Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Feb 1915, p. 2

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-ii-sw- S p I I a i undersigned mail fawn and white female dog Unless claimed immediately will destroyed Aubrey WANTED General Maid T Small adult family who can do plain Quired Apply Box market re- Ncw- i Help Wanted Male SIS weekly for few hours work in your home locality showing samples to your friends neighbor Samples free Union Windsor On FOR ALE PROPERTY IN House eight good rooms and summer kitchen founda tion cellar Also good building formerly used shop Lot nearly some fruit trees Apply to Ave Toronto 3w2 I SOCIETY I Public hereby given thai the postponed annual meet ing of the above Society will be held at QueensvuTc on TUESDAY FEB at one oclock pm for election of officers for and general business A good attendance is re a nested CAIN A President- Secy FREE TO FARMERS If how to Do you grow corn you will want to find out increase your yield At present an important national subject We grow our seed on the black silt loam and blue clay of Kent County Endorsed by The Onta rio Corn Growers Association Samples ready Send for free book How to Grow Corn sent to you cheerfully on re quest Pioneer Corn Growers Chatham Ontario Kent County P Box Watt Brown Com pany Limited I Public Notice is hereby given hatunder the First Part of diap er of the Revised Statutes of 1906 known as The Companies Act letters patent have been issued under the Seal of the Secretary of Stale of Can ada bearing date the 28th day of incorporating Fred Miles Vanderwater manufactur ers agent Watt commercial traveller Howard Milton Brown real estate agent and Robert Bridges merchant of the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario and Herbert Henderson of the City or London in the aid Province of Ontario traveller lor the following purposes viz a To carry on the business of general broker and commission agent for the purchase and sale of hats caps and gloves and mer chandise usually bought and sold or dealt in in the hat cap and feloYe business to buy sell man ufacture work treat and in all ways handle and deal in silk wool cotton felt linen straw and raw materials entering into ho com position of and used in the man ufacture of hats of all kinds and to manufacture buy sell and deal in mitts gloved gauntlets bats j- taps robes garments and materials for the manufacture of the same and for the said pur poses to purchase sell and con trol necessary patents and patent rights To provide own maintain sell lease and convoy and in all ways and operate factories buildings machinery equipment works and facilities generally for the manufacturing selling working preparing treating handling and dealing In hats gloves mitts gaunt lets robes and garments To take over the agencies for the manufacturers of Tials and caps now held by Fred Miles in consideration of the transfer to the said Fred Miles A press despatch from stales that the main estimates for the coming fiscal year were in the Commons Monday and provide foratpLal appropria tion of a crease of some J compared with amount voted last session for both main and supplementary estimated The despatch further stales how- over that supplement ary estimates to come the seasons appropriations will probably equal if not exceed those of I as I year exclusive altogether of the for war Of the main estimates are for consolidated fund account being- a decrease of over ten millions from last yoar On public works there is a decrease of a little over We further told of the in creased votes goes to agriculture including more in aid to the Provinces for agricultural instruction and more for the develop ment of the live slock industry The revoles for Ontario harbors amount to and for iputf- buildings TEMPERANCE CAMPAIGN Jin accordance with a call is sued by Roy T Albert Moore on the authority of Rev Dr Executive of the Social Service General and the patriotic campaign meet- ings are to be held by the Method ist of the Dominion Thursday of next week The ob ject it is slated will be three fold namely To urge upon the Dominion Government the pre sent duty of an immediate sus pension to continue as long as the war lasts of all licenses for the manufacture of alcoholic so as to prevent the awful economic waste of food products To urge upqn the provincial government the present duty ii an immediate suspension- to long as trie war lasts of all licenses for the sale of alco holic beverages so as to prevent the appalling economic waste in manhood in food and in efficien cy as well as the pauperism and crimethrust upon the country by the traffic To urge upon every persou Hie present duty to or the family the ty the nation and the empire to become a total abstainer from all alcoholic beverages tOOO The Ontario Legislature will for mally open for business next Tuesday Feb and on the next day It is said the House will adjourn out of respect to the memory of she Premier Sir James Whitney During this year there will be two eclipses both of the sun An annual eclipse is announced to take placg to morrow Feb but will be in visible in Canada The second eclipse- due Aug will be invisible here but will be visible at tbeIs- of the North Pacific Ocean Horn the man down- in Maine who declared war agamst Canada by partially destroying the P bridge with dynamite- on 2nd of February is now being held in jail lie Posed as a German and if he gets his deserts penalty of a very deadly plot to insure the death of innocent travellers Tho Toronto Star of Monday states that a representative of On tario Government states that as far as the present session is concerned there is no intention of placing the liquor license administration under a Commission as was recently an nounced In a couple of Toronto The proposition however had been discussed During the past week It was stated in both United States and Canadian dally papers that there a move ment in the neighboring Republic for handing over to this Dominion what Is known as PanHandle means a Part of Alaaka and embraces a strip of territory southeast and dividing Canada from the Pacific Ocean now part of the United States 1 I According to a cablegram from London few days ago Cana dian Cross arrangements for keeping friends In Canada and else where Informed concerning the condi tion of the sick and wounded will In full working order within the few days A strong committee of ladies has been wives many leading London Cana dians Ground floor off be opened in Trafalgar Squat ESSE of fully paidup of the capital stock in said company operations of bo to be carried on throughout the Dominion of Can and elsewhere by the name of Watt Brown Limited with a capital lock of forty thousand dollars divided into shares of twen tyfive dollars each and the CSS place of business of the said comJj to be at the City of Sd mlM to In tho Province of Ontario Dated at tho office of the Sec retary ofSlato of Canada this 24th day or 4w2 Undersecretary of State WANTED catalogue will you H Write Hoi rake Co Toronto The Toronto Star of Saturday re marks The bulk Canadas first contingent has safely crossed English Channel landed at Havre and are now encamped or billeted In or near which is a city of a the miles from Paris and not far from the port of Havre Other despatches tell of large concentration of British troops at or and it would seem that been pouring perhaps hundreds of of troops Into France this week Some time ago letters and cables received here indicated that Rouen would very be the base of the Canadian force in Franca Cables received week indicated that the Canadian transports would early this Walter Strickland the the Union Station died at on Saturday at the home of daughter the police raided a gambling place Sunday on man was alarmed he jumped throogh a window landed in the Jane at the war of the premises where he was found shortly tot with i injured hip and had to be sent to Nearly Christian from visited Toronto on urday aid were at a baajuet In Cooks Church In to the City newspaper statements that hundreds of horses purchased the remount commisoion unlit for Service Sir Adam Bock stated the day that the Militia should investigate and get the names of the persons making the charges and demand the grounds on which they are made The remains of Hugh years ware found on the railway near Cooks Friday the man evidently having been struck by a train white walking along the tracks Mr Ferguson Minister of Mines etc Ontario an nounces that a special commission will be appointed soon by the Government to investigate Ontario Nickel situation The patriotic song From Canada by Miss Irene Humble received an ovation at the concert given by the 109th Regiment in the Armories last night This song has been selected by this Regiment as official maschipg song Word lias been received here that Jno was killed in action on J an a His wife resides here Taej Assize Court Grand Jury brought in true bills and Mrs on charges of conspiracy to commit high treason and bench warranty were issued by Chief Justice an Monday for arrest A state dinner will be held at Gov ernment House after the opening of the Ontario Legislature next week It is a source of satisfaction to know that Torontos abattoir is now rendering a valuable service in pro viding for the proper inspection of animal food in the City and for the proper handling of meat A gaming house was raided by tho police Sunday morning and seven men arrested They all contributed to the city finance soldiers at Exhibition camp took a twelve mile march through the streets of the city on Monday Rev Dr McGillivray pastor of Honor Presbyterian Church for the past took formal leave of the congregation last Sabbath evening prior to his leaving on a three months vacation Toronto is having a distinguished visitor this week the person of ex- President of the United Stalls He is delivering three lectures in the fit and is dining with the of Ontario tais evening Herbert Pearn Is being held at the request of the Chief of Police of Ste Marie where ho is wanted on a charge of stealing The man had on him when arrested A murder of a sensational took place In Walrcer road last Mon day evening when Charles A was shot and killed at his doorway by 18yearold Davids the domestic servant in his own house Revenge lor approaches against her is given as the girls motive for the rash act The Ontario Government has given six carloads of beans to the Belgians value of which is Following the true bill lor treason found by the Assize Grand Jury last Monday and his wife were both arrested on charges ofhUh treason nail was granted at As a result of heart failure caused by over exertion from shovelling snow from the sidewalk just after eating Ms dinner Mr John died suddenly at his residence avenue on Saturday James Cole working on the now Registry OfOce at Chestnut end Al bert Streets on Monday fell forty feet from a- girder and fractured Ms skull causing instant death The sum of has been voted by the Dominion Government for this years Fish Exhibit at Exhibition in Toronto Numerous changes in the seating of of the Ontario legisla ture are shown by the new plan as arranged by Premier Hearst and the Leader of the Opposition Tho Tele gram says the member for North York suffers most as tho result of Mr Gustavo who was kicked out of the last session for misconduct occupies last of the Opposition In the back row The evening papers have pictures of the residence of the late A who was murdered on Monday evening The girl prisoner who com mitted rash deed was remanded for a week In tie Police Court Norman Graham who pleaded guil ty last week to shooting at Ms wife up for sentence before Jus tice on Tuesday and was tencd to the Prison Farm for one year The greatest Concert la the h story of Choir was given on Tuesday evening In Hall for the soldiers of the 2nd Contingent In Exhibition Camp Mr Jesse aged drop ped dead while attending an in the Church of Christ on Tuesday evening Heart failure Improvement in conditions In the nickel Industry was Indicated the announcement made recently that two of the mines belonging to the Cana dian Copper Co at Copper Cliff which have been closed down since outbreak of tho war last v- Mr ana John yesterday is Aurora friends Mr and Jackson had a few friends In to tea on evening Mrs Dr Wesley in thif week- on account the illness of her mother Mrs A from Toronto on Sunday evening after vis iting friends for Vew days Mr Frank of Brandon la spending a few dnvs with his ancle Mr Geo Watson St Mrs Andrew Ego leaves wees to visit reiatives at Toronto and Markdalo for- a few weeks Mrs Wright of is spending this week her brother Mr Mortimer who Is very Mrs Robertson was called to Toronto on Monday on account tho serious of her Dr Bray and Mrs H Eves have adopted a little baby girl to share the of their beautiful home Dr Edgar Evans of Sudbury is spending a short time with bis parent Mr aad Mrs Geo Evans of Joseph Ave Mr Archie Butcher Is agent for the Canadian Northern Railway and is prepared to issue tickets to all points on lino Mrs Crawford of villa visittd Mrs in Town a few days and will spend a week or so with relatives and friends in this vi- Mrs T York the wife of Mr who conducted a general store in Newmarket over rears ago is visiting her sister Mrs Thompson at Bradford this week- Mrs A Evans- wife of Lieut A Evans A M Royal Army Medical Corps Eng land is visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo Evans Joseph Ave Miss Clara of Pine Or chard pupil of Miss Elsie Penrose has been successful in passing her Primary Examination with hon ors at the Toronto Conservatory of Music necessary were prepared for of the collectors onVsthe various polling and everything Is in roadirieHs for a whirlwind of the vhrUu and also the Sunday Monday I are to explain various and Roliof FundH and to take an in their support On day February The execu tive is called to moot on Feb at 90 In KelUeby Without doubt those men arid their worthy of our support The wives and children Of our soldiers who have left their to fight our battles that our hearths and homes might be protected should not suffer want because llieir and natural protectors have been tak en from them That sturdy little nation the Belgians have made us everlasting debtors bravely standing in the doadly broach almost to the point of an nihilation While Britain and France wero preparing to stein tide of German invasion which threatened not European peace alone but Canadian peace as well Wo not refuse to pay the trifling fraction of that to these bravo Belgian tropic And wo are sure that claims of Red Cross Fund the fund that ministers to wounded and dying on the battle field and in ways ecks to ameliorate terrible suffering and hardship of active military Service will not be ignored by the patriotic people of this historic old township Let us rally round our dear old British flag and show to a witnessing world that wo a and loyal Hritiyh people Beat- H life Sale Register TUESDAY Feb Mr Morti mer will have an unreserved of stock implements feed etc on lot con 4 East known as the old Jacob Smith farm 8 mos credit Sale at one oclock sharp Kavanagh Auct- i TUESDAY Feb Doughty Son lot Con 1 half mile from Cedar Brae will hold an extensive farm sale at one oclock months credit J Kester Auctioneer V THURSDAY Feb Mr Joseph lot Georgina at Virginia will dispose of his farm stock and Implements a one oclock months credit J Auctioneer- THURSDAY Feb Mr Henry J Bait 2 miles north of miles west of on Metropolitan will hold an extensive farm sale at one oclock months credit Auct THURSDAY Feb Mr John Stevenson lot con Georglna will hold an extensive farm at one oclock mos credit Kester WEDNESDAY March Mr Isaac Fisher will hold an ax tensive farm at lot con Whitchurch at one oclock credit J Kester Auct WEDNESDAY Feb Auction sale of farm stock and Implements con 3 North about J mile North of Keswick the property of Mr Lang No reserve Sale at one mos cred it Probst THURSDAY Feb Mr Phillips wilt have a credit of High Grade Ayrshire Cows and farm implements on lot King Stop Metropolitan No re serve at I oclock Auct When bills are not print ed at this notices under this heading are at for insertion and for each subsequent insertion cash to accompany order Bogus gold pieces made of nickels floating New York and the police are scouring the East side for the coun terfeiters Col Wm Wayne who says he was a railway vicepresident years ago and worth million has sent to the Workhouse In New York for begging A J Main St North Newmarket All Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention The Cradle ALLEN On St Feb 2nd to- Mr and Mrs Russell Allen a daughter on Feb to Mr and Mrs I John Moore a son In Newmarket on Feb to Mr and aire Charles a daughter HILTSIn Newmarket on Feb to Mr and Mrs David Hilts of daughter 1 BOYD In Newmarket on Feb to Mr and Mrs Robert Boyd a son In on Fob 6th Mrs Albert a son East 1916 to Mr and The Tomb King Tp on Jan 1915 Ella Carlisle wife of John in her 34th year MORNING In Newmarket On Feb 5th Lillian daughter of Mr T Morning aged years Interred at Holland Landing Inst Sunday afternoon Newmarket Feb infant daughter of Mr vid Hilts of Margaret Lawson twin daughter of and Mae passed away at the home of her grandparents Arden Ave Newmarket at Thurs day morning Feb nth at the early age of six week si Funeral on Friday a I 2 p to Cemetery Please omit flowers Keswick Feb 10th 1915 Jesse his 49th year in In Memorlam KING Tl The of King and Relief Fund Asso ciation hold on in Ketlleby dn Monday Feb Tho reovo Mr J president of Assooialion oc cupied the chair Addresses wero delivered by Rev of and Fattier Mc- also of sot ting forth claims of those who have suffered severe losses on account of tho war and urging those who remain at homo lo moke ample provision for all who dependent upon men who have enlisted mooting or dered that a sufficient number of assistants bo chosen to collect the required amount In day and February was date of subscriptions It was all transports would move will shortly opera- all money bo handed to the treasurer Mr v loving memory Frank Atkinson beloved husband of Ethel Jones who entered Into rest Feb We loved yea we him But Jesus loved more And He sweotly called him To yonder shirring shore The golden gates open A gentle voice said Come And with farewells unspoken He calmly entered home Wife House buy jour Fnrftitnre For EMBALMING A SPECIALTY calls attended toatrooldonoo John H Millard tad LET SUGGEST A FEW THAT YOU CAN BUY FROM U8 FOR Cans Peas 25c 25c 25c 3 lbs- Prunes Bottler Essence 3 Boxes Cleanser 3 Boxes Lye 3 Boxes Ammonia 25o Boxes Cornflakes 25o Tins Salmon Tins 1Tb 15 Cakes Toilet Soap Castile 3 2Bc 1 Good 25c PROMPT SERVICE OUR MOTTO Pure Clover Honey In Bottles also 5 10 lb Tins PHONE AGRICULTURAL CONFERENCE Under The DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE In With The ONTARIO OF AGRICULTURE WILL IN mm On Thursday February PM The Duty and the Opportunity of Canadian Farmer a In relation to FARM CHOPS A Prof of Field Husbandry O A Guelph in relation lo LIVESTOCK Day Prof of Animal Husbandry O A In addition lo the above speakers Deputy Minister of and others will address the GOD THE KING I PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates Weekly G OFFICE House Phone No Storo Phone No L y RHEUMATISM Maura Isle Sciatica Lumbago Inflammatory Rheu matism I tla or HEADACHE RHEUMATIC SO liy PAIN DESTROYER WE GUARANTEE that flrot box If used to you of pain or you your money i These Capsules have keen sold in Toronto for six years and during that lima have approximately of all We have hundreds testimonials on our and our repvoaentalive Mr Sidney who is now at the HOTEL will be very glad to- coil upon you on a postal card or should you telephone him at phono No They can also bo obtained at Pattersons Drug Store- OnU Ltd Traders Bank Building Torotf- mm i Do know yoa can taku much era off properly drttnod as can o not eratoed and calf labor a Do Kit woia rrrtpt fc vitality vciHty of y trill In tot trerf taw Hart J SoWetf Wipe I ARCHIVES OF ONTABK TORONTO aaaBV- f

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