jo In on occasions got the best would BUhrftlt They also had the Radial got their They to a committee of Council on over those ptopoaltloini- arid the whole In of such Horn awaa received two parties Then in order to bo certain of Wick ground they agreed to aug- to Council that electrical expert be secured for the of going over the two propositions to altua- lion of and a report believed in iatoroatli of the Town All this done and at HI there were citizen who Insisted that had not been given had not been properly tak en Into the of the Council on May we li It not that these same people are for Hydro tddayT What ffort has bo present Council made Hydro proposition to take the confidence have not tried to get any informa tion ftfc0ut York power or any other power have simply gone to Hydro taken their aim got them to send here to the at public meetings The themselves have not taken the platform and given their views to why they consider Hydro Su perior to York and Id way have they exhibited any de- sir except what would appear to bo a predisposed determination have Town of up to Hydro even at extra cost and groat disadvantage now anjl In the future to the Citizens of the Town Whoa the Hydro Hallway proposi tion wan before the people not one of the Town took the plat- Pn famlf- Strangers and outfitters introduced who pay no taxes and who have n personal in the prosperity do- the Town and they on ly advocated the passing of that by law The same course apparently is being pursued on the present and from of insinuation of Hydro places of a similar she to from to complete installation Home fiea Cane thought tUo Council might have savfed a lot friction if they taken a against term the present what this Town Squire may not sion the Council is concerned would not know there Was Niagara power in Town ready lor use at any mo ment They simply it entirely They its advantages although recently an published in press the York Radial offered to natal the power tor one year on trial and let the Town have an op portunity to see it meets ltJic approval or not This is so important and an opportunity that if ever comes t any Municipality one finds it diffi cult to understand why Council entirely overlook pay no atten tion whatever to a proposition which would appear to he so much in the in terest of the people Coun cil should do is to withdraw these bylaws accept the York offer for one year have the power in stalled immediately lot Town get the advantage of it and if it Is not satisfactory at the end of the year drop it entirely Hydro lawu and the people- would no doubt unanimously approve of hem We cannot possibly get Hydro Pow er inside of a year and pro bably it will be two or three years or perhaps not at all It absolutely depends on the construction of the Radial Railway and it is far from as to whether that Railway will be constructed at all First from the Dominion Government per mile must obtained an lliOr finances certainly arc not in a position to do anything of that kind at the present time aside from the face it would be establishing a precedent which would involve the Dominion Government expenditures from the Atlantic to the Pacific for the construction of such railways Jeffreys referred Kingston at Ike meeting stating they bad passed a bylaw in favor of Hydro This they did three or years ago- on the promise from the Hydro Commis sion that would receive power a time They turned down a proposition from the Seymour Pow er Co which would have supplied with cheap satisfactory power tkat they did not close with the Kiegotoa has regretted over did not close with the above Company as Hydro has done noting since Turn down two bylaws and let vote on a York Radial profit- use the power tht we can have at once and which is lees our power end ILe Town prosperity ttie Town Is having ample fire protection at low est possible rate The position of in ibis respect very satlsfaclbry at present It is of the utmost that this should bo continued Now wo put In Hydro Power wo will at once change our position so far as insurance on practically every house fa the Town Is concerned Mr Jeffrey p admitted other night the Underwriters would not accept pumps driven by asasuCfcicnt protection to the Town- He also ad- niHtcd that he had no knowledge that the Underwriters accepted elec pumps in Town of Aurora with power York Ra dial Company as absolutely actory so far as keeping the rates of insurance in that Town tjicy wore preylous to installation this power of Is cor rect an citizen of Newmarket by calling at tho in Toronto can confirm The fact that willing to for market as done Au rora as a protection elec trical pumps driven by York Radial power in of great importance The reason is that York Radial power is In a different position entirely to Hydro so far as these towns are concerned nave to separate lines bringing their power from Nia gara Kails They also have a steam at Lake that is kept ready for use continually giv ing a thrd for power for the pumps if installed here This they say is entirely satisfactory them and will not increase our in surance rates in Town if we have York Radial power but if Hydro is Introduced they will not accept their pumps What then will he our posi tion We cither will have to go in a lower class so far as insurance concerned and every in whoso property Ik in and ought to have their property insured will have to pay an increased work for that- in or else the Town will have to incur additional expenditure in order to provide something that is satisfactory to the Underwriters to enable then to maintain our present rate Acting Mayor Hunter stated u nil tbo Council to change from their present steam- plant there fore it will he necessary if Hydro Is Installed keep our Steam Plant in working order all the lime with steam up ready for any emergencies they may arise as a result of fire in tlie Town- This experts who are familiar with these matters cay will cast the Town at least per annum and some place it at per annum extra cost and this would have to ho an additional levy each year on the municipality That in all who pay taxes would to pay enough more to raise this sum each year in order to keep our insurance at the same rate- in addition it must bo clearly under stood to the cost of Hydro Power as given to us by Mr Jeffreys at the meeting Surely the citizens New market will not place this burden of taxation upon themselves for of getting Hydro Power 1 these bylaws passed riot what total q will he wo will to provide that by debentures en- by the Town without any furtfier submission to the pic for their approval Is Ibis the that wo want introduced into Newmarket it with the right Conducting our own business which We for so many years Even Boyd admitted to some of our that only a starter and wo will find out to our sorrow if these bylaws are passed that it reallyonly was a starter and a pretty small starter loo Mr Jeffreys was asked if these bylaws wero passed would tho Council of Newmarket fiava any voice in deciding what the people of Town should pay for power or light and staled most emphatically No That means that you can become responsible for all the bills connection with this proposition but you have no voice whatever in saying what will pay for power and light after the sys tem isin operation nor we any voice to say bow the capital expenditures shall bo made in llii construction of the plant we prepared to give away all our Municipal lights which we valued so highly during all these years and place this power ab solutely in an outside Ion giving to them practically the autocratic power of the Kai ser to handle our finances and our business for us If we Introduce York Radial Power which Mr Jeffreys admits is cheaper we will in addition to that retain our own absolute con trol of all he expenditure in connection with the installation of that power and the Council of the Town will have the right to fix the price at which power shall he sold to the individual householders and to those who require it for power purposes oration to pay for what sign for ore not going to live for 30 years and not- know I office and the surplus are earning which is than any Hydro municipality quoted by Mr do Ho apoko of satisfac tion power Is giving In Aurora fries although giving citizens cheap and allnight street lights Ho spoko of the impossi bility of selling power for day use- when York Radial is offering it cheaper have Jho J- The chairman figured house from audited statement to show Hy dro It was much cheaper than at the Aurora rate but the paid for current by the Dr in cludes the tenants in- Hank of Toronto building light for his residence was only which shows quite different result Mr J McKay attacked the article in the lira ro in Aurora and made some ex planations Ho had figured li houses in Brampton from actual accounts and found of them lower than Aurora Mr Jeffries made sumo which ho was obliged to apologize for owing to a mis understanding of the Metropolitan agreement After same crossques tioning the meeting closed MUNICIPAL- OWNERSHIP I i AMD At ike public meeting on Tues day evening J McKay took oc casion to criticise the be cause there was a clerical error of in one of the illustrations regarding cost of light ing Ho admitted however correction Aurora rate would be still 30 cheaper than Hydro This same accurate and critical gentleman omit ted to toll the that in his own totter in the ExpressHera of last wqek a clerical mistake oc curred where he figure at equals hut of course this is no deliberate facts In connection with figuring on Mr yunlers store he admitted lharbe had made a mistake fi fiometbing unusual ActingMayor Hunter in open ing public meeting last wok complimented Newmarket on be ing the that In troduced and put into practical operation Municipal Ownership their light and water plant this he dioNwell It certainly has been to the credit of this Town that they were the pioneers in Municipal Ownership of those fa cilities During all these years the Town has had absolute con Irol of how they shall develop I heir waterworks and I heir elec tric light systems They have had absolute control as to amount of money they will- ex pend for each of these purpos and how it shall be spent They have had absolute control of the rate they shall charge the of Town for the use of light and water and if they had any surplus on the years opera tions of these plants they had ah J solute control as to what should do with that money eith er to extend the plant if it seem ed in Iheyinterest of the Town bo to do or allow it to go towards the reduction of taxation to the people of Town hut if we adopt as AotingMayor recommends what about Municipal Ownership Its day have ho voice whatever in any of these matters All you have to do is to on the of Jan uary these two bylaws the enabling and the bylaw to raise by deben tures and there will bo no more Municipal Ownership in the Town of Newmarket The Hydro Coin- mission will take everything out of your hands and they will run it for you and by the way judg ing by the statement of Dr and Mr Jeffreys at the meeting the other night will not be more than half sufficient to install the substation and all the other requirements to properly introduce and make practicable the use of Hydro Power and Lighting in the of Newmar ket From Dr statement it would almost appear though ho had to the Commission in Toronto and instructed them make tins amount as small as they possibly could but their statv- would about 30O00 Mr Jeffreys fitated the other night but Dr Boyd may said THE PUBLIC MEETING TUESDAY WIGHT The Town Mall was nearly on Tuesday evening and the audience gave very attentive l both sides of the eT Question it being halfpast eleven when the meeting broke up and very few loft the Mall till after 1 1 oclock ActingMayor Hunter presided and the order was the best throughout Mr Heavy and another stranger from Toronto took up a lot of time telling of the advantages of electric power as if wo lived in the backwoods Me said that Hydro had reduced the cost of power in Ontario per cent and every body was pleased to know of this result Reeve Keith clearly staled his position After thorough investi gation he was satisfied thai York Radial power was the best for Newmarket but if elected he will do all he can to carry out the will of the people He denounced Government audit and declared from his experience it was a fair sample of the red tape business Me had reason to believe that the directors of the York Radial Co were just as honest as the Hy dro Commission He thought it the amount of we cannot pass a bylaw for that very bad taste for a representa tive of the Commission to call the opponents weakkneed knock ers as was done on the same platform Mr I Pearson told how his sympathies were all for Hydro re viewed the whole situation and stated that after most thorough investigation be with all others on he Committee could come to no other conclusion hut recommend to the ratepayers that York Radial power was cheaper than Hydro and the most satis factory for the corporation The insinuation thatsome public men were dishonest and had been bribed was handled without gloves as the reasons why he supported the York Radial agreement 1st he sale of power 2nd the price 3rd the quantity and the time Each point was dealt with full together with the present steam plant which he termed a sink-bole- Me declared that the whole argument of Mr Jeffries at the previous meeting was found ed on absolute falsehood The York Radial Power is as good as the Hydro it is tho lowest price will save your money I know it and they know it were his clos ing words Dr declared that he was against the Metropolitan deal on fair business principles They have the franchise to soil power in town and if they are not will ing to hand it over entirely there is chance for graft He consider ed the cost of electric pumping was not much cheaper than steam considering our present plant He said they were having trouble in Aurora with their electric pumps It has cost them to in stall their plant of amount is for electric pumps The wiring of their town cost 817000 We have a bigger town and our estimate is only 815000 Tie Hydro continue to get cheaper and the rate quoted now is cheaper than Brampton- He advised the citizens to vote for Hydro and other industries Town He declared that the Fire Protection argument was all a It can be worked out OUR SOCIETY COLUMN Mr Marker is home from the States Curry is spending this week in Toronto- Mr and Mrs J spent Sunday in the city Mr J JO spend ing the holidays in Toronto Miss Clarice la home from Ottawa on two weeks vacation Beatrice Wesley of Toronto University is homo for vacation Mrs Watsons mothei is spending the holidays in Montreal Miss sang lor the Bottlers at Exhibition Camp last Sunday Leila Manning is home from the Toronto Technical School for vacation Messrs Cameron Curry and Charlie meek are home from Aj family gathering of took dinner at Mr John Saturday Mr A Brooks got lack from the Hospital last and is do ing nicely Miss Itonan has gone to Mount Forest to spend a couple of months with her niece Hon J Davis attended the funeral of Rev Dr in To ronto Mrs Geo Richardson has return ed from Ottawa after visiting her son for three weeks Mr Jackson left on Wednes day to spend the holidays with his daughter at Tottenham Miss is home from the McDonald Institute for Christmas holidays Miss Emily Toronto was visiting Mrs Pressor a couple of days tins week Mr Geo Mortimer of is over to sec his brother Mr Win Mortimer who is very poorly Miss Bertha Minns of Lady- Mtnto Hospital at is spending the holidays with her brother Mr Minns The Misses left yesterday for Waterloo to spend the holidays Miss Mabel accompanied then to visit her chum Mrs Sour Is Man daughter of Mr John Rosamond is home for Christmas holidays Also his son Mr Win Rosamond of Den- holm Mr J of is a candidate for the Reeveship of that Township Mr has served six in the council Mr and Mrs Swindells and Mrs Toole leave today to attend a at J White- Wow felling at and each Bandoliers colors each In varloty Bo to each Kid two at and a each Mr if the It Wow tractors building a sou want mark you FOR THE MEN In Knots Derbies boxed individually 35c and each flora In fancy Unit be and Fancy Box to pair 1 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Ladles and Childrens Winter Coats at cost Hens and reduced Coats for for Coats for Coats for GO Coats for for r Miss Nora has returned home after spending the week end in Toronto with her Aunt and Uncle Mr and Mrs P Fry Re gave four vae Mrs Toole will remain a while with her sister Mr Isaac King I p announces the engagement of his daughter Miss Irene Brown to Mr Andrew J Phillips ol SftftV the wedding to place on- Christmas Ray Ur A J has disposed of his on the concession King to Mr Norman New market and to Mr will take possession of his new at one Mr John Urn was tod desires to wish his customers the the He will be here again next week end orders for tuning may be left with Mr Goring Victor Ae Mr and Mrs Mortimer Newmarket announce the engage ment of their daughter liable to Mr Fred Proctor con of Mr John Proctor Yonge St the wedding to take place quietly in Jtauary Nearly all the Teach ers hove gene home for as the Public Schools will not open till Tuesday the of They are as follows Miss Pott Hope Miss Quail Toronto Miss Taylor Park Miss Pores Miss Truman Kirkfield Miss Miss Mason New Castle Miss Collins Miss Sutton West The Tomb At Holland Landing on Dec George Wm aged yrs In Newmarket on Dec 1014 Robert son of Mr aged Holland Landing Dec 22nd Rachel wire of Mr Robert At the residence of her daughter Mrs Andrew McCaffrey Newmarket on Sunday Dec 1014 Ann widow of John in her year Newmarket on Tues day Dec Herbert his year MOORE At Newmarket on Dec Martha Miller wife of 11 Moore aged years days BAKER In on Dec Hannah Priscilla Raker aged years Interred burying grounds Township IN ALLEN In loving oL Allen who departed this life Dec aged years 11 months and days Youre not forgotten Lilly dear Nor will you ever he So long as life and memory last We will remember thee We miss thee Oh we miss From thy familiar place We do not hear thy footsteps near Nor see thy cheerful face Now the days long and lonely And Its such a lonely wait Rut we know oh dearest Lilly Youll be waiting at gate I often sit and think of you When I am air alone For memory is the only thing That grief can call Its own Like ivy on the withered oak When all things decay My love for you will kp And never fade away Rut dear Lilly we know well meet When the shall call his And In heaven with to Where farowell tears are never known Written by a losing sister Mrs of White River Out Wo specialize In Teas and Coffees We are still- selling our at same price and lb freshly ground Wo would advise you to buy Tea as It Is almost certain when Parliament moots that there Will be a war tax added Britain has added a war tax recently and Canada Is sure to follow Wo can give you extra good values Brands of our own blending at 30c lb New Currants Raisins Figs Etc have just arrived Last Seasons Raisins at lb New Raisins and Currants pound Now Cooking Figs lb New Figs 15 lb Malaga Grapes ore very sweet this year Try some Special Value In Grape Fruit Pure Clover In Bottles also 10 lb Tins Li Mi PHONE 315 with Hydro eh paper than Miss Fair 1 THE Homo buy Cheap For UNDERTAKING A EMB A SPECIALTY Night attended John Millard lhones 17 at PURITY AND QUALITY OUUUOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN JWUARKKP 0HT- Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplier FwehHuylera fchooolatw G OFFICE No- Phone No The Church Union CornmUlee last weeV reached a conclusion in regard to change of pastors the system in ltd main points being prnclieally as fol lows Each conference ahal have e ill era en I made up of mlnialera and appointed annually and on this Presbytery be The will consider all for a settlement either ler or charges annually for the purpose shall make Presbytery charge in view of a vac- extend call or im properly right of appointment the Settlement Com Children FLETCHERS OASTOB r f I ARCHIVES OF By Option So law vol All foil a lengthy gram pur market up to lines five poll tan pf Hold up As Tuesday by the it any ott a gets cheal cheaper At the Club was Wr 1st Vice- Vice- King J A An the Forme a purpose farm Steps swd corn var themselve These a special be a to ten market a Mat Charch v ed and he re Option in five year tary en the to bo four Option Con troll the the drawn up the churcl marl only three province Kress ol Ontario less than the the past voters Plainly prohibition lie is that Master boy He wXd asiUted the TORONTO