Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1914, p. 6

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1 V FRIDAY v f arid Concert in their school house flouth of on Tuesday Deo All are J THE SMALLEST EGO Some we gave the of the largest egg seen in this vicinity which was pro senlcdy Mr A Blizzard Wo now what is generally to ho smallest egg was brought in by Mr Jos Hogg and was laid by a fuIU grown Plymouth Hook hen Al though perfectly formed it only about an Inch in length The many friondn of Mr C will be pleased to learn that lucre is a slight improvement In his condition The Trustees of Mount Albert Police Villogo have panned a By- Law the hour for holding their nominations for Trustees in Pro- will be issued short it has been decided to allow all our teachers to close school for the Christmas holiday on Friday of this week to reopen Monday Jan The names of the new staff will bo published next week Several of our stores have been handsomely decorated for Christmas season the display of Christmas goods being quite up to the standard The teachers and children of the Methodist Sunday School are preparing for their annual enter tainment on Wednesday evening next No d a number of our resi dents will have friends visiting them the We shall be pjeutcd to publish the- names if vou will kindly hand or phone them in There was not the usual crowd at the market Tuesday owing to the weather but llioo who attended found prices good as anywhere else Skating on the pond is principal amusement of young people The rink has yet been opened I ft coat of on rink and ox- poets to shortly Mryand Mrs of Ravonahoe wore with friends in town What is the mutter with Ross Hes all right largely Miss Annie Lyons is el December to Bradford her aunts- Jones thonceto for burial Be sure to come la the Concert Father Wedlock took on the Tho entertainment pollbearers Messrs will consist of Walker and dia- Cues Gibbons grandchild- as the our not The Ladies Aid of the Presby terian Church held a most suc cessful Bazaar on Tuesday of last week Tho large variety of presents staple articles and bornemade cokes and confection ery brought a large and enthusi astic crowd of purchasers The lunch counter was well patronized and proceeds amounted to The Ladies Aid will hold Its annual business meeting the home of Mrs on Thurs day the of January There will be morning and ev ening service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday Dec 20th A theme will be taken up at each service and the choir will render special music The Presbyterian Sunday School will hold its Tree Entertainment in the Church on Wednesday evening Dec An excellent program is being prepared Tho Mount Pleasant Xmas Concert will be held in the Church on the evening of Dec A large and very attentive con- listened to a very in spiring sermon by At kinson last Sunday morning in the Presbyterian Church The Choir beautifully the solo parts by- Miss Lila Kavanagh and Mr Prank being special ly worthy of mention It is the intention of the Choir to give something especially good next Sunday Mr A J Milne who was hurl some time ago by his horse be ing frightened at a threshing en gine is somewhat brighter and more cheerful Messrs Bond and James Llnskill returned home from on Saturday night where they spent a very enjoyable days taking in the fair and vis iting friends Mrs lives Farm is spending a week with brother Mr Ross How ard Park Toronto Municipal matters are waxing warm as the day draws nigh for nomination It looks very much as if we are going to have a con test ExReeve Smith will try conclusions with Reeve Parr Proctor and possibly Kelly in the race for Deputy Reeves seat and Councilman galore Tie many acquaintances of Mr Guy who was at one time a resident here willbe surpris ed at rash act Last Friday flight at Crawford St To- ronlo when in a fit of maddened jealousy ho shot and instantly Mrs McForland of the same address the lady expiring arms and then shooting himself Mr Argles was hurried to Hospital died of his wound at last Saturday morning Mrs Dr Graham returned home after spending a week with in New York Misa of Aurora is vis iting with hen friend Miss Bea trice Williams Mi and Mrs Geo tipent Sunday at Mr Thomas Huntleys Mrs George spent part League fer Doc Christmas in Many Lands Gordon loader Anniversary of Meth odist School will bo hold next Sunday and Monday Our- own popular resident ministers are to preach on Sunday Rev Scott at oclock and Rev at Annual on Monday evening is to consist of Recitations Drills Tableaux Patriotic Music and The Xmas Tree is to be for placing on it by and oth ers gifts or money for the suf fering Belgians The school also have unani mously voted to give the amount usually expended for presents for scholars to the Patriotic Fund We look for a crowd as usual John Hopkins has his new bouse plastered and expects to move in in a short lime John is something of a bustler Win Pressors moved into their now house last week Cooks Bay was nearly all froz en over last week but is breaking up again this week And now the summer is past and Pap and his friends can play no longer Pap certainly loves games hold his own with the best of them Isaac and Frank Marritt spent and Sunday with friends in King and West limbury Very little stir yet in over municipal elections There is a rumor that the Reeve is to he opposed by James Anderson Rev Fletcher is away helping vith some revival services There lias been some skating on the lake Some bathing as well look place Monday night Miss of the Jersey School is arranging a Rue Concert for evening of Dec 22 Mr Howard has been vl siting friends and relative around here for a lew days Picture and Cantata entitled White lifts the King Is to ho given at Con cert Mre spent afew daysin the week vlpit- her Hilts When the Agent turns to our burg lie bo sur prised toflnd that the restaurant has been moved We glad to see Wilfrid I HHAUOM I wasnt asleep or anything similar hut just a little slow Will wo ever have skating on our rink this winter Looks doubtful There is only about six barrels of water a day in the rink well This is a poor show for making a bottom for skating Mr Norman Cook spent over Sunday with his mother Mrs Etta Messrs Frank and Isaac Mar took a driving trip and visit ed friends in Aurora and Bond over Saturday and Sunday Miss Evans the Jersey School Teacher has arranged a fine con cert to be held in her school to night Some of Keswicks best artists are helping We are sum that everyone who will be pleased All the stores are finely fitted out in costume It would be hard to tell which one was best Miss Smith has arranged a very pleasing Concert Mother Goose and Santa Glaus Reception for Tuesday afternoon Dec 22 She and the scholars will wel come you to hear it Miss Evans spent Sunday in Newmarket Quite a number of the young people had a pleasant glide on the good ice on lat ter part of last week especially Saturday night The Alerts Bible Class are sell ing Christmas Seals to help the free Hospital for Consumptives at Muskoka This is a very worthy object The seals make very attractive Xmas greetings for hacks of parcels and See that you procure at least one package from the boys The Christmas night Concert of the Christian Sunday School will be somewhat different this year One hundred splendid views far better than the common slides which we usually see in Keswick Besides these the scholars will give the and effective exercises en titled Gifts for the Kimr The spirit of Giving is very strong in Keswick this Xmas which is shown by the attitude taken by Sunday Schools Ladies Aid Societies and other societies Both Sunday Schools are with prizes anil giving the usual money expended to the Belgian Relief Fund and the scholars are giving to different good causes as well Now Years Night the Young Peoples Mission Circle will meet at Mr Frank Terrys home They will serve a Chicken Pio Supper after a very pleasant evening of games mu sic etc is being planned back to our burg again Tipperrary BALDWIN Mr and Mrs Johnston looking forward with pleasant anticipation to a visit from their son Joseph in Christmas holidays They not scon him for many long long years Jos Kay our veteran tax col lector says ho has tramped and trudged up and down Tp hills and dales for forty- 45 consecutive years I no tice that our friend is not quite so spry as in the golden days of youth His nimble buoyant step has settled down to a dignified march Miss Myrtle Mary Foster reached the sweet sixteen stage of a young maids career She is quite a lump of a lassic her yearsone hundred and for tyone pounds We wish her a long happy and good life Glen Chapman some time ago underwent treatment for appen dicitis and was discharged hut complications set in which made it necessary to go into the Hospital again He- is now home woodman spare that tree I wont I need it to keep my Missis and Babes warm The wood arc in the midst of the all- important duty of the day Wood is getting lamentably scarce about here Shooting matches arc super abundant about hero Most of the game comes to Baldwin and Tomlinson with rifle Lieut Bruce Rid del and Bert Owen Governor- Generals Body Guard experts with shot guns What a fund of inexplicable delight a fellow ex periences when he becomes an ex pert with firearms and can bring down his quarry at will Ij I al ways preferred shooting on the wing or on the run Thais giv- the game a chance for life Mrs Russell Morton Jerusalem is very seriously ill It is only a fortnight ago that their son Charlie Morton Aurora lost his wife leaving three little lots hind Despite the war the majori ty of folks will make Christmas a day of feasting and pleasure ac cording to my figuring the first fell On a Wednesday if chronology can he depended on that is right This Mercury period has not been very severe We may have a mild Xmas Im afraid those poor soldiers will have little enjoyment for Its no play such weather to be lugging a gun in the red hot sun Ive little news of much interest but may do some heller in my next John Dillon and- William Mr MRamsay is erecting a flue now driving house and hog pen held the raising on Monday quite a large number being present Mrs J Lundy of Newmar ket spent Tuesday at Mrs Crones Miss Ethel Hair is spending a week in city Mr Wm Kiteley Intends doing extensive improvements to his house and had a gravel bee on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Ross Evans gave a largo parly to a number of their friends oil Wednesday Court Magistrate Kenton held Court here on Saturday afternoon he handed out a deoislon in the disorderly case of and costs James Bowman was in rouble last Monday night dver some money matters but he made good and was allowed to Sharon Public School intend holding a Concert in the Hall on or about and by the way the children are training it pro mises to he a great success Dont forget the date and come arid encourage the children Mr Johns of Toronto spent Sunday as usual in the old town Looks as if wedding bells would soon ring as well as Christmas Hells few Mi Doyle our General Mer chant is shipping lots of farm products this week Well dressed ducks a specialty Mr is hack on weeks holiday The Mrs John Gibbons On Saturday Dec there passed away at Gilford one of the oldest pioneers of the Township in the person of Mrs John Gibbons Mrs Gibbons who was in her ninetythird year was born in Mayo County Ireland and with her parents Mr and Mrs John a pensioner of the Battle of Waterloo came to West about the year In she married Mr John Gibbons and they set tled on the farm on which she died her husband having pre deceased nine years ago Their family of three sons and six daughters are all living John on the homestead where she died Thomas Mrs Wm Walker and Mrs Thus Thorpe of this township James of Mrs P of British Columbia Mrs P J Bonner Mrs Gill and Miss Bridget of Spokane Wash Besides children she leaves to mourn Iter loss one sister Mrs M Dillon Gilford Ihrrlyninc grandchild ren and twentyfour greatgrand children Mrs Gibbons was a One type of the old Irish people largo- hearted No one over wanted while she could help in any way Tho first in sickness and need and always glad to help a neigh bor she was also first at a so cial gathering up to the last and able even last Christmas at the family gathering to sing of her old Irish songs and a few of an Irish In religion she was a staunch Roman Catholic never missing Mr J spent a days last week in Toronto Mr T has finished bis new cistern Mr Willie Stephens of Sutton was a guest at Mr Win Tansleys on Sunday Messrs M Waters and Kowon of Newmarket were hunt ing in Ibis vicinity last Monday Mr and Mrs have returned to Stouffville Dont forget Hope Concert and Supper on the 23rd Anyone wishing to put presents on the Christmas Tree are welcome to do so There is to be a concert in the School House on the line on Dec in the afternoon Messrs Scott and W Tans- ley were collecting food and cloth ing in lhisieinily for the poor of Toronto I wonder if everybody got the sand out of their eyes after the big wind storm on Tuesday Dont forget the Concert in the Town Hall on Dec If you do youll miss a treat Mrs Frank Wilson and litle daughter Ruth of Man are visiting with her parents Mr ami Mrs John Miss Emma Terry returned home from Toronto last veek to nurse her mother who we aro sorry to report is under the Doctors care Mrs Wm Tbeakston is also un der the doctors care Also Mr West Mr Harvey Ramsey is visiting at Miss Evelyn has returned to the city after spending a weal at her here Miss Watson was in the on Friday last Messrs and Hall at tended a dance at Mr M Wades on the Con on Wednesday night Mr John Tate and Son have started a wood yard and are now- ready to deliver wood on shortest notice Our Mayor is talking of run ning another term He deserves it Mr Wm Kelly had a gravel bee last week He intends to remo del bis house next Spring Last Council Meeting of the year on Tuesday Did you pa your taxes Mr Frank Ausman is talking of running for Councilman Knox Church- The services at Knox Church on Sunday morning and evening were well attended and Rev P Thomas of Newmarket preached two excellent sermons music by Choir ably as sisted by Mr R Wis line The male quartette by Messrs Thorpe Stuart McDon ald Donald McDonald and McDonald was well rendered A Success Concert in the Town Hall on Monday evening by the ladies was enthusiastic In spite of blizzard blowing outside The play was an Old Time Ladies Aid Meeting put on by amateurs and was well played in every part The boys also put on an interesting dialogue A numv her of choice musical selections were given Sutton Orchestra furnished music Anniversary The Anniversary services of the Sutton Methodist Church will take place on Sunday Dec at am and pm Rev Mad den is arranging for an outside speaker and the Choir are prac tising on special music On the following Friday night Jan 1st i9Hj the annual Concert will ike place in the Town Hall Ryders Orchestra of Toronto will play in addition to other choice lalent See posters for full par ticulars OiiK Manage Use TjSe Mail For Banking You need not make a trip to town to cwh a cheoue ft deposit or money mails Instead You will find our system of Banking By Mall a safe and way of transacting all your banking business Deposits and withdrawn by mall delay or trouble Call or Manager tor iuh in regard to I Call or vrlto lh3 Manager for full Information In regard Banking By Mall V MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY Manager You Bought that Present Yot our Liner of Goods for Men and Ladles a Suggestion a To and a Dozen Colters or a of Holeproof A Beautiful Lino of to from GIVE A CALL OUTFITTER Issuer of Marriage Licences SUTTON tree The Methodist are arrang ing for their Tree and Entertainment on Monday veiling Dec the Church A Christmas Tree will for anyone to put their presents on but the will go to the Belgians COAOT When day broke on morning a squadron of German era began the bombardment The City Council at Us last meet- portent to Hartlepool mouth of the Tees Whitby southward and Scarborough as a pleasure resort Hartlepool suffered most two battle cruisers and an armored cruiser were and at Ibis Another Tree St James have arranged to hold their Tree In St James Hall on Dec 22nd The entertainment will include the Childrens Play Red Riding Hood The admission has been fixed at 25c for adults and two children for Buy HIM a Silk Muffler For Hell like the has kind Ing endorsed suggestion of the Hoard of Education for the of a Farm and for the care the feebleminded who received se vere injuries in a at a chris tening two weeks ago last Saturday place the died at the Hospital on Monday and War Office fixes his four Austffan assailants are now of at with murder soldiers and civilians Ifee A woman named Mary Wells was at soldiers and 50 guilty of a bttftOb of the liquoi f a0t At Scarborough where a battle day and fined or three moot lis and in default Guess she casualties are report- will be favorable to local option alter at lwo vm this term It Is stated that the appointment i fe of as population were left deii torGeneral of Canadian forces for without the east largely increase the at breakfast or at work Is importance of Toronto as a military the casualties total post General will make To- to estimates whom c000 HOLLAND LANDING Mrs was called away to Toronto on account of Mrs Edward Johns illness nee Miss Owens of Holland Landing The Methodist Sunday School are having their Tree and Entertainment in Lloyds Hall on Monday evening the A good program has been provided consisting of songs music re citations concluding with a farce Popping the Question Everybody come and have a good time Mr of Toronto is visiting Mr Frank Stephenson Miss Munro of Toronto is vis iting her sister Mrs C Mrs who has been ill the past two weeks we are pleased to say is some bel ter Horn On Monday Dec to Mr- and Mrs P a daughter I that he on band at all times Root Cuttera Straw Cut ters Gasoline all and different makes at all International no better made For a Cook Stove fee Supreme Is the beat made all and band Just phono ma and talk the matter oyer H MOUNT Personal Mr and Mrs Jns Brown from he West are visiting al the home of his uncle Mr A Mr Kaiser of Newmarket was home over Sunday Mr Miller McDonald was in Newmarket last Friday Mrs Jas and child of Lindsay spent Ihe past week vis iting her sister Mrs Rut land Mr Thorndyke of Oak- wood spent over Sunday with his sister Mrs Mr J A Lake was in Toronto last Friday Mr and Mrs Wall and child Weston spent over Sunday the guest of Mr and Mrs A E Pugs- ley Mr Frank who is at tending jury at Toronto spent over Sunday with his family here Mr and Mrs Buffalo are visiting his father here Messrs Jas and Bert Brooks attended a meeting of Trolley Hockey League at New market last Thursday See those beautiful pleated front shirts at Smalleys They would be alright for a pre sent Sutton Council met on Tuesday and completed the years business They are all in the field for re election A new bunch of hooks were added to the Sutton Public Library this week They are now ready for distribution ia headquarters in Sutton for Santa Glaus You can see him in the window if you Hint way had a shoot ing match on the river last Fri day Dr Noble did the best shooting and brought home six chickens Tho stores will all he open night from now until thus giving everyone a chance I buy Four million the largest single ever sent from this Country were loaded on the steamer Anglian which sails early for London The eggs came from houses In Chicago and are valued at Washington Dec Voluntiry internment today of the German converted cruiser Cormorant and her officers and into at Guam American Pacific Ooen Insular pos session brought what promisee to be troublesome questions involving the observance American neutrality in this ease- to a prompt and final fc ronto his headquarters and the mili tary centre of the Dominion Premier Hearst this week that the tax on motor cars wilt be raised A dental clinic w opened on Tues day in the military camp stationary hospital The teeth of every man in camp will b attended to For practising medicine without a Mrs Elizabeth Lumb of was fined and Notwithstanding tne chatter about hard times and want of employ ment the theatres and other plea sure reports appear to be well pat ronized Life Is vared in the City While thousands have feasts of plea sure there are other thousands who are daily for the necessaries to keep soul and body together The authorities keep on weeding out On Friday last a former official of the City Works Department named Dr Kohlman a German was removed to the detention camp at Stanley Barracks on strong suspi cion of playing a spy Nearly members of the team ing corps of the University of took part In a sham battle in High Park on Saturday Considerable preparations are being made to entertain the soldiers at Exhibition Camp on Day Government will al low for each man for the pur- chaw of extras The A will provide plum puddings fruit etc and the Brotherhood of St Andrews will present each soldier with a khaki colored silk handker chief Hon Stewart Minister Pub lic Works in the Provincial Govern ment of Aloeita was in Toronto last week and made the public statement the war has certainly not done agriculture any harm to Al berta Grain prices have advanced The soldiers in camp are cor respondents The camp sale of postage stamps reaches per day As most of the stamps are of denomination this sum indi cates letters a day A fire broke out in the Wilton Court Apartments on and damage done to the extent of Last Friday night Geo was struck by an unknown assHlant knocked down of in mon ey and his and left uncon scious on the sidewalk 2160 Jewish children attended the Festival at the University Avenue Synagogue on Sunday This Is the time in Toronto that all the Jewish institutions have com bined to hold this festival Rev J rector Grace Church chaplain of the Gover norGenerals Body Guards ft going to the front with the second Street one of the greatest civic works the City ha ever will be under- way by early In February A contribution of 136 baa made tbe Masonic Fraternity of to 31 are known to he dead The cruis ers came in a fog and escaped is a ooo If Premier Hearst proposes making changes in his Cabinet before Christinas as was inti mated in the daily press suppos ed to be inspired he will require to bestir himself The story about ihe Speakership going I the P for North York is all wind but it may possibly he handed to Mr Howard Fergu son of who as the Renfrew Mercury remarks very much wants something The member for Renfrew and also Mr of Sudbury are spoken of as possible successors In AttorneyGeneral like wise Preston of Place is said to be an aspirant tor a Cabinet position but his chances are noni- too high at present Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA USE for scrubbing For Pots and Pans Made in And for service at Jer sey FarmBerkahlro and Shropshire Rams Barret Rocks and WWW Orpington Cockerels J Sons QuMDSvilla EAT Had ami grow cranky Purity or Five Hoses lit exchange- Shorts Chop and Grain for ALLKN Albert- Flour- Id at archives or A v as li will bo to a Direct Dried How I How Old New Hew Finn ftlso Our Phi i TORONTO i

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