GST i9i5 of ind isea VEST INADA Tuesday October LIMIT HOMES I the Northern lure and laps apply -Agent- I Agent On cranky Buy age lor at Albert AND CERTAIN TOWN ITER- by llie Jowh- Municipal issji bylaw following in Hit in the to say Is and and laid went Town all- in the I is to say land Street so portion to norlhcr- namely Street Sllel anrf part of Hi of a line fast angle I town plot lerly angle side of oil of l by rciisoa have use octuple the owners is for tin of lilt be 99 the ind convey A darn3 of IhcrCouR- Id be coa- naii the Sards at or is may be morns wh losing- of person or agents and the Township Field and In package bulk I Clover and Timothy just now buying Is In favor purchaser With the demand later when soring opens we w not bo surprised If price goes up and TURNIP fact our stock In all linos of seeds is now complete Weeks toeal Presbyterian Church Next Sunday evening tor Rev Thomas- will preach on The War The pub lic arc cordially invited Fine Display of Buggies At the wareroom of Main St Newmarket See them A Hard Times Social The Good Cheer Class of the Christian Church will hold a Hard limes Social on Monday evening April at oclock Small ad mission charged Hoys are breaking windows again with catapults Any boy using a catapult in town should be fined The school bells will ring again next Monday Direct Importer of Staplo and Fancy China China Hall Grocery FOR THIS WEEK 3 lb cans of Apples 3 for 26c lb cans Lobster export Quality 2 lb cans Beets very choice Canned Corn 3 for 25c Canned Peas 10c 3 for Canned Beans 3 for 25c 3 cans rtsstd Vegetables 25c Pure Clover Honey In bulk lb Pure Maple Syrup 350 quart Syrup Mixture quart Table Syrup In bulk and In 2 and 10Tb paila The Leading Reliable Brow Service CORNER OF Timothy Implement Delivery On Wednesday afternoon Mi 1 had a wry satisfac tory delivery of agricultural im plements there being 10 Span of horses in the procession- there were also six rigs who came loo late take part This looks as if the farmers were planning for increased production all Action in Court The following is clipped from a Toronto paper Declaring that she had no re collection of signing a deed that transferred her home in Newmar ket to a daughter Mrs Mary an eightyyearold woman is asking Mr Justice in the Assize Court to determine the ownership of the properly Mrs Kirtons daughter has died since the deed was signed and as execu tor of her estate her husband Peter al of is named as Plantation- The girts of Methodist Mis sion Circle were entertained at the Parsonage on Tuesuay even ing During the program Mi is Olive was presented with remembrance from her ny friends in trie Circle War Stamp Thc new war stamp will bo on sale at Newmarket Post Of flco Monday Do forget that commencing next Thursday post card post office order or money order must stamp attached in addition to the ordinary postage other wise all letters and cards will go to the Dead Letter Office The second annual meeting of St Pauls Cricket Club will be held in the Schoolroom on Tit- day oclock As the Club has now been accepted as permanent members of the M League Toronto it is hoped that all interested will attend and help give the Club a good start towards a successful season Briefs Mr Bert has moved his household from ville a bouse on Court St Mr A has rented a house from Mr and will move here from Aurora the 1st of next mouth The Oddfellows are arranging for their annual Church Parade The service will be in St Pauls Church this year Tulips daffodils and crocuses are poking through the ground Plant onions sow lettuce and peas as soon as you can get them in the Easter Sunday was an ideal Spring day Dont forget the Hockey Bene fit at the Moving Picture Theatre loiiigbt Specially good reels Housecleaning is becoming general with the ladies The Ladies Aid of the Christ ian Church are a- Talent Sale on Friday April Thera will bo Boston baked beans gra ham gems cream puns cakes and homemade candy Quarterly Election The two Adult Bible Classes in the Methodist Sunday the Womens and Mens Own will meet at the home of Mrs C Cane Queen street on Monday evening next at oclock for elec tion of in each class fol lowed by a social hour A full attendance of ho members is re quested Clean Up Willi the advent of Spring the slogan should be up the yard repair the ravishes of win ter and beautify the lawn A lit tle labor spent now will add much in attractiveness to every pro perty It win to Iho valu of the properly and do much to enhance Ihe appearance of the town to those who Going and go Estate of D Foster Last week application was made for administration of the estate of David Foster of Whit church ho having passed away on the 1 of March without making a will Said estate con sists of a farm valued at furniture farming implements 50 horses cattle etc The estate will be shared by the widow Frances Foster of and four children David Annie Ethel and Mrs Emily McKinnon r ViSI RHODE ISLAND REDS ROSECOMB first Pullet and Second Cockerel at Vewmarket Poultry winter layers Eggs for rtttiig for Omission In some unaccountable way Hi copy for Mr J ad in the Cross Cook Book got astray in the office and con sequently the is not represented in this popular new book We are very sorry for this omission but desire he ladies to understand that Mr Brough- lon is a patron to their enterprise and when occasion requires will find bis store replete with all medicinal and druggists sundries Death of Mr Moody An old and respected resident of this vicinity in the person Industrial Home The Commissioners met last Friday and passed accounts amounting to nearly This sum includes the quarters sala ries of the officials The contracts for supplies for the ensuing year were awarded as follows Bread Mr Aurora Beef Mr Fait Newmarket Dry Goods Co Aurora Groceries Whims Co Aurora FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Toronto pm daily Attractive Tours to PACIFIC POINTS Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket Agents or write Murphy District Passenger Agent Cor King ami Sis Toronto Agent Newmarket Sacred Concert The Presbyterian Church was packed to the doors on Good Fri day night and the sacred oratorio From Olivet to Calvary was greatly enjoyed The choir was in splendid form and gave evi dence of excellent training by Mrs Rice the popular organist Miss of Toronto gave splen did support to the choir while her solos were admirable She has often sung here being originally a member of the choir but she never sang so well before The program was exceedingly well rendered throughout TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTOCHICAGO MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Toronto am pm and pm dally FOR MONTREAL Toronto am and pm daily- Smooth Roadbed Highest Class of Equipment particulars and berth re servations Grand Trunk 1 Phone Affect Roller Flour MILL Manufacturer of the famous FLOUR WATER LILY BREAD FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA FLOUR These brands make the most Bread and Buns ask your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for Brown Bread and Gems MEAL for Porridge All Ma p Phono do of From the Wheat ROBINSON Proprietor Newmarket Red Cross The following supplies were sent to the Head Office of the Red Cross Society on April 2nd Autograph quilts 3 Flannelette quilts pair knee caps pair socks pair bed socks caps Flannel Shirts dozen bandages kit bags to bang above Hi soldiers col in Duchess Con- naught Hospital Each of these bags contains following suits white pyjamas grey flannel shirts towels pairs socks wash clothes handkerchiefs pair bed socks pair slippers Hair brush and comb Tooth brush and paste Shaving brush razor stick and strop Talcum powder Cake of soap in box Toilet paper Writing paper envelopes and pencil On April- Miss Forsyth Treasurer of the local branch re ceived the following letter from Mr Noel Marshall Chairman of the Executive Committee the Toronto Bead Office Dear Miss Forsyth -r- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 2nd Instant giving notice of a large consign ment of goods from the Newmar ket Branch I now have pleasure in enclos ing- you an official receipt for these articles and on behalf of the Central Committee I desire to heartily thank the members of the Newmarket Branch for their Mr Luke Moody passed away last Friday at his residence opposite the Industrial Home He had been sick all winter but was con fined to his for only a week He had resided on St near ly the whole of his life He was a Liberal in politics and a Meth odist in religion Deceased was the youngest son of Mr anil Mrs Frank Moody who came to Canada about the troublesome time of and Mr Moody was killed not many months after their arrival here When a small boy Luke Mood who was born on the 2nd of King Tp went to live with Mr Amos also on the 2nd of King When grown to manhood he married Miss Caroline Mc- to whom were born eight children who mourn the loss an affectionate father namely Frank Moody Mrs Geo Close Mrs Win Lane Mrs Louis La and Albert Moody of Newmarket Mrs John Wade of King City Mrs Thos Parks and Miss Moody of Toronto who were all home at the time of his death Deceased farmed for many years on Second of King and on Yonge St being employed on Sir William farm for some years and afterwards be came foreman on retiring from which position he was deeply re gretted being a most faithful and trustworthy man The funeral service took place on Monday afternoon at his own home and was largely attended Thc service was conducted by Rev A P Addison The pallhearers were six of his oldest friends Black John Black John Thomas Rae and William Haines Black and John were schoolmates Many beautiful floral tributes adorned the casket including a pillow from the family a wreath from the Employes of the Met ropolitan Ry a spray from the Officials of the Mechanical of the Mel a wreath from Mr and Mrs Horner of St and a spray from Mr and Mrs Patterson and his Helen The interment look place in Newmar ket Cemetery Overflow Personals Mr had visit ors over Faster Mrs Clark and Miss Lou ise Clark returned from New York last Tuesday Mr and Mrs PrOsser and family of Toronto spent Sun day with Mrs Mr Caldwell of Barrio vis ited his daughter Mrs Dr Clark over Faster Sunday Mr Bristol and his two daughters of Toronto were up to his farm on Union St for Faster Mr Roy Clancy who is For a mere matter of Ten Dollars and Fifty we will put you In possession of an English Beaver Overcoat with curloloth lining and rubber Interlining handsome Otter Fur Collar out and trimmed In Irreproachable manner that no tailor can duplicate for less than Twenty Dollars WE ONLY CLOTHES THT ARE MADE ON THE BE8T LINES AND INSURE LONG WEAR AND SATISFACTION The Overcoat what puts the finishing touch of J 024 Vi completion to the costume of the welldressed man Just now Seven Dollars and Ninety Cents Invested here puts you In possession of a really Fur Coat made from variety elegant goods In the Reasons best style and trimmed and finished handsomely HOUSE TO RENT With all modern conveniences Apply to W Richardson New market Mrs Moody and family wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their assistance and sympathy during the Illness and dcalh of Mr Luke Moody ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TO All persons having claims against the estate of Michael Cain late of the town of Newmarket who died on the day of May are requested to file the same properly proven with the undersigned solIoUor for the Ad ministrators of the said estate on or before the First day of May 101B as immediately thereafter the Administrators will proceed to distribute the assots amongst those entitled having regard on ly to those claims then fllod Dated April W Solor for Administrator Newmarket tending Medical College in Toron to was home for Easter holidays Mr David Hamilton visited his sons at Roches Point a cou ple of days last week while the M had the house in charge Miss Beatrice Wesley Miss Pearson Miss Bertha Robin son Miss Manning all Col lege girls were home for Faster holidays Rev- Jos Bell of Hamilton and his daughter Mrs Dr Gib son also of Hamilton were guests of Mr and Mrs Ross during Faster holidays Mrs M of Se attle Wash writes look for ward to gelling the home paper from week to week and would not like to miss It Mr A Cornell went to Lindsay to spend Faster with his parents He found his father very sick and ended his sufferings on Tuesday A telegram from Mrs A J Hughes on Wednesday announces the death of her son Mr Job Hughes on the evening previous She is accompanying the body home for burial and will proba bly arrive next Wednesday tf 11 A HUNDRED MILLION A hundred million dollars is too for thc mind to grasp and yet that is what the people Canada paid tor intoxicating liquors in A hundred million dollars would give every family rich and poor Cana da seventy dollars Politicians have spent months of time and thousands dollars squabbling over the ex penditure of a little over a third ol that sum to build a navy to defend our country A hundred million why that would probably finance Canadas In the great war talk about being hard up Money is being borrowed In large sums to develop our resources and the national debt keeps piling up and the money spent In drink would save all that and leave a balance to pay our debts And that immense sum is spent lor what even a liquor calls an and a luxury But a hundred million is only one halt of the cost of drink Wise men who have made a study finance tell us that every dollar In drink causes a dollars worth of loss and and damage to Hie and pro perty So cost of the liquor to Canada in was nearer two million This- immense drain on the finances of the country account for a good things that ate hard to understand What does the country get from the of that immense sum of money and the degradation and ruin of thousands every year The grgatd Dominion Provincial and Municipal revenues from this trjfnV la than twenty million That is to gain one dollar we spend ten and do untold damage to the No wonder Russia can finance this great war without great distress to her people The fact is that nearly every one Is poorer than he would otherwise be of this traffic I am quite satisfied that out taxes could be low ered from to per cent- If it were rid of lhat immense tax maker I can give the names of a large num ber of towns and cities that have lowered their tax rate prohibi tion Kansas City saved three hun dred thousand dollars year the drinking places The Men Main St Weal in si eg i THEN READ THIS mm It will surprise you what be saved by reading advertise ments and profiting by the reductions they offer Read over the store news in ihe merchants announcements and you will find that it is news hut means money to you Get the habit of reading the ad vertisements and you will find them mighty interesting if you are try ing to make your money go as far as possible We know a woman who clothes her family and runs her house and does it better than her neighbor on about the money for she never fails to read what merchants are offering and manages to pick up bargains in some line and says she can save from a day to two days pay every week in this way You can do same you find the reading of advertisements distasteful read them with a view to com paring the prices you know usually prevail for the articles mention ed You will find them considerably lower in almost every case and your natural economy and common sense will soon tell you lhat you are doing something worth while when you read what the mer chants pay good money for space to tell you They have something want you to get something you yourself and at an attractive but you cannot know if you do not read what they are saying You may run around from store to store trying to get something a price suits you and pass the very store that has it unless you read the advertisements Many of our thousands of readers are scan ning the closely every week let habit read the advts- in Era and make money i mm DEER KILLS QUICKER THAN WHISKEY We all know whiskey drinkers that have lived to be eighty but the beer drinkers have all died under or about sixty Dr of Toledo practitioner of thirty five years experience says My attention was first to the effects beer when I began examining for life insurance I five Germans who seemed to be In the best health and to have superb constitu tions a few years was amazed to see the whole five drop off one after another with what should have been mild and easily curable diseases On comparing my experience with thatjot other physicians found they were all having similar luck with confirmed beer drinkers and my practice has since that experience For a long time we could not tell why beer drinkers should die so much younger than whiskey drinkers but a celebrated investigator Dr Von solved problem and showed that all fermented liquors contain an acid which very destruc tive to the kidneys i J Tlrno for that new and Over coat The range of Suitings and shown this season Is the finest In town- Suits and Overcoats made to your spoolal measure guaranteed to tit and wear well Mens AGENT If you want business to pick do a boosting yourself up 4