Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1914, p. 5

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I it fa I Rob ioooo to Loan on good curlty pronk Duncan W AUCTIONEER AND COL a mm alberta -II- West Toe Spring wan with plenty and moisture In from the Wilkinson dentist Gr TePPyj ln and neat Howard 1 want t or SU or Office the King MAIN ST NEWMARKET Cane OFFICENEW ROYAL BLOCK Main Street I Jour to am a to 4 pm to pm Telephone M3 or J Boyd IB Graduate In Medicine University also Licentiate the Royal College Physicians and mem ber of the College ol Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant In Eye Hospital and Uni versity Collet Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone PAINTER AND PAPER Ave from Queen Street Newmarket 6 or tne Church very successful Bazaar Talent and tea on Friday and evening of last week This of the Christmas Service Wie Methodist i Sunday School next Sunday afternoon at sharp It will consist of music recitations and other spe- to the Municipal the Dec is day or posting up the annual statement o receipts and expenditures with assets and liabilities Town ships Towns and Incorporated Vil- Newmarket High will close toay by authority of the Chairman in to allow- tlo teachers daytf from date of planting to examine papers and have P through the ready when school opens ground We- had good growing weather all ttirough The harvest us was one oi plenty Op youcould see vast liclds of golden grain Look over the garden arid you would see a variety of vegettf lea equal In Eastern gardens There Is tmreonundred and and friends the Church on Chestnut fttrieeV- rate weddipg of A Bah the and Mrs Rill last week They gold set by their and with a purse of gold from Over one are to- il few the aud J- f 1 Money to Burn the Motrbpolllan Agree- incut adopted by the Town of Newmarket In Juno Ihb would this in the lighting of the streets and citizens tho seasons that sent would havo saved a moat have wild fruit lJilfl is no j stand the test with from actual statistics cxt Uuiin countHes The IruitMs very large Very little Mayor Pearson A Report between cultivated fruits anil our wild fruit I The singing next Sunday evening will be led by a Choir of voices under direction of Mr and are promised Christmas music will bo ren dered by the choir a week from Sun day Sumo people In favor of the li quor Interests are circulating the report that taxes are higher- In Newmarket on account of Option are he- three Here we the No hard wheat in our irnniiit and hundred bushels in tho elevators We havga a good demand for the western grains the figures for prices arc as follows No Industrial Farm Their report No House 1009 Bolton Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House RBSlDENCBCoriWE Niagara and street Newmarket WATCHMAKER AND Removed to Park Ave Opposite Methodist Church- Only a Blind proposed by the Town Council to install Hydro power in is only a blind Town of Weston which is smaller than Newmarket owned their own electric light plant and voted to put In Hydro They have already spent and work is not yet com pleted The estimate given by tic Hydro people of old Council for Power Houfc and equipment was taxes light water 917088 929082 950049 property taxes 10413 light water 33040 1 181 NKWMARKBT Teacher Piano Voice and Violin Dealer in all kinds and Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia and Records Complete S Prompt Issuer ol the Era Newmarket Office Private Papers Issued at prlvaUs If la At oclock next Wednesday after noon the poor children Town will ho given a treat in the Town Hail They will he given a bun feed af ter which Santa will distribute the presents from the trees to all tho whose names were sent in and the Commit tee find are entitled to participate In tbe Fund rfccd by the ladies Hotel taxes water I revenue Tho total municipal from the hotels in was to which add the receipts from licenses hotels and shop 90 we have a total of total from the three in is being a loss of or less than per head of the popula tion and which is less than on the assessment How much of your taxes will you save if you vole for license You will also please note increase in the taxes of the Royal Hotel property The barns which were of nominal value been replaced with houses as a result of Local Op- lion LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes in Stock and made to Order GEO Head tho Ado We would ask our readers to praise the ads in Paper and patronize the business people who have tho en terprise to invite you to shop at their stores The men who advertise can generally do better for you than those never advertise In Christmas The Canadian Association calls attention to the danger at this season the year in the use of Christmas greens harvest specimens and other ma terials sucn as draperies scenery cot ton to represent snow and the like especially in connection with electric and other lighting systems In ad dition the danger to property from displays referred to the danger to life in crowded stores or places of meeting by reason a panic oc casioned by fire even though it be small and easily controlled is so great that the Underwrites who have made a study of such hazards would fail in their duty should they not give this warning DR EVAN LEWIS Graduate Chiropractor and Ostoopoth Massage Swedish Movements Violet Hays High Frequency Electricity Electrical Treatment Specially SPECIALIST IN and Nervous Condi tions Spinal Diseases Heights Disease Lum bago Sciatica and Diseases of Women Etc Cases Specially Invited CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT visited Monday Wednesday and Friday of each week Address Box 301 Aurora OfficeCor Maplo Spruce Phone No INSURANCE TOWN AND SALE Jt mo know your wants O P MORTON Ave Box 373 Newmarket Exams in Music The names of following can from this section appear ed in the morning papers last Saturday having been successful at recent Toronto University Exams in Music Junior TheoryMiss Vera Smith First Year PianoMiss Richardson headed Class honor list Miss Flossie Moore and Miss Beatrice Proctor both ob tained Class honors Second Year Piano Mr and Miss The above were all pupils Mrs f Ei there were no failures This is a mat- lei for great congratulation to both pupils While working on the big water- tank of the Ontario National Brick of at noon Sat urday four young laborers were dish ed to death when a scaffolding throwing them to the frozen ground feet below The fifth succeeded in aping a rope as the collapse occurred and succeed ing to sliding down it safely At the time of the accident Die five men were working on the Hid well alone escaped All of the men under 27 years of age A Turk commonly known as residing at Port was in stantly killed when a motor oar be was driving turned turtle on the road near on Mon day night The unfortunate fellow had only purchased the car a few days before Pretty Thick Soft Fluffy and No Dandruff Use Parisian If your hair is losing its natural color coming out and splitting or lacks that enviable softness gloss and beauty do not despair pretty hair Is largely a matter of care If It is too thin make it grow If it is harsh and brittle soften it lubricate it If you have dandruff it because scalp Is too dry and flakes oft Freshen up the scalp with Parisian Sage all dandruff disappears falling hair and itching head cease your hair is doubly beautiful Parisian Sage sold by W J and at all drug counters is just what you need a large bottle costs but cents It surely makes the hair lustrous and seem twice as abundant You cannot bo disappoint ed Parisian Sage per No JC per hush Oats per bush Flax per bush and Potatoes per bush pork We have some good advantage in fids country The falls open un til late at present the mild weather be hard to is razing out and arc with anyone for eyes to 1 There arc hundreds of cattle and ihprBes that arc never Inside a stable from one year to another There arc good opportunities for all who want land to start a home for themselves not for families alone but for the young man who cares to own pro perty People have and can start put here with small capital There is a bright future ahead for those who will venture and for those who have made the west what is today We have scattered on our prairies the pioneers who have ventured and won I will give you some idea what the many districts are doing This is known as the district This all the Agricultural Society sent an Exhibit of grains vegetables and grasses threshed and intluesbcd to the Seed and Vegetable Show at Cal gary The exhibits were grand The competition was for the whole west This district secured second prize for all We feel we have something in this burg that Is hard to beat Ten the district was nothing than the prairie grass but today you will find it an farming district In closing I wish to say we have enjoyed reading the since coming West and it highly Find enclosed my subscription for another Homesteader York patriotic fund thing Is certainhe will the Emperor the German Em- la the feeling in Russia with regard to Kaiser says lean 0 fit Toronto who has Just returned from a trip to Norway Sweden lien mark arid Russia Mrs Osborne wife ot James Osborne Toronto has presented theCanadian Red Cross In London with an automobile The Christmas mail ever left Toronto closed Thursday evening of last week A Christmas dinner will be provided by Department for each of the men under arms In the Dominion Dr Bruce Smith and Dr Helen made an inspection the says It will hardly be possible to commodate more than 30 women at the farm i in a lit of jealous anger last Fri day night in the West End murdered Mrs Edith by to Share Prices on in Profits Ford ears from 101 to V- RUNABOUT TOWN -fr- 40 Cry FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA Dec The Ontario Pro vincial Winter Fair of opened to the public at oclock Saturday evening There is to be seen on ex hibition the very latest stock ever gathered together under one the history of the big show That not only are there more entries this year in every department with the exception of the horses but the qual ity of the stock is far superior to other years which is saying a great deal for there have been a number of great exhibitions in these build ings will next ELOCUTIONARY Miss Violet A Concert Elocutionist Graduate of the Toronto Conservatory of Expression is now open for fall and winter engagements in con- with churches lodges Kindly get in touch phone or P Ont in Thursday night Next Monday is the shortest da the year Only seven more das till Christ mas The Davis Tannery was shut down for two days last week for tng The Office Specialty are on initial work for the new post office in Minns Window is a great attrac tion By sending packages early marked Not to be opened until the recipients so much more time to look at the pretty Red Cress seals on tbe outside of were out on Monday lor first time this The second coat of plaster will be all on the new post this week lender or the interior fittings is not given yet This will delay the Occupying building CHRISTMAS AND MEW YEAR PARES SINGLE FAKE Deo nood for return until Deo also Deo 31 and Jan 1 valid for return until Jan FAME and ONETHIRD Deo good for return until Deo 28 Deo 30 and and Jan 1 1018 valid for return until Jan 1016 Above reduced fares apply be tween all stations in Canada oast of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron Mich Buffalo Black Hock Niagara Falls and Suspen sion Bridge Tickets now on sale at ticket offices J Depot Agent J Phone lit Agent Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot roach the diseased portion of the ear There Is only one way to cure deaf ness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing to the Eustachian Tube When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect bearing and when it is entirely closed Deaf ness is the result and unless the in flammation can be taken out and tube restored to its normal condition hearing will bo destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an In flamed condition of tbe mucous sur- aces We will give One Hundred Dollari or any case of Deafness caused by Catarrh tbat cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cir culars free J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation Winter Term opens Jan De cide now to the Famous booting nor and then turned the revolver upon himself Inflicting fatal injuries According to reports the Board Control worked a wheel within a to obtain from cor poration treasury to meet a liabil ity by a Tor demonttr Work on the TorontoHamilton highway has progressed to such an extent that the has w deeded to establish two or camps between and viiic The large number of cattle pur chaser throughout the County of York during the past two months by agents of the large meat packing plants who are paying top prices for thorn has caused a falling off in t milk supply of City The Toronto Pet Stock Show which opened at the Stock Yards West Toronto on Friday was most successful There were 21 classes In the Cattle department in addition to tho sheep lambs and In conjunction with the Stock Show the Poultry Breeders Associa tion held their fourth annual Exhibi tion is taking steps to become a Police Village The County Council will probably be asked at its next session to pass the necessary I he City Council will seek legisla tion at next seaion of the Pro vincial Parliament to validate the agreement with the Harbor Hoard also to validate civic to the Patriotic and Belgian Funds and the insurance of the from To ronto likewise to validate by law for widening Street the construction of Crawford Street bridge and to guarantee bonds by tho City of the Municipal Loan As sociation and the agreement in con nection with the proposed Toronto- Hamilton road Mr A J Young of this City is tbe new President the Reform As sociation for Ontario as successor of Hon Mackenzie King For maliciously kicking in a win dow on Street Frank Bleaker was fined or days in jail He went over the Don A new theft game was attempted last week and one man was caught in the very act of playing it He en tered a store on Queen Street east and asked the lady in charge to al low him to examine her picture post cards He stated that he was fromj the City Hall and his duty was to conflate all German postcards giv ing in return an equal number Canadian views After he left the store the proprietor missed a num ber of cards She followed him the street and caught him selling her missing- cards The man is an Aus trian chare from S40 to pop car on or about toovory retail buyer In Dominion of who purchases a now Ford car between August 1 1914 and August provided that wo sail care be tween the above dates j output will en able to obtain the maximum efficiency In our factory production and the minimum coat In our purchasing and sales departments For further particulars regarding these low prices and profitsharing plan see the nearest Ford Branch op Ford Home of The Ford Water St Newmarket It ROBERT80N AGENT si J Arriving Car Oil Cake Corn and Gluten Meal a long way to tiut Its a longer kinds way c to I and Wood Provide now I All I HIGHE8T PRICE PAID FOR GRAIN LOWEST PRICE FOR FLOUR AND GEORGE FORESTER STRICTLY CASH Phone Main and 1 Newmarket OUR PLACE BEING SMALL IS OVERCROWDED WITH I Such as Dolls Toys Fancy China that at Give- A way Prices Dont put off buying till the last days Our store was so crovded last Saturday that we could not on our cus- down YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by dealing with us Call and see for yourself GERMAN PLOT FAILS Christmas and Now Year Post Cards Six Newmarket WE BUY ALL KINDS OF HAW UHS This stands without a superior In Canada fop J ELLIOTT Prlnolpal St Toronto FOR I Now tho to jot your Photos for rush on We our Xmao and they I GOME and m them I Photographer Studio Door West of Post Office ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO Cairo Dec 3 Germany has faded in her big attempt to Influence the Egyptians to rebel against the occupation Officials here have bad anxious moments and the situation required strong and instant be cause intrigues carried on with persons of high station It is quite a mistake to suppose that attempts to promote a and Turkish campaign in were or confined to the student class The German plot failed because the invitation to return to Turkish mis rule is too absurd for the native to contemplate in country which has grown rich under British occupation and in which public works dre admit ted to have conferred untold advant ages on the community but a fanatic would con sider for a moment the question of rebellion against a rule which has proved such a blessing the The effort to stir up strife was made with deliberation by German agents who attempted to inflame the Mo hammedan mind by suggesting that the German aim was to secure that tho world be ruled by two potentates Mohammedan in the half under the Sultan the Christian people to own allegiance to the Emperor William They went bo far as to show a photo graph of Mohammed William with a fez on his head plot no serious headway among th natives although it undoubtedly In fluenced some persons of high decree who should have qet a better ex ample Reconnaissances have failed to dis cover any hostile bodies in vi cinity of the Canal The Arab reported near evidently have retired

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