut little in dication as to their relative fitness for food and the contents cannot be sampled without destroying the fra gile shell Fortunately an egg is semi trans parent when held before a light in a darkened room permits If care fully rotated or even minor defects being seen It is not to use an extremely powerful light A kerosene lamp a gas jet a 10 or a candle power incandescent bulb are the sources of light most used commercial work From tin to various appli ances have beeb invented to facilitate the candling of eggs in quantities These have proven serviceable for the simple detection of bad eggs but have not been found satisfactory tor the purpose of fine grading Each and every egg tlerefore in commercial work as well as in pri vate practice must be passed sep arately and with a quick turning movement before the light In the large wholesale produce houses where I WHAT WE NEED What do we need but Christian Citterns Very deed Pur women loyal first ol a To Christ in pulpit pew and council ball Grand business Christiana meaning What they say ThHr moral stock atovs par day Politically righteous not To hate their display ed Hut standing tkt word of God proclaim No nation- has right to license shame No right to make it easy to o wrong No right to lash the beneath the strong No right to sanction by paltry line The awful ruin of soul Rise up ye Christians lolling in the sun is no peace till victory Is won Till every homes is safe from sea to sea And from the cursed saloon the land is free Piano Free by the Hew Seals Piano Co by The Ltd Toronto Value to State Sir Victor says The teetotaller is worth much more to the State than is the moderate drink er The teetotaller by his total ab stinence is already doug muoh more for the state than moderate drinker and more than that he is do- his countrys work under the ir ritating knowledge that much of his contributions to the national purse are wasted caring for the mischief caused by the drinkers At the pre sent time we have great need or men able to work for their country at in I w WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE THIS IN YOUR HOME A LITTLE AND YOU WIN We will issue Irado sent Vote each certificates with every punbase at our Cent of purchase and I lie person store These certificates iiteivr this large quantities of eggs are handled I become remarkably whether t They pick up regularly from two t Only the tee- three eggs in each hand depending upon the season and the quality and patriotic requirement their vitaUtv and the candle from to cases per day The size of the air cell the consis tency of the albumen the Colour and by alcohol That the teetotallers contribution to the State is fur greater than that mobility of the yolk and the general shown several facts the most important of which is that the total abstainer at of the whole egg are the factors most generally recognized as determining quality The contents of an egg just laid completely fill the shell but as cool- thirty years of age gives t his coun try six years of useful life more than his fellow citizen who supports the ing takes place contraction o and drink trafUc secondlv lbat lhc lee an air space is formed in the large is twice end This yolk is only slightly and should swing readily in the albumen when the egg is turned round A stale or shrunken egg may he de tected by the size of the air cell The shell is porous and evaporation takes place whenever the egg is sur rounded by a temperature above freez ing Even in the low temperature of a cold storage house a certain amount of evaporation occurs The higher temperature and the more rapid the ais circulation the greater is evapor ation Accompanying the evaror as healthy as the drinker for he suiters from only half the sickness of the latter -JOO- Billy Sunday and the Saloon A Sunday spoke of the licensed barroom as follows The is a liar It promises health and sends disease It promises prosperity and sends adversity It promises happiness and sends inter Yes it sends the husband home with a lie on his lips t his wife the I boy home with lie oi his lips to his mother and it causes the employe to yourself the Largost Number of Voles at the end of the contest will Free of Cost The certificates are transferable and if you arc not interested in securing Ibis Plan you can assist a friend Our object is to interest you in our store We want a chance to show you that you can do better here than do expect to recover the expense of this contest through a greater percentage of profit but through the difference in volume of business we expect lin crease to more thnn repay us ami in future we shall endeavor you Even More money than in the past We solicit your patronage Solely through the merits of our goods and Lower Prices our OUfl SPECIALS King Hate Shoes Just Wright Shoes Holeproof Hosiery of Hobberlln Clothing TruKnlt Arrow and Collara Past Mall Overalls Rubber WE CAN SAVE MONEY AND WE ARE READY TO PROVE IT NEWM MENS OUTFITTER Dealer In Mens Furnishings Boots and Shoes Made to Measure Clothing ONTARIO de- lie to Acre Parm valuable farm- land containing gravel and pits Good buildings some Umber and some pasture possession Phone 201 or write Armstrong Newmarket PO ORCHARD BEACH 3smm Trip -TO- Lakes Algonquin Park Bay Kawartha Lakes River Tlmgaml Lo of Bays Baganetewan River Hound trip tourist tickets now sale from certain stations in Ontario at very low fares with liberal stopovers Leaves Toronto am daily except Sunday for Wharf Algonquin Park and North Hay Connections are made at Wharf for Lakes and tor points on Lake of Hays car to Algon quin Park ParlorLibraryCafe car and firstclass couches lo North Hay particulars and ticket- on application to agents J lepot Phone J Phone Agent John McKayfld about years dead while doing work on a boat in har bor a stateness of flavor soon velopes and if the egg is held in presence of moisture or packed in dirty fillers it is apt to become mus ty As the egg grows staler the al bumen tends to lose its consistency and often becomes quite watery The yolk may also break down and in ex treme cases mix with the albumen Hie candling of egs is not dif ficult It requires but littlo skill to tell at glance the ditlerence between good and bad eggs and any- with practice can learn the against the various grades of his employer It is enemy the devils best It snares neither youth nor age It Is waiting with dirty blan ket for the to crawl into the world It lies in for the unborn It is the anarchist of the world its dirty red flag is dyed with the blood of women and children the bullet through the body of Lin coln It nerved the man the bullets through Garfield liam Yes it a murderer the law and government was A large number of peo ple motored along the Reach last Sunday Mr has his second new cottage about ready for occupancy Mr has put up a dandy lattice fence along his lawn this week Mr P Porter and family of To ronto who are here tor the summer had visitors for the weekend Miss Madge Porter and Miss May are taking great pleasure in riding horse back The Morris Boarding House is now lit by The juice was turn ed on last Monday Mr Morris has put in lights which includes row along the verandah and another row of colored lights down at the wharf About halt the is lojVed up for July and Au gust as well as the use of the launch There are five large lamps In the dining room and the tables have gentlemen waiters County Magistrate stated on that so far as he the reported death of his son In France from wounds was without foundation The Metropolitan Station has a new coat of paint The Came and Fisheries Department of the Ontario Government report that the Georgian Bay as a source of fish supply is giving considerable worry but the Department seem to overlook the waters Lake For some reason the fish are not near so as few years ago North Yorks one between the various grades of and crawlcJ out of the good eggs grogshop to dam the country Maty simple appliances have been M devised for the candling of eggs and On the saloon Legislatures with a view to encouraging the it Decent so- lice of candling among all those co- ciot arrlng it out The in the Canadian Egg Trade I brotherhoods are it out the Poultry DiMsion of the Live The Masons and Oddfellows the Knights of are closing doors to the whiskey Stock has had prepared tor free a large quantity of cardboard candling boxes These filers It Is on the down and been made In two types one suitable the Grace of God I am going to the kerosene lamp and for use with the electric for use with one suitable light Neither the small amount of trouble required to secure one of these appliances dor the amount of labor entailed In candling presents any valid reason why the public should be obliged t use or accept bad or incubated eggs Storekeepers will find it to their advantage t ac quire facility in candling and it Is recommended that every house I to should provide herself with one of these simple candling appliances by the diligent use which she may safeguard her fanBy from many un pleasant occurrences at the breakfast table These appliances may obtained free- upon application to the Live stock Commissioner Ottawa ft give it a push or I mow how Religion that Helps The Fellow Who Down of was given a crowbar look after this as he paid for a friend and escaped from jail his legislative services Is keen rivalry this year for the grocery trade along tlie shore One of the most discouraged look ing young fellows I have ever seen came into my study morning for work It was i summer and he had walked the streets part of- the night and the rest the time had been dozing in the park found that he was an honest country fellow who had come to town that he would get work at once and had got to the bottom of his little storey was halfstarved and entirely hope less I called up a the tele phone who had told me that would always help me In a pinch by mak ing place in his big factory for a really worthy case- I arranged for him to take this man sent live Janitor over with him to a lodlng- house near by to settle a little bill hn ft hal owed there and him a b the be bright 0 1 would be for weeks board After being fined for selling When the young follow was going a of whiskey in out he grabbed my hand with local option municipality Fred Kelly with tears he said I by dont know how to thank you but Only ones intimate friends go o home uninvited ami llio of ones list determined by the number of ones calls In business the same bold ant in facts New market knows scores of families here and in the country round about custom he does not possess is step towards getting lliesft families as customers and can most surely be developed by invitations or calls made Ibrougb the of advertisements Era in tin Weekly Mutual acquaintance To the Merchants of Newmarket Show your desire for business by asking for it A merchant who does not ask for business is supposed not to Wan business very keenly is km to THREE NATIONS ROUSED Statements from Three Noted States- men We are fighting Austria and drink and so far as l can the greatest of tbese three deadly foes is drink I have growing Conviction bas ed on accumulating evidence that nothing but root and brunch methods would be of slightest avail in The interests of the nation are marches now than any of the soldiers concerned The government that the Chamber will take steps such as will do honor to itself and the na tion French Minister of Finance A DANGEROUS JOB John Grant wandering printer from blew Waherton in search of work says the dealing with the evil I believe it is Herald and finding doing the general feeling that i we are to here bemoaned the fact that he and he claims his job is just as gerous while not half so Only those who have hit the road he says know what perils the tram Is up against When any tragedy happens or fire occurs in the neigh borhood the last that past ed through is generally suspected the deed and the way they dodge the constables to keep out of jail is one the great struggles for freedom that dont get the war first of all settle with the too old to enlist and offer himself He is making longer news means true hap The trouble duo to la removed certainly and safely by St Thomas Fred Hardy the son Frederick Hardy St Thomas was fatally shot through the head with a gun In the hand of a chum late Saturday after noon The unfortunate lad was with four other toys who were shooting on the flats south of the city Something went wrong with gun and one of boys undertook it when It was discharged bullet the back of young Hardys The boy wis rushed to the hosrlal he never coriscusnes away a couple later the Public We Sell Sage and we Know the Is Genuine PARISIAN the hair is guaranteed To falling hair To cure dandrun To cure itching of the To put life into faded hair To hair soft and To hair grow or money It is most delightful hair made and in a great wilh vhu and luxuriant Large bottle only cents J If I can ever do anthing for you Ill crawl on my and knees to do It Well l said you can do some thing for me Whats Why you cn come to church and give your heart to Christ and help catty on Christian work Well he said the kind of re ligion which helps a poor fellow when he is down Is the kind believe in and the kind I want I assured him that lesus was at ways helping the fellow that la down He soon came Into the church and became one of our most tellable workers Louis Albert Banks ho Era to ansent friends David Lloyd George Chancellor of to be shot the Exchequer for IVltlsh It is difficult for foreigners to realize how are Russias eco nomic resources and how Mich greater they become the promulgation of the humanitarian prohibition law which is felt by the Russian people themselves not as restriction but as an bocn Conferred upon them by their provident monarch The product Iy of every class of In Russia has already Increased by from to per cent and I need hardly point out to you what that one act con notes in a population of 17000 to say nothing of the cessation of the waste which accompanied and followed the consumption of al cohol M Hark Russian Minister of Finance Everyone will admit that it- Is necessary to protect the French against the dangers which face the nation from If the Chamber stops at the suppression of absinthe It will not have gene far enough There must be reform of the legislation on all alcoholic liquors This question will le forced governments- consjeoueat on the enor mous evils Rowing from alcohol London June The casualty for the weekend are the heaviest is sued since the war began IK nytioweip Mayflower Talcum Mayflower Talcum is an ex perience to every first time user ltd touth is soft soothing and refreshing Its distinc tive Mayflower perfume delicate individual elusive Ideal for every use to which you can put a Talcum Quality caly id Quality Stocex Ask of them for freo copy of Booklet entitled Kiving full par ticulars of methods of TORONTO

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