I ire ID to fr ail Out- J Public Loan on good Farm Se curity to prank Dunoon AND COLLECTOR ft DENTIST lni Real Eotata ll0Wtf want uy or Soil at Timothy St Apply Comer almost opposite the Kind George ST DP P Gone OFFICENEW ROYAL BLOCK Main Street to am to 4 pm to Red week a special Christmas Box to Plains Mr the eight soldier who wont from with the lot A Men Choir of voices will lead singing tot the oclock Sunday evening and also provide two or three special numbers The pastor subject will bo Young Mans Mens Mcoling a month ago was a groat and It is that there will bo a largo congregation next Sun day LYE CATS Telephone 223 Boyd Graduate Medicine ol Toronto University also Licentiate College Physicians and Royal College ol England Former clinical acalatont Id Hospital and Uni versity College Ear and Hospital London England Cor Main and Timothy Telephone Consultation Hours MO Green PAINTER AND PAPER Ave 2nd Newmarket Bolton Paper and House Niagara and Newmarket WATCHMAKER AND text By of tho of Ontario Sunday will bo observed throughout the Province oh Tuberculosis Sunday when it Is expected will made In tho various pulpits to Improve health of our notion On Monday rnn to taught causes which lead to consumption and thus assist them in avoiding bad habits am Credit to whom credit is due Some time ago a paragraph in the Era stated that Hie Town Aurora was supplying hoy and oats to tho Guard camp at south of the town We are re quested by one of the officers to State that donations of hay and oats came from the farmers of King Whitchurch East Ifmhory North and which spontaneous do nations were greatly appreciated Gamp broke up this week and the soldiers left for the Ex hibition Grounds to complete the mobolizntloa of the 2nd Overseas Contingent property under repairs on Huron and Main toon Mr- Hamilton who will In when are completed by open ing up ft dry goods and grooct store York Jounty Co Shareholders of the County I and Company are now reviving their final dividend from the afiscts of company The rato is per cent which with pre vious dividends the distribu tion of during nino of up to 12 cents of the dollar A of peo ple dropped in this concern By Hstp you over the hate Through the ages it blase Vet ail this me nothing so long as I o Mordecaf the sitting at the Kings Things were coming way Honors were falling back title were hooked to his name- be had the seat at the council his prides were being accepted bo was a carte blanche Moreover he has Just dined with the King and queen and another ranqueV in vitatlon his pocket AHthpsevery flattering at homo before a audience of friends and relations Yet- The miserable Is the fly la the Ho suddenly a momentary Ws a Jewish J official at the Kings gate Hawaiis greatness When all others were falling- in obeisance tho did Hebrew eat atlli feared him Might it he that Mb unobse- was- grounded on the royal favor Could ho be Intriguing against him at court Or docs he himself equal In a and merit At any rate eyes him with envy Vanity no competitor no independence in others Ho tho princes elation abruptly ends In envious lament Yet all avail nothing long I the Jew sit ting tho kinds Kate What a it is I It us miserable when we to be happy restless whcn he relaxed dlffcatMlcd we might roan mistake cnl to may hatred patriotism Men have thought at various times that Canadian patriotism cornsisted of faces across tw gorge Now when a shell re f patriotism rcizes us we see Sam us from across tfis frontier I let that with the present a before of the can press and people arguing In our favor the man who tries to up strife or envy between da and- the United States should treated as an enemy both So the German nation seized bv so epidemic of world lust has wboited her sword thejla when she tright Remove the bonier from her path- gorge Now when a real villlan miscalculates Some cog in advertently slips The plot K fc J Bayers Share in Profits Lower Prices on I rt Pflpoofrootlyd to carries If it were outBldo sacred lids this would to Hamans the easy remedy of a gallows a royal warrant Jew Then go thou merrily un to the Now fancy the premier la the outer courts of the palace awaiting opportunity to carry out his AhaBerus has been having bis read to him hi liatcnB to the thrilling story of of a plot to the king Has anything for this man his Nothing has done for him Then is called in asked what programme he could outline a for the man whom the king to honor And the prince never dreading that about to be honored could I bo any hut himself real led Let and any during that I mo 3 -I- iiws mm town Ml well contented Wl6ustbe royal be brought which Ave to Park Opposite Methodist Church A Stoufteif NEWMARKET Itodw of Votes end Violin in til Of Repairs lIANO for Prompt ot LICENSES A iiia Newmarket at private it NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering But Stene for Building Purposes ic Stock made to Order GEO There was a great commotion down Town about last afternoon The children had been waiting for over half an hour for Santa Glaus lo arrive and when hie beautiful Icicle Gar hove in sight a great cheer rent the air Going up Main St Use Hand played the kids numbering about fol lowed in a great drove and Santa waved his bands and every now and then distributed broadcast a bunch of pretty flags The child ren were greatly delighted espe cially who wore fortunate enough to seouro a flag The de corated auto surrounded by the happy children was a sight lo be- hold The Presbyterian Oburcb was fairly well filled last Friday night for the fourth annual Concert of St Andrew Church Choir by an appreciative audience and the program gave unqualified satis faction The splendid work of Choir in The Heavens are Tolling and Goodnight Beloved is worthy of special mention The shading phrasing attack and re lease were done in a manner re flecting much credit upon direotoress Mrs Myrtle V who has taken such deep interest in tfie training of her choir during the past several years Thessisting artists were both from Toronto Miss entertainer proved a ver satile and charming elocutionist Donald MacGregor baritone sang In magnificent voice and won a triumph in a heavy pro gram Mrs accompanied in a manner which proved her pah as an organist Keep Every Dollar at Homo buying from tho home merchants whom you know and to whom you go If the goods are not to your lik ing Every dollar kept at home has a chance of coming hack to you every away in to the town Buy at home poods made in Canada Oar In response to an appeal from the business people of Aurora and New market Go has to replace the car leaving Toronto at p m which was withdrawn the winter Time Taole Tills is the car that brings evening papers from Toronto and when it was cut out the papers did not arrive till oclock and men homo from the Specialty works had to down town after supper on purpose to get their paper The withdrawal of the 330 at To ronto also made the car over crowded and many had to stand all the way to Richmond Hill Wbat a happy world this would ho it every woman making seU unhappy over the things she knows she cannot have DR EVAN D Chiropractor and Osteopath Hydrotherapy Massage Swedish Movements Rays High Frequency Treatment SPECIALIST IN Rheumatic and Nervous Condi tions Spinal Diseases Disease Sciatica and of Women Cases Specially Invited BY APPOICiTUlNT visited Monday Wednesday and Friday each week Address Aurora Maple flpruee fits Phone No 135 There were in the Choir aim at ilio of the program tin- Willing Workers provided re freshments for the in the schoolroom The proceeds amounted Cannot be Cured by local applications as they reach portion is one way to cure -deal- and that la by retaedla Is caused by an inflamed condition the to the Tube When this Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hoaxing and vhn it is entirely closed Deaf ness Is the result and unless In flammation taken out end tube restored to its normal conditio- hearing will destroyed forever out of ere by Catarrh which is en In flamed of the tC53 We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by that cannot be cured by Catarrh Send for cir culars free J CHENEY A CO Toledo Sold by Druggists Take Halls Family for etlpatlon church is well filled Yet what does tiis avail him as lone a his neighbor has a full church That singer might enjoy his great popular- if he wore not Bo jealous concern ing another soloist of fame Yon housewife ought to be happy Her home more comfortale and con venient than the palace King Henry VIII He had electric lights no stoves no hot water in the bathroom no Ice Chest no grape fruit for breakfast But she is miserable because her sisterinlaws house hers in mag nificence The German has t envy He Is rich yet wretched Because a national neighbor would not fall prostrate before him the Teuton has been ill at ease Because another power has more colonies and larger trade Germany cannot be con tent The has a magnificent domain of noble hills and fertile val leys of great wheat fields and fruit ful vineyards Yet all this avails the German nothing as long as Eng land and France have much coast line and Germans little Berlin is a magnificent city true but wh avails that so Jong as is Tell the Kaiser that the Rhine is a noble stream and altogether worthy of a great nation he will answer according to the plaint of Yet all this availeth me nothing so long a its source is in Switzerland and its mouth in Hol land The German language Is great vehicle of Not so musi cal perhaps as French or Italian or even as our English yet how prac tical in theology In science in medi cine Hie medical department of To ronto University Insists on the stud ents memorizing the German in anatomy because the budding physicians will meet these terms not Only during their school life iut throughout their whole practice But the Prussian agitators of the past twenty years have harangued the peo ple of the necessity of making Ger man the world Breech Why should England be language com merce they and the French the tongue of diplomacy Well may the Germans have rejoiced over their nations progress The world has sent its medical graduates to her universities for a touch in the specialist work The You cannot do better than attend the American ind McUill Toronto for a or Shorthand Course Term is now open ask you write for lurllculars Mr T Principal Willing Workers Annual bazaar Presbyterian Church basement on Friday afternoon Dec 11 followed refreshments in the evening North York Poultry Show at market Dec Large num bers of special prizes offered for va- breeds Mr Brooks of Bit Albert is erecting a new hoes on Ontario St High School Concert on Wednesday evening Dec Program will fce chiefly by the scholars A good attendance it looked for Mr Eves hal a large vault built in the new building in i course of erection on Huron St for storing valuable books etc A good is an excellent mind tonic St Phone the king to wear and the horse that tho king rideth upon and the crown royal which ho let on his head and let this aid be delivered to the hand of ore kings most noMe princes that they array the man whom th king delleliteth to honor and him on horseback through the streets of tho cltv and proclaim him thus shall It be done to the man whom the king to honor w Make haste and do even ho to the Jew is the stgering order Then the crestfallen leading the charger which his sits serenelv Finally queens of the foul conspiracy of envy the kings white wrath cravens terror a courtr showing the kin the gal lows built for Mordecai the royal command Hang thereon As sure as there is Divine Ven geance it will fall ts boomerang on the hate ol Germany An old woman went into a British butchers and ordered a pound of lamb for a stew which came to cents After being served she said Dye not throw something in weTl Oh replied the butcher if yc wait a minute all throw in a sack taties an a barrel apples an a bushel turnips an a box oranges An be shouted as the old lady flounced out of store when not busy throw in the horse an carl If not satisfied then come back for the shop Na tional Food Magazine Gome down and see the may be a next summer at some seaside resorts Several water ing places are negotiating for the installation of the Kioskhydro a new invention which enables sight seers to descend into the sea The kioskhydro which is the in vention of an Italian engineer con sists of a circular steel observation chamber in walls of which are double watertight windows abov Pord Ontario fully equipped- In Dominion of Canada only wo to pay charoi from to car on op 1 1IB to retail buyer In Dominion of who a cap provided that wo call oars above output will able us to obtain maximum efficiency In factory production and tho minimum cost In and Fop fupthop regarding theco low and plan Branch op Ford Dealer Home of The Ford Water St Newmarket I 11 ROBERTSON AGENT nt I it 1 Fill Salt Cellars direct from Many villi disfigured complexions never to think that they need an occasional cleaneinff ATi n well as outside Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in apotty and sallow complexions well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness the liver and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without The beat J remedy is Chamberlains which stimulate thelivertohealthy activity remove fermentation gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system Sure fa and reliable Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning Get Chamberlains today druggists or mail from Medicine Company Toronto li these windows are electric lamps of Made in Germany legend could he candlepower fitted with on cartoons in epery city of every continent The Herman manu facturer and artisan have alike and carable it is claimed of light a distance of feet when the water is clear tne legitimate harvests of enter- j Tie chamber has a sloping roof prise and industry Yet all this narrows into a steel tube through us nothing cry the writers which two staircases on for descent of the jingo school which haa poison the Teutonic mind as long as is mistress of the seas Envy is the disease of serious pie The negro in rarely- afflicted with It The German takes himself se riously When the Kaiser proclaims himself be the Almightys vicege rent and the Germans the elect nation of God the people relieve it Dr Joseph Wild doctrine of and the otter for ascent lead to the water level The upper part of the kioskhydro may either take the form of a floating kiosk rising and falling with the tide and connected with the pier by a gangway or it may be a part of the pier itself with the observation chamber suspended just above the sea Glass half an inch thick is preached his fantastic the windows and shell is to same thickness of for the I Children FOR FLETCHERS A I Lots of Moving Mr Field moved his household elicits to St Catharines last week Mr J Wilson moved from St to Cotter St on Friday Mr has moved his house- hob effects to corner Queen aid Niag ara Mr J moved with bis household effects from Ontario St to the of King to rugose in farming Mr J Itowland has moved hi- household effects from corner Queen and Niagara to corner Ontario Mr P Johnston moved las household effects from Hamilton to Newmarket Mr moved his household from Ardcn Ave to Main St to the house vacated by J McCaffrey who moved to Grace St IVe are prepared to furnish for weddings at very dorate Our pitted right PHOTOGRAPHS POR Mow the time to got your for before the push la on We have Juet received our and Say they are dandled I COME and see them j IS Photographer One West of New Post Office proud congregation To believe that the British are the lost ten triles was very comforting to tire English parishioners The people flocked to hear prophet of Bond Street His hooks arc still sold the London bookstalls A member of Mr Glad stones Ministry hearing Dr Wild on his favorite topic said If we had a hundred Dr Wilds wo could make Britain thrash the world There have teen scores of German Dr Wilds boldly declaring that the Teutonic is the race of God the English name of Houston Stewart Chamberlain declares that all really great men have had at least a trace of Jesus was a German and the prophecy the mountain breaking up the image of the nations and filling the earth has to the Father land I Thlfl vanity cannot avoid making 18 GOING TO END WHEN THE ALLIES WIN London Nov Attorney General Sir John Simon said in a recruiting speech yesterday I will tell you a secret with ho full authority of my in the Ministry I will tell you when war is going to end not approximately hut exactly iijv i war is end on that day A Heidelberg author M the purpose on which we set out That is not only to right the wrongs of unhappy for righted these not only to restore re spect for sacred European obliga tions as it shall he restored but to crush that hateful spirit of Prussian militarism which is i menace to Europe worse than war comparisons 1 1 leads to envy and which we shall confer envy is the vestibule of hate Hate hating only on in embryo So selves not only upon the small must be removed there Is not room nations of Europe but that enough on earth lor him and ftrul powerful community Britain is the great barrier to people themselves man ambition she must be removed The Prussian mind figures out by some strange process that Britain has been the of failure to secure colonics So down with perfidious I As Children FOR ASTORIA Heres Partner I DID you ever consider the need of a good live partner in your business a partner with a goodwill and standing that is indisputable Do you need one Then look to your tele- phone Use it intelligently and systematically if you want results More and more its wonderful and far- reaching powers are being understood The Long Distance Telephone is just the partner you require Hell Telephone is a Station The Bell Telephone Go Or CANADA It ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO w