AGENT MOUNT ALBERT S3SKp ESS- i i NEW J- A MOUNT ALBERT FOR SPRING See our window for display of Spring shirs tics lulls and caps See our full line of Spring and Summer goods ROSS PANCAKE FEED War limo does not apparently interfere with the good times of the of the Methodist Church Sunday School On the evening of Good Friday lliey were entertained right royally by Mr Frank who serv ed unsparingly pancakes and ma ple syrup to some forty members and guests SEND On Thursday evening last about friends and neighbors met at home of Mr and Mrs who were leaving shortly for their future home in Mount Albert and presented them with a beautiful rocking chair Mr made a suitable reply thanking them for their kind remembrance to him and Mrs A nice lunch was provided by the ladi and the gathering brought the proceedings to a close by singing God Re Willi You Till We Meet Again SERIOUS ACCIDENT Mr Howard son of Mr Geo of the Con of Fast mot with a painful accident on Good Friday He was running a straw cutler for Mr J when his hand was caught in the roller and forced along knife arm being literally taken off in slices up to the elbow before the machine was slopped DrS Scott and Wesley of Newmarket were summoned and found it necessary to ampu tate the arm above the elbow Up to the present he is reported as progressing favorably Miss Hazel Shaw spent Easter at the home of her parents in town Minnie Look of Toronto is spending Easier week at her home in town Miss Jessie of Odessa in town Miss Etta Wilson is spending Easier with her mother in town Wo dont think Joes thoughts are running poullryward at pres ent but if still anxious full infor mation will be given if he will kindly drop a line to While Wyan dotte headquarters Mount Albert Mr had his hand crushed while helping to unload a gasoline engine on Wednesday with her parents Mr and Mrs Wm Miss E P Collins her vacation at her borne in Col li Master Lawrence Rose spent Sunday at his home here spent her Easier holidays at tier J Remember the Presbyterian i ill W MS The Womens Missionary So ciety of the Methodist Church held their annual meeting of the elec tion of officers for the coming year at the home of Mrs Sloan on Thursday afternoon April 1st when the following officers wen elected President Mrs Leggotl VicePresident Mrs G CorSec Mrs J Mrs Treasurer Mrs J Walton Program Committee Mrs Will- bee Mrs Winch Mrs Brooks Organist Mrs A Dike Watch Tower Mrs Robert Hayes Mrs Dike Mrs Steep er After which Mrs Sloan served lunch to about that were pres ent PRESENTATION Miss Might of who has been teacher of Holt Public School since midsummer tender ed her resignation to lake effect at Easter owing to bereavement in her home During her stay in Holt she made many friends and on the closing day of school she was presented with the follow ing address and presentation by her pupils Dear Miss Might We the pupils of Holt Pub- lie School feel thai we cannot let you leave without telling you how sorry we are to let you go Dur ing your short stay with us we have learned to love you and you have our deep sympathy in your recent bereavement We ask you to accept this scarf as a Utile birthday gift and trust that in times when you changed it for one Of brighter hue your mi mi may sometimes travel hack to the many pleasant days we have Spent together in Holt Public School Signed on behalf of the School Mildred Minnie Stevenson The Misses Carrie and Mabel spent the weekend in Toronto A large in the Metho dist Church on Sabbath mom greeted Rev Scott who preached an excellent sermon from John 2039 The young ladies organized Bible Class entertained the young mens class to a tatty pull on Friday even- ins n the basement which Was taste fully decorated with mottoes and streamers in blue and white the colors of the class About 65 were present and a was spent br all Mrs Ceo is spending in with Mr and Mrs J Power Miss has returned from a lengthy visit in Bond Head with her sister Mrs Andrews Mr Ray Waits and cousin spent Easter with his parents here Mr Grower Morrison Sutton visited Mahlon over Sun day Our popular school teachers Miss of Forest and Miss Cain of King City are the holidays at their respective homes Aylward has- returned to her hone here after spending the winter in the city Mr Max and Mr Jay University Students of To ronto spent Sunday at their homes A large of young were entertained Saturday evening at Mr Wesley Doans Miss Flora Willis of Newmarket is visiting Mrs Fred Cowieson Rev Atkinson and Misses Edith and Jean spent Tuesday in the City Mr Will Harris and family of New market have moved into Mr Peter Morrisons house Mr J are now liv ing on their farm on the hill east of here Mr of Toronto is visiting at Mr Walter Miss Myrtle Scott has returned m fl PERSONAL Miss Mabel Harper of Toronto spent a few days with her parents in town Miss Blanche of Toronto is spending her Easter holidays at the home of her sister Mrs Robertson Davidson and Miss Helen Davidson spent Faster with friends In Toronto Mr Hoe Crone spent his Easier with friends in Mr Ed Williams has moved from Union St to Mr ins farm north of Holt Mr Robert Graves has moved to the farm he lately purchased from Mr Williton Mr Fred Thompson has moved into one of Mr J Hoggs houses Mrs I has recovered from her illness and is able to he around again Miss teacher at Mount Pleasant spent the Easter vaca tion at her home in Holt On Tuesday evening of last week a number of friends neighbors gave a kitchen shower to Mr and Mrs Marvin prior to entering their new homo lately purchased from Mr Thos A very enjoyable limo Was spent Mr Rarnsden is represent ing the County Council at the meeting of the Ontario Education al Association at Toronto this week Mrs Cash of Toronto is in town on a visit to her sister Mrs John Harrison from a months course in the Tech nical School in Toronto Miss Peters of Peters Corner and gentleman friend spent at Mr George Thompsons Quite a number in this community are at the maple syrup trade just now We hear that Mr Thos Laws has bought the lot near the corner from Mr Aaron Why dont our Town Fathers see after a Town Hall for us on such an ideal spot Mr and Mrs Peter and Miss Eileen Sunday at Mr John it Little Miss Eleanor Strasler is getting along nicely since her serious illness of pneumonia Mr and Mrs Will Watson of Aurora spent Good Friday at Mr A J Mr Wash Lewis slipped while in a well ami hurt his ribs pretty badly Mrs Thos of visited Mr Win Mackie on Monday Miss Watts of Mount Albert paid visit to her cousin Miss Williams Mr Elmer of Kettleuy is assisting Mi Clayton Foster at the carpentering work again this season We understand quite a number of improvements arc to he made in this vicinity Mr lias his ncice visiting him J was called to Thorold last Wednesday to the of his sister Mrs Hoover and the remains here for burial on Thursday The remains of the late Jno Cunningham were brought here- for burial on Thursday last Deceased lived near on a farm with Iter husband until death then coming to for some afterwardB moving to making numerous where over she went by her and kind disposition in caring for the sick The Misses Edith and Jean Atkin son accompanied their father to City on Tuesday to attend the Pres bytery meeting The Ladles Aid was most royally at their meeting last Thursday in tne hall by Mrs l and Mrs Rain There was a good attendance and all reported hav ing had a splendid time The Roys Organized Class held their Social in the hall on Mon day A splendid tea was pro vided by the ladies with lots of Master Frank Lewis President of the Mass occupied the chair In an able manner A good program consisting ol speeches led by the Pastor and the te of the class Mrs Atkinson Violin music by Mr Laws comic songs and recitations was rendered by members of the class and others will be held on Sunday after noon as usual at two oclock All are welcome We wonder what of Oyster Pete he has been so quiet Got the mumps eh Pete Wo are pleased to see Mr Sedoro and sister Nellie out again after their severe attack of grippe BALDWIN BREEZES The Faster holiday and festival was of a very quiet char acter The weather was fuL Mr Walter Green has taken up quarters in the front rooms of Messrs Wardens house Messrs Aimer Foster and Will Miller are about to become resi dents of Owl town For selfsatisfaction Uncle Owl took a tour of inspection of dairy stables in the neighborhood At Ben Jay Albert J J Fosters John Oldhams Mort Chapmans Donald Riddels others everything was in apple pie order Cows sleek and clean comfortably bedded conditions necessary for making superfine butter Some stables and cows are away behind the mark Their owners should brush up or retire from dairying Our finds it neces sary of late to be generous in the use of Naughty kids Tanned kids make fine leather for gloves The kids are learning famously A Spring Show was hid at P last Monday It was a slim affair But a great snap for mine host Jim Graham I pre sume It was not the Fair though it bore many of the earmarks of that oldtime institution Jeff the wild Yan kee waft something an Irish wedding Dame Rumor re ports heaps of fun Johnston is wading right into sweetness right up lo the eyes A big time is on for few days I see by the Era that Newmar ket High School has I he great number of one hundred and eighty students on the roll years ago the number in attend ance was just fiftyone 36 young men and young women Mr Abram the new proprietor of the laic David Graham home stead has moved in and taken possession Our boys report he has two pretty girls Trust our boys to find that out in less than hours A strange family once moved in our burg The lady af terwards said theyd hardly got the stove up and a fire going be fore some of our cheeky lads were around asking her girls lo go for a walk Charlie and Arthur have thrown up the arrangement for cutting lumber near Sudbury appeared not to be a square deal An icecream parlor will be run in Baldwin this season under the direction of Mrs Geo Crittenden Thats guarantee of good man agement Watch us smile Ba nanas ami horseradish on the of fare Everybody here seems con tented while everyone who visit9 seems to like to Herring have been hack for another call and a great num ber have been caught fishermen foil icy waters as a consequence Messrs Roy and Lee Morton spent Willi their parents also Misses Audrey and Mar- Karnes The Faster in the Chris linn Church was very interesting Flowers and sermon blend ed to make- tho service one to bo remembered Lords Sup per was commemorated and received inio- the church The Misses Alico and Newel In Mann are spending the holidays with parents Stewart was lucky to find hi gold watch with such I Mo both er The work on the fenco and bush front of Keswick House improve greatly the appearance of that street The Christian Endeavor spent a very enjoyable social evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Walton Morton Tuesday night Every one enjoyed the evening and say that Wilton and Helen made feci perfectly at home both Tues day night and for some future time We were real pleased to see Tilly on day Miss Joy Prosscr and fred Willoughby are home from Normal School over Foster holi days Mr and Mrs Jesse Council were in the city a couple of days Inst week Miss King is home over days Mr Arthur was visiting at Mr Jesso Councils over Sun day Nick looks well and hourly and we are glad to we believe he is doing well Mr Morton is visiting at his uncles Mr Markham WANTED A general house help on to nil A middle aged woman preferred Must references Applv Box Keswick PO Mrs Rebecca Keswick announces the engagement of her daughter Flora Alice to Mr ROACHS POINT Mrs Matthews of Toronto spent over Faster with Mrs Win Boyd Glad lo sec Mr Geo Hamilton able to be out again Pratt spent Tuesday in Newmarket Mrs and Williamson wont lo Toronto one day this week Mrs Richmond and Miss Lillie Cole home from the West Miss Cole and Mrs Walter Richmond came up from Toronto with them for over Sunday Quito a number of people were up at Iheirjummer cottages over the holidays Mr and Mrs Gilbert Young and baby of Toronto spent Sun day with Mr J P Cole Mrs Young is slaying for a few days Mr Harry Smith had the mis fortune to be kicked by his pony one Rain did not prevent several of our young from attending the Faster dance in Sutton They report having a splendid time Mr Harry Woods of Toronto is visiting his father Mr Win Woods- Mr Frank Sherman was laid up with grippe last week but is better again Bono Puelln Mr left on Wed nesday morning for Montreal Bo expects to bo a week Sutton Council meets tonight a now photographer in town Ho has taken headquarters in the See whatSmalley can do for you in a suit of clothes Ho can tailor you one for up Mr Roy Cody and Miss spent Sunday with friends here Mr Cody has join ed the Army Medical Corps and is leaving with the 3rd Contingent Mr got 2nd prizo on his Bulldog at Kennel show li Toronto last Friday and Saturday and had offers of big money for his dog pup He disposed of his other pup All the churches were nicely decorated plants for Easter and special services were held Miss is homo for Easter vacation Mr J A Cook of Toronto was homo a Jew days this week Mr and Mrs J were in the city Inst Thursday Mr J Front of Toronto was a guest of the Misses over the week end Mr Thomas- of Toronto spent Sunday with his brother here Mr D Headway and Greenwood of Bank of Nova Scotia spent the holidays with friends here Mr Ingram who is teaching at Trout Creek is spending the week with his boys here Mr and Schmidt of Richmond Hill spent over Sunday with relatives here Mr and Mrs J Merchant spent Sunday at home In Miss Lina is home dur ing the Easter vacation Messrs W Oliver and of Toronto attended Ma- lone Lodge here last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Roadway and family were guests of Mr and Mrs II Allan over Sunday Mr Mrs Bert of Toronto spent over the weekend here Mrs Murrell remained during the week a complete and satisfactory Stlo Notes collected on and advances mad on such notes at reasonable rates The Savings Department Is a and convenient depository for your money Interest at current la paid on deposits of one dollar and upwards One dollar opens an account In the Department A quantity of Seed Oats for Sale early and late varieties Prices moderate Cash Apply to Toole Bros Ml Albert FOR SALE acres Lot Con East Owned by Suther land acres under cultivation Alexander James Wilson ol Toronto Other improvements Apply on the the marriage to take place the premies or address Mrs Mr and Mrs J and sou of Gum Swamp also Mr and Mrs Merchant of Sutton Sunday with Mr and Mrs Merchant Mrs Meyers and family of spent over the holidays of Mr Win Purely has been pro claimed Mayor of Keswick as suc cessor lo Mr Joseph Pollock His fitness for the position having been demonstrated by exec utive actions during the past week Very little maple syrup has been made yet by those having sugar bushes The Ladies Aid Tea at Hid Hal on Tuesday evening was a success usual Rev Scott preached an excel lent Easter sermon at Motho- dist Church on Sunday evening There was a larger congregation than usual Tho many friends of Mr Cole will be pleased to hear that ho is slowly recovering but is still a very sick man The following were homo for Faster holidays Miss Veru rlner Joy Prosscr Miss Carrie Marrilt Miss Myrtle Lloyd Mrs Davidsons To ronto is spending the Easier holi days with her Win is making a great improvement on his farm front ing on the Newmarket road by re moving fence trimming scrub trees and building a new wiro fence Mr was visiting Mr Win Wednes day This certainly is a place to livo anyway LAND Holt FOR SALE The East Haft the West two- thirds West Halt Lot Number Sixth Concession ot Fast estimated to con tain upwards acres In said to be small frame house and Some other buildings Apply to JAMES 138 Grace St To ronto ATTENTION Now Farmers I Spring is here again you all the imple ments you need If not come to me I have Drills Cultivator Harrows Wagons in anything you may need I a good stock always on hand of different makes Do not fail to see me or phone I can Interest you FLOUR Do as our neighbor says buy firstclass Flour You gel it at Ml Albert Flour Mills Cus tom Grinding loo por bushel Wheat taken In for Manitoba Flour Manitoba Pastry Flour always on hand Chopping every day Axes cut ting box knives and skates ground A A DIKE- Mount Albert HOLLAND LANDING Mr Smith of Toronto arriv ed in town last week Mr Smith intends residing here for the sum mer P Wilson and family mot ored up from the city on Good Friday and spent he day with West Mr Everett Glover of spent the Easter holidays at his home here Miss Vera Leslie of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mrs J Brown spout Easter Sun day with MrT Kitehing Cecil of Toronto was calling on friends here on Satur day last At the Vestry Meeting evening last Messrs Fuller and Goodwin were selected as Church Wardens SHARON Beautiful weather for Easter this year Our Band serenaded the Town on Good Friday There was a large crowd at the dance given in the Town Hall on evening Mr Waller Wright of Queens- vjllo spent Sunday it Miss French of Toronto visited at Mr Crones over the Easier holidays Mr Frank Tate and Miss Clara visited on Sunday at Reeve Good wins Holland Landing Mr J was in On Saturday Misses Maud Fnrr and Emma Terry are homo for holidays are sorry lo report that Miss Clara Knight is under thy care Mr J Graham was in Toron to on Tuesday on a business trip School Reports Report of Jr Room Qucensville for March A Lena Smith Arthur Scott Marjorie Lowis Fred Alice Perkins Irene Milne Arthur Mary Byron Cunningham Edna Jr Bruce Morton Bain Hill Elmo Bond Flora Williams Percy I Young Waller Flossie Wright Maries Jr L Watson Smith Orris Ross Ada Leonard Milne Melvin Morton Winkworlh A Class Evelyn Young Bellar Majy Hill Charlie Miln Terry P Cain Teacher Report of Room villo for month of March Bertha Virla Robertson Peter Milne Mooro Joan Atkinson Hillary Stephens Floyd Watson Ralph Viola Hill Jr Wright Ethra Frank Law Beatrice Thompson Raymond Watson Waltor Rill Alice Emma READY FOR SPRING of ate jo MAI fi We aro now prepared to meet the demands of tho spring trade with a line of Hats and Caps Hose Neckwear Collars etc Call In and lot us quote you a on a New Over 300 samples to choose from GENTS I OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses Byron Hill Ralph Hill Mar jory Harvey Robertson Jr III Gladys Flanagan Cal vin Weddel Wright Gor don Marie Watson A V Teacher HOLT Oh Thursday evening April 1st Mr and Mrs Thomas were completely taken by surprise when about fifty of their friends and neighbors gathered together spend the evening before they left for their new home ftt Mount Albert The evening was spent in social games music and singing after which a grand lunch was served by the ladies When all were thoroughly satisfied Mr John Hogg called the guests into the Dining Room where MV and Mrs look their stand Mr John A Hopkins made a very suitable address Mr John Hogg hen presented Mrs with a beautiful- Morris Chair after which Mr made a very neat reply parly broke up by singing God be with you till we meelagain Program tor the League Apr Making our Society a Communi ty and Kingdom Force Speaker Vera Smith Reader George White The Medical- Missionary as cldl Reformer SpeakerIda Reader Russell Strasler John Wesley the Prophet of a New Era In Religion Speaker Nell Smith ReaderHarry Knights Conscientiousness Reader Max Col testified as to the purchase of lands at Valcartier Camp ground stating that his commission totalled about No one knows what he is doing while he acts right but what is wrong we are always conscious Goethe SEED OATS Early and late varielies plump clean free from all noxious weeds Prices moderate TOOLE BROS Ml Albert FOR Strong planting canes of Raspberries at per 100 Quantity of good Potatoes at bag Early Seed Potatoes bag Clean A I Titnothy Hay ARTHUR KNIGHT TO WE8TERN CANADA Good Going Every Tuesday From March to October 3 TWO MONTHS RETURN LIMIT FREE along the Canadian Northern Railway For literature and Of 3 Pi apply lo tcher Local Agent lo Pass Agent King St 15 Toronto DONT EAT l Bad Bread and grow Bui Purity or Five Roses Flow Grain taken In exchange Shorts Chop and Grain for sal at Albert I ARE YOU GETTING EGG8 IN WINTER not you should order a sot ting from my heavy laying S Rods While breeding for eggs Is my hobby I never color This is the record of pullets and Deo Jan Feb 300 and March have 3 pens mated prices St 50o per All eggs tested for fertility Mount Albert Red Feather Yards Mrs Prop TO PARMER8 A Yorkshire White Boar bred at the O A CI Farm Cuelpfc for service Also thorough bred Bull bred at the same farm W Keswick NOTICE OF STOPPING UP STREETS IN THE TOWN PLOT OF AMSTER DAM NOTICE is hereby given by thi Municipal Council of Tows- ship of King thai said Municipal Council proposes to pass a bylaw to close and stop up the following streets and parts of streets in the Town Plot of Amsterdam in the said Township that is to say The following streets and por tions of streets shown and laid out upon the Government Towa plot of Amsterdam situate in lh Township of King that is to say All of Hague Street Street and Utrecht Street those portions which are south of norther ly boundary of Hague Street of the following streets namely Street Keyser Street Kftl- Street Street Street that part of Ostein Street lying south of a drawn from the northcast angle of Park Lot A on said town plot to most northwesterly of Lot on the east side of Street The Municipal Council of Township of King proposes pass the said bylaw by reasos of fact that said streets have never been open for public use but have been used and occupied for farm purposes by the owner of the land adjacent- to the said streets and because it is for tin advantage of residents of tin locality that they should be used It is proposed by the Muni cipal Council to sell and the said streets and portions it streets to John Henry Adams f the City of Toronto in the York and that the said by law should authorize this lo The said bylaw will be con sidered at a meeting of the said Council to bo held on the day of April 1MB in Cards In tel in tho Village of at oolook in tho forenoon or so soon thereafter as may practicable All porsons wh doom that they may be prejudi cially by the closing he said streets are hereby noti fied to bo prosent in person or by their solicitors or agents at said time and plaoe and they will bo heard J JENKINS Clerk King Township ARCHIVES OF TORONTO