Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1914, p. 7

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vv v if AT AS XmA8 CHIN HIGH OUT Our Is Very and Comprises Many as well as and Priced to tho Times Out Qiaos Berry Bowl for A Fine English China Tea p 10003 for An Extra Good Quality plooos for Boot Quality of Brass In our Lamps at and an Almost Variety of Fancy and Plooos of In Price from to Our Display of Out Qiaos will bo In Our Window Until Sat urday Night QOOD8 Wo a Vory Pino 8olootlon Ask to 8oo It A of China Hall Grocery New Fruits Have Arrived FIRST California Prunes 10 12 1Go- Dried Dried Hoots fo Figs both Layer Cooking New Valencia Raisins 10o lb Valonola Raisins lb down Lemon Orange and Citron Pool Hew Raspberry and Strawberry Jams lb Jar Codfish 21b Finnan Haddlo of always and fresh a lino of Hams weighing from to lb at 18o taking a wholo ham Our Is still for the best brand Old Now the mooting on bo hold J borne of Mra Queen St Newmarket A full attenda la requested ie Wo are requested to that on those children will pro vided for by tho Santa J- una whoso names given in at Patterson Drug Store Al ready names have In and the Committee Investigating the heed in each ehlld to receive a present will bo given a tipkol for Entertainment in the on the rrr Telephone Directories Following Is a list of cohnoc the new Direc tories were requested to out this out and paste it on the outside enver of Iholr copies for Hamilton Bros flouernl Merchants Man Mrs I Prospect Av Implement Agent Main A Piano Tuner Music Teacher Haglan Womens Home I Foreign Missionary Society of Church Thursday photograph a powerful electric vestry and other apparatus twhiph enabled take photosat night pr in at any time Gail at and leave your shadow for re Studio will be open and Saturday A is The Leading flpocep Phono Qulok OF Having removed all the stock from Now York House to The Market Bargain House and as we are with we will soil them off at a Big We guarantee to satisfy you with both prloo and quality of the goods As times are hard anyone needing a supply of Gent Ladles and Childrens Clothing Boots and Rubbers do better than Invest their monoy here Sweater Coats Reg fo Mens Ladles and Childrens Boots and Rubbers at per cent cheaper than Regular Prices J Newmarket Three Doors South of King George Hotel Phone 232 Winter Session Opens January In all Departments of the CEN TRAL COL LEGE and Streets Toronto Our Catalogue explains our su periority In Equipment Staff and Result You are Invited to write for It If interested In the kind of school work brings best Ad dress SHAW NOTICE Council iown Engineer Electric satisfied that be bad the proper cations but the Hy dro Commission stepped ap pointed a mnri at Aurora Owing to move are put to extra expense Jammed nights and nights by an v Brought to Newmarket of Mrs Fox were brought to Newinarket on Wed nesday and service was held at the residence other John Park While a heavy pros machine at Office Spe cialty Works last Tuesday Wm Brown had two his left hand so badly jammed that they Had to be amputated at the first Joint hand Mission Bazaar The annual of the Methodist Mssion Circle took place In on Wednesday afternoon and iiig and was an unbounded suc cess the proceeds amounting over The young ladies with assistance of Mrs Manning and Airs IS Cane went to a lot of trouble in decorating Candy Booth Apron Booth two Miscellaneous Booths the Home Making and Tea but revel that they were well re warded by extend ed A Now Idea Instead of the annual Christ mas Entertainment Method ist Sunday is making a great departure this year A week from Sunday 20th the oil school session will ho tak en up with presenting White for the King being a spe cially prepared program in which the several classes will make of ferings for one of four objects Sick Childrens Hospital Bel gian Relief Fund Sanatorium or Fred Victor Mission Tho idea is for the children to give in stead of receive formerly News Newmarket If A interme diates will ho by Doyle while will look after the Juniors colors will be grey and Bradford bas entered an inter mediate team the Willi Jan Webb President and Stewart SecretaryTreasurer Poultry very points- to a good Poultry Show here next week Friday and Saturday lo0on Friday afternoon child ren will ho admitted for Those exhibiting dressed poul try will be allowed to remove the name in tu sell it ou the Market Saturday morning Your We are giving a premium with every cash register check You might he the lucky one lJinns Hardware I Hilts Skates File Prepared to grind and Sharpen all of tools Fire fArc St Newmarket SALE Firstclass farm Arthur J I bushel at ihc Knights A SOW Strayed from Lot Con East Information loading to recovery will be rewarded John Hodge- Fine lecture on German Naval Power on Monday evening last in the Methodist Church was a treat lb those who heard and from the point of attendance was also a great success Mr Jack son who is a graduate of Cam bridge University and an author ity on modern history dealt with his subject in a very interesting and pleasing manner He pointed out how the Prussians had spe cialized in war and that while the other parts of Germany were producing men who were leaders in thought in science and in art the Prussians had become war riors hod impressed their ideals with the South Germans and on other parts of the Empire ft was they who had made the whole effective in war The creation of their navy had made possible through- Imperial Navy League and its campaign of education which had been carried on during the past generation It had been made necessary by the industrial development following which had increased the popula tion from millions to mil lions and had at the same tim decreased the amount of food stuffs produced within the Em pire This had grown so that re cently the had to import over 000000 of food to feed the industrial centres The navy had been created to protect tin and their other forms of com merce The lectOr led his audience through the history of this de velopment of the German and English navies through the changes types of ships which had been created and showed how the rivalry in shipbuilding hud hen confined to these two nation- Germany only hud challenged the supremacy of England on the seas and her naval develop ment England had been compell ed under Lord Fisher to remade the Admiralty and to rebuild navy lie gave a most comprehensible picture the present strength of the British navy as compared with that of Germany and of- the life of the sailors who are pro tecting the life and commerce of the Empire Dr Wesley acted as chairman At the close a vote of thanks was moved by Addison and was seconded by Mr The second of lectures he given in the middle of January and the bird about the middle of February lecturers will he Prof Wrong and Mr Williams The offering which was a lib eral one was in aid of the Bel gian It was taken up by a detachment of the Boy Scouts who also acted as ushers Tiny were in full uniform For for A good strong Delivery Sleigh Dan ford Go Pauls Church The A intend holding their Talent Sale on Jan Keep the date open The scholars of St Pauls Sun day School will meet in the School on Saturday after noon at 2 oclock and on Mon day night Dec at seven o clock for practice of the can I it which they preparing At the regular meeting for were elected its fol lows p J Fox V Mrs Prelate Mrs J Stark Rep and Trees Ai Richardson Mrs A Richardson MarshallMrs Peltry Warden Chandler Guard Mrs A Sentry ID Draper Trustee J Organist Mrs A Trent After the regular business a social game added much to the enjoyment of all Next meeting January for installation ol Every member come out Com Mr I Hoses men are pul ing the finishing touches on Mr Allan Howards new house He expects to move in before the new year The Young People of the Friends Church arc arranging for a lecture on the War during the first week in January All the glass is the hew Post Oflice People will be glad to the shack removed from the corner Mr A Smith Is erecting a new cottage on St Mr is having a hardwood floor put down in his store Rev Thomas will exchange pulpits with Rev I A Sutton next Sunday to preach the anniversary sermons at Sutton Red Cross Dont forget the Knitting Tea to be held in the Methodist Church Schoolroom on Tues day next from to oclock Take your knftihg Sewing will he provided for those who do not knit The Red Cross Society wish to thank Hie Ladies Aid of the Christian Church at for the contribution of dozen Flannel Shirts to he sent to the men at the front Two parcels were sent to the Head Office week consisting of socks wristlets scarves handker chiefs and doz pillow cases A meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held in the Coun cil Chambers on Wednesday next at 3 oclock Anglican Dramatic 8ool6ty Our Boys a to rendered by home talent on Jan 1st in the Town Hall was written by the late J Byron especially to give scope for the mrnvcllous powers of a Mr James It had a most wonder ful run For nearly a year in London the theatre was crowded every night It had similar suc cesses in the provinces in the United States and the overseas Dominions It Is still everywhere received with pleasure and ap plause Its main idea is how- parents can manage system the of their growing hoys In this- case the systems their fathers were complete fail ures The play has many funny situations and the vulgarity of the retired butter- man Mr Middlewick Is at times most amusing All the characters their amusing and effective turns The play as time has proved the produc tion of a genius It is being re hearsed and prepared steadily and nothing will he omitted to make It as perfect in as possible tery Deceased was daughter of Godfrey Fox She in poor health for years and dlrd at the home of her fritter Mrs Bell Fort William where she went a couple of months ago to try the effect of change of climate The service was conducted by Rev II Thomas of tho Presbyterian Church of which deceased was member assisted by Rev J Hall of the Christian Church The pall bearers were Messrs Everett Haines and Friends and relatives in attendance from a distance Mr Hell Mr Frank Fox and Miss Mary Fox of Buffalo Mr Fox Mr Fred Fox Miss E Fox and Mrs McTripp of Toronto Mr arid Mrs of Sutton and Mr and Mrs Johnston of On account of the distance the other brothers and sisters were unable to get here on time SprayJ from following accom panied from Fort William Mr and Mrs Hell Mr and Mrs Thompson Mr and Mrs Smith Mr and Mrs Snider to which were added here Wreath from nephews and pillow from brothers and sisters and sprays from Miss R Everest and Haines Bros Town Mr and Mrs Warren and Mm F Brandon of Toronto Guaranteed Only at S High 8ohool Commencement Great intercut was manifested in connection with the High School Commencement Thurs day evening of last wek the re sult being that the Town Hall was packed to overflowing and many turned away from the door while crowds stood throught the entire performance which lasted until oclock The program was well ar ranged and the order was excel lent Even yells were done in such a manner to cause no hut al lowed the jubilance of the stu- to escape at the proper time The- national songs of the Al lies demonstration Hags the catchy original chorus to a familiar air and the Tenting Song were all captivating and reflected great credit upon the pianist and direcloress Mrs J At one time there were on the platform all drdsscd in uniform The addresses were of a high order The chairman Mr J McKay spoke of the value of a High School education not only to the pupils but among those with whom they associate Dr Firth complimented the school on the high standing ob tained in the recent Departmental Exams and presented Joy who won the prize essay on Peace in competition with Aurora and Richmond Hill High Schools willi the prize of the gift of a Friend This is the year that the prize has been won by a- Newmarket scholar and this year there were about a do- A very clever Valedictory Ad- dress was given by Miss Pearson a copy which appears in this issue of the Era Mr presented the S J Scholarship to Miss Mary Sheppard and in doing so referred to the time when this lady was the only scholar for one whole wek at Newmarket Gram mar School when it was first opened in The Scholarship is the gift of her son Mr A in gold for Profici ency in English and History in the Middle School Newmarket school has grown from one teacher to a staff of seven The Carter Scholarship was won by Bertha Robinson being for Proficiency in Up per School work To Mr P Pearson was assigned the duty of making this presentation and he took occasion to refer to the value of associations in schol life and the help and inspiration he received at this institution Previous to distributing the Diplomas won by the students Rev Father Wedlock delivered an interesting address on Psychol ogy The literary part was sand- witched with acts of a comedy entitled My Cousin be ing the experiences of a girls boarding school which was pro duced with strong effect very cpmplimentary to the lady teach ers who had lifis part in training Although the charge of admis sion was very low the proceeds amounted to A full car load of people came down on the Metropolitan from far north as Keswick At a meeting of the students on Friday it was unanimously de cided to appropriate to the Belgian Relief Fund There are students in at tendance at the school- this month Following is a of those who were successful at the recent Departmental Exams ami for this large number much cred it is due the energetic and popu lar Principal Mr Merritt Iff THE FACT THAT THEY ARE NOT PROOF THAT 8HOE8 ARE BEING MADE RIGHT The Supply of Leather la decreasing as fast as the demand la Increasing with tho result that Leather of any kind but particularly flood Leather has become very high priced As a matter of course Shoes now cost more to make but the price you pay only represents a fair value of the finest ever made in Canada I i It I A as an honest term applies to because the makers have faith In the attitude of Canadians toward good footwear and they feel warranted In maintaining tho quality of with prices as a secondary consideration it no OBTAINABLE AT The Men 8t Voot AiAiaALaAitacti Lower Normal Entranoo J Smith J M Stark Hewitt IP Stephens A MoKcnzie P Monkman J Mjfrritt par Cane par Normal Entrance Morning Olive Muir Mabel Skinner Penrose WSmith Joy Professor Stark Marion Sheppard J Teasdale Mabel Weir P VanNostrand Oldham Upper School Entrance J Part Edna Part I Parti Janet Part Annie King Part Mary Morton Part I Bertha Robinson Hon Honor Matriculation C P Mathematics Jean Campbell Mathematics If Lloyd Mathematics I I Pearson Latin III French III German c It Pratt In addition to those receiving Departmental Teachers or Ma triculation Certificates the fol lowing are entitled to Diplomas Two Years Commercial Course Bertie Cecil Lennox Flossie McArthur Earl Walter Tate Ray- Wait Ida West and Williamson Junior Diploma J vH- V You Can Make This Picture a Reality by Sending Home or Sending Your Friends a and COLUMBIA RECORDS Any one of dealers below will gladly demonstrate any Grafonola from the one at its a real Columbia to the many other models ranging in price to A small initial payment places any Columbia your home and on Christmas morning if you wish Balance can be paid at your con venience after the holidays There is a full thousand 85c Columbia DoubleDisc Records in the Columbia Catalogue YOU CAN GET COLUMBIA AND RECORDS FROM Stouffer F Ostley Newmarket Columbia Records are Made in Canada tat i l i

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