BBSS wonts THE NEW CLOCKS f- Close Prices All Guaranteed at JEWELLERY STORE vf flaw fe4 I J i V i The Leading County Paper as well as the Seal annh watv i copies each during I J per annum If paid in to United States Wo sent out of North York unless paid la advance We Can Fit Them Proper will Give YOU CONTORT a Graduate Optician id JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor mm N A RID A FEB 5 S J l use Per on all Winter Goods mentioned below Vol LXHI No 2 Single Copi83 cents each Inspector P of the Childrens Aid Society re viewed the work of the society in York County during the six months in presenting his halfyearly report The inspect or emphasized the heed of apt curing a temporary home where I wards of the society taken from The Government did not promise to the wishes of the delegates from the Fairs Associa tion last week by continuing grants to Agricultural on the basis of last year and there much grumbling homes the country could be The Toronto producerdealers report sheltered until homes wool Heating Stoves coal or wood Horse Blankets Jute Jersey and all Lined Mitts and Gloves Skates Shin Pads Hockey Sleigh Bells team open and string- Childrens Sleighs Crosscut Saws Axes Logging Chains I A HARDWARE a The place to buy good Paints and Varnlshca PHONE NEWMARKET South End Lumber Yard A al 200 J There I Doggone It I I have let that Coal Order go again today I First thing In the morning I must phone P Pearson for a ton of his fa mous Coal Ho Is the only selling agent for that Coal in Newmarket and It Is certainly the best P W Pearson Carters Alfred Bishop Harvey Ontario 8U J Murphy and COLD WINTER WEATHER REQUIRES THE BEST i A THIS OBTAINED ALWAYS AT fc f WH EVES Order by Phone or Garters Ben Manning Ed Church Nelson Miller or Boyd 1 INCORPORATED Paidup Capital t 4Hf 15000060 Business Accounts Bank of Toronto invite the Accounts of Its ample ex tea- live cotuiectfo facilities as sure Toronto a per fect Id Ontario Quebec the BRANCH utd M LISTER Manager WE AT Sash- Desl Stair in Ash Cypress Georgia properly fteiti Wainacottiriff Pino Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak etc Verandah Columns etc NO BETTER LUMBER I EVER GREW THAT WE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU DRY AND fc J SOUND AND NEATLY DRS88ED The Kind Thats THE VERY BEST are unable to s the for cheese for the old coun try Both here and in Montreal new prices ha been realized As a result of the generous those present at Mrs Schuylers lecture at Sir William last week nine dozen hot water bottles have been sent direct to hospitals in Northern Franc is said the is about to construct Board during last week granted funds for lighting the Jail by electricity On Thursday last week death in Richard Crew one of the pioneers of York County and one the best known sportsmen of Ontario at the age of For years he drove the stage coach from the market in Toronto to Hill He was a ho tel keeper for years At the sate of Scotch at the Union Stock Yards West Toronto last week sixty head of pure bread Shorthorns were sold and brought The prices paid were not so good as Year An osteopath named Thomas Roy was found guilty on three charges of gross indecency in the County Criminal Court on Thursday Judge Winchester but at the re quest of counsel sentence Was de ferred for one week The millinery has been reached this Artificial flowers for millinery are being to inclose tiny incandescent lanvpi which can be supplied with current from storage batteries hidden inside their wearers hats During last month sixteen cases of sudden or violent deaths occurred Toronto Most of these were of found dead in ted while those dropping on the streets came a close second Up In The Ward one day last week Mrs Ahvbrose Small gave a party to charwomen They were entertained with a moving picture show after wh supper was served on two long tables On leaving each one was presented with a warm woollen and a hex ol candies The City directory for 1915 gives population of Toronto to be The deficit of the University Toronto for the fiscal just closed is reported to be All alien enemies must register be fore February or le arrested and interned as prisoners of war Ernest Kavanagh was convicted be fore Judge Winchester last week for stealing a Quantlt of ha was sent to Kingston penitentiary for four years He pleaded lciiecy but the Judge told him be bad already been given three Premier Hearst welcomed members of the Joint International Waterways Commission last week the opening of their session here About govememnt high engineers and others are ex pected as delegates to the second Canadian and International 1 Convention here on March Smallpox is rapidly increasing its hold upon the province despite the of the Provincial Health auth orities to nroiyso local health officers to the seriousness of the situation Returns to the Provincial Hoard dur ing January showed that smallpox had appeared In over of the counties of Ontario During this month there were cases ol the disease reported compared with only January 1914 A delegation from East Elgin com posed of a number of persons interest ed In fishing called upon Hon Mr Macdlarmld last week at the Parliament Buildings and Minister to provide by regulation for the opening up of the whole of the Canadian part of Lake Erie to fishing Another lot of his fisher man from Norfolk District protested later against the East Elgin Tile Ontario Government and City are at loggerheads over certain Police Court the dispute now involves hundreds pi thousands of dol lars A At international skating contest on Friday last at Lake several thousand persons witness ed tho final heat of the 400yard race which was won Wheeler of Mon treal 2nd Fred of Toronto The Exhibition authorities have re ceived assurances that the troops at the Exhibition will vacate those grounds by the 15th of May as by that time it a planned to have the take up quarters at Niagara Camp On Friday last the GovernorGen erals was won by Granite Club of this City in tbe final curling with Rarrie at Victoria Rink by to On Friday last hundred ol people living at tbo Reaches went to the front to view the picturesque Ice floe which has become lammed for nun- along the The ice surface Is very pinnacles in being from ten f were found felt however the war had imposed a heavy on the countys and consequently ho would fore go the request for a home and would endeavor to carry on the work with a grant of It was reported that during the year the receipts of soci ety had amounted to slightly over of which had already been expended Mr Coul son slated thht lie had gated- about cases during the year The request of a grant to the society on a motion of Reeve Keith of Newmarket was refer red to the Finance Committee The following grants wore made to the agricultural socie ties of the county Newmar ket Schomboig Sutton Richmond Hill and Weston 50 each On tario Vegetable Growers Toron to Branch Flower Fruit and Honey Growers Association North York Poultry Show Stouffville Christmas Fair and East West and North York Institutes each Each of tle public libraries in tho county were also voted the sum of A motion by Reeve Pugs- ley of Richmond Hill to make a grant to the Red Cross Society in monthly instalments was re ferred to the Finance Committee i 7 Day The commissioners reported that in their opinion si bridges arid one culvert in various parts of the county were in an unsafe condition and required ing- bridge on Hie Weston Road north of Thistle- town was described by County Engineer Barber to be in the worst state of repair of any structure in the county and in his opinion it was decidedly un safe He attributed its present condition not so much to its age as to the mode of design and construction Certain parts have now buckled in such a manner that the passage of a heavy ve hicle might cause its collapse Reeve in press ing for the reconstruction of the bridge spanning the Miinico Creek on Street near Islington stated that the pre sent superstructure was too light to carry heavy traffic on this road It has a span of about feet and Barber esti mated that it could be rebuilt for about This will investigated by the new commissioners The question of reconstruct ing the following other bridges was also discussed but in each the Council took no ac tion leaving the matter in the hands Hie commissioners Bridge over Tooles Creek be tween East and Scott Townships south of Brown Hill culvert at Newlonbrook on Street bridge between Bast and King Townships west of Hoi- land Landing Cold Creek bridge between York and Counties Fast lldora bridge between and Scott Townships In report of the Finance Committee it was recommended that the following grants he made Childrens Aid Society Red Cross Society tobe paid in four monthly instal ments Prisoners Aid Association Rational San itarium Association Sal vation Army 25 and Ontario Good Roads Association A bill of submitted by Dr for attendance on William caused some discussion Reeve Ironsides of New To ronto pointed out that man had been shot while In enter the Mimlco and the bill was for the doctors attendance He had been token to Grace Hospital where his tog was amputated and lie was sentenced thin years Kingston Clerk Phillips that bad already been paid In Grace the courlv- of members were opinion that I no bill go Ip criminal Justice countsand it was decid ed to put it in the bands of ho thought it was as fair as could be expected under the pre sent system Roeve Griffiths pointed out that York was forced to assume responsi bilities and obligations higher than any other municipality in the county on account of close proximity and yet Utile help was forthcoming from the county Reeve Pugsley was of the opinion that the only of assessing proper ty was by bash value and called atteutign to the fact that the as of Richmond Hill for county purposes has been raised in two The report showed that assessment of townships In the had been increased from to and the assessments of towns and villages in the enunty had been This makes ftSfloHshiont the I as against 5s at it was placed by the Vocal asSsors1 The report showed the of tbe townships and towns as follows Etobicoke North East Gwil 2989 King 4930 4640 Vaughan 3972 Whitchurch 10 York Aurora Newmarket 3825 Holland Landing 324 Markham Village Richmond 880 Stouff- ville 2307 Wood- bridge 609 Sut ton 766 New Toronto and A recommendation by the county property committee that a part of tho building be taken over for a county polioo court when the lease expires was adopted- The members of the county properly committee wero ap pointed delegates to tho conven tion Of the Dominion Good Road Association in March Reeve of submitted a resolution asking the county to guarantee the de bentures which the village of will issue for the pav ing of the lake shore road from the eastern to western lim its of the village The deben tures are for which is the municipalitys sharo of the cost The matter was referred to the bylaw committee report of the education committee was adopted without amendment D reeve of East Gwillimbury and P W Pearson deputy reeve of Newmarket were appointed del egates to the Provincial Trustees Association which meets in April They were also appoint ed to act with the chief inspector for the purpose of making ar rangements for temporary as sistance for the public schoolin- The appointment of a third In spector was deferred until the June session The Inspectors report showed that the number of teachers in township had increased to three hundred as a result of the increase- in the number of pupils They of the opinion that a third inspect or was needed but action was deferred by the council Tho following will be made to high schools in the coun ty for current year No I Weston No No Richmond Hill No 4 New market No Au rora Grants of were made to the South York and North York Teaohera Associations A bylaw was carried authoriz ing the borrowing of from the Bank Commerce to carry on county business until tho taxes fall December tender for County Feint ing from the Era Offioo Now- markcl was accepted it being considerably the lowest DUO RADIAL CONTRACTS 8IQNED UP Another step was taken last week toward a start upon the Perry Hydro when dial Power Commission forwarded to the for approval bylaws and con tracts Of eleven municipalities in radial zono which have voted favor of the establish ment Of a radial service The contracts were from Scar Township and Village Pick- Ting Township Port Perry Reach Township Whitby town and township bridge and Whitchurch Town ships is to vote again on scheme The arc based upon the original understanding the failure of Newmarket to com in having made no difference in the estimates of commis sions engineer The only ef fect of the Newmarket vote was tho dropping from the plans of the Newmarket end of tho lino As tho system now stands it will comprise miles of track Two matters Of importance to be dealt with before a start can be made on the line The entrance to Toronto must he agreed upon and yesterday Adam Beck discussed this point with City Hall officials The entrance to Toronto will be taken up in consideration of the general transportation ques tion in Toronto The other mat ter yet to bo settled is that of a Federal subsidy The esti mates of the commissions en gineers upon which the contract voted upon was based took for granted the receipt of a substan tial Federal subsidy- No defin ite assurance that it will be forthcoming has been received but the commission and the mu nicipalities are not worrying greatly about the likelihood of it being refused 0004 Making Light of Difficulties The youth who makes light the in his way exaggerating them wins thereby the conlidence ot others A business man was asked by an od friend to give hs son a position and he did so with reluctance lie had seen the boy some time And had not bee very favorably impressed with him It was one his rules never to mix business and but he had broken through it on this occasion because it is a rule that one cannot always follow and retain the one values The young man had agreed to present himself at the home of his prospective employer on Wed- neilday of a certain week for a little preliminary discussion before going to work the following morning He did Indeed make his appearance on that day set but at so late an hour that the was On the point of retiring Almost the first worhs were an apology for the lateness of the hour That cloudburst made trouble on the ft and trccis he explained We were stopped the of by a washoit The conductor thought there wasnt much chance our getting through today so I them there Hut how did you get here cried the man lookng hard at his dusty caller Walked Took the short cut across the mountains Rather hard climb but easy getting down Rut it must be a good ten miles said the man I shouldnt wonder Rut I dont mind Walking Theres no road over the moun tains that I know off No there Isnt But I a pretty easy trail What dill you do for dinner Oh I had a breakfast when I left home and Im going back to YEARS AGO From Feb Richardson At Prospect Cot- Newmarket on the Lambert William son of and Maria aged years Several municipalities carried the Dunkin Temperance Act last month Mr Samuel is running the steam grist mill pupils of the Newmarket- Grammar School presented A Marling A on Wed nesday evening Inst with a beau tiful Photograph Album- as token of esteem Mr J Hughes made the formal pre ienlation A is again th reeve of Newmarket for the cur rent year He presented a peti tion favoring tho village and Society of North York purchas ing a piece of land for exhibi tion purposes and field sports The House of Parliament has voted itself day as indem nity during the session Com pare that with the present in demnity i a YEARS AGO From Era Feb The Altar At the- Queens Hotel Sutton by Rev on the Mr W to Miss daughter of Mr Frank Grille don all of North Watson-Foster- At the resi dence of the brides father by Canon A on the Mr Levi Watson of King to Miss Louisa A Fos ter daughter of Mr Maurice Foster of SoulcsWinch the resi dence of brides father by Elder J on the Mi Charles Soules of East to Miss Alecia Winch of North The Tomb Woollen In Newmarket on the Eliza Woolten relict of the late David Woollen aged years and mos Mr J is Presi dent of Newmarket Hoard of Trade this year The Hoard has enrolled members ExWarden Sanderson of and of Ml- Albert were honored with banquet at the Clyde Hotel To ronto by the County Council on Friday last Rev W W Smith and Messrs C Webb Albert Rogers and Jackson ave representing Newmarket at the P S Convention Ibis week Mr J Belfry was called to on Tuesday owing to the serious illness of his sister Mrs Charles Kelly Messrs Luke Gibbons and W Phillips wore delegates from the Farmers Institute Toron to last week The death of MrSamuel John son fir years an honored resident of Whitchurch is an nounced at the advanced ago of years There arc 111 inmates at pre sent in the Industrial Home Rev W Hill has been invito to accept a third term for Newmarket Methodist Church mm is- I a HI ABOUT- CANADA Know Canada I make CanadrT known is- a striking In the War Year edition for of that popular booklet as DEAD Day The recommendations of equalization committee wore without Reeve Griffiths of York and Reeve of Richmond Hill were of tin opinion that the pro sent assessment system l wrong The former slated that while was a the hotel now and cat a tremendous Facts About Canada compiWid supper I came first explained Frank of Toronto who the young fellow because you said knows Canada Wednesday and didnt want you to feel that I thought Thursday or Fri day would do Just as well At the end of the week the young iron wrote his father that We em ployer had exceptionally kind to him Its lucky for me ha that you and Mr Barnes went to school together And ho to that the favorable circumstances under which he began work were not due to the fact that his employer and his father had lends long before 1M to the Impression he had made by keeping an engagement under difficulties and also by making light of the men and boys of various were up before Magistrate to the Canadian Facts Thursday charged with Co Huron St To- disorderly at the Metropolitan Canada- room at Richmond Hill They pleaded guilty to shaking and were each fined and costs Soma people think If they aae Ottawa Feb 5 The Ger mans are taking their daily toll In death from the Prin cess Patricias the only Canadi an regiment Ihus far in the firing line- Nine of this orack regiment to date boon killed or died if wounds another has been re ported dead cause not given and an eleventh has died in an hos pital at frpiri spinal meningitis Tho Germans are apparently snipping for officers for of the nfno killed In action either been commissioned or noncommissioned officers The total list of deaths Canadian troops in England and at the front is how 80 including Wrn of Ottawa Feb Sharp who mot death yesterday whilo Ottawa head of the Canadian con- flying In Unseat of the Royal Flying corp It Is reported by the militia who went to France a few weeks a that the outbreak of did some daring work was kill spinal meningitis is now checked this afternoon while Hying at Shore- dues it understood bore that ham He had been in the some oclock tbe precaution is being taken was returning from toe conceived to prevent a tho trip whoa Ma biplane idea of pulling the fire alarm probably Canadians do It is true that he who would know Canada and its wonderful growth in any one year will And this annual publi cation worth its weight in Yu kon gold or Cobalt silver while as a meanB of making the Do minion known in other coun tries it is no less valuable ty chapters are devoted loauoh as Agriculture Area Hanking Census Immigration Mining Manufacturing Trade etc and a page of Canadian War Facts show how uptodate Sketch Maps aro of Dominion in and 1915 Copies may be had from progres sive newsdealers or by sending fur enough around their shouWeiy can go out In a buzzard with to the earth The machine was calf was sounded and the for ARCHIVES OF