Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Nov 1914, p. 6

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an vl I Missionary of Methodist holding their annual bQzoor at Miss Looks Store on Tuesday Deo let A good Including hot coffee will ho served from 11 am pm and of useful articles homemade eld will ho on sale Part of Edith- Draper of Manitoba visiting Mr and Mrs Mrs Lloyd visiting with arson MrVD Coop er Goodwin is atteiiduitf County this week Miss Mao Lennox drTordiitowjrbearHngOh friends oil and Mrs Pollard Toronto were visiting attha of Mr and Mrs AnnanaVa few days Week I Mrs a weeks at the homo of her daughter In Toronto Mabel Kighllby ft hoine for a few days on a visit Miss Myrtle Hear spoilt tow days at her home in town Miss I Keek spent a few days with friends in Toronto- it i who was visiting his father for a few days returned last week service on Sunday night was conducted by Prof J The recent heavy frosts have frozen pond so lhatlho ice is in good condition and the young folks are having tig enjoyable lime Mr Harry young man who has been running a fox ranch- the village for a few years la required to report twice a month This seems rather severe as Harry has al ways been a quiet peaceful citi zen A hooting match for pi geons and blue rocks will on Saturday in Town The League had aji Interesting programme on Mon day night a debate by some of the youna members being a feature A new consignment of book lias been received for the pub lic library and are about ready for distribution The old stove in the repriced by a new one also new pipes and is now quite safe temperature was zero on Monday morning father chilly for November Difficulty is experienced in raising the rent for the market building market It is still done by unpopular subscription 4 v Oh well perhaps it will bo a mild winter Thats the only com fort of the chap who wanted too much of his summers wages to buy overcoat Dales crowd was not largo as usual The of- are gelling up an entertainment for Sunday School A good pro- gram is being prepared so forget the dale Friday Deo The snow as if it intended to stay but hardly enough yet to goodSleiffhiig Sorry 16 hoar Mrs pards mother is very well ill present Wo hope slur will soon he better Sale Register Wednesday Mr Isaac Fisher will hold an extensive Auc tion Kale at lot Con G Whit church at oclock months credit J Headman Auctioneer Had Bread and grow SATURDAY Nov Michael Cain will have a sale of Household Furniture etc on Franklin St Newmarket cast of Mr John residence Terms cash Sale at oclock 1 I THURSDAYj Dec Mr Donald Cameron will have a large un reserved sale of stuck implements furniture etc on lot ft Con 3 11 months credit or per cent for cash Sale at one J Auct THUIISUAY Dec Win Hod- gins will have a sale of young cattle filly and on lot 3 in Jrd North mile from Peters Crossing credit or ppccent for cash Salp one Auctioneer tZl fiATURDAY Nov las and will a sale of Cattle on Lot St South Aurora Wells farm mos cent oft for cash Read man Auct Mrs Harry Miss Mary Stewart of Toronto spent week with nor sister Mrs Frank of and Mrs A Henry of Union St Ihe Ladies Aid of intend holding a Bazaar and Talent in Hie corner store on Tuesday Many choice at a low price will be for sale will also ho a sale of bak ing of all kinds and homemad candy There will be lunch served throughout the afternoon and evening forget the date Deo Everybody The Aitf of the Church met for work hi the Hall on Monday morning a good atlondailce and liny will meet again on Thursday- Dec in the tor noon The Hoys Organ ized Classes the Presbyterian Church held a most successful Banquet in the Hall oh Monday The members of Hie Classes look charge of the pro ceedings which consisted of a social hour refreshments and an excellent program which was heartily appreciated by Hie lar re audience present The Presbyterian Sunday School is preparing for their Christmas Trow on Dee Next Sunday morning Service will be conducted in the Metho dist Church by Mr fl of Iminlo Supl of Homo Mr will preach ill in the at oclock The Young Ladies Bible Class he Church met at the home of Mr Smith oil Friday for Hie purpose of sewing or life poor children of Toronto The Class will hold their Christmas Bazaar on Tuesday in Mr Laws store The pro ceeds be used to aid the poor Owing to the Anniversary Ser vices of the at the have withdrawn their Sunday night service and will hold a So cial on Monday night in the base ment of the church A reporl of the District League Convention will be givon Stephen Draper -VLarpjr- The League la progressing is increasing each AreOoplion service for about twenty Is- Co be held next Wednesday- night members urged lo these people reception pec 2nd Christian its -rela- lion to character and seiv Header rtpoakor-Rov- A Special Music Ahniversaiyof Hie is to bo hold on Sun day next Partridge of the District will preach In jng oclock and in at IM Mr Partridge was a formor Pastor of the and very popular as well Wo look for a good crowd at both services A ThatjkOffering is lo bo taken on Sunday instead of an and Supper Monday as formerly Mr Hopkins is busy at his on line days Miss Nellie Smith of ville spent Sunday with her friend- Miss Kva MrC7j08W bus into Ills new house The Christian Church are talk ing of remodelling their Church next summer SUTTON Pergonal Mr 1 IS spent and Sunday at home Mr Herbert of Princeton has been visiting his Mr Tremayne Mr Troloar left on Wed nesday for Toronto where he is accepted a situation in the Aikon- licud Hardware Store Mr pent over Sunday and Monday in Canning- Ion Mr J A Cook of Toronto spent over the weekend with his family here Mr Win Abbott was in town on Monday Mr Bert Brooks represented Sutton IOOK Lodge at District Meeting in on Monday Mr was in the city over the weekend Meyers of Petehdro attended the his sister last week Messrs andW MC- Albert motored Toronto on Tho Zephyr Hunt Club their usualiri61udlng a while deer captured yain being species known ho shbliv that Mr IK Suitdu Vented Mr Jos TayIor and he carry on credit or Sale at per DONT EAT Had Dread and grow cranky Buy Purity or Five Hoses Hour Grahi taken in exchange Bran Shorts Chop and Grain for sale at Mt Chris Iree The Methodist arc working on a program for their annual Christmas Tree the evening of Dec si The proceeds are to be to Ihe Belgian Relief I See Those Sweater Coals That is selling at your own price Now is the limeio buy worth League Thu league took the form of a social evening Monday night There were over sixty present and a nice program was given con sisting of Miss Mar garet and Miss Cox He- citation by Miss Edith Morton Piano Solo by Miss Kathleen M Kay Solos by Miss and Mr A which weis followed by a A nice lime Mr a store in there Zephyr has and bought is out moving tonight is the of the grand Concert in Christian Church If you not ordered your seat from dale the have A ft Important We would consider il favor if ministers or others connected with the different churches would hand in any items of news whicn might occur on behalf of then Congregations Lot Con Township Steers 2 yrs old all dehorned with Pig ring in ears itacered one red and white Any information leading to the recovery of Steers will suitably re garded JOHN OLDHAM Baldwin P 3W42 ALBERT Announces that lie ou hand at all times Root Cutters Straw Cut ters all and different makes at all prices and International no made For a good Stove the Supreme Is the best made all sles new and second hand Just phone me and talk the matter over MOyNT Morton do it right away as there are only a left Mr Fletcher has returned ttfler a lea days absence attend ing the Christian Board of Mis sions in Dayton Ohio Messrs Morion C Purdy and- Isaac ninth annual Big Boys Work Conference in from are sine hero will the the FOR SALE And lor service at and Tarn worth titty bread- Barret Hocks and White Orpington 1 Sou It QuwuriUe P day l Monday Sunday Schools effect Prof Dales preached in the Christian Church last Sunday morning has been visiting friends in the community for the last few days Dont miss next Monday night bound be inlcrc-i- ijig and instructive Mr Ray mond Morion bus charge The Ladies Aid the Christian Church met at Mrs Tuesday afternoon Nov Al though the afternoon was quite stormy it was a great success and the older people of the church enjoyed an exceedingly so ciable time One of our young ladies has very noticeable Intercut in lately Mr A Morion was in Hot oily Wednesday on a business trip Miss Winch has returned home after an extended visit In the A The Ladies Aid of has donated Ten Dollars to Red Cross Work This is a fine work and wo hope that other societies will follow this up The Alerts odds and Ends alloys three weeks is proving a big attrac tion in and get a bargain The organization meeting of Ihe hockey team was postponed until tonight Friday at CiU Mr Fred Taylor is opening up a harness shop for the winter in Ihe same place as last winter- Hie old Kemp butcher shop i0 rian Francisco Nov Ilemliers of a crew of trying to reach the steam schooner wrecked 0j miles south of San were drowned Two or Ihe word drowned while trying to make their way through the surf with lines Two passengers swam lo safely Opt Nov yearold Rose Coleman met instant death in the kitchen of her mothers In Port Erie yesterday noon a twentytwo rifle discharg ed the bullet entering her right clieelc and brain Her seventeen-year- old brother was pulling back the ham mer of the rifle to see It was load ed when the spring caused It to slip put of his finger and the Millet struck the girt oral business The Institute- held a Concert In the Town Hail bore on in aid of tho Pa triotic Fund was largely allcndejL Proceeds A rare place at the homo of Mr A when the Spiff anniversary of thoir marriage Mr Mrs have lived greater part of their lives in this vicinity ami have gained many friends who Join in wishing them many happy reluinSyel of the Mr Meyers hauled another largo load of food-stuffs- to the Metropolitan station at Sutton on Wednesday of last weki to be llio Camp at Aurora Si A ftlileheir of relurned home on after a few days Willi friends here Mrs Pickering relurned home after spending couple of weeks with her mother in To ronto Mrs C Pickering returned home after spending a couple weeks with her mother in Toron to A Patriotic lecture will be held in the Hall here on Thursday ev ening Dec 3rd when of will illustrated lecture on Tho British Navy and recent War Scenes collection will be taken in ah of Hie Your presence will show that you cherish old British flag The home of the brides par Mr and Mrs Marshall Pickering on Thursday last was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their daughter was united in marriage to Mr P Arnold sou of Mr Ar nold Of Scott Tp The bride was unattended was prettily dressed in midnight and gold shot silk with shadow lunie and bodice Her travel ling suit was whip cord hat lo She was the of many use ful and valuable presents The happy couple left after the wed- was daintily arranged for ail extend ed trip On return will reside south of Ze phyr worth League Prayer In its relation to character and service Speaker lames Cunningham Reader Carrie Wright Our Indians end their Training for Citizenship Speaker Scott Reader 20 Luther Forerun ners Fathers of Reformation Speaker Mr Richardson Reader Marion Temperance Speaker J Smith and Max Alyward Reader Lulu Bombs in French Dummy Airship Killed Whole man Regiment Paris 23 In Upper Alsace where the trenches of both sides are by only metres a ruse caused terrible havoc in the German lines Last week dirigible appeared over the German trendies Three attacked it exploding the airship with bombs As it fell however hundreds of bombs also were dropped amid the Germans annihilating an entire regi ment Three dummy aeronauts were also hurled from the airship On Thursday Hoh- the LleutQovernorand Mrs held their first reception The large rooms were thronged rhalorltyo field service unlferra It looks as If some men In York office with string They want the placed under a mission With that end in view Mr Lennox P tor- headed deputation to the Provincial Treasurer on Friday last The express ed views favorable to the scheme Tn July last Mrs Wood of toa avenue while waiting at a street corner for a run by who was driving motorcycle and hadbottuhcr legs broken Action has now Teen entered for damages At present there are more than scout b enrolled In On Friday Sir arid an Influential deputation waited on the Premier of Ontario ask to the movement If if a THED0MIN10N i i MBLnufacluririgrshouldbedonoln prsctlcil should bo pin bank Payments bo by Cheque A of the profits pel lb Savings Account emergency fund man who In a bank Is protected against bad VMons hard in r I MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY funds are Sir John said force could easily inefjted to- Toronto e leaders been to prepare the voters lists for on early election Liberals had setter take the hint Steps at the semian nual meeting of Ontario College of Pharmacy Cornell which closed on Friday to secure the manufacture in Canada of that have teen chief ly or wholly product d in Germany Miss the not ed suffragette reached Toronto from the Old Count on Sunday Price of meats In St Lawrcnco Market last Saturday were as fol lows Shoulders of pork at 13 cents the leg cents loin of large pork cents and loin of young pork ctjits A round beef was cents brisket 12A to cents and the shank 8 cents steak was to be had for Loin o was cents and the front cents For the tenth consecutive time Capitals on Saturday the Lraue senior championship and the right to enter the junior semifinals TItevictor of Caps to over who the week leforc had defeated in the semifinals STOCK- of r l I he for For the next weeks we will have a sale slock- in order 16 make room for stock Watch space for host of bargains goods will he sold Here a it- a few lenders commence with Heavy Underwear thai were si hi for forSOe for 7 for oo and Brand for A Line of Linen at5C each and Hog Price anrt75c for Per Cent off all Winter Mills Coats Keg for fin and S3 for This Is only a of the many lines offered 8alo Commences on Saturday Nov at a in- Mi it- r l 1 GEWT8 OUTFITTERS of Marriage Licenses Issuer into effect from Sunday tho instant vacant frame dwellings on Weston Road were damaged to the extent of by fire last Friday night Tne blaze originated in the garrets of loth houses simultaneous ly and before the firemen reached the scene both roofs were destroyed Conservatives of the City pe tit Premier Borden to dismiss MajorGcneral Hughes Active militia officers and prominent citi zens arc signing the petition A chauffeur named T was I arrested Tuesday cm a charge of burglary He is alleged to have 8TRAYED Came upon the premises lot 26 Con East about on about years old Owner is to prove property eiperJ and take her away CHITTENDEN butcher shop in Wilton Ave Workman busy this week stealing six chickens one duck I A CASTO Pot Infanta tod In Um For Year Always I SHE KNEW MICKEY Mrs said ihe to the mother of a youthful patient you must do something lo rouse his interest in life must ho tempted to gel out and play Then addressing the sick hoy he said Now my little man would you not like to he in the glorious sunshine trund ling your hoop and your playmates at their mer ry games The hoy sighed as oho who is long for this world Sliure now doctor ih mother Interposed thats no way at all at all to mep boy to get well me dnrlint ye to be trowin stones Irew Flahertys- windy an lyin Miss pet cat to the train rails and watching the trains it The invalid- got up and a voice of authority demanded his trousers Beauty natures temporary gift to the fair Send Era to I ranging the seating capacity of the Legislative so as to ac commodate the four new members ad ded by the Redistribution Hill The Chamber will have this On Monday last was fined in the Police Court 5ioo tor smuggling into Ills father paid the fine The valued at was confiscated Dedicatory services wire on Siath in the Mission Church Talking about bazaars the one held by the Womens Art Association in old Kiiox College takes the cake It is stated that the final result will figure up to During the bazaar a panic was when part of the floor of the old library room in which were tables gave way in the Police Court as least they in the Police Court at least they figured largely in the days proceed ings eighteen- Celestials were fined for in an opium joint Fines ranged from to got a lesson in re gard to law observance on Monday when the Police Magistrate fined him and cots for running an un licensed wheel in his poolroom Mr Hayes Manager of the To ronto Carpet a match to lecate a gas leakage in the ex plosion that followed las face was burned and one eye injured The patriotic concert in aid of the civic service work of the Toronto Wo mens Patriotic League given Satur day evening in Foresters Hall was a treat All the artists tak ing part were well known to Toronto audiences A number of Russians and Aus- got Into a row on last Sun day night and several arrests were made One Russian is being held on a charge of wounding as Austrian with a knife The latter is at the hospital The City has ordered equipment for a citizen army of men At the annual meeting Ward Six Conservative Association in daje Assembly Hall last night Mr Price was presented by his admirers with a sliver to mark his entrance into the of the legis lators The Toronto Hoard of Trade will occupy its new quarters in the Royal Hank building by the middh December Three of atc reported wounded that went to the front with the first contingent J and James They are now In an Hospital The total amount of apples given away- to the poor- of this year aggregate between hags Also fifteen tons of cabbage have been distributed and ton beets turnip snd Never did Toronto children see any thing to equal Saturdays arrival of Santa In a fire which destroy a stable at the rear of IQ9 Elm Street six litu were burned to death on Sun day evening The Intimation is given out that s great reduction to on It lines has decided the management to oil many of the train on branch lines and new service will twelve pounds of bacon and two hams A deputation asked the County Council for a grant of to expended on uniforms for York Rangers The question is Icing con sidered For selling adulterated milk a Wexford farmer was lined and cost in the Police Court on Tues day The Military Training Association aims at enrolling one million men In Canada for home defence While there thousands of deserv ing poor in the City there many of the registered unemployed who are j simply real frauds and have the no- that the City ought to find and shelter for them On Monday j about fifty refused to go on jobs and later were found eating J In a free soup kitchen The nine Armenians live of whom were dressed in clerical garb who were found collecting money profess edly for christian Turks were re manded in the Police Court till next Monday Hon Rogers Minister of Public Works in the Dominion Gov ernment was in Toronto on Monday in connection with public works plan- AFTER THE WAR Business in Canada hum Tho demand for trainod young men and wo men for business will be keener than ever The wise are preparing now Get in to one of our schools and be ready A months will do ft It will pay you well Free catalogue Write for It BUSINESS Toronto 395 Shaw YOUR GROCER FOR I THE WHICH IS Made in Canada Ho- Pots ant Ian- after cooking operations ami notice what a pleasure will he pre pare the meal when hal all crease and burn has been so easily removed tensor bed for this City Sold all in large or- Op cans fur 10 sift Paris Nov Although I official lists of losses have published it is known that since war began the Trench casual- itics have exceeded i wounded captured and sick cents Diamond Washing Powcer For Laundry Day is also sold all flrocers in hup- Did If you are trying to keep house without Gold Dust you are not taking advantage of modern methods Get some system into your work but let Dust do ail the hard part of the task All you need to do is to direct it There are millions of women in Canada today who wouldnt give up the use of for anything Are these women all wrong If you want to get right buy a package of Dust today aid join the happy housewives who f GOLD DUST TWINS do their LIMITED Montreal TORONTO I Hois I Oil t Haw Our The Till JGl Cor Thi who I wttah Ne pead than a a furred lea be on the fell on fnitant loi is up raw I Hum men I ihi Ihjun

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