Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Nov 1914, p. 3

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fron W Pearson church last week aw aw In the taper very ivrii by Miss end Mlsa In da i d it Hewitt had Skating I on Wednesday Evening after Id she refreshments her all ha an e timer Ladles Aid of the Methodist will hold another of their iSwireh the Church on Friday alter- commencing at 3 oclock rt Ret some genuine in Few Odd Loft that Bargain Lot of Hi mis Heller look ft Snorter Hours Drug at a each evening except instead of nine oclock to give the clerks a chance ajy the winter evenings Dont to buy your drugs before- you to grow old are ul- flmJ to take every available to learn and to iji iVixi Thursday In- Tennyson at the imli Church charge of the evening ii will lit worth going to You will lie very IS The Monthly will Homo of Mrs J on- attendance is guested ft nttended to Woci holding of teas in the first to to in the School Room Tuesday co let from oclock Air of the Town arc cordially vUedring your knitting For those who do not knit sowing for the will bo provided A charge cents will he made towards the Guilds of Society Of those Knitted Woollined Moves pair I il Sjhool Load It- fie Culls do ill S Sunday afternoon will be Cradle Day in the Elementary and all the mothers are invited be present Mis Fletcher of Kcs- Sunt of the Cradle Roll will be present and give an It is hoped that all the it ones will in their places and teachers will glad to get aC- with their mother Christian a pre- last evening and very wan result Morton and Mr Collins gave reading while and Belfry favored us with an JiiHlrumohtaJ duet Mrs- Collins a solo The topic was in of Miss who splendid talk on A Joyous Life is our eonseornlioll mid topic the last of Twelve Vorses Life lifeV will ho in the Bands of Miss Trent and in vited to and spend a pleas ant hour with us Tlie report of the Nominating for next years will be given All please make it point to he present Com suit of Checked and black velvet picture hat Mr and Mr left for by the tot ah- extended trip in The- Willing Workers of this intend holding at to church hero entertainment and social on Evening Deo 3rd Mr Walker secured In Speaks an evening of amusement- There will also he music and by outside talent Reserve the Thursday Deo 3rd tome early- to secure Beat Once more IhoBobno Wo to report thai Mrit Frank In mend Mr Joe of Toronto Sunday with Mr Harry Mr Frank Sun day with Mr Zonas Mr and Mrs Tel for Mr speiil Sunday Mr Myron Mrs of liie 3rd line spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Black of the line Mr and Mrs Hamilton Will Sunday Hamil tons MrJfarry Mills Miss Dora spent a few days in Newmarket with The Parlor Social at Mr Win Holers wan a else will lend their parlor for such a good cause They are a useful on Wednesday nights- as on Sunday nights Where was Charlies rubber- lire oil Sunday night V Mr Ousting a few days with his lady friend in To ronto Whats doing Our yoiintc ladies arc busily en gaged practising for their Christ mas Coneert Hood Thursday of last week been skating on iiry hake The boys and fttrls the ice for a few days grownups no doubt earing safely but the severe freeze on Sunday removed all doubt and on evening not less than on Ice at one time enjoying Drug Store Now doses at P Form Produce Good market last Saturday though were scarce and butter not very plentiful Lots of potatoes oilier vegetables fruits and fowl Ruling prices as follows per to per lb Dressed per Hi Dressed Ducks per lb Dressed flocse per lb 12 II Apples Apples Potatoes bag Onions per peck I Chickens Old per Duck per ll Live Geese par Pigeons per IS per pr 35H0 Hides per Ik iU Calf Skins per lb Tallow Citrons Stove Wood ior cord Mrs Michael Township was seriously injured- Monday being by a- she engaged in inltk- Mrs was rendered conscious by the blow and was found some time later by place Dr A attended the Injured who sustained three- token ribs The marriage took place Monday- Vicar McCanhofllclating of Mary Alice youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter J to Mr A eldest on of Mr and Mrs Jolm Hairier of Aurora The bride wore her travelling of- dark green broadcloth over a bodice of and hat to match and wore a bouquet of roses and Fred Tremble of the bride matron of honor wear fug a gown of old velvet trimmed with black and gold and a picture hat She Carried American beauties Mr Fred Tremble attended the groom After a reception to Immediate families Mr and Mrs left for New York DRY GOODS WOOL I f MENS WOOL UNDERWEAR Mi HO jj We TUnHnULt8 UN- DERWEAR Women and to and ho in the World Our Boot and Stock Tin Beans the largest arid most Chili In the trade We are selling Porfeotlon Baking Powder the same old low although Jar 60 Jar Celery So Flake for 25o Tea Mixed or Green In Bulk or- Pkgper lb IbV price have advance over andworkmahehlp every paid i a I J l 4S KKTTlKHV All interested hockey request h B tf i attend a meeting to bo held at King George Hotel on meeting the Hoard took place tuning at oclock at Secretarys on Monday for the purpose of evening Present Mr I McKay the Hockey liub Newmarket chairman and Messrs i the coming Reason field I lackson A Club last season was J Dr and ii winning the Allan Moore Trophy J Wedlock the Metropolitan League and their The Committee reported the coming season is that entire building been put ttlijt we have well hold In proper repair Over had every hockey fan show his in- spent on the Science room changing in Canadas Winter sport the water system new alarm present at the meeting bells etc New tables had also been V the- basement for the con- purpose A Range of pupils bringing lunch to lhcir on evening Dec In this we might men- 21st lTempermica- Hall here that commenced s how- rj v6St ng handiwork by carving initials Sunday School or llt Church will hold a I flic Hall on if you dont want to miss a conic ami fiiomls currcs- has been nsed Miss to inform the Snowball Correspondent of the that Mary Stevens did not spend Sunday 15 at as stated in lust weeks editloi of th Miss I aura Morning of- Snowball spent a couple of d last week in jour town Miss Eileen is under tie care and we arc sure all her friends both lig and little wish her a speedy recovery j MrJimmic Marshall and his sis ter Miss Marshall were guests jot Mr- Harold Murray and Miss Laura Murray on Sunday Could any of the local orrespond- send a good nerve remedy re ceipt in next weeks edition I A most pleasant evening was spent at the home of Miss Laura Murray on Thursday evening of week by the members and friends of the Sun beam and the Onward end Upward Classes The next meeting of the classes will be held at the bom At Up low price at is Guards tabic The parts were at enrollment Newmarket once replaced and pupil taxed for Heme now reached the the cost of same The Committee Major was instructed to have notices placed of Sharon who passed throughout building stating that I of the Mono I the War has been se- heavy penalty would be imposed on as Drill instructor and will any persons the remises several corps each The application evening Last Wednesday evening prelimin- drilling purposes was granted Social it instructions were to the providing the men wear rubbers dallars instructors and drill will com- The communication from the nest Wednesday evening of regarding the for everyone doubt some of our sjorts will he to learn that there will in all probability be an evening session Vent I on of Tcabers con- in our town in the near fu ture We arc pleased to report that the lfefiff from the Cross Benefit amounted to a out sixteen the meeting in the Town Hall of and Domestic Monday Mrs Herbert Walls Newmarket wrc guests at the Mrs Walls n of Mr and evening to perfect the Science Classes were considered Sunday the men were divided owing to the war disturbance it was Well shafts corps and the weekly drill thought advisable not to open them places this winter lie at the IMarket King George School Secretary was instructed to write he parents of pupils who public School Prospect Ave delinquent in paying fees and request Hull payment once WWkf Specialty Hoard adjourned leather Co- Building j it An buggy etc Mr Mit chell to tell us that while go ing to King one night about two weeks ago his horse became suddenly him in the ditch broke the shaft overturned the buggy and left KJiS 1 lot to you It has our name on it Red Cross Society is a copy of a letter re- by Mrs 1 of the Sew market Central Commit- Work in Mam As stated in our letter to date of w leg I inform you that the goods which I FOB were kind enough forward to i Work have reached in I condition Please accept our sincere thanks- this generous donation to Mr W Hunter for the of new clothing and l to each to gift- Yours very truly The Honorary Treasurer Society has Feat to from this district Present of WWlUd socks I of wristlets i a Tint this ffrP We are ready to sell you right kind of a timepiece at the right kind of price There J is bettor than the best a and no man can sell an honest article lower than the water mark There is a limit both and j come to those limits and as good as you can get as can he sold If you want an honest reliable at the lowest and our new line whloh Includes the latest In Ladles Qonts Watches There Jewelers end Opticians P TICKET w It is greatly feared that one of our most popular young ladles going West Miss Laura Morning a couple of days last week with her friend Miss Mar Stevens of Kcttlcby Well we used to thing all Charlies valuable time was taken up by cultivators Not now Dont forget the big shine on Fri day night It needs no more adver tising Say Humor that Bill re newed old acquaintance at recently Is it true Has sugar gone down ahv About time Mother- cant wait all winter for it FIFTY MAY BE Helroit Mich Nov are that than have boon drowned the terrific gale has been Lake for the last few days Three vessels are reported In have foundered and an equal number probably have been The steel steamship unit the steamship and arc reported lost with their entire crews Twentyeight men lo have perished in ho sinking of the steamer Curtis ami barges Marvin ami GERMAN TORPEDO BOAT SUNK Into Collision With Danish Steamer and was Cut In Two London Nov The German navy has suffered the further loss of a destroyer and a sub marine The destroyer was cut in two by the Danish steamer Anglo- Jane in an accidental collision and bad to be towed ashore to Sweden where she was interned The sub marine was discovered ad destroyed by a British destroyer off the North of Scotland- The destruction of the submarine one of the newest and most tyres is officially by the Admiralty There is an lion that the IMS was at least miles from her base at and was scanning for the British fleet The odieial statement says that the German- submarine was detected off the north coast of Scotland and was rammed j a patrol vessel of the fleet The submarine found ered an hour after she had been ram med and one of the crews was drown ed The British destroyer res cued and took pinners three of ficers and men of the crew A cruising radiis of miles made- it for the to make the North coast of Scot is the newest attempt to whittle down the British fleet The craft had a displacement of tons was good for knots on tin surface and 8 knots when submerged and carried four torpedo tubes She was in and was of the same as The news of the loss of the emu destroyer S121 was received today In Copenhagen when the steamer An gloDane made port Her commander that south of the entrance to the Sound the collided with the The stem of the Danish steamer split the destroyer between her funnels Officers and crew were saved by the boats of the AngloDane three of the destroy ers crew were injured The was completed in carried men had a speed- knots and displacement of tons he was attached to the German the Tho official report of the sinking of the follows The German submarine U18 was reported off the northern coast Scotland this morning At a British patrolling reported having rammed her She was not siKhted again until 120 pm when was seen on the surface with her on deck and flying a white afterwards she found- Just as the British destroyer jOarrv came alongside and three officers and men of the crew one of the latter being drown ed l I 9 A Cloak or Suit no matter how good its style and tailoring is no betteithan its cloth A little stretch ing afew wrinkles will the most fashionably cut finely tailored gown ever made 1 always PRIESTlYS LIMITED on wo are used by many of the masterdesign ers of Europe for the original creations with which they set the worlds fash- ions Yet Canadas low tariff on British goods permits Dress Goods to be sold here at lower prices foreign countries have to pay Store ore showier tx wide of ncw Silvan and Crepes Serge Tafcaj Craven- Mohairs W THE LADIES STORE NEWMARKET l 1 I YORK COUNTY COUNCIL Although there is no business of outstanding importance to be dealt with by the York County Council at its November session which opened in Toronto on Monday the meet ing of the year is always spiced with approaching elections and a little jockeying for the chair It has been decided to bold the wardens banquet evening at the Walker House when James A Cameron of Township will be presented with a goldheaded cane the hall mark of high ofiice in county circles It is reported that the 12th York Hangers intend to apply for a grant of a deputation expected this week The legislative committees report is awaited with considerable interest as no definite reply has been received from the government yet the appointing of a police commission and an additional salaried magis- BANK OF MONTREAL Established Incorporated Act 0 Parliament CAPITAL PAID UP 1600000000 REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS CO Branches all important centres in Canada and in London Km New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Basking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Bank will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH Ma a Kor LIVE STOCK MARKET The removal the wan the occasion for an all- advance in market values of cattle at Toronto stock mat- this week Odd lots of good butcher I brought 7 to was paid for medium and 7 for common butchers Iul cows wore mauled by Jews No matter how good coal you buy your furnace is not largo enough to heat all outdoors Weather Strip Your House Now and to was Hie price All Metal Weather Strip This STRIP all Joints tight Stops dust from coming Into house Stops windows rattling Makes storm sash unnecessary Saves Its cost In a very short time In fuel NOW Is the time to have It done P CANE Agent Prevent leakage of heat and draughty windows and doors by hav ing all windows equipped with for good lo choice with incdiun 1 at ami common to Cutters no to ami 9370 to ami fanners buyers ami fecl- anil prices wore lo 0- for weighty and to for lighter wrists for milkers ami springers continue good operators having orders to fill run was light Pries were steady between and being paid for the hulk Calves were unchanged being paid for veals The cattle offerings this weok were supplemented by arrivals from the Can West these be- Nov medium butchers They casl- j Fall Wheat per bush Ii ed between and per bun- S te Z0 per bush -76- J per bush V Light Eastern W bush rough were disposed of us it- Hay per tea at to W Butter per lb Sheep ore going between Sf Eggs and and culls from 93 to per 1 sold from 9775 i 3 off cars 9715 quoted for try points Newmarket Markets Toronto Markets mm SSS lb- iGecee per It the to per lb S3 the to

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